Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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"Sure thing...Alexis. It’s good to see you again."

Ugh! His voice did that thing with her name, making her insides melt.

She straightened her shoulders, turned and left the room. She could have sworn she heard him chuckle, but couldn't be sure because of the blood roaring in her ears. Once inside the
massage room, she closed the door and leaned against it, releasing a pent up breath.

Alexis had imagined seeing him again, but, nothing prepared her for this. He wasn't dressed in a suit, like she had imagined. He was wearing a dark blue button up, opened in a V, showing his corded neck and chest. His pants were black and fitted to perfection, capturing the muscular tone of his thighs, calves and narrow hips. His hair was in a riot of silky, disheveled curls she’d found so damned sexy. And his lips...she never forgot those luscious things. They beckoned...dared her, taunted her to kiss them.

She had to get a grip. This was business. He was just showing his support and making sure her business succeeded. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. The buzzer in the room pinged, letting her know he was ready. Taking another fortifying breath, she plastered on a smile and went to get him...her Mr. Sensual.

Alexis walked into the waiting area, which was decorated in warm tones of orange, green, cream and brown; and felt completely relaxed…until she looked at him. He stood slowly and sauntered over to her with easy movement for his size. Like a panther stalking its prey.

"Are you ready?" His deep voice a low and husky challenge.

Alexis couldn't say what that did to her insides...she wouldn't say. She swatted that challenge like she would a troublesome fly and challenged back. "Are you?"

For a moment, he looked positively shocked that she would tease him back, then a deeper, darker look surfaced, "More than you know."

Her anxiety kicked up and she had to turn from his probing eyes. It wouldn't do to show him just how much he
affected her. "Very well, follow me Mr. Kane." She could feel his eyes traveling down her body and almost gave into the urge to swing her hips a bit more, but thought better of it.
Do not encourage him! Strictly business Alexis!
She reminded herself.
All about business!

Entering the medium-sized room, she gestured for him to precede her. Brushing past her, she inhaled his clean, masculine scent. There was a hint of cologne, but just enough to tease her senses; enough for her to want to inhale more of him. His chest just barely brushed across her nipples, hardening them instantaneously. She knew he meant to do that. And he knew she knew that, but didn’t offer an apology. His eyes dared her to say something, anything to show her interest.

I’m not that easy, Mr. Kane

When she didn’t say anything, he continued inside.

"I'll leave you to undress...." Alexis began, then abruptly stopped. He was way ahead of her. She followed his large, yet, swift hands; watched as he unbuttoned his shirt with his long, strong fingers, staring at her as she watched him with undisguised desire. Blushing red hot, she turned around and lurched out the door as she uttered, "When you are finished, please slide under the sheet, face up. I'll knock in two minutes."

This time, she didn't mistake his deep chuckle. She was in the middle of collapsing against the door, when Katie strolled over to her.

"Everyone’s finished for the day and has cleaned their stations. Everything’s in order for tomorrow. Do you need anything before I send them home for the night?" Katie rushed, though her eyes kept shifting to the room, where Mr. Kane was. Alexis couldn't blame the woman, Mr. Kane had
that effect on everyone. All he had to do was saunter into any room, and all eyes would be on him, including the men.

"No, if everything’s good to go for tomorrow, there’s nothing else to be done. You may also leave, I can close up here." Alexis told her.

"You sure? I don't want to leave you with work to do." Katie asked, sincerely.

"I'm sure, you may go. I'll see you tomorrow. Lock the door on your way out and turn off the open light."

"Ok. Have a great night!" Katie added with a wink.

Alexis smiled at her assistant. Katie was proving to be a great member of the team. Alexis knocked on the door before opening it. Mr. Kane appeared to be asleep on the massage table, his face calm. The soft melody of spa music played softly in the background.

"Mr. Kane. I will begin your massage now." Alexis addressed softly, coming to stand beside him. He really was a big hunk of a man. She wondered if she could get to all of him within the allotted hour. He opened his eyes and focused on her, his face now blank, almost bored looking.

Alexis reached over and poured oil into her hand, his dark gaze following her every move. She rubbed her hands together and then slid them under his broad shoulders, kneading up the back of his neck, sliding into a slow neck rotation.

The moment her fingers touched his skin, his eyes closed briefly, showing her the thickness of his long lashes. Women would kill for his full, long lashes. As she continued kneading his thick muscles, she noted that they were bunched. It seemed that he was really in need of a massage. Curbing her desire, she worked her magic on him until she felt the muscles give, before moving down toward his chest.

Noah’s searing gaze darkened the further she went. She
massaged his entire upper body and was rolling the crisp white sheet off of one leg when he asked, "How was your first day?"

She peered at him, his intense eyes looking sincere. Sensing no ulterior motive to his question, he really wanted to know how her first day was, she decided to answer.

"It was perfect Mr. Kane. I have nothing but good things to say."

He smiled, "It’s Noah. And I'm glad. I know the first few months of running a new business can be quite hectic. And you'll have to get your hands dirty for a while...but, it will be worth it in the end."

Nodding her head, she disregarded calling him by his first name. It's was dangerous, at least for her. It gave her hope that she would get to know 'Noah" and not “Mr. Kane”. And that was just asking for trouble. "I agree. Besides, I don’t mind getting my hands dirty."

"Is that so?" His voice dropped four levels of deepness.

"I my job. I don’t mind working hard." She sputtered. He could do that to her so freaking easily.

Get a hold of yourself Alexis. You’re not a naïve schoolgirl. You know how this ends

"Oh you like rubbing your hands up and down a person's body?" He teased, with a lazy grin.

She laughed, "Trust me, it's more to it than that. It’s all about making a person feel their best...relaxed. Sort of like healing and renewing them. A de-stressing, if you will."

"Ah. I see. Well, you’re really good with your hands." He admitted with a grunt, when she worked a knot out of his upper thigh.

Alexis smiled at the compliment, refusing to believe he meant anything lascivious. Lifting the sheet so that she
couldn't see, she ordered, "Turn on your stomach please."

Mr. Kane rolled over in one swift motion and she settled the sheet low on his hips. Dear lord, the back of him was just as gorgeous as the front of him. How in the hell was that possible, she didn't know. A man shouldn't be this damned sexy! He probably had girls at his beck and call, and never had to wonder where he would find his next piece of ass. As she worked her hands over his back, she wondered if he had a girlfriend. From the rumors, he was a playboy, someone who never settled down and was never seen with the same girl twice.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

Alexis started at his question. "Uh...nothing in particular."

He grunted again, when she hit another group of bunched muscles in his lower back.

"You must exercise your back a lot. That's the fourth knot I've found."

He grunted again.

What is he...a caveman?

A sexy cavemen
. The little red devil on her should jeered.

"Mr. Kane...," she began and gasped when he swiftly stood up, the sheets falling to the floor. Alexis stumbled backwards about to fall, but, he grabbed her arms, steadying her.

"I've asked you repeatedly to call me Noah. I want you to say it, Alexis. Say my name." He urged darkly, as he towered over her, crowding her. Alexis struggled to get air into her lungs. The man stood over her, bare ass naked! His face too close to hers. Looking up into his gaze, her legs melted and would've fallen if he hadn't been holding her up. The stark hunger in his eyes consumed her, ravaged her, and imprisoned her.

Her throat dry, she tried to shake her head. She couldn’t
say his name, she wouldn't damn it. It would mean giving into this man, to become his plaything until he tired of her. Become like all the rest of his mass of women. Closing her eyes, she tried to reel in her sense of self-worth. She worked too hard to become a plaything for any man.

If anything, he would become my plaything

"Alexis?" He spoke softly, her name lingering on his tongue in that way she loved. She was losing the battle. Her body was lost in the feel of him when he pulled her closer. His cock cradled against her womanly alcove. It felt very large…and magnificently hard. She felt her insides clinch at the thought of him between her legs and knew with an intensity that almost scared her, that she wouldn’t win this battle of will. Her body was his to command. And she wouldn’t fight it any longer. She couldn’t.

"Look at me." He beckoned, tilting her chin up with two fingers. "I've been wanting to do this since the moment I knocked you over on the jogging trail."

His fervent whisper sent delicious chills down her body, as she gazed into his eyes. She was lost. And he definitely knew it. But, there was no gloating in his eyes, just a dark sensuous promise. A promise that he would feast on her; devour her, inch by delicious inch.

"Say it." He growled low in his throat, his lips a bare whisper away from hers.

Looking into his eyes, Alexis said what he craved to hear and what she desperately ached to cry out in passion.


With a growl of pure need, Noah claimed her mouth with his, in an incinerating kiss that made Alexis’s knees quake. Her warm lips parted, allowing him access into the sweet cavern of her mouth. And he took all that she offered. Noah
ravaged her mouth, as he pressed closer to her. His hands stroked her neck, caressed her arms and back, ending as he captured her ass in his palms; crushing her into him as he rotated his hips, sending her pulse splintering in delicious fragments. For Alexis, the world tipped as she succumbed to his passionate expertise, moaning in his mouth. Noah kept up the pleasurable torture, devouring every inch of her he possibly could, until he felt his control about to snap. He abruptly ended the kiss, his breath shuddered and his heart hammered inside of his chest, as he fought to control the cravings of his body. He needed to get out of there, before he took advantage and pinned her down on the massage table, like the beast inside urged him to do. He felt drugged, the very taste of her intoxicating. Stumbling to his clothes, he dressed quickly, ignoring his trembling fingers, while he regarded her through shuttered eyes. She hadn’t moved from where he left her, her eyes were closed, her face flushed and her breathe came out in a soft pant. Noah wondered what she was thinking. What she was feeling. He hoped she wasn’t mad at him for taking advantage of her.

Fuck! I hadn’t planned on doing that

He knew it was a bad idea, this massage thing. He shouldn’t have put himself in this predicament. It was dangerous. For both of them. He never mixed business with pleasure. It never ended well. Never.

It doesn’t matter, what’s done is done Kane
. He said to himself.

Noah walked back toward her and leaned down.

“I’m s…” he began, until she opened her eyes.

She looked up at him with as much desire and lust as he felt.

God help him! He wanted to strip her clothes off right then, right there.
Fuck the consequences!
And that last thought
spurred him into leaving. He didn't do consequences. Nasty little things, they could be. He knew it firsthand. No, he should leave…would leave.

“Have a great night, Ms. Monroe. I shall see you tomorrow,” Noah breathed into the delicate shell of her ear.

And then he left.

Chapter Five

t was almost 10pm when Alexis got home. Her 'session' with Noah ended at 9:20 with a fervent promise that he would see her tomorrow.

Sighing as she remembered his kisses, Alexis opened the door to her condo and found her best friend waiting for her in a sexy red cocktail dress.

"Uh...what’s going on?" Alexis questioned Cadence.

"What do you think? I've been invited out!" Cadence clapped with glee. Her long black hair brushed to one side, the ends spilling over one shoulder.

"That's great, Cade! I'm glad, you deserve to get out and party a little. I know I've been a party pooper lately, but, that will end soon, I promise."

"Uh uhn, Ms. CEO. This ticket’s for two. You’re coming, so go find something to wear or I'll drag you out with what you have on. Come on, I don't want to miss the party!" Cadence
chirped authoritatively.

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