LycanPrince (7 page)

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Authors: Anastasia Maltezos

Tags: #paranormal, romance, shapeshifter, werewolves, Lycans

BOOK: LycanPrince
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She had to see the healer now. The old woman had to do something. It could take weeks before Alex settled and found a healer.

Gently, she settled Ariel on the makeshift bed. "I'll be right back, sweetheart," she whispered as she kissed her on the forehead and went to the edge of the wagon. She slid down to the ground.

She heard Ariel's dry cough in the wagon and her stomach twisted in fear as she ran to the healer who was up ahead on her horse. She passed Vasilis talking to Ortega, both of them on horseback and didn't even bother stopping to acknowledge them. What if the healer couldn't do anything, she thought with rising panic? She choked back on a sob when she felt a firm hand on her elbow halting her sprint.

Vasilis spun her around and she stared up at his handsome face shadowed with concern.

"What is it?" he asked, gripping her firmly by the arms.

It was the first time he'd spoken to her all day since that dreadful breakfast scene. She tried to pull away from his grasp. "Let me go. I have to see Hesta."

He ran his gaze over her face. "Tell me what's wrong," he asked roughly, his hold tightening.

She saw his concern deepen his features and she released a shaky breath. "It's Ariel. She's ill. I think she has a fever."

His mouth tensed and he straightened immediately, letting her go. "Return to the little one," he said, his tone firm. "I'll be there in a moment with the healer."

She nodded, the back of her eyes pricking. She blinked rapidly. "Th…thank you." She watched him dip his gaze to her quivering mouth and he swallowed hard.

"Go," he ordered.

She nodded again and ran back to the wagon. A few moments later, she sat next to Ariel and her heart filled with utter dismay. Ariel's breath started to come out in small rasps. Alex panicked. She knew that sound. Her sister was having a hard time breathing again.

She placed her hand over Ariel's heart and felt it race. "Breathe, baby. Please, breathe," she said, choking back on a sob.

Alex winced at the familiar wheezing she'd heard so often in the past. She inhaled sharply, fearing the worst. A gentle hand on her shoulder startled her and she looked up and saw Vasilis towering over them.

"Fear not. The healer will take care of her," he said deeply, his concern reaching down and calming a remote region of her heart. She nodded numbly. "Come," he said gently as he took her hand and helped her rise.

The healer bent over Ariel, touching her forehead. "This child has a fever."

Alex raised a shaky hand to her mouth. "Can you…can you help her?"

The healer shot her a grave look. "I'll try, child, but her breathing is worrying me."

"She…she's had trouble breathing all her life." She noticed Vasilis snap his gaze to her. "The attacks have been coming more frequent this past year."

"I see," Hesta said, redirecting her attention to her patient. She pressed the skin behind Ariel's ears, touched her wrist and waited and then gently roused Ariel to awaken.

"Open your mouth, child. I need to look inside." Sleepily Ariel did as she was told and the healer looked in her throat.

"Alex, I'm not feeling well," Ariel whimpered. "My…my chest hurts."

"I know, baby. That's why the healer is here, to make you better. Just do as she says and everything is going to be all right," Alex said.

For the first time, Ariel's eyes brightened, but only for a brief moment as a fit of wheezing wracked her little body. Alex wanted to die. She felt so helpless, so useless and wished she could do something.

"I'll be better now?" Ariel asked. "Like you said, I'll grow up big and strong and be happy?"

Alex swallowed the painful knot in her throat. She couldn't speak, so she smiled tremulously and nodded.

The healer was busy searching for something in her bag as Ariel looked at Vasilis. She smiled shyly up at him. "I'm glad Alex won the contest," she said weakly. "She said I'd feel better when she became your princess."

The healer placed her hand on Ariel's cheek and said, "Hush, now, child. You must rest while I put this on your chest."

Ariel's weak state had her confused and Alex panicked. She thought Alex already won the contest and she'd hired the healer who was going to save her. She stole a glance at Vasilis standing silently at her side and braced herself, but he wasn't looking at her. He was looking at Ariel, his expression sombre.

"You will feel better, little one. Very soon," he added quietly. As Ariel closed her eyes, he turned to Alex and his expression hardened.

"Let the healer work. Come with me," he ordered, grabbing her arm.

She shrugged herself out of his grasp. "No. I don't want to leave Ariel."

"Go with the master, child," Hesta intervened. "Your sister will sleep now. She won't even know you're gone."

Numbly, she nodded and let Vasilis help her off the wagon. Without a word, he took her hand and led her to a wooded area past the side of the road, away from everyone. She practically ran to keep up with his quick, long stride.

"Your Highness, wait. Let me accompany you," Malek called firmly from where he was.

Alex saw Vasilis shoot his guard a look that made Malek go still. Once away from everyone, he turned to Alex and took her by the shoulders. She gasped as she stared up at his face. He looked furious. Without another word, he dragged her into his arms and lowered his head.

Her senses exploded as soon as his mouth touched hers. His arms went around her waist and he crushed her body against his, his mouth moving with a ruthless hunger over hers. He nearly lifted her off the ground as he ground her body against his.

Alex gasped under the passionate onslaught of his kiss and his tongue plunged into her mouth. She inhaled sharply through her nose, her hands squeezing between them to push him, but he was immoveable.

He tightened his hold on her as he continued to kiss her. Alarmed and excited, she felt his erection pressing against her and her stomach jolted violently at the flare of passion exploding in her limbs. His tongue explored her mouth ruthlessly and she stiffened, realising with a start she was kissing him back with matching ardour. She moaned under his mouth, trying to control her body's treacherous response to his kiss, but couldn't.

Darts of pleasure coursed through her body as he kissed her with a hunger that almost frightened her. He ran his hands up and down her back, releasing a strangled groan against her mouth and she nearly melted at the sheer pleasure threatening her defences. What if someone could see them? She tried pushing him away again, but he grabbed her hands from his chest and dragged them around to her lower back. He held her prisoner, kissing her with a brutal passion she found alarming and exciting.

Oh God, she was melting again and she drew her head back as another moan escaped her lips. He lifted his head, his expression taut with desire, his gaze almost predatory in nature and he growled under his breath.

"You drive me mad with desire, woman," he said hoarsely. "I want to take you now."

Alex was weak, her gaze wavering under his intensity and she closed her eyes. "Everyone will see," she said, her tone husky.

He trailed hot kisses on her neck and instinctively she pressed her lower body against his hard member. He sucked in a harsh breath and stiffened violently. Slowly he released her hands and withdrew deliberately, his breathing laboured. She opened her eyes in a daze.

His nostrils were flared, his mouth tense, his breathing coming out in sharp rasps. He was staring at her with a smouldering gaze. "At least now I know why you travelled through bandit territory."

She was transfixed by his eyes. They bore down so hard on hers, she felt like he was trying to penetrate her soul.

"To compete in my father's blasted contest," he added harshly.

"Yes," she replied in a small voice, afraid.

"To have enough coin to help your sister?" he asked harshly.

She nodded numbly.

He swore roughly under his breath, running a rough hand through his hair. "From the first moment I saw the little one, I thought she looked pale because of the long journey. I didn't know she was ill. Why didn't you tell me she had an ailment of the lungs?"

"I didn't think she was going to have another attack." Suddenly, her earlier fears returned, splashing cold water on her unbidden desire and she panicked. "My God, it's my fault she's had another attack. The journey was too much for her. She…she always has attacks when…when she's overly excited." She paused, swallowing the lump in her throat.

With a grim face, he gathered her in his arms and held her close to his chest. "Hesta is the best in the land," he said gruffly over her head. "If anyone can help the little one, it's her."

Alex closed her eyes and let the strength of his body calm her. The embrace was different from the one he gave her earlier. This one didn't provoke passionate heat. This one made her feel profoundly safe, secure, cared for. She didn't want this moment to end.

"Thank you for being so kind," she mumbled against his chest. "And…and I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was travelling to your kingdom to compete in the Royal Contest."

A rough clearing of someone's throat made her jump from his arms. Malek stood some ways from them with a look tinged with embarrassment.

"What is it?" Vasilis growled.

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness. I wanted you to know Ortega and Krako have finished setting up your tent."

"Thank you," Vasilis said, returning his gaze to Alex.

She was mortified. At the mention of Ortega and Krako, she instantly recalled their conversation at sunrise. Malek immediately took his leave and Alex gave Vasilis a glowering look.

"I see you're back to being hostile with me again," he remarked dryly. "Why?"

"I have my reasons."

"You may act as though you feel nothing for me," he began arrogantly, "but our kiss proved otherwise. Whether you win the contest or not, you will be mine."

Her humiliation rose. "As what? Your mistress if I lose the contest? I won't be anyone's whore." His face turned a dark shade of red, but she didn't care. She was angry now. "You have enough women in your life. You don't need me to add to your list of conquests."

"What are you saying?"

"I know your reputation. You bed two or three women at a time and word is after you wed, you will continue to bed other women." She pursed her lips. "I will not have the same life my mother did. She died giving birth to Ariel while my father was busy with a village whore." He reached for her and she took a step back. "So don't stand there all high and mighty and think just because I responded to your kiss I will fall into bed with you. I have things in my life far more important to focus on than a conceited, arrogant, womanizing brute."

"I'm not the scoundrel you think I am. There are things about me you don't know. Things you would never understand."

She scowled. "I know that on the eve prior to our breakfast you were with three women. That night…that night I thought you…you…" She couldn't finish. She'd believed he liked her, even cared for her and wanted to kiss her.

"I wasn't with anyone that night," he said roughly. "Since I've met you, I haven't been with anyone."

"Excuse me, but I need to go back to Ariel."

* * * *

Alex had been by Ariel's side for a good part of the night.

"Child, I have seen this form of lung ailment before," Hesta explained. "Her attacks will never be completely cured, but with the right medication they can be controlled." She smiled. "Do not fear. The little one is strong."

"Thank you so much, Hesta. I'm so grateful for all your help. I don't know what I would have done without you."

The older woman smiled kindly at her and motioned with a gnarly hand to the door. "Go. Get some fresh air. I'll stay here with the little one."

Alex nodded and bent down to kiss Ariel on the forehead. Her little sister was fast asleep and didn't stir.

"I love you," Alex whispered. Straightening, she cast another grateful look at Hesta. "I won't be long." She then left the tent, stepping out into the cool night air.

She wrapped her arms around her torso and looked around. She saw Nolan and Falk standing guard in front of her tent. She smiled at them and they smiled back.

She walked by the horses tethered to a makeshift corral and saw her black steed and Ariel's Shetland resting comfortably.

All seemed to be fine, except her.

She couldn't stop thinking about Vasilis and his kiss. Her stomach jolted. He'd opened a door to her heart she never thought existed and for the first time in her life, she didn't feel in control.

A part of her wanted to stay away from him and another part of her wanted to desperately explore the treacherous way her body behaved around him.

One thing she knew for certain--he was as attracted to her as she was to him, but could she trust him? He said there hadn't been any women since he met her. Could she believe him?

She wanted to believe him and…she wanted him to kiss her again. Her face flushed with heat. She pictured them lying on a bed, naked, male flesh against female flesh, his hands trailing a hot path over her body, his mouth on her breasts.

She felt her heart stop. Oh God, she had to stop this crazy fantasy. She had to put him out of her mind because falling for him would only bring her heartache.

She walked further along the campsite until she came to the outer rim. She paused and looked across the dry landscape. The sun was almost below the horizon and the guards had already lit the fires along the camp, but beyond that, there was only darkness.

She frowned. What was that?

She heard it again. It almost sounded like a stampede in the distance where the darkness lay. She frowned again. It was getting closer.

Alex gasped. This time she clearly heard it. A mixture of howling and growling up ahead. It sounded like a pack of wolves!

She spun around and saw all the guards had sprung to their feet, staring ahead into the darkness. Something about them scared her. It was their expressions. They didn't appear to be afraid. They looked predatory, wild.

She saw Vasilis run out of his tent and look ahead into the darkness. What she witnessed next defied belief. She stood there, stunned as she watched Vasilis clench his fists at his sides, his legs apart and raise his head to the heavens. The howl he released from his chest was deafening, eerie, animal.

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