Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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She looked back at Mateo and found him grinning at Noah, "You're purposefully getting him angry." She whispered to Mateo. But Alexis didn’t mind. She and Mateo had become great friends and knew he would never cross those boundaries, not even if she begged him. He was honorable and loyal; the best of friends anyone could ever ask for.

"Yes, it's what I do." He told her without an ounce of shame. He looked back at her and some of his laughter fell away.

"How are you?" He whispered, so that only she could hear. It wasn't hard to do, given their proximity and the music playing.

"I'm great, Mateo. Should I be worried?"

He nodded and said in a louder voice, "I like you, Alexis. You remind me of someone I used to know." His dark eyes meeting Noah's across the table and they shared a look, before Noah turned his full attention to her.

Nervous, she licked the corner of her mouth and his sensuous gaze followed.

Noah shifted in his seat as he brought his gaze back up to her eyes.

Alexis blushed under his stare. Lust was clearly written on his face for everyone to see. And they surely saw that he wanted to devour her.

“We’ll be right back.” Harper cleared his throat and took Cadence’s hand.

Her friend winked at her and followed Harper.

“Yes, us too!” Gabriel and Elijah announced, scooting out of the booth, going to mingle with the crowd. The two brothers were inseparable.

“I’m staying here.” Mateo said, grinning as a gorgeous dark-skinned woman walked his way. She was the same one that had sat with Mateo at the Dark Muse concert. Alexis wondered if Mateo tempted the woman, like Noah tempted her.

“Come.” Noah stood, offering his hand to her.

Alexis took his hand and he led her toward the dance floor.

“Dance with me.” He added silkily, pulling her in between the crowd.

“Yes.” Though she knew he wasn’t asking her.

He never took no for an answer.

A slow tempo song with heady vocals that scandalized each word, played. And Noah, having no qualms about his seduction, pulled her against him tightly. Alexis felt every indention, every hard curve of his body against hers. She looked up into his eyes and fell into its dark depths, the crowd falling away. It was just the two of them, their bodies grinding together in perfect sync, urging the other to claim, to take what was offered. Their mouths mingled so closely, that their breath intertwined as one.

“What do you do to me?” Noah whispered to Alexis, his blue eyes earnestly seeking an answer.

“I could ask you the same thing.” She whispered back, her expressive brown eyes glittering with unrelenting passion.

The song ended and they still embraced each other, until a server passed by them. Noah reached over and plucked a drink from the tray and led Alexis to a private corner of Eden.

“Would you care for a Sintini?” His eyes burning into her with a force of pure want, as he offered the drink to her lips.

Staring at him, Alexis sipped the cool drank and closed her eyes as the deliciously cool liquid slid down her throat. It
tasted heavenly.

“Mmm…what a drink,” She told him and licked the corner of her mouth.

Noah nodded, “It is…a very sinful drink.”

He took the sliced green apple off of the rim and dipped it inside the drink, swirling it rhythmically, soaking up the flavor and the brought it to her lips.

“Suck it.” He ordered, his eyes dared her.

Opening her mouth, Alexis closed her lips around the slice and sucked deeply, drawing the exotic flavors into her mouth and swallowing.

“Good girl.” Noah praised, his voice dropping a few octaves, clearly aroused by her lips closing around the apple slice. He dipped the apple slice once more and brought it back to her lips.


Alexis’s eyes bore into his as she took the apple into her mouth and bit into it, juice trickling down the side of her lips.

Noah’s head dropped, his tongue traced the escaped nectar back to her lips and growled, “You’re mine now. All mine.”

Dear Lord, Mateo wasn’t Lucifer…Noah was

That last thought flashed through her head before Noah’s mouth consumed all thought.

Chapter Thirteen

ne hour later, they stepped inside Noah’s home. Alexis was nervous, but, she had no doubt about what was going to happen tonight.

I’m more than ready for this…for him

She could no longer deny the attraction she felt for Noah, no more than she could deny her own blood. He tempted her to the ends of earth and back.

No more waiting

Noah hadn't moved an inch since closing the doors. He stood behind her, not touching her, but she could feel his heat… so close to her, waiting.

"Alexis," His warm breath caressed the back of her neck, sending delicious shivers down her spine.

She closed her eyes for a moment, relishing the feeling and allowing it to sink in, then whispered, "Yes, Noah?"

She sensed him, more than heard him take a deep breath.

"This is your last chance...once we start there will be no turning back. Are you sure you want this? Want me?" His was voice gruff, stern.

Oh I want this
. "Yes, I'm sure."

A millisecond after she uttered those words, Alexis felt his hands grip her shoulders tightly, turning her around slowly to face him and tilted her chin up with his fingers, so that she was staring into his eyes.

"Then I am at your mercy. Take what you want and leave nothing behind." Noah’s baritone voice vibrated to the deepest parts of her. His blue eyes staring into the depths of her wide brown ones, compelling her to do his bidding.

Alexis shuddered at those erotic words and did exactly what he told her.

She reached out, sliding her hands up both of his arms, enjoying the way his muscles flexed beneath them, as she continued around the base of his neck, gripping his hair firmly and pulled him down.

Alexis rubbed her mouth softly against his, once, twice and then the third time was enough for him to take over.

He stole her breath away, pulling her against him and kissed her as if his life depended on it. It was a kiss that could scorch the bowels of hell. A kiss that ripped a soul-igniting moan from Alexis's throat.

Her moan was like an aphrodisiac that made the blood boil in Noah’s veins. Deepening the kiss, his hands slid down her back, seeking the tight round orbs of her ass, gripping them and lifting her off the ground, until her womanly alcove cuddled his hard, throbbing length.

He walked them over to the couch and let her slide down until her feet touched the floor. His tongue thrust deeply, dueling with hers, her moans setting fire to his insides. Noah
pulled back, and smirked when he heard her reluctantly groan.

"Oh, there's much more to come." He grinned, his eyes vowing all kinds of erotic promises, stripping the innocence from her flesh.

Alexis suddenly found her back against his chest, his teeth grazed her ear, down to the frantic pulse of her neck, as his long fingers traced a heated path down the other side of her neck to her breast. He took her puckered nipple between his fingers, rolling the bud until she whimpered for more. A strangled moan escaped her lips and she pushed back against him, rubbing against his hardness, causing him to groan against her neck.

Oh dear lord, please don't let me die. I need this, I need him too much

Noah feasted on the delicate skin of her shoulders, releasing one of her tortured nipples to run his fingers down her stomach and further down her leg until he found the slit in her dress.

I have to let him know…

“Noah, I need to let you know that I’m a…”

“I know, Alexis.” He murmured in her ear, his strong hands fevering the smooth flesh of the inside of her thigh.

Her head fell back against his shoulder, and she concentrated on what she wanted to say, mentally pulling herself away from what Noah was doing to her.

“How?” She didn’t remember revealing or even hinting that she was untouched.
Did I?

Noah’s fingers slipped inside her panties and when he felt how wet she was for him, he groaned in her hair, harshly.

“Oh, sweetheart,” His hand gliding between her silken hot flesh. “I knew you were innocent the moment I laid eyes on
you. I just didn’t know how innocent you were until my fingers thrust inside you, stretching you. I felt the barrier and I knew. And I waited. But rest assured Alexis, there will be no more waiting. I will have you.”

His fingers thrust inside her, letting her know what he wanted. What he ached for. His fingers rotated deeper and deeper until he felt her knees weaken and her panting moans fill the room, then he quickly pulled out.

“Wh...” she protested.

“Shh…I have a well-planned night for you, Ms. Monroe. You will be well satisfied. I promise.” His teeth grazed her ear and pulled.

In one swift movement, Noah scooped her up and headed toward the back of the house. They passed a few closed doors until they stood in front of a set of frosted glass doors.

“Open.” He commanded.

And to Alexis’s astonishment, she heard locks slide and watched as the doors slid open.

Impressive! She arched an eyebrow at him.

Noah grinned, “I like being in control.”

“I see that.” She agreed, wondering why he would have a need for a feature like that...when they stepped inside his bedroom.

Alexis blinked slowly, taking in the luxuriousness of his master bedroom. Well Damn! It’s way more than she ever would’ve imagined. She expected the typical bachelor pad with very little warmth. Not this!

“Well?” he asked, setting her on her feet.

Alexis could feel his anxiety filling the room and bouncing off the walls in thick waves.

“I am…astonished.” she acknowledged truthfully.

His feet shift uncomfortably. “A good astonished or bad?”

His eyes sharpening, burning into hers.

He searched for honesty.

She wondered if he was embarrassed. And if he actually cared what she thought.

“A good way.”

His stance visibly relaxed.

Alexis turned from his piercing stare and took a good look around. In the center of the room, against the wall, stood a massive bed. It looked much larger than king size. It must’ve been custom made. There were red lights beneath the bed, lending a ‘red light district’ vibe to the room. She roamed over to the bed, her fingers gliding across the red silk sheets adorning it. It was cool to the touch and felt so erotic under her fingers, like she was sliding her fingers through cool water. Alexis imagined it against her skin and almost moaned in delight. She loved silk sheets.

There were velvet black curtains drawn back around the bed, attached to the ceiling. The whole scene was erotically sinful and somewhat dark, like a vampire’s lair.
Or Lucifer’s
. There was a door adjacent to the bed, in which she assumed was a closet. Next to the door was a sitting area with a fireplace. The black leather loveseat and chairs were strewn with ivory patterned pillows matching the thick, plush carpet. To the right, there was the bathroom and an alcove that stepped down onto marble floors. It was beautiful, but what captured her attention the most was the massive hot tub built into the floor, bubbling and steaming. Right next to it was a massage table.

Alexis looked at him, shocked.

Noah grinned slowly, “I have a great night planned.”

She smirked at him.
I bet you do

She began wondering just how many times he’d done this
and how many woman he’d brought here.

“I can see why you only allow women to stay for one day,” She bantered, staring boldly into his eyes as the words left her mouth.

Noah shook his head and prowled toward her, muscles rolling in his shoulders, reminding her of the king of predators that roamed the jungle.

It took everything in her to stand still, instead of squirm or better yet…run and hide!

She looked away from the intensity of his blue eyes, over to his bed, which made her even more nervous.

Get a grip, Alexis

He reached Alexis and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him, but, she remained stubborn and continued looking down, away from him.

If he sees my eyes, he’ll know. He’ll recognize the jealousy I feel toward all of the women before me. He’ll know how nervous I am. He’ll know that I am his prey, that I would do anything for him. And that can’t happen. I won’t let him see how vulnerable I am with him

“Alexis.” His voice soft and hypnotic. “Look at me.”

She struggled to disobey his command, but, her traitorous body had other plans. Her eyes were hungry for him and wanted to soak him up.

Alexis looked and the air in her lungs escaped in a soft whoosh.

Those eyes! They imprisoned her.

“No woman has ever been in my home, let alone my bedroom. You’re the first.”

His confession floored her. Her eyebrows sot up, as she tried to understand what he just said. Alexis snapped her eyebrows down and shoved away from him.

“You don’t have to lie to me, Kane.” She hissed, using his last name to let him know that she was truly pissed. “I’m a big
girl, I know that you’re a male wh…a very sexually active guy.”

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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