Lust of the Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Lust of the Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 2)
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Alison ran her fingers through the man’s hair and pressed his head even harder down over her pussy.  Gerald knew what she wanted and began to lick her harder and faster.

A low moan slipped out between Alison’s clenched teeth as she felt herself building towards climax.

“Ohhh yes,” she said as his tongue moved from her clit to her opening them back to her clit again.  Moving a little lower he began the slide his tongue as deep into her pussy as he could.  Alison felt like she was in heaven.  In and out his stiff tongue fucked her and she shuddered with delight.

Gerald could tell she was growing close to climax and moved up to lock his lips down over her clit and suck it into his mouth.  Sliding his tongue over her hot clit he reached up to grab her hips and pull her even closer to him.

Alison felt her body cinch down as she began to come.  The stress of the last few days began to pour from her pussy onto Gerald’s lapping tongue.  She felt as if her entire body was melting into a puddle as every ounce of her was forced to Gerald’s will. 

Gerald slid his body up over hers, his tongue tracing the trail from her pussy, between her breasts up her neck and to her lips.  His stiff cock pushed right up against her pussy and his hips spread her legs so he could fuck her with it.

The tip of his cock pushed its way inside her and Alison winced.  It was the first time she had anything inside her pussy since the massive abuse she had endured at the hands of the rest of the Pride.  She was still sore down there but it felt like would be all right once he was inside.

Gerald pushed his fat cock inside her wet pussy.  He sunk in as deep as it would go, his lips never leaving hers.  Once he reached her very limit he stopped and gently, very slowly pulled the cock back out of her until it was almost free.  As soon as the tip was nearly out he plunged it back inside her hard.  Alison’s body shuddered with the impact of the barely contained beast inside Gerald’s human body.  Over and over again Gerald slid his huge cock in and out of her pussy.

Alison watched the face of the man as he fucked her and saw that the monster inside him was just below the surface.  She knew that the Change from man to beast could only happen at night but a part of her wanted the animal that had ravaged her before.  She felt a little ashamed about wanting the monster is much as she wanted the man but there was nothing she could do about it.

Gerald began to fuck her pussy even harder.  He worked his stiff cock into her faster as he built towards his own climax.  Alison could hear his breathing getting so fast and heavy that she could feel it on her neck.  She was getting close to her body responding the only way I could to being fucked by this handsome man.

With powerful thrusts he fucked her pussy, is animalistic nature coming through, as his face formed into a snarl and his teeth bit her neck at the shoulder.  Alison had almost been expecting it but it still shocked her when the teeth broke her skin.  These beast men were uncontrollable in their lust.

Now like a hurricane Gerald pounded her pussy as hard as he possibly could.  Beads of sweat had formed on his brow and they were flung off by the body racking pounding he was giving her.  Alison felt her body lockdown in orgasm again, her pussy greedily cinching down on the hard cock insider.  She could fill it rhythmically squeezing down hard on his cock as she lost all control.

Gerald couldn’t take anymore and arching his back he shoved his cock is deep in her as he could reach.  Alison felt the wetness spreading inside her as he filled her with his hot cum.  Every muscle in his body strained against each other as he came inside her.  Tossing his head back he let out a lion-like roar much like he would have if he was in his beast mode.

He collapsed onto her, his body spent and covered with sweat.  Alison wrapped her arms around him and held him there until he caught his breath enough to disengage his body from hers.  With her lying on the couch there was no spot for him so we sat next to her on the floor.  She smiled at him and he smiled back a bit ruefully.

“I’m not sure if that’s an answer to my question are not,” he said obviously kidding and she laughed with him.

“You’re not?” she asked, “I would’ve thought that was very clear.  I’m not going anywhere.”

Gerald took her hands and nuzzled his head to hers.

“There is more to it than just this”, he told her.  “If you choose to join us, we cannot allow you to remain human.  You will have to join us completely and that means being a true member of the Pride.”

Alison understood what he said but it took a long time for it to sink in.

“You mean I will be like you, and William, and the rest? I will also change?”

Gerald nodded and studied the young woman to gauge her reaction.

Alison didn’t know what to say.  She’d always felt she was destined for something more than a receptionist but being a shifter who changed from a woman to a feline every night had never been part of the plan.  Considering the alternative she knew she really had no other choice.

“How is that possible?” she asked him.  “I assumed you were just born this way.”

“There is a way,” Gerald said.  “Both Jacob and Davidson were normal men before they joined us as brothers.  It is not a decision anyone can just make without repercussions, but your situation is dire and I feel it is justified.”

“What is the process?’ she asked, “and will it hurt?”

Gerald smiled at her and squeezed her hands.

“I promise you it will not hurt, he said.  We will just need to take a little of your blood to mix with all of ours.  When the blood is returned to your body you will immediately notice that you are different.  That night we will stay with you and when you undergo the change you understand.”

Alison clutched his hands in hers, scared about what would happen but also excited.

“When?” she asked but she already knew the answer.

“It will be tonight,” he said.  “I have already spoken to Matthew and it is arranged.”

Alison was bravely ready for whatever came next.

Outside in the hallway William left from where he had been standing and listening to the two lovers.  The look on his face was grim.  As the second in command of the Pride he had spoken to Gerald about how he felt already.  He also wanted Alison as a member but he also wanted her as Gerald had taken her just now.  He was not ready to challenge Gerald but the feelings he was developing for her could not be denied.  Once she underwent the change he would be forced to make a decision. 


ebastian Gold had had it with the excuses of the trackers he had hired.  For the past week they have tried to find his missing specimen and so far he was still gone.  The hunt had started when, after long preparation, they had finally captured one of the Cat Men.  Before the specimen could even be dissected he had been freed by other members of his feral group.

Sebastian had nearly unlimited resources at his disposal but he still couldn’t find the creatures he had been hunting for so long.  To have one in his control only to have it torn away was heartbreaking.  He was the head of a shadowy group that had pursued knowledge of the cat men for generations.  It was critical to find them because he knew that their unique genetic makeup would be the most important discovery in the history of mankind, and he would be its creator.

The man also had another goal that he would never reveal to anyone.  Once he fully understood the biology behind the transformation these men underwent, he would conquer it and make himself one of them.  He would be the most powerful creature on the planet, but only if he could find and study the monsters.

The phone at his desk rang and he instantly picked it up.  There was only one possible person who could be on the other end of the line.

“Gold,” he said simply, and waited for the response.

“We’ve found the den,” the man on the phone said.  It was the one of the trackers Sebastian had hired.  “It is located in the abandoned waterfront district in an abandoned building.  We were able to follow one of them back there without him noticing.”

“Why was he out of hiding?” Sebastian asked.

“He appeared to be shopping,” the man on the phone told him.  Sebastian wondered at that.  These beasts typically had no use for the mundane items that you could buy in the store.  It didn’t make any sense.

“I need more information, shopping for what?” he asked.

“We didn’t look at receipts, that wasn’t part of the assignment, but I personally saw him buying clothing.  The strange part was it appeared to be for a woman.  We never saw any women.”

Sebastian didn’t know exactly what to think of that.  The receptionist that they had hired as camouflage for their building had been missing since the attack.  He had assumed she had been murdered by the creatures and had written her off completely.  Now he had to wonder, had she survived and was she with them now?

“It’s located under the building, it’s subterranean.  The building itself is abandoned, we explored it and found the doorway that led underground.  That’s as far as I was willing to go.”

“Give me the address of their location,” he demanded of the man.

“You will get that when we get the money,” he was told and reply.  Sebastian grimaced.  Since he personally had so much wealth he could never spend it all it always amazed him how important it was that other people.  He opened the laptop he kept on his desk and entered his password.  Opening the banking information with just a few clicks $100,000 was transferred to the trackers account.

“Check your balance,” he told the man.  Several minutes went by as the tracker verify the funds received by him.  Sebastian could hear him typing on a keyboard through the phone.  Once he was satisfied he gave the address.

“13784 Briere Boulevard,” was all he said and he hung up the phone.  Sebastian would have been outraged at being hung up on had he not had so much to do.  Now is the time to cast the net and pull in his catch.  He had a team of soldiers waiting for this moment and he put his plan into action.  He wanted to make sure that the raid occurred before sunset when the men were most vulnerable. 


ean Luc and Jacob sat waiting for Matthew to finish drawing Samuels’s blood.  They all willingly gave their blood to him to include Alison as a new member of the Pride.  Matthew looked at the small glass vial and held it to the light before placing it in a rack the rest of them.  He had collected from everyone else including himself already.

He moved to Jean Luc who extended his arm out to Matthew.  Taking a syringe he, as painlessly as he could, poked the needle into John Jean Luc’s vein.  The man’s face contorted a bit at the discomfort but he didn’t complain.  Matthew moved next to Jacob and took a sample as well.  He mixed all of the blood into a beaker before placing it in storage.

“It is an exciting time,” said Jean Luc.  “To have a new member, and to have it be a female, well, I would have never expected that of Gerald.”

Matthew knew exactly what he meant.  The Pride had stayed strong and all-male for a very long time.  He knew that the only reason that Alison was going to be included was because they had no other choice.  None of them would have wished this life of secrecy on anyone unless it couldn’t be helped.

“It will only be a few hours before sunset and we can begin,” said Matthew who clasped his brother in the Pride on the shoulder.

Jacob suddenly turned his head and focused on the door.  He had heard something outside.

Suddenly the entire building was shaken by an explosion.  The thick steel door the protected and hid the Pride from the outside world was blown violently from its hinges to crash into the den.  Through the gaping hole armed men wearing protective helmets and body armor streamed into the one spot that had always been safe for them.

With his catlike reflexes Jean Luc sprinted with his brothers deeper into the den.  He saw tranquilizer darts appear on the walls around him and knew they were being shot at.  He turned to grab the arm of Matthew who had stumbled, several of the darts sticking out of his back.  He pulled Matthew’s arm over his shoulder without stopping his headlong pace.  Unencumbered Jacob and Samuel pulled ahead and flung open the doors for him.  Once they were through they slammed them closed and slid the locks in place.  It would not stop the invaders but it would buy them valuable seconds. 

Alison didn’t know what to do.  She had heard and felt the explosive charge that was used on the den and within seconds William had flung open the door to her room grabbed her by the wrist and was dragging her into the hallway.  Gerald was already there waiting for them, his body tense and his muscles flexing with anticipation.

They had no need to yell for the others to warn them because they would already be heading for the hidden exit, alerted by the explosion.  Just as the group of men rounded the corner to head to the east wing they saw Gerald, William, and Alison rushing out from her room.

Gerald cast his eyes over the Pride, mentally counting each one of them to verify they were all there.  Davidson had also taken the dart and Jacob picked him up and threw him over his broad shoulders.  William kept his hand locked over Alison’s wrist to lead her.

There was a single backup exit to the den that had never been used.  It’d been put there is a last resort for just such an emergency is this one.  There was no door to speak of but they had rigged explosive charges of their own to the end of the tunnel that when triggered would cause a cave in and open a hole to the surface.  It was dangerous and only to be used in a desperate situation.

Once they got to the entranceway Gerald paused to flip open the safety cover for the detonator.  William wrapped his body around Alison’s to shield her as Gerald stabbed down on the red switch.

Alison screamed as the charges fired in the cave trembled violently.  Large hunks of thick cement tumbled down and sunlight streamed down to their location.  Scrambling over the rocks the members of the Pride carried their fallen brothers up and into the daylight.  They had to get to someplace out of sight before nightfall when the change would take place.

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