Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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The sides of Noah’s gorgeous lips twitched, “I’d be willing
to teach you everything I know about…parking. You’d have to be able to park in all weather conditions.”

She laughed, “I bet you would, then again it wouldn’t take long, since I’m a very fast learner.

With a devastatingly devilish grin, he offered his arm. "I have no doubt about that Ms. Monroe. May I escort you into your newly owned building?"

Alexis laughed happily and looped her arm through his, and then they proceeded inside.

Yes, it was a magnificent piece of architectural work. The building had shiny marbled floors, floor to ceiling windows in the front, warm lighting that leant a cozy vibe and was very spacious. Alexis didn't think there was much she would have to change. She looked around at the magnificent lobby, the receptionist desk and wondered what this building was used for before she bought it. She turned toward Mr. Barbaric, to ask that same question and found him staring intently at her. He was close. Very close. She didn't notice the distance between them lessen...but it did.

“What do you think?” her murmured, through his sinful lips.

"He’s perfect. Um…that is, the perfect."

She stuttered breathlessly, her tongue darting out to lick her plump bottom lip nervously.

“Your building’s a he?” His eyes darkened, as they followed her tongue; Alexis was slammed with an intense desire to give into her wanton yearnings for once in her life! But she couldn't...they were too different and no doubt he was a womanizer. Nope, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t jeopardize this business offer.

Someone cleared their throat from behind her.


Alexis whirled around to greet the timely disruption and let go of Mr. Barbaric's gaze. Her fingers tingled at the notion of touching his masculine heat, so she clasped her hands in front of her to stop herself from reaching out to him. He was too damned tempting for her peace of mind.

"Hello beautiful, you must be Ms. Alexis Monroe, the new owner of this building. I am Harper Kane." He reached for her hand and kissed it.

Ugh! Another handsome heartthrob!
She blushed, when his lips brushed across her knuckles. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Kane."

"Please, call me Harper. It'll help differentiate which Kane you're talking to; though I’m not sure why you’d talk to him…I’m the more handsome and affable one." Harper replied silkily with a heart-stopping grin and wink.

Alexis smiled her acceptance, "Harper."

"Let the lady breathe Harp. Ms. Monroe, let me introduce you to my cousin, the architect, who will be in charge of redesigning the building, however you like. If you have any specific descriptions or locations for the rooms, sitting areas, etcetera, then Harper's the one to go to."

Nodding, Alexis looked back at Mr. Barbaric. He was scowling at Harper, but the younger Mr. Kane paid no attention as he continued to smile down at her.

"Mr. Kane, will you be overseeing the reconstruction?" Alexis asked the elder Kane, remembering what Harper had said previously.

"Noah.” He offered.


“You may call me Noah. And yes, I like to keep tabs on all of my...assets." He established, pinning her with a fiery gaze.

Oh! Am I the asset or is my business?

The breath she didn't know she held, left her body in a soft 'whoosh'. Dear God, this man made her brain liquefy with one look. She knew she had to get away from this one, he was nothing but trouble. He was insanely arousing with blood-pounding sensuality, but, he was irrevocably and undeniably…trouble.

Clearing her throat, she nodded at her Mr. Barbaric and turned to Harper, who was staring at his cousin with amusement shining in his eyes.

Why he thought his cousin was funny, she had no idea and didn't really want to know. She just wanted to continue with her business construction.

For the next few hours, she talked with Harper about what changes she wanted to make and he added in his thoughts for her spa, as well. Together, they came up with amazing ideas. Even Noah added a few suggestions which she took into consideration. He was the main reason she got this magnificent spot, as it was. By lunch, they had everything planned out and the construction would begin immediately. She couldn't have asked for much more. It would take around two months to complete the renovations and have everything set up. And she couldn't wait!

Harper kissed her cheek, before taking his leave. He promised that only the best would be working on this assignment and that she could plan for an opening in exactly two months’ time.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Alexis smiled. Her dreams of owning her own spa was coming true!

"Are you satisfied?" Mr. Barbaric asked, though she shouldn't call him that anymore. He had proved, on many occasions that he was anything but that. Maybe Mr. Sensual...

Am I satisfied? With my soon to be spa, YES! With you...NO! I want more of you

"Ye..yes." She stammered quickly, her eyes battling with his.

Don't look away, don't look away. Damn his stare!

He was not giving in anytime soon. The man knew he was agonizingly sexy with his intense ‘take over your mind’ gaze.

"Ms. Monroe..."

"Alexis. Please."

"Alexis." Her name sounded like a silky caress on his tongue. "I look forward to...feeling how talented you are with your hands."

He turned on his heel and she was left gaping at his broad back and narrow hips.

She didn't stand a chance! He made it very clear he wouldn’t take no for an answer. And she didn't want him to.

Chapter Four

ays went by, with no sign of Mr. Noah Kane. Then weeks.

Alexis and Harper worked on every aspect of her spa,
Blissful Me
, until everything was finally completed. Harper Kane was an amazing guy and they became fast friends. He was just as handsome as Noah Kane, but, that’s where the similarities ended. Harper was care-free, uninhibited and just plain old fun, whereas, Noah Kane was mysterious, piercing and all-consuming.

In Noah's presence, Alexis felt the room was alive with an intense energy she couldn't explain. An intense energy she hadn't felt, since she last saw him two months ago.

She wondered if he was going to show up for her cutting the ribbon ceremony, to signal the opening of her spa. She hoped so. He had told her he was going to look after his "assets", but, he didn't show his face not once. Alexis hoped he
didn't regret selling her his building. And then, she remembered the last thing he’d said to her.

“I look forward to feeling how talented you are with your hands.”

Yea right! He probably hadn’t thought of her since they last talked.

Well, that’s fine with me. I don’t need him anyway

Alexis would make sure that she was booked for the whole two weeks. And maybe, he would seek someone else for his massages. With a smirk, she pushed play on her music playlist, stepped into the shower and prepared for her big day in the morning.

Her father, sister and two best friends were going to drive with her, to support her for the cutting ribbon ceremony. Alexis was nervous, excited and humbled, all-in-one. She only wished her mother could be there for her big day.

Dressed in her VS nightshirt, Alexis climbed into her bed, said a silent prayer of thanks as she slid into a peaceful sleep. This dreams of her elusive bad boy billionaire troubled her.

Standing before Blissful Me Spa, the large pair of scissors grasped with both hands, Alexis felt exhilarated. Her family, friends and hundreds of others were there to support her and the opening of the newest spa in downtown Miami! Everyone roared their approval when Alexis finally cut the ribbon and announced that her spa was officially open.

The staff she’d hired two months ago, were all excited to begin their jobs; and it was a good thing because they were
already booked for weeks! Katie, her assistant, had told her a week ago that the online advertisements were a hit for the spa and that the first two weeks were booked almost immediately. Everyone would be extremely busy for a long while. But, she couldn't complain; so far her business was succeeding.

Harper came up to her and hugged her, whispering "Congrats Sexy Lexi!"

"Harper!" Alexis laughed. He was such a ball of sunshine, he never failed to make her laugh.

"What?" He shrugged a shoulder giving her an irresistible grin.

Her best friend came over to congratulate her. "I'm super proud of you Lexi. Whenever you need help with anything, you can always count on me."

"Aww thanks Cade, you’re the best! Harper, meet Cadence my best friend and Cadence meet Harper, the man behind the architectural plans!"

They both greeted each other with smiles, Harper's a little more mischievous.

"I have to go check on a few things and I'll catch up with you guys later, ok?" Alexis told them and turned to leave.

"Oh Alexis, Noah says he’ll see you later. He had to take care of some business." Harper told her.

"He was here?" She asked breathlessly. Just the mention of his name brought back all of the memories and vivid dreams she'd had the last few months. The man was a plague to her mind and body.

"Of course, he was here every day before you would arrive, to have me go over each of the plans with him. He didn't tell you?" Harper was occupied staring at Cadence, so he didn't notice Alexis's eyes narrow.

"No. He did NOT tell me." She spoke through clenched teeth. The man had the ability to get her worked up, without even showing his face. She balled her fist and stomped inside her spa.

She would NOT let him ruin her day!

Easily falling into the routine of working and running the spa, Alexis perfected the job. She was born to run her own spa. Everyone had a jovial mood and loved their job, she couldn't have chosen a better staff. During the day, she had given mostly waxes, a few body scrubs and massages. When the work day was coming to an end, she went in search of her assistant, Katie.

"Ms. Monroe! May I get anything for you?" Katie asked when she saw Alexis headed to the reception desk.

"Yes, Katie. Inform me on how today went, please." Alexis instructed slumping into the chair beside Katie. She was exhausted, a good type of exhaustion, like she’d accomplished a ton! Which she had.

"Okay. Each of our appointments arrived on time and completed their waivers; no one cancelled. The staff were all very friendly and we had no complaints. The last appointment will be arriving in 5 minutes" Katie ended with an apologetic grimace.

"Well, that's what this job’s all about...pleasing customers!" Alexis exclaimed, brightly. She honestly didn't mind, she loved this job and probably would choose to continue working until she grew old and wrinkled. Laughing at that thought, she asked, "Who's my client?"

Katie looked through the database and gasped, "Oh my goodness. It's Mr. Noah Kane!" She exclaimed, waving a hand back in forth in front of her flushed face.

Alexis groaned with frustration. Now how had he managed that?! "There must be someone, anyone else available for Mr. Kane?" She muttered to herself. Katie’s eyebrows shot up, but, kept her private thoughts to herself. "Everyone’s currently with a customer. Besides, I think he’s partial to you...he’s filled in this spot for a whole two weeks, and you're the only one he’s booked for his massages."

"Oh, lucky me." But Alexis felt the exact opposite. He couldn’t even say hi to her on her most important day! No, she didn't want to get near Mr. Noah Kane, let alone touch the man. Except…she did.

Who was she kidding, she wanted to do much more than that. And as if she summoned the sensual Mr. Kane, he walked through the doors as if he owned the place; his eyes finding hers immediately.

Maintaining her professional demeanor, Alexis grabbed a clipboard and walked over to him.

"Hello Mr. Kane, I'm glad you could make it. Please fill out this form and hand it to Ms. Katie, at the reception desk. She will buzz me when you’re finished and I will show you back to the massage room."

Noah Kane frowned at her. And she couldn't have been more pleased. He would see that it was nothing but business between them and that him not wanting to see her, didn’t hurt her feelings whatsoever.

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