LycanPrince (9 page)

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Authors: Anastasia Maltezos

Tags: #paranormal, romance, shapeshifter, werewolves, Lycans

BOOK: LycanPrince
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Ariel sat quietly next to her in the wagon and Alex looked down at her. She smiled. Her little sister was staring up at the castle in awe.

"It looks like a castle in a fairy tale," Ariel said.

She hugged her sister close. "Yes, I suppose it does."

"Alex, are you really going to win the Royal Contest?"

"I hope so, baby."

She glanced up ahead and saw a large group of women on horseback and on foot walking along the incline on the mountainside that led to the castle. The competitors, Alex thought. Some looked rather strong and athletic, wearing warrior garb and carrying weapons and she bit into her lower lip. She knew Hiroshi was a great warrior and he'd passed all his knowledge to her, but she couldn't help but feel nervous.

She looked up ahead and saw Vasilis turn around. From one hundred paces ahead, their gazes met and a rush of warmth calmed her. He nodded slowly and returned his gaze back to the front.

Did he know she was nervous? Was that comfort he tried to convey to her amid all the welcoming cheers, curious crowds and contestants tossing confident glances his way?

Alex was confused. She knew he was attracted to her. She knew he even liked her on some level, but did his feelings run deeper?

As they made their way up the incline path, the contestants on foot taking the grand steps, her nerves grew. At the top, the caravan came to a standstill as a massive drawbridge rose. She heard Ariel gasp in awe beside her, but Alex couldn't express the same sentiment. If she lost the contest, she'd never see Vasilis again. Worse, she'd never see Hesta the healer whom Alex wanted to look after Ariel.

But they're Lycan, a little voice ran in her ears.

Alex lived with a real monster. Her stepmother, she thought grimly. A fact that made her accept Vasilis without fear. He wasn't a monster. He had showed nothing but kindness to her little sister, and she knew he would never do anything to hurt them.

The caravan stopped in the immense inner courtyard and everyone started disembarking from their wagons and horses. She took Ariel by the hand and rose.

"Come, honey. I think we need to go to that big tent where the women are lining up."

She sprung down from the wagon and turned around, lifting her hands to take Ariel in her arms. Her little sister was so light and a spasm of guilt weighed Alex's heart. She held her protectively against her breast and made her way to their horses. Gently, she placed her sister down.

"Stay close to me, honey. I just need to get out horses."

Quickly, she grabbed their reins and wrapped them around her waist, giving the horses enough room to trot beside them. Then she turned around and stretched her arms out to Ariel.

"Come here, baby. These crowds are too thick. I want you close to me." Ariel automatically raised her little hands and Alex lifted back into her arms.

She then made her way slowly to the big tent. A royal guard stood a few paces from the tent, waving the palace's flag. "All contestants! Come here and get your assigned tent for the night! You will be sharing quarters and the tents are limited, so first come, first serve!" he commanded in a loud voice.

Alex looked with dismay at the line-up. There were at least thirty women waiting. Also, for the first time, she was able to look beyond the big tent and noticed there were thirty smaller tents lining the courtyard. Well, it was nice of the king to offer accommodations, she thought. She was about to take her place at the end of the line when she heard a growl followed by a loud curse behind her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

She spun around with Ariel still in her arms and looked up at Vasilis. He looked irritated.

"I'm…I'm going to register for my sleeping quarters."

Grim-faced, he reached for Ariel, taking her gently out of Alex's arms. "You're sleeping in the castle," he said firmly, as he held Ariel against his massive chest.

Alex saw Malek a few paces away giving them a curious look. She returned her gaze to Vasilis. "The tents look comfortable. You've already done more than--"

"I'm not asking you, Alex. I'm
you. You're sleeping in the castle." He turned his head sharply to his chief guard. "Malek!" he roared.

His chief guard stood to attention. "Yes, Your Highness?"

"Take her horses," Vasilis barked out.

"Aye, Your Highness." He immediately came to Alex and untied the reins from her waist.

She knew people were beginning to stare at them, especially the contestants from the line-up and she wished Vasilis would keep his voice down. "This isn't necessary. Ariel and I will be comfortable here."

He gave her a hard look, his jaw clenched and he turned on his heels. "Come with me."

He was immoveable and she knew she'd better follow him if she wanted to avoid a scene. Besides, he was carrying her sister and she didn't want Ariel out of her sight.

Ariel peeked her little face from the side of his massive, chiselled arms and shot her a grin. Alex unravelled and smiled at her, knowing her sister was thrilled she was going to sleep in a castle.

Every head turned as Vasilis strode through the courtyard with Ariel in his arms, Alex walking alongside him. She caught the satisfied gleams of Krako and Ortega on their faces. Vasilis stopped before two immense doors that were slowly opening.

Out strode the king flanked by two guards on each side and Alex nearly swooned. Good God. She thought Vasilis was a huge man, but the king was bigger by a head and wider by a hand. His face was more rugged and fierce looking and just as ruthlessly handsome.

She couldn't get over the resemblance between father and son. The king's hair was a bit shorter, but just as black with only a smatter of grey at the temples. His eyes were so dark they almost looked opaque as he halted before her and ran his gaze over them.

His black gaze went from his son to Ariel to Alex and then back to his son again. He wasn't smiling, but Alex could detect a hint of warmth growing in his eyes.

"You made it back on time, son. I am pleased." He gave Alex a thorough sweep of his gaze and raised a brow when he looked back at his son. "And who do we have here?"

Vasilis motioned his head to one of the guards next to his father. "Take them to the bower and make sure they are settled. Notify Hesta where they will be."

Alex stifled a gasp. The bower? Was he serious? From what she knew, the bower was intended for the lady of the castle who used it as her private withdrawing-room and bedroom.

Vasilis brought his gaze back to the king. "Father, this little one is Ariel and this is her sister Alex, the woman I am going to wed."

Alex was stunned as Vasilis turned and placed Ariel gently in her arms. She looked up at him in a daze, his expression revealing nothing.

"Go with the royal guard," he said, his tone brusque.

Numbly, she nodded up at him. As she walked away, she heard him say, "Father, we need to talk. Now."

Chapter Eight

A few minutes later, Vasilis ordered everyone out of the great hall and watched his father take his time as he strode to his throne and sat down.

"So, you have already chosen a bride," his father began slowly.

Vasilis braced himself. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Yes. I have."

"Do you see yourself being faithful to this woman after you wed? For all eternity if she chooses to turn?"


"I see." The king raised a dark brow. "What of the one hundred women outside waiting to compete for your hand in marriage?" he continued slowly, his dark gaze unwavering.

"Cancel the contest," Vasilis said with an edge to his tone.

"There will be a riot, my son. Do you know how far some women have travelled?"

"Give them all coin for their time and trouble."

"Aye, I can do that, but do you know how much that will cost us?"

Vasilis was angry. "I don't care what the cost. Do it, cancel the contest. You wanted me to wed and I will. I am going to marry Alex."

The king nodded, his hard expression slowly lifting to reveal a satisfied gleam. "It is done. I will make the announcement tomorrow."

Vasilis was relieved. "Thank you." He turned to leave.

"Wait," his father commanded.

Vasilis stopped and turned around.

"Does she know what we are?"

"We were ambushed by our kind in bandit area."

"So, this woman is not afraid of you?"

"This woman is a warrior. She fears nothing."

"She is also very beautiful. Have you already bedded her?"

Vasilis tensed. "No."

The king leaned forward and clasped his hands before him, his expression serious. "Son, you must tell her of the legend. If this is your
and you bed her, she will turn into one of us on the next full moon."

Vasilis never believed in the legend. All he believed in was that Alexandra affected him like no other woman ever had and he wanted to be with her and only her. "Father, you know how I feel about the legend."

The king raised a hand. "Nevertheless, my son. You know how what happened to our dear queen and you must be sure Alex is prepared."

Vasilis grew agitated. "A human turns into a werewolf when he is bitten by one on a full moon. That is the only legend I know of to be true."

The king looked like he wanted to say more, but clamped down on his jaw. "So be it."

* * * *

The bed in the bower room was big enough to hold four men comfortably and Ariel bounced on it with glee.

"Child, you mustn't exert yourself. You must be calm," Hesta declared, rushing to Ariel's side. "Your breathing isn't cured and you must be careful not to encourage another attack."

Ariel stopped jumping and allowed Hesta to lead her into the adjoining smaller chamber. "Come. It's time for your bath."

Alex smiled gratefully at Hesta and bent down to kiss Ariel before they left the bedroom. She looked down at herself and cringed. She needed a bath, too, along with a change of clothes, but all she'd brought with her were the single pair of trousers she'd been wearing continuously and the two shirts she interchanged when one was drying.

There was a knock at the door and her stomach jolted. Vasilis! Nervously, she went to open it and stared at two women. One was pushing a trolley with plates that had lids on them and the other was carrying a huge bundle of clothes.

The woman with the trolley said, "The prince wishes you and Ariel to eat. He wasn't sure what you preferred, so he made me prepare a different array of dishes for you two."

Alex was touched. She lifted one lid and her mouth watered at the succulent pheasant. She lifted another lid and inhaled the tantalizing aroma of pork. Other plates carried bread, vegetables and broth. She smiled her thanks to the woman.

The other woman carrying the clothes laid them out on the bed. She turned to Alex. "Milady, the prince asked me to bring you these gowns. This cream satin is for the royal dinner tonight, these are your bed wear and the rest are for everyday. I hope they're all to your liking," she added shyly.

Alex gasped, staring at the gowns. "They're beautiful." She lifted a few more items, noticing smaller gowns and nightwear for a child.

"Those are for the little one," the woman continued with a smile.

"Please thank the prince for me. He really didn't have to…" she couldn't finish what she wanted to say because she was too busy swallowing the large lump in her throat.

"Aye. I will tell him, Milady."

As the two women took their leave, the one who had pushed in the trolley turned to her and said. "He wishes you to meet him in the great hall at sundown for the royal dinner. I will return to escort you there."

Dumbfounded, Alex nodded. When she was alone, she sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at the food and clothes.

When she first met Vasilis, she thought he was an arrogant, abrasive barbarian. Now she realised he was every bit as much the charming, kind, generous prince she'd envisioned.

Her heart thudded as she brought a hand up to her mouth. "Oh my God. How did this happen?" she whispered tremulously into the empty room.
She was starting to fall for him.

* * * *

A few hours later, Alex bathed in the huge brass tub in the adjoining bath chambers. After she dried herself, Hesta helped her pin her hair up in cascading waves and helped Alex into the cream satin gown. She slipped on the satin slippers that had been part of Vasilis's gifts to her. She gasped. They were so lovely.

Hesta tied the bodice with the laces along Alex's back and told her to turn around and face the mirror. Alex did so slowly, smiling at Ariel's gasp of pleasure.  She looked in the mirror and froze.

Was that her? She…she looked different. All feminine and pretty and soft. She brought a hand up to the dress's neckline and flushed at her cleavage, recalling too readily Vasilis's mouth and hands on her skin. She drew in a shaky breath and focused on her image. Her gaze went over her small waist, her bare arms, the black lace trimming the edges of the gown and she inhaled though her nose. Slowly, she turned to the uncommonly silent Hesta.

"How do I look?" she asked quietly. She knew Hesta wouldn't mince words. She would tell her the truth.

"Child, you look breathtaking. The master's heart will cease to beat when he sees you."

Alex was relieved. She wanted to look nice for him tonight. The door opened. It was the woman who said she would escort Alex to the great hall.

She paused at the door, smiling. "You look beautiful, Milady."

"Thank you," Alex said shyly.

She'd never seen herself as a great beauty. Her ego always lay with her strength, and her weapons and combat skills. For the first time, she felt feminine and it made her feel uncertain.

"Are you ready?" the woman asked.

"Yes." Alex kissed Ariel, told her to be a good girl for Hesta and then smiled at the healer. "I won't be long."

Hesta chuckled. "Child, after tonight, the master won't let you out of his sight."

Alex followed the woman down two flights of the grand staircase through the hall until they reached the massive double doors of the great hall. She heard harps and violins playing inside and the sound of loud conversation. Loud male conversation. The woman opened one of the doors and on nervous legs, Alex entered the room.

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