Lure (3 page)

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Authors: Alaska Angelini

BOOK: Lure
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Chapter 4



I wasn’t sure whether to throw up or run. Both were options that sounded pretty fucking good at the moment, but I was too in shock by the vampire’s revelation to do anything but stay fixated on the killer before me. Jesus. Tessa was soaked in blood. Her long, dark hair was drenched from the substance and it blotched over her face and arms, making her appear more a victim than the perpetrator. And this was only the beginning. What the fuck did they have in store for her? More tests. For what? She’d sliced and diced eight vampires and bled another human dry. She’d expelled black smoke from her goddamn mouth. What more did they need to see? It moved like a living thing and it scared the shit out of me. I didn’t like it. Didn’t like this. I knew I’d fear Tessa’s bite, but what she’d done with controlling the light and that…smoke…fuck no. I was terrified. But what could I do? I loved her. I promised to protect her. Maybe I should have been more worried about protecting myself.

“Marko’s blood. It remains.” Sayer clenched his fist, squeezing it tight as he took in Tessa. “I have to kill her. I was afraid something like this would happen.”

“Whoa!” Julius shook his head quickly. “You can’t kill her. Why would you want to? This is great news. Think about how this will benefit
. You’ll possibly gain some of Marko’s powers. Tell me you don’t want that.”

“And he’ll gain mine! She’s nothing but a vessel for us to be joined and I will not allow it. Not to mention, she’ll benefit from both of
. It’s a fucking disaster waiting to happen. She’ll be
strong. Dammit. I never thought I’d say that. Tessalyn will be uncontrollable. Axis can’t risk it. Look at her for fuck’s sake. She’s a baby and she just wiped out a group of six month olds. She shouldn’t even be walking or really functioning yet, but here she is.”

Julius exhaled deeply. “Simple. Look at the blood she held before the change and the one who took her over. Healing this fast is a little…strange, but for her, it’s to be expected. You worry over nothing. The blood will still battle each other. You’re stronger. You’ll eventually win and Marko’s blood will be history.”

“But how long will that take? Weeks, years…centuries?!”

“Weeks,” Julius said, matter-of-factly. “Trust me. You have nothing to worry about. Let’s watch and see what happens. We’ll continue the tests and monitor her to the best of our abilities. Just don’t do something rash, you may come to regret it.”

Sayer pursed his lips and followed Tessa with his gaze as she walked to stand before the door. I knew she couldn’t hear them talking anymore, but I had, and there was no way I’d let her change just to get killed.

“We’ll see how it goes. Right now, I’m hungry and tired. ” Sayer walked over, throwing open first our door, then the one Tessa stood behind. His hand lunged forward, grabbing the back of her head before she could so much as try to move. The brutality had my jaw clenching.

“Let’s go, Princess. Back to the room for you.”

Tessa remained quiet as Sayer began to lead her down the tunnel. The flashlight illuminated the area and I stayed in the back, keeping my distance. When Sayer turned to open the door, Tessa’s head snapped in my direction. My blood went cold front the threat she threw off. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I was rattled. Not quite myself after seeing what she’d done. If the real Tessa discovered the monster she truly was, she’d be devastated. But what could I do? The question was suddenly becoming too much. She had to feed and none of us trusted her to do it from us, so what were we left with?

The floor rumbled under my feet and I gritted my teeth.
He was still at it.

“Ca c'était quoi?” Tessa’s head snapped toward the exit of the tunnel and she tugged at Sayer’s arm the smallest amount.

“I can’t understand you,” Sayer said, loudly. “Speak English.”

“I think she asked what that was,” Julius answered.

Sayer snarled, glancing toward the light. “
forbidden and you’ll stay away from him.” He went to lead her inside when the vampire in Tessa attacked, biting and clawing into his chest. The reaction had Sayer letting go and howling in anger. Then, she was gone. Faster than I could even process, Tessa’s body blurred with her speed and she raced toward the heart of the city. I didn’t think, couldn’t, as I flew past Julius and Sayer to run after her. I didn’t have to guess where she was going. I knew.

Sounds grew louder as I broke into the large room harboring all the tables and shops. A body was lying on the cement floor, blood pooling under the vampire who was groaning as he tried to roll to his side. Fabric from his shirt was shredded at the shoulder and the bone that was exposed had me cringing as I jetted past. I pointed my flashlight into the darkness filling the tunnel Marko rested in and kept going. I wasn’t sure where he was located inside, but I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to find out.

The pounding of my shoes echoed and a glow at the end of the hallway pulled me faster. As I approached, I slowed, pulling out my dagger. The entrance opened up to a large room full of cells, but my focus was only on one thing.

Tessa stood in front of the bars, a low growl leaving her as she stared at a surprised, but exhausted looking Marko. His hair rested loosely on the sides of his forehead, so different than the usual combed back style he sported. The vampire stepped closer, reaching for the bars as if in a trance. I couldn’t move as I watched the two of them stare at each other.

“Ma minette.” The whisper had the sounds from her mouth growing louder. He licked his lips, easing one of his hands through the opening cautiously. Tessa’s head whipped down to take in the hesitant movement. In a small step, she moved further away, almost appearing to study every move he made. I couldn’t deny there was something there as she looked at him. It was as if she wanted to get close to him, but decided against it.

“Qui êtes-vous?”

A gasp from Marko was followed by a shuddering exhale. The smile that appeared brought his hand more toward her. “Who am I? I’m the one meant for you. Celui qui tu aime—the one who loves you. Remember that, ma minette. Don’t let them tell you otherwise. They are not your friends. Their intentions are
. Sayer means you harm. Look what they’ve done to us. They’ve torn us apart. You
me. You want me.”

“Liar!” I stomped forward, breaking Tessa’s attention from Marko. My eyes flared as she screamed and began running right toward me. The laugh that exploded from Marko’s throat floated in the background as my pulse beat wildly. I battled with what I should do, but I didn’t get to think long. Fangs lowered and Tessa’s arm pulled back as her nails elongated. Sayer blurred by me, slamming her on her back just a foot before she reached me. And I…had the dagger ready to use.
Would I have killed her? Frozen at the last minute and let her kill me? Fuck, I wasn’t sure.

“Remember, Tessa! Tu me aimes et je te aime. Rappelez-vous!”
You love me and I love you. Remember!
The French I recalled from high school let me piece together his words, but I wasn’t sure if I’d gotten them all right. With that being the only language Tessa seemed to speak, perhaps it was time I brushed up.

“You! Are a very bad girl.” Sayer clamped what looked to be thick metal cuffs onto Tessa’s wrists, binding them in front of her while she fought and snapped at him. My eyes rose to the rage covering Marko’s face. Intelligible sounds were coming from him now too and I could clearly see he didn’t like Sayer anywhere around Tessa—especially man-handling her like he was.

“Put her in here with me. Let me take care of her. She won’t harm anyone here. Sayer!”

The vampire’s glare cut to Marko as he stood and jerked Tessa to her feet, wrapping his bicep under her chin in a chokehold and squeezing her against him. Her arms shot up, razor sharp claws ready to do their damage, only to come to a halt as spasms shook her body and she cried out in pain. What in the hell had happened? I moved in closer, watching tears escape down her cheeks. Whatever it was she’d felt had Marko jerking against the bars frantically.

“Tessalyn will
have anything to do with you again. You’re forbidden to get close to her.”

“You are not my leader and I do not take orders from you,” Marko yelled. “Besides, she came to me. Tessa wants
! Give her back. You’ll still have your ruler, just let me have her.”

Sayer’s head shook as he stared in what looked to be disgust. “I see through your lies and I will not let you use her as your ladder to the top. Even if that means I take her with me until she’s ready to come here and rule. You will not win, Marko. I won’t let you.”

A loud roar left Marko’s mouth and light blinded me as what sounded like a cannon exploded, shaking the earth violently. My arm jerked up to defend my face and I almost fell from the ground shifting beneath my feet. Had it not been for the invisible shield, I knew we’d all be dead.

I followed Sayer as he back stepped toward the exit. Harder, Tessa fought, but she couldn’t overpower the Master Vampire holding her. Not even close. With every rise of her hands in an attempt to cause injury or break free, a jolt had her trembling and crying out in pain.

“Let’s go, my princess. Time for you to get your beauty sleep.” Sayer kissed the side of her bloody forehead, narrowing his eyes at Marko before turning them around. I couldn’t move as I stared between the Masters. To these two vampires, Tessa was nothing more than a pawn in their plans to rule. She was a balance between two evils and what they failed to see through their blinding hatred was instead of turning on each other, they should have been keeping their eyes on her. She’d overpower them both. She was the one to fear.


Chapter 5



Heat poured from my body as dark eyes bored into mine. Closer he got, moving so seductively, yet terrifying in his advance, I felt my guard come up. I feared him. Wanted him for reasons unknown to me. French poured from his mouth, coaxing my legs to spread wider. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t understand why my arms wouldn’t reach toward him like I wanted.

“You love me,” he purred in his thick accent. “And I love you. We are one.”

Harder, I struggled against the bonds keeping me subdued.

“They want to keep you away from me, but we’re not going to let them. Are we, kitten?”

My head shook and my legs drew in, scissoring past the lust overtaking me. “Come closer,” I begged. “Lay with me.”

A smiled pulled at the side of his full lips and he hesitated for only a moment before his nude body lowered to hover over mine. Dark hair fell forward, but he didn’t connect with my body. Not immediately. Torturous seconds went by before his weight began to register.

“Your heart calls to me. I want to hear it slow. I want to hear it stop.”

Something about the words doused my lust. He wanted to kill me? That would surely happen if my heart stopped.

Confused, I shifted beneath him.

“Ma minette, why do you look so sad? You love my bite. You love me. Love me,” he demanded more forcefully. “Love me back. You’re not trying hard enough.”

Fingers bit into my face as his features twisted angrily. “Love me. Love me to death.”

Tighter, the grip grew, until my eyes were flying open. My maker hovered above me, the same angry look on his face. My head thrashed, but he didn’t ease or let go. The cuffs confining me to the bed bit tightly into my wrists as I jerked against them.

“You shouldn’t be dreaming already.”

Although I understood his words, the reply I wished to give was almost impossible to say. The language felt wrong. Foreign to my tongue as I tried make myself speak.

A grin began to surface and he pulled back only slightly. “You’re seeing the truth though, that’s what’s important. Marko is not your love, Tessalyn. He wants our power. Our blood. But not you.”


Thoughts were already beginning to fade and the name didn’t register. It only seemed to make the vampire happier. But there was something else behind his gaze. Something evil I didn’t like. My maker…yes. He was that, but I could barely register that his name was Sayer as he continued to search my eyes.

“I speak of no one. You remember nothing. It’s time for your next test.”

The cuffs fell free and I rotated my wrists, reaching down to the clean gown I wore. My head immediately shot to the side where a man was asleep on the sofa. The smile Sayer sported grew and he glanced toward the human, his face darkening with an emotion that kept surfacing.
Yes, that’s what had been on his face before.

“You want him? How much?”

The response was impossible for me to get out. Instead, I eased to my feet, continuing to stare at the blond.

“I want to see you with him. I think…he may like it, too. I’ll tell you what.” A thick aura projected around Sayer as he raked his eyes over the sleeping man. The weight of the invisible force left me ready to attack. It was malicious, full of bad intentions, and I didn’t like it. Not toward what was meant to belong to me.

Sayer’s hand settled on my shoulder, causing my claws to extend in self-defense. My reaction had his other hand burying in my hair at the base of my neck roughly, locking my head still. “I am not your enemy. Get that through your head. You belong to me, Tessalyn. And if you can face that, you’ll have the world at your feet. I’ll give you everything you want. Even him,” he said, nodding toward Hunter. “But there are conditions. A small price you have to pay. Not that I think you’ll mind.” The grip loosened and he moved to trail his finger around my throat, up to my bottom lip. “I want to watch the two of you together. In all ways. At times, I’ll touch you, or him. Maybe more. It’ll depend on my mood. That’s not so bad, is it?”

My stare went back to the human and I tried to process what he meant. Nothing existed past the craving I felt for the man’s blood.

“That’s all I want, Tessalyn.” Sayer brushed his knuckles against the side of my cheek. “We’ll be one happy, little family. Me, you, and your soldier. I think I like him, too. You don’t mind sharing with your future bonded, do you?”

Light snores filled the space and haziness had my head hurting again. I couldn’t think. Didn’t want to. All I wanted was the human’s blood and to go back to sleep.

“Say yes, and he’ll be yours. If you deny, he’ll have to leave.”

My head snapped around and I felt my fangs lower.

“Careful, Princess. You don’t want to get upset with me. I’m about to give you a wonderful gift. One we can both enjoy. Be a good girl and say yes.”

“Y-es.” The single word was all I was capable of and in my state, it required no thought. My throat was on fire, my skin tingling with anticipation. Impatience had me taking a step to the side.

“Perfect. Now, I want you to watch what I do. All it takes is a second to accomplish and it’s usually the first gift vampires are capable of. I’ll go first, and then I want you to try.” He took a few steps closer, holding out his hand for me to stay. Curiously, I watched, trying to ignore the impulses screaming for me to take advantage of my freedom.

Casually, Sayer walked forward, so quiet on his feet that he didn’t make a sound. As he leaned down toward the sofa, the human stirred, but didn’t appear awake.

“Hunter.” My maker’s hand gripped the human’s large shoulder, gently shaking. More, I moved around to see better. Hunter’s eyes flew open and he froze, becoming a zombie as he stared ahead. “Piece of cake. Do you see that, Princess? Look into his eyes. Feel the connection as you stare into his depths and catch it. It’s as simple as breathing.” Sayer stood, not turning away from him. “Hunter, stand.”

And just like the, he did.

“Remove the rosary from around your neck and take off the belt. You won’t be needing your dagger right now.”

There was a hesitancy to his actions, but I watched in surprise as the necklace fell to the floor along with the belt of weapons.

“Take off your clothes and go to the bed. You’re going to lie down and raise your hands over your head.”

Deep inhales were followed by a panic behind the human’s stare. It stirred the numbness in my mind, causing me to question why I was worrying. The man was food. My food. And Sayer was getting him even more prepared for me. What was I afraid of?

Muscle rippled across Hunter’s stomach as he pulled the shirt over his head. Even with the material covering his eyes, the connection wasn’t lost. The pants and boxers were removed just as fast. My lips separated as I looked down at his cock and I couldn’t help but swallow hard.
Yes, it had me, too—just as much as it had Sayer. I wanted this human. Not just his blood. I suddenly wanted his body against mine.

“You outdid yourself landing this one, Princess. I do believe we both may enjoy your slave more than you know.”

Sayer stayed even with Hunter, holding his gaze as they came to the bed. Their stare didn’t break until my maker had the human secure.

“There. Easy as one, two, three. Your turn.”

“What the fuck!” Hunter thrashed on the bed, looking down at himself, only to rip his vision up to me. The terror he displayed left a fluttering feeling deep within and I didn’t like it. It left me conflicted, unsure in my already unstable mind.

English words mixed with French in my mind as I tried to find what to say to get him to quiet down. He was making my head hurt with his yelling.

“Shh.” My finger came to my mouth and I moved slowly toward him. He jerked his hips further away from me, pulling against the cuffs. My fangs were already down, already cutting into my lip, making blood coat my tongue. I somehow knew I wasn’t meant to speak French, but I let the words pour out anyway. “Look into my eyes, Hunter. Let me see you.”

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “Don’t do this, Tessa. This isn’t you. You wouldn’t want me at your mercy like this. You love me. You…” he trailed off, thrashing hard enough to cause the bed to move.

“I want to taste you,” I continued, “but first, you’re going to look at me.”

Before he could move his legs further away, I flew forward, straddling him and using my hand to secure his hip. He went wild, nearly tossing me from his lap. But I held on tight, causing him to wince at my nails tearing into his skin.

“Look…at…me,” I managed in English.

Hunter grew still, closing his eyes. The anger passing through me blocked my desire for him, replacing it with the need to end his life. I was tiring of his game.

“Nope. You can’t kill him yet. We have plans that include him, remember?” Sayer’s words had me glancing in his direction. How he knew what I was thinking was beyond me and I didn’t care.

“Hunter,” I managed, “look.”

“Don’t do this, Tessa.” Even as he said it, I couldn’t ignore the hardness increasing against my stomach. It washed away the anger, replacing it with something new. Something I liked.

I lowered to lie down on his chest. Light scars marred his skin and I let time drag out as I began tracing over the odd angles. The more I touched him, the hotter his skin became. But I couldn’t focus on it. I felt like I’d done this before. Yet, the realization only had an odd sense of fear associated with it. How did he get these? Did I know?

Rocking beneath me had the questions disappearing. “You like this?” I whispered in French. “You like me on you, touching you?”

Hands pushed under the thin nightgown I wore and I knew it was Sayer. I couldn’t stop from tensing at the initial touch of his hands just below my ass. They gripped my upper thighs, lifting until I was on my knees. As they began to move higher, they pushed the nightgown up the length of my back, until he was pulling it over my head.

“Beautiful. Now, continue.”

Hunter’s eyes were open, staring at my breasts. I lowered, rotating my hips so my pussy could travel down his long length. A groan had him clenching his jaw, but he didn’t turn away. The sounds of my wetness filled the room and I reached up, holding against his chest as I rocked with instinct. It was everything I knew, all that I was, and I was losing myself in the moment.

“Love me,” I whispered in French. Love me…was that what I was looking for? I wasn’t sure. Didn’t care as my arousal increased at him groaning even louder.

“Love you?” he repeated in English. “God, I do.”

And just like that, his eyes came up and I had him. He was stiff under me and I knew he hadn’t meant to meet my stare, but the odd tug in my eyes kept his attention on me when I knew he wanted anything but.

“Yes,” Sayer said lowly. “Perfect, Tessalyn. Just don’t break that hold. If you look away, you’ll lose him. I want you to kiss him now. But keep your eyes open. Let his passion increase.”

Pressure from my maker’s hand settled on the middle of my back and he eased me forward. Just as my lips brushed against Hunter’s, a voice pushed through my mind.

“Ma minette, can you hear me? Talk to me, dammit. I miss you. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

I blinked, confused. Had I heard this voice before? There was something familiar about it I couldn’t place.

“Holy fuck!” Hunter bucked his hips and if it weren’t for Sayer, I would have flown off to the side. My heart was racing, my head…thrumming in pain from the voice. I screamed, latching on to the human’s hair while I dove forward, sinking my fangs into his neck. Fingers locked onto my shoulder, but Sayer didn’t pull me away.

“Oh…God. Jesus.” Vibrations from Hunter’s words made the pain from the venom hurt even worse as it left me. I sucked his blood into me hard, pushing my pussy down on his cock while Sayer stroked my back. “No, no, no…”

“Oh, yes,” my maker breathed out. “You’re going to love this so much, Hunter. You’re going to be on your knees, begging for our bite before this is over with.”

Already, I could feel the hard muscle under my body relaxing. Hunter moaned, exposing his neck even more. As his knees drew up, he rocked his body with my rhythm.

“There we are. Let go and enjoy what my future concubine has to offer. I won’t let her kill you tonight. I have so much in store for the three of us. If you thought you loved her before, you’re going to love her so much more now. That measly emotion that brought you here will feel nothing compared to the devotion she’s going to grant you with when your bond is in place.”

Sayer’s words meant nothing to me as I pulled back, licking my tongue over Hunter’s wounds. Desperation had my mouth coming to his and Hunter met my lips with a hunger only I thought I was capable of having. The fluttering tickled my stomach again and I tried to push the feeling away as Sayer’s hand cupped my hip, lifting me. He grabbed Hunter’s cock, applying pressure as he rubbed it up and down my slit.

“Fuck, this is a nice cock. Hunter, you’re going to go slow. Tessalyn is new all over again. Like a virgin. Her body has healed strong. Maybe a little too strong with how early it is, but that’s okay. She can take the pain.”

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