Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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She opened her eyes and moved out the way to let him in. She couldn't trust herself to speak just yet.

He walked in like he owned the place and then turned around to face her when she shut the door.

They said nothing, just stared at each other.

She didn't know what he was thinking. His face was blank. And then he started pacing, back and forth, looking like he was trying to solve a very hard puzzle.

"Noah? Is everything alright?" She finally got the nerve to ask. Maybe something happened. Maybe someone got hurt and he didn't know how to tell her. Cadence. She was with Harper. Maybe...

"Everything’s fine." He said quickly, seeing the panic on her face.

Her shoulders sagged with relief. "Then please explain why you’re my 11 at night…"

He stopped pacing and took a step toward her.

She took a quick step back, her back pressed into the door. She needed to keep some distance between them. It was too much to be in the same room with this man…alone and not feel the need to touch him, kiss him, to give into her needs.

"Alexis..." He said and then stopped, shaking his head.

He looked like a lost child, suffering and she didn't know how to help him.

She took a shaky breath for strength and calmly walked to him, his eyes watching her like a caged animal would its captor. Reaching him, she grabbed one of his large hands in both of hers and pulled him to the couch and sat, patting the seat next to her.

"I’m wet." He said, declining the offer.

"It's leather. Have a seat." She ordered.

He was about to argue, but she cut him off with a glare and he sat next to her.

"Now, tell me...what has you pouting so?" She asked him and had to hold back the laugh when he scowled at her.

"I don’t pout." He growled.

"Ok then, what has you upset? Why are you here Noah?"

"I..." He swallowed forcefully.

The motion causing her eye's to flow down his throat.

When he didn’t continue, she added, "You can trust me, Noah. I won't repeat anything you've said to anyone, even Cadence."

The look in his eyes were appreciative, "I know that, Alexis. Around you I feel..."

She held her breath.

"...I feel like I can be myself. I've lived a very detached, an emotion-less life. I was strong damnit! And then you came charging in with your heart of gold and I...I tried, Alexis. I
tried to fight this attraction. Yet at every turn, there you are calling to me. And I can't give you what you deserve. I can't. But I can't leave you alone either."

Inhale, Exhale. Repeat
. "Exactly what do you think I deserve Noah?"

He reached up, a sad look on his face, and rubbed the back of his hand down her smooth cheek.

"Me. All of me.”

Chapter Ten

don't want to hurt you, Alexis. But if I stay...I will hurt you. I need you to know that." He confessed in a harsh tone.

It didn't scare her. He didn't scare her.

"You wouldn't dare." She mocked him.

He abruptly stood up and put some space in between them. "Don’t you get it? It's the only thing I know how to do, Alexis. I’m the 'love em’ and leave em’ type. It’s true, what they say about me, you know. I've seduced and slept with countless women. I've broken so many hearts, that it could line a one hundred mile trail, four times. And I just can't do that to you."

Alexis moved to stand in front of him, "Do I have a say in the matter?"

He was already shaking his head when she placed a hand on his chest, gliding it up to circle around his neck. Grabbing a handful of his ebony curls, she yanked his head down and
kissed the living hell out of him.

"Alexis...” he groaned breaking their kiss.

"Don't fight me, Noah" she softly whispered against his neck. Her body aching for his touch.

"You don't know what you're asking. You're too..."

"Just one night. That's all I'm asking for Noah." She breathed, her hands pulling his head down once more.

He growled at her plea and when her lips touched his, his control snapped.

He needed her too bad to pull away.

One night. That's all he would give her. And that's all he needed to rid this affliction he held toward her. Yes, one night and he could finally stop thinking about her. She wouldn't hound his dreams any longer. He wouldn't see her every time he closed his eyes. He wouldn't have to smell her delicious honeysuckle scent. Wouldn't have to look into the depths of her big brown eyes, like he was doing now.

Yes, one night would be enough for him to fulfill his desires for her. It would have to be.

Just as he was reaching for her, someone knocked on her door.

Noah pulled back instantly and raised an eyebrow to her.

She answered his obvious question with a shrug.

Walking to the door, she looked into the peephole.


What the hell? It must be important.

She rushed to open the door.

"Ryan, what’s going on? Is every ok?" She asked fearing the worst.

"Alexis, I've been looking through the files about..."

"About my company's policy? Oh, thank you!" She hurriedly interrupted him, hoping he got the point.

"Well, no...about..."

"Oh, about the break-in at my dad’s. Yes, I remember."

Ryan narrowed his eyes at her, "Alexis, are you..."

She mouthed 'Noah' and her eyes hinted behind her. He looked back over her shoulder and saw Noah headed toward them.

Noah was frowning.

And so was Ryan.

"Is everything ok?" Noah questioned staring intently at Ryan.

"Is it?" Ryan asked pointedly to Alexis, but his eyes remained on Noah.

"Everything’s fine. Ryan’s just updating me on something important." She said looking between the two giants, feeling that air charge with macho-ness.

"At this hour? Must be terribly important." Noah smirked, yet there was no hint of laughter.

“If you knew anything about Alexis, you’d know that she and I, have had plenty of late nights. This is normal for us. And I always…check on her.”

Noah’s jaw flexed and his fist clenched.

Ryan remained impassive, regarding Noah through narrowed eyes.

Alexis frowned.

Did he find something about Noah that she should be worried about?
Ryan was the type of guy who usually felt at ease with anyone, but something about Noah put him on guard. And she wanted to know why.

"Ryan, we can discuss this in the morning over breakfast?" she told him more than she asked. They usually had their breakfast together.

"It's a date." He smirked, and leaned over to kiss Alexis's
forehead. "Call me if you need anything, brat. Anything at all."

Alexis smiled at him, "You'll be the first."



Ryan stood for a second more and then left Alexis and Noah alone once more.

Alexis shut the door and turned to face a scowling Noah.

"He likes you."

"He's like a brother to me, Noah, and I know for a fact he sees me as his little sister." She said exasperated.

"Really? Is that why he came all the way over here at 11 at night? He couldn’t call or text? And not to mention that he called your breakfast a date." Noah persisted. He started pacing. Again.

Alexis wanted to smile, but, she bit the inside of her cheek instead. Her Mr. Barbaric was jealous. The big bad billionaire, Noah Kane, was jealous. Ha!

"He just said that to annoy you." Alexis conveyed to him.

He stopped his pacing and ran a hand through his hair, upsetting the dark wet curls. "He doesn't like me. It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out why. He has the hots for you. Are you too naive to see that?"

The inside giddiness she felt vanished completely, "He does not have the 'hots' for me, Noah. I’ve known Ry, since I was in diapers. And even if he did have any feelings for me, what does it matter? You and I are only going to be together for just one night."

Damn! Didn't mean to say that

The look that came into his eyes, made her take an instinctive step back. It was feral, dominating and frankly, it scared her.

But his voice was calm, deadly calm when he asked, "Is
that so?"

Is what so?
That they were going to be together for one night? Didn't they just agree to that? He was confusing her.

Nodding, she glanced at the distance between herself, her room and him. If she could just get...

"You won't make it."

His statement gave her pause...just for a moment, before she sprinted as fast as she could toward her room. She had planned to give herself and him a moment to calm down, the look on his face scared her.
But he wouldn’t hurt me. He just needed time. I needed time

But, she didn't make it far.

He grabbed her around the waist and tossed her over his shoulder and turned toward the couch, pulling her shirt off in the process.

"You have a very smart mouth, Alexis." He told her as he sat down, bringing her face down across his legs.

"I do?" She asked nervously, squirming to sit up. She barely budged, one of his legs locked over both of her legs and one of his large hands held her back firm as he pulled her Victoria’s secret shorts off. She wore no underwear.

"Mm...Ms. Alexis Monroe, such a beautiful view." He murmured, an edge to his words. "We will play a game of honesty. If you are honest, then you will be rewarded."

"And if I am not?" She breathed.

He palmed her ass with his free hand, kneading it and then lifted his hand, bringing it down...hard.

She yelped in surprise.

"And if you are not, you will be punished." His voice becoming husky.

"And how will you know if I’m being honest or if I’m lying?" Alexis smarted.

He leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I know you very well, Ms. Monroe. The way you think, your body language, even the amount of honey in your tea."

She gasped. "How do you know...?”

"I know many things about you, Alexis. And I would know when you are lying to me. It's my job." He answered swiftly.

She tried to sit up once more, but he wouldn’t let her. She was feeling self-conscience, her ass was fully bared to his eyes.


"First question. Do you like Ryan in any way other than a brother or friend?"

Does that really bother him?
"No, he
my brother. Maybe not by blood, but by soul."

He rewarded her, leaning down and slowly licking from the back of her neck, down her spine to the crack of her ass. She squirmed, arching for more.

He grunted, "Do you trust Ryan?"

"With my life." She answered without hesitation. But, she didn't want to talk about Ryan at the moment. She didn't want to think of anything. She just wanted to continue feeling his wicked tongue.

And he gave it to her. This time starting from the back of her left knee, giving open mouthed kisses up to the junction of her thighs.

"Mmmm" She moaned.

"Did you invite me to the 5k as a last resort?"

Mulling that question over in her passion filled brain, she wasn't sure if she wanted him to know the answer to that question, "Yes."

She felt the heat of his hand leave the globe of her ass and then felt the sting when it came down again. Harder. She flinched with the searing pain. Yet, it was very erotic. Being
bent over and having this sexy man dominate her was such a turn on.

"Pain and pleasure walks along a very thin line. Now, let's answer that again, more truthfully this time, Ms. Monroe."

She shook her head, "No, you were my first choice."

He grunted again, before repeating the open mouthed kisses up her right leg.

"Do you trust me?" He asked nonchalantly when he finished.

"I do trust you." She confided, squirming for more.

She felt his nod, more than she saw it. And for a moment, she wasn't sure whether he was going to spank her or kiss her.

He did neither.

He spun her 90 degrees, in a vertical 69, her hands flat on the floor, her ass in his face and both thighs over his shoulders. She felt him spread her open, heard him smell her deeply, his throat groaning in appreciation right before he dived in.

Oh, my god!

His tongue, his mouth, his fingers, caused her to melt into honey in his hands. She felt every stroke of his powerful tongue and every crazed suckle of his lips; every groan in his throat went straight to her core, vibrating against her. Noah ate her like she was the last meal before the end of the world. His sinful mouth devoured her like his favorite dessert on thanksgiving. And oh, his fingers...they teased and tortured until she felt she was going to burst into flames.

"Please, Noah." Alexis panted. She was close, so close. She wanted him inside her. Now.

But he kept up his sensuous assault, holding nothing back. When she thought she was going to shatter from pleasure, he would slow down, allowing her pending orgasm to hover, barely there, just to bring it right back a moment later. He play
her like a pianist would his piano; passionately, intense, demanding. He forced her to the brink of her orgasm, more times than she could keep count of, but refused to let her plunge into ecstasy.

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