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Authors: W. Lynn Chantale

Lust and Bound (8 page)

BOOK: Lust and Bound
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He swept a tear from her cheek. “Let’s watch the movie.”

She rested a palm over his heart, the rhythm strong beneath her hand. She didn’t want this weekend to end, but all he’d asked for was a few days. She focused on the screen again. Bullets ripped through a long wooden pier and pierced various metal drums sitting on the docks, while several armed men took aim at the plane in the sky. A moment later jet fuel rained from the plane and a flare ignited the liquid for a rather impressive explosion.

When his hand caressed her arm, she held her breath. He drifted his fingers lower, grazing the side of her breast, down her hip to cup her butt.

A contented sigh passed her lips. She definitely didn’t want the weekend to end.



Chapter Five


The next evening Trisha walked from the bathroom, a towel tucked around her body while she blotted the water from her hair. She stopped when her gaze fell on the package in the middle of the bed.

A smile creased her lips. Zach was too good to her. She hurried across the room and eagerly opened the box. True to his word Zach had provided another dress. She discarded the box and laid the garment on the bed before fingering the silver beading on the neckline.

The royal blue dress was exquisite. The ruche gathered beneath the bust and flowed in a full calf-length skirt. If nothing else, the man had impeccable taste.

She selected a lacy corset, the only thing he’d asked her to bring for the weekend, and paused in reaching for the matching underwear. A smile teased her lips. Tonight she’d give him a little something to think about. She draped the towel around her shoulders and her damp curls cascaded down her back. She finger combed her hair before working a wide tooth comb through the worst of the tangles, then stood in front of a mirror. Inhaling, she dropped the towel.

Trisha stared at her reflection. Smoothing a hand down her plus-size body, she frowned. She had saggy breasts, fat rolls and cellulite. What did Zach find so attractive about all that? Tilting her head, she scrutinized her reflection. Well, her breasts weren’t that saggy and the crunches were smoothing out the fat rolls. Turning to the side, she shook her head, and ran a hand down her hip. No amount of lotions or potions would get rid of the cellulite. With a sigh, she tossed her hair over her shoulder as she faced front again.  At least her hair was nice. She’d let her tangled mane air dry, instead of taking a flat iron to her auburn hair. The effect was tiny individual curls.

She combed her hand through the length.  The strands flowed like silk through her fingers. At least her hair was fabulous. Even Gordy had liked her hair, but Zach...her smile widened. Zach liked the whole package, and speaking of...she glanced at the clock. If she didn’t get a move on she would be late.

Actually he should be back by now. She walked to the closed bedroom door and opened it a crack. The living area was clear.  Returning to the bed she wiggled into a black lace bustier, sucked in a breath and hooked the top button. Liking Zach and loving the way he made her body feel was far more than she expected from this weekend.

She reached for her dress and a knock sounded on the door.

She wasn’t even ready. He must’ve forgot his key. She wrestled into the garment as she walked out the room.

“Com...ow!” She stubbed her toe on a chair.

The knock sounded again.

“Hold a tick!”  She struggled with the zipper before it found its way home.

She straightened the skirt around her hips and fixed her boobs, before opening the door.

No one was on the other side.

She peered into the vacant corridor. Nothing.

With a shrug, she stepped back and paper crinkled beneath her foot. Some enterprising employee thought to get a jump on tomorrow’s check outs. She bent to retrieve the page, flipped it over and froze. At first glance the image appeared innocent: she and Zach stood at the railroad crossing at Greenfield Village. His hands cradled her face, but the dark jagged letters as well as the message left her cold.
I’m watching you

The lock whirred and clicked a moment before Zach appeared in the doorway. He greeted her with a smile. “You’re almost dressed.”

She thrust the paper at him. “Is this your idea of a joke?”

He paused, eyes wide, and clutched the page. “Is what a joke?”

She spun on her heel to walk away, then remembered his words from the night before and faced him again. “Who did you get to take this?”

For a moment she could’ve sworn guilt shadowed his face before a cold mask of anger replaced it. Zach crumpled the image in his fist.

He crossed to the phone on the desk. “I’ll have the hotel move us to another room.”

“That’s not answering my question!” Her voice rose slightly as panic settled in the pit of her stomach. He’d promised he wouldn’t take anymore photos without her permission and—and...a threat? Realization struck and she sucked in a breath. “The other night? In my shop. You knew someone was threatening me.”

He flinched.

“And this whole weekend was what? Your way of...keeping me safe?”

“This time together has been more than that.” He reached out a hand and drew her towards him.

She dug in her heels and lifted her chin in defiance when he raised a brow. “You are not sweet talking your way out of this one.”

He stepped closer and she glared at him.

“The last few days have been amazing, Trish. Even without some threat hovering I’d still have asked you to spend the weekend with me.” He drew a caress just above the neckline of her dress.

The featherlight touch burned a path of need so intense she locked her knees to keep the ache between her thighs in check. No matter how her body betrayed her, she would not give in to his seduction.

He traced her collarbone, inflaming her desire. His fingers tangled in her damp hair and he gently tugged on the strands. He lowered his head and she parted her lips in anticipation.

She pressed her palms to the solid wall of his chest and pushed. He didn’t budge, but his hand tightened in her hair. She welcomed the tiny fissure of pain, before he massaged it away.

“You should have told me.” She frowned at him.

He inclined his head. “I didn’t want to worry you.”

“You still should’ve told me.”

He palmed her cheek with his free hand and swept the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip. “You’re probably right, but I wanted you all to myself. Away from all the madness of some crazy who only wants to frighten you, because he doesn’t like me.” He teased her with a barely there kiss. “I just wanted a little bit of time to make both our fantasies a reality.”

Despite her resolve to remain upset with him, her anger dissipated. That was always her problem. She forgave too easily. She blew out a breath.

“At least tell me you’ve told the police.”

“Of course.”

When he dropped his hands she clutched at his shirt as she replayed his words. “How much danger am I in? You said someone was trying to scare me.”

He pulled her into the haven of his embrace. “You have nothing to worry about, beautiful. As long as you’re with me I’ll keep you safe.”

She let him hold her. He didn’t seem ready to let her go and she didn’t want to lose the contact. Nothing more could be done, except to document each threat. She disengaged from his arms.

“Call the front desk and have them move us to another room. I’ll call my friend Shauna and see if she has any insight.”

“Your cop friend?”

Trisha nodded.

Zach studied her a moment.

“Do you still want to go out?”

She flashed a sultry smile. “The best way to get revenge is to live well. I’m not hiding out in this hotel room, just because someone doesn’t like you.” She closed the distance between them and jabbed him in the chest with an index finger. “You better keep your promise.”

“Ow.” He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingertips. “I promise to keep you safe.”

She snatched away her hand and stepped back. “You’re not forgiven.”

He grinned. “I’m willing to work on it.”

She pivoted, tossing her hair from her face, and sauntered away. His laughter rang in her ears as she closed the bedroom door. She allowed the smile to drop from her lips. Threat or no threat, she would enjoy the rest of the weekend with Zach, but first she had to call Shauna. She’d know for certain if Gordy was still behind bars.


Trisha smiled at the warm smoky voice tickling her ear. They stood on the sidewalk waiting for the car.

“You look absolutely stunning,” he whispered.

Zach allowed his gaze to wander from her long curly hair, down the front of the strapless dress, to the tips of her pink polished toenails. He grasped her hand in his and made her turn around. A low whistle sent a tingle down her spine.

“Do I pass?” she said once she faced him again.


She studied him, drifting her gaze over the black pinstripe suit that accentuated the hard bulging muscles of his torso. The crisp white shirt stretched across his perfect pecs and he’d dressed the suit with a brilliant blue tie, the same shade as her dress. She looked down to his slacks, noting the telltale bulge straining against the material, and her breathed hitched. She could almost taste his spiciness in her mouth, feel his thickness filling her.

“You look amazing,” she stammered.

“I wanted to assure you that everything has been taken care of. Our bags have been moved and the hotel offers its sincerest apologies.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Did you mean mug them?”

“I did nothing of the sort. I just explained that I was unhappy with whomever let our room number be known and suggested they make things right.”

She shook her head.

“I also wanted to give you these.” He presented her with a bouquet of flowers. “I don’t want you to be upset with me the entire evening.”

She stared at the bunch of orchids and lilies, tears misting in her eyes. “Oh, Zach.” Moisture dotted her cheeks as she flung her arms around his neck. “Thank you.” She accepted the flowers with trembling hands and buried her nose in their sweet fragrance.

He cupped her cheek, his thumb wiping away her tears while he gently lifted her chin until he stared into her eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”

She shook her head. “No. I can’t remember the last time anyone gave me flowers.”

“Then let me be the one who gives them to you often.”

She stared into his eyes and read the sincerity in his silvery depths. A spark of something more intense than lust glimmered in his eyes before it slid from view. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Exhaling a shaky breath, she laid her palm against his cheek, his skin smooth beneath her hand. Zach had the potential to be everything she’d ever wanted, and for a moment she allowed him into her heart.

A sleek black Audi limo pulled to the curb, and the driver, the same young man from the day before, stepped from the vehicle.

“You remember Jonas,” Zach said.

She smiled at Jonas while he held open the rear passenger door. “Of course I do. How are you this evening?”

Jonas inclined his head. “Very well. May I say how lovely you look tonight.”


“You’re flirting again.” Zach gave her a none-too-gentle nudge toward the open door.

She laughed, gathered her skirts around her and settled on the seat. “Serves you right.”

“I see you haven’t learned not to tease me.” The door closed behind him.

She arched a brow. “Not at all.”

He wrapped a handful of her hair around his fist and gently tugged her head back.

She obliged, her lips parting in invitation.

“I suppose a reminder is in order.”

“Yes,” came her breathless reply.

He merely brushed his lips across hers before releasing her. The contact was so light and brief she barely registered the caress, but every nerve in her body responded and clamored for more.

“That should do for starters.”

Did he have to tease her with the hint of a kiss? Why couldn’t he just kiss her? A shiver ran through her body when he placed his hand over hers. She looked up to find a smirk on his mouth, almost as if he knew how he affected her.

“You’re teasing me.”

He winged a brow. “Now why would I do that?”

She eyed him skeptically a moment. “Because it amuses you.”

He laughed.

She settled next to him, periodically sniffing the flowers. She couldn’t wait to see how the rest of the evening unfolded.


“I’ve never been here, but always wanted to,” Trisha said, surveying the comedy club. Heavy crimson drapes hung on either side of their corner booth. While the table had a good view of the stage it stood steeped in intimate romance. The perfect place to exact a little revenge for all those teasing kisses Zach had plied her with on the ride over.

“So what made you decide to bring me here?” She pushed away her half-eaten steak.

BOOK: Lust and Bound
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