Lust of the Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Lust of the Cat Men: A Shifter Romance (The Pride Book 2)
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Gerald cursed himself for not planning better he should’ve had a backup den already hidden for them.  He cast his eyes around to make sure their escape was unnoticed by the men who pursued them but it appeared that the entire force of invaders had come in through the front door, not anticipating them having a second egress.

William looked at Gerald intensely.

“Where do we go now?” he asked him.  Gerald didn’t have an answer for him and he slowly shook his head.

“My apartment!” Alison suddenly said when the inspiration came to her. “We should go there until we can come up with a plan.”

“No,” said Gerald, “you are too close to this and they could be watching where you lived.  For now we just need to move and put some distance between us and here.  We can plan as we go.”

The tranquilizer was already beginning to burn out of the systems of Mathew and Davidson.  Alison saw their eyes open as they tried to regain their senses.  They would be fine eventually but they wouldn’t be walking anytime soon.  The broken Pride made their way into the city as quickly as they could as the sun dipped closer to the horizon.  It wouldn’t be long before their situation changed and the beasts would come out.


he boat they had found rocked gently as the waves slapped against its side.  It was a large cargo ship that had been recently decommissioned and docked.  There was a security guard in charge of keeping the homeless out who patrolled the deck of the ship but after seeing the looks of determination on the faces of the men he was more than willing to accept a bribe to allow them access.  Alison saw the guard’s eyes widen when Gerald pulled out his leather bound wallet and took a stack of several hundred dollar bills to hand him.  His eyes grew even wider when Gerald doubled the amount in exchange for the man’s discretion.  She imagined a security guard probably didn’t get to hold thousands of dollars in cash in exchange for one night of looking the other way.

They secured the cargo area as well as they could, but if the team of men who had been tracking them found them here it would do little good.  Alison still had her cell phone and it had a charge but William cautioned her from using it because he was afraid it might be monitored.  They had to come up with a plan and soon.  This hiding place was not secure enough.

The men had each taken the section of the cargo deck to monitor, alert for any sounds of their pursuers.  Alison chose to stay with William, not that she had too much of a choice because he kept his hand with hers since leaving the den.  He had been acting very protective of her since this all began.

He had taken off his clothes and set them aside, unwilling to have them shredded when the change came.  Alison had seen his naked body before but only when he was in the form of the cat man.

William could hear the sounds of the dockworkers leaving for the day as the evening came.  He could feel his senses sharpening and knew it was almost sunset.  He scratched at his skin, it was always a little itchy before the fur grew.  He looked at Alison and could see in her eyes she knew what was about to happen. 

Tonight was going to be her night to join them but that had been ruined by the attack.  It wouldn’t be possible for them to mingle their blood here in the dirty ship.  Despite not sharing the change with them, her experience with the traumatic flight from the den had solidified her as a member of the Pride.

William cinched his eyes down as he felt the change begin to happen.  Alison watched him intently as fur began to sprout over his entire body.  He hunched over as his muscles expanded and his ears grew pointed.  His nose broadened and his entire face took on the appearance of the jaguar he took after.  Long whiskers extended from his cheeks and his teeth became visible as they grew.  A long tail extended from his body to swipe back and forth.  It was an incredible transformation to witness.  His body was now as much feline as human.

When he opened his eyes she saw the yellow irises and slit pupils of the beast looking back at her.

He stood up to his full height and spread his arms wide, relishing his new body.  Falling to a crouch and putting one hand on the floor of the deck he allowed his senses to spread out.  He could feel his brothers in their locations throughout the ship and the area around it.  So finally tuned their senses were he knew he could now detect an enemy approaching with enough time to get Alison to safety.

“I wish we could’ve brought something to eat,” he told her his voice now with the low timber he had when they first met.

“I can look around the ship, see if they left something,” she said and he shook his head no.

“I doubt they would have anything that would suit my taste,” he said.

“What are you hungry for?” She asked him through half open eyes, the sultry gaze at his beautiful half cat body.

He bounded towards her and she felt his sharply clawed hands grab her and press her to the ground.  She went to kiss him but it was impossible due to the fangs that now jutted from his mouth.  Instead she let her hands play across his muscular chest through the thick layer of soft fur that covered him now.  Overcome with passion for Alison, William now no longer cared what the Alpha had already claimed.

Snarling he pushed her hands down to hold her tight against the floor of the ship.  Alison knew that fighting against him would be futile and wouldn’t have even if she could.  She felt inside her a desire to be taken by the half man that was so strong it almost hurt.

Stroking the fur on his skin she reached down to touch the large cock that he had hard and ready for her.  She was amazed at how firm it was even covered with the velvet layer of hair.  She pulled it and William responded by licking her neck with his rough tongue.  His hands were too dangerous now to remove her clothes because of the razor-sharp claws, so Alison hastened to unbutton herself and toss her clothing the side.  She had no change of clothes and it just wouldn’t do to have these ripped to shreds.

She pushed her panties down and instantly William buried his face in the wet pussy presented to him.  Licking like a kitten and a bowl of cream his tongue lapped at her exposed clit.  His tongue was rough like a cat’s but she was so wet it didn’t matter.

Alison grabbed the back of Williams head and felt the thick fur that he had now.  His powerful arms holding her as he licked hungrily.  Alison arched her back to grind her clit against him and felt the sharp points of his teeth digging into the skin of her inner thighs.

He pushed her to her stomach and pulled up on her hips so that her bare butt was pressed hard against his waist.  Alison could feel his hard cock pushing against her there.  He pressed his body down over hers forcing it against the cold floor of the ship.  The probing tip of his cock found exactly where they both wanted it to be and he drove it into her.

Deeper than a normal man could ever reach his engorged cock pounded her poor abused pussy.  She could feel the weight of his body over hers, the powerful muscles holding her exactly where he wanted her.  Greedily, she pushed her own butt up a little higher to make it easier for him to fuck her deep.  She could feel the drops of saliva that formed at the tips of his fangs drop onto her back, making hot points of stinging pleasure.

William grabbed the side of her hips with his claws and Alison felt scratches opening there as he tore the skin in his lust.  Deeper and harder his huge cock pounded her, pushing her face down hard against the deck of the ship.  She put her hands down on the floor to push back against him, but it didn’t do any good against the monstrous strength of the cat man.

He reached down and grabbed her hands, pulled them behind her and pinned them to the small of her back.  Alison was completely in his power and William knew it.  If anything it was making him more excited that she had given herself so willingly.  He began to fuck her even harder, so that her body was thrown forward with the impact of each thrust.

Alison was growing close to her own climax.  The perversion of being fucked by this monstrous creature was turning her on more than she believed possible.  His huge cock was working magic inside her and it felt so good to be treated so badly.

She let out a moan that started so low it was almost inaudible but the attuned senses of William heard it easily.  They grew louder until she was screaming with pleasure as she climaxed all over his huge cock.

“William, don’t stop, I’m coming,” she said.  She felt her body spasm in her pussy fluttering in waves as she came.  She had the sudden thought that it was good she was already laying on the floor because she would not have been able to hold herself up otherwise.

“Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop up,” she kept repeating as she came.

William had no intention of stopping, and now was so close he couldn’t have even if she wanted him to.  He had already started and nothing was going to stop that now.  Alison felt him bury his cock deep in her pussy and unload a huge load of hot come inside her.

She felt him disengage himself from her to lie next to her on the bare floor of the ship.  His chest was heaving from the exertion but he still pulled her close to him so that she was nuzzled in the crook of his arm.  With his other hand he held her hand to his fur covered chest.  With her head on his chest she could hear his heart beating and something else to.  It took her a second to realize he was purring, a low growl deep in his chest.  He was truly happy at that moment.

The two of them laid that way together for a long time. 


illiam heard the sub vocal call of Gerald, his Alpha.  Alison had fallen asleep in his arms and did not stir because it was too high pitched and of the range of her hearing.  William eased himself out from underneath her and draped her with one of the padded blankets they found that had been used for the cargo.  He left her there and went to answer the call.

Gerald had taken up watch at the stern of the ship and didn’t turn to look at William as he approached.  William came to stand next to his brother and leader who kept looking out over the water.  He was in his beast form as well, now the hulking lion.  His mane of hair trailed down his back to his tail.

“You know that I heard, sensed, what you are doing,” he said.

“I know,” William nodded as he replied.  Gerald turned to focus on him directly.

“Do you challenge me to be leader of this Pride?” He asked, direct and to the point.

“No, I do not, you are still the only one who can lead us.”

“Then why would you take what was mine?”  William could see his large muscles flexing, preparing for the inevitable fight.

“I will not apologize for being with the woman, she would not even be here if it wasn’t for your bad decision.  I took her because I cared for her not because I wanted revenge.”

“Did you not think that now that she is proven herself, I might care for her as well?  That I have admitted my mistake and moved on, and now claim her?”  Gerald asked leading that question hanging in the air between them.  William had no idea what he should say next.  Gerald continued.

“I called you here to tell you that I will allow you to share her with me.  It was unfair of me to assume she would be only mine.  Perhaps all your brothers would like the turn with her now.”  Gerald was trying to goad him to fight.

William realized the reason why Gerald was so angry was not because he felt he was being challenged as the Alpha, but because his feelings had been hurt when Alison showed that she cared for William as well.  When he had overheard them together it was not Gerald taking advantage of the captive, but them sharing the same thing he had shared with her.  He tried to keep the dangerous tone out of his voice when he replied.

“I will not share her with anyone, and that includes you Gerald.”

The Alpha’s ears flattened against the side of his head and a threatening growl formed in the back of his throat.

“That is not your decision! You will learn your place or I will put you in it personally,” he said.

In their beast forms the two men were much easier to provoke and a confrontation was now unavoidable.  William fell to all fours to match the battle stance of Gerald.  The hackles on their backs rose as they circled one another, preparing to brutally strike.

Before that could happen they heard Alison’s voice call out.

“No!” she shouted.  “No, you will not do this over me.”  The two men were shocked that she had managed to sneak up on them because their attention was so focused on each other.  Because they had been fighting they had been so distracted they had allowed themselves to be surprised, and that was something they had never permitted to happen before.

“There is too much to worry about now,” she said, “to be fighting with each other.  You have lost your home but we need to find a new one, and we have to do it together.” 

She reached out to take Gerald’s clawed hand in hers and extended the other to William.  He paused for just the briefest second before taking it in his.  She pulled the two men together to her, very close.

“I need both out you on my side, not at each other’s throats,” she whispered to them.  “It’s important because I have a plan, and if it is going to work we can’t just be friends or lovers, we need to all be the Pride.  You will have to find it in your hearts to trust me.”


ebastian threw his laptop against the wall of his office.  It smashed spectacularly into pieces and fell to the floor.  His team had breached the lair of his prey, had them in their sights, and let them escape!  It was infuriating to once again be so close to his desires only to have it slip through his fingers.

The team had brought back an assortment of items from the den of the cat men.  Pieces of art that had been thought lost, gold, jewelry, a treasure of artifacts.  To any other man it would have been considered prize enough, but Sebastian could not have cared less about them.  More money to toss on the pile, money that didn’t matter without reaching the goal.

Impotent with rage he slammed himself down into his chair and glowered at the disaster he had made of his office.  The cleaning people would have a mess to clean up and he didn’t give a shit.

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