Lydia And Her Alien Boss (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

BOOK: Lydia And Her Alien Boss
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“I have a better idea. Why don’t I pick up some dinner, your choice, and bring it to you? Then you can slip into your pajamas, or whatever you wear around the house, and you can relax. Although, your boss is an asshole if he’s making a pregnant woman work that early.”

Lydia smiled. “My boss isn’t so bad. I’m lucky to have a job and a way to take care of myself and my baby. If it means my feet hurt, then I’ll suffer through it.”

“You’re rather remarkable.”

Lydia felt her cheeks warm and she smiled up at him bashfully. She’d had her

share of men—well, boys really—chase after her over the years, but no one ever like Gryf. He was so powerful and charismatic. There was a pull when he was near that just made her want to get even closer to him.

“Any requests for dinner? If not a particular restaurant, maybe a specific type of food? Italian? Chinese?” Gryf grinned. “Whatever you want.”

“Italian sounds good. I like spaghetti or ravioli. Just surprise me.”

“I’ll pick up dinner and meet you at your place at seven? Will that give you

enough time for a nap?”

“That would be perfect. It’s 7012 Sunset Avenue, apartment 2B.”

Gryf leaned closer, making her heart take flight, and his lips softly brushed against her cheek. “I’ll see you then.”

He backed up enough for her to get to her car, but it took several tries to get her keys in the ignition; she was that rattled. If a kiss on the cheek made her act like a bumbling idiot, then what would a real kiss do to her? She bit her lip just thinking about it.

Chapter Four

Gryf was smiling like an idiot when he stopped by Espress Yourself to check in with his manager. Scott gave him a bemused smile as Gryf leaned a hip against the front counter and waited for his usual drink. It wasn’t uncommon for Gryf to stop in and check on things, usually in the afternoons, but it had been a few weeks since he’d swung by.

“You’ve been scarce around here lately,” Scott said. “And judging by the look on your face, I’m going to assume there’s a woman involved. Did the agency finally find someone for you?”

“Not exactly. I did find someone at the agency, but I sort of swooped in and

claimed her before they had a chance to match her with anyone else. She’s stunning, and while she looks fragile, I can tell that there’s a strength to her, like she could survive anything.”

“Sounds promising.”

“But that just happened today. I haven’t been by because I’ve been taking care of Simon quite a bit after school. Violet is still getting sick most days from the baby so I’ve been trying to give her a break several times a week.”

“I think I saw her in here earlier today, with Simon and Tiraz. She’s tiny for someone carrying a baby.”

Gryf shrugged. “She’s showing a little, but she’s only four months along.”

“Speaking of pregnant women, our new barista is in the family way. I know it

means she’ll be out on maternity leave before too long, but she really needed a job and we seriously needed the help. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“Of course not.” Gryf took his drink and headed toward the table in the corner with Scott following.

“I know we’ve talked about hiring an assistant manager sometime soon, so that I can take more time off, but I had an idea I wanted to run by you,” Scott said. “What if we promoted someone who already works here? You know Carrie’s been working here since she was sixteen, and she could use a little raise. I was thinking maybe thirteen-fifty an hour?”

Gryf watched Carrie work for a minute before nodding. “I think she’s earned it, if you think she can handle the added responsibility. She’d be opening and closing more frequently than she does now, and the other employees would report to her when you’re out. I’d like you to keep handling the books though. I don’t think she’s experienced enough for something like that.”

“I’ll talk to her about it before she leaves tonight. I think she’ll accept though.

Maybe do a thirty day probation period? That way if it doesn’t work out, she can go back to her regular duties, and if it does work out, then we can look at hiring that other worker we talked about.”

“Think we’re busy enough for that?” Gryf asked, looking around at the nearly

empty shop.

“Mornings we’re slammed, and afternoons are pretty busy with the after school crowd. It’s slow now, but after dinner we’ll see another rush until we close at ten. But if you want to wait and see how things go, I’m all for it. Just give me the word when it’s time and I’ll put a sign in the window.”

“Well, I have a date to prepare for so I’m going to head home and shower before I place our order at Little Italy. My date has requested spaghetti and I can’t think of anywhere that serves a better dish of spaghetti.”

“Don’t get the garlic bread if you plan to do any kissing tonight. There’s enough garlic in the pasta, but if you get the bread, neither one of you will be able to breathe on the other.”

Gryf laughed. “Thanks for the advice. Anything else?”

“Take her flowers. Human women like flowers.”

Gryf pursed his lips and his brow furrowed. “Flowers die. What about a potted plant? Some of those bloom, don’t they?”

“That works.”

“If I don’t stop by in the morning, I’ll check in a day or two later. I’m not sure how tonight is going to go. Either she’ll break my heart and I’ll need recovery time, or things are going to go very well and I’ll need recovery time.”

Scott laughed. “No sex on the first date. Not unless you want a relationship

based solely on sex.”

“Humans are so complicated,” he muttered as he picked up his drink and went

out to his car.

His home on Beechim Hill welcomed him. The fading sunlight cast the large

white home in oranges and pinks. Gryf pulled into the circular drive and locked his car before going inside. He’d always loved his home, but tonight it felt emptier than usual.

It wasn’t the first time he’d noticed the emptiness. Having Simon over frequently had shown him that there was something missing from his life. He’d signed on with the Interstellar Love Agency shortly after arriving on Earth, but until he’d had his nephew spend some time with him, he hadn’t realized how much he wanted children.

He’d noticed Lydia’s slight baby bump when she’d stepped into Anderson’s

office this afternoon, and the glow of pregnancy couldn’t be denied. At one point, he never would have considered raising another man’s child as his own, but after seeing how much his brother loved Simon, he knew that he had been wrong. While he didn’t know anything about Lydia or her circumstances, he knew that if she gave him a chance, and things progressed between them that he would love that baby like it was his own. And since the child wasn’t born yet, there was the added bonus that he would get to help raise the child from day one.

Of course, he was getting ahead of himself. He had to make it through the first date and hope she wanted to see him again. There had been shadows under her eyes and he wondered if she was sleeping well. He didn’t like the thought of her being on her feet all day and wondered if he could help her find another job, maybe something at a desk. Without knowing anything about her background, he didn’t have a hope of helping her out. If he was lucky, he’d get her to talk about herself tonight.

Gryf took a shower and decided to dress casually since they were meeting at her home and he’d told her lounge clothes were fine. He pulled on a pair of gray athletic pants and a black tee. After tying his shoes, he grabbed his wallet and keys off the dresser, pausing to make sure he looked all right. He’d gotten a haircut recently and his shoulder length hair was now spiked like his brother’s. It was easier to maintain, but he missed the length.

He went downstairs and pulled the magnet off the fridge for Little Italy. It only took a few minutes to place his order for both their dinners and some of the decadent chocolate cake the restaurant was known for. The woman asked if he wanted the order delivered or picked up. It was the first time delivery had been offered and he decided to go with that option. He gave them Lydia’s address and paid for the order over the phone, including a tip for the driver. If the food beat him to Lydia’s, he didn’t want her stuck with the bill.

Gryf locked up the house and drove to the nearest store. They had a small

selection of potted plants, several with blooms on them, and he picked the one he thought Lydia would like the most. It had a sweet scent to it and the purple blossoms were vibrant. He started to checkout but decided to pick up a bottle of sparkling grape juice. Since Lydia was pregnant, she couldn’t have wine, but maybe the grape juice would be a nice added touch. It would probably taste horrible with pasta, but it might compliment the chocolate cake nicely.

He paid for his items and then drove to Lydia’s. When Gryf had first moved to town, he’d driven all over the place, trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

He knew where Sunset Avenue was, but he wasn’t sure about Lydia’s apartments. It took a while, but he finally found the building and he was far from impressed. If anything, looking at the rundown structure and the kids on the corner he was fairly certain were selling drugs, it made him want to wrap her up and carry her back to his place. Not that he had any right to tell her where she could or couldn’t live, but he didn’t like the idea of her being in a place like this.

Gryf found her apartment and knocked on the door. He heard movement inside,

and after a moment, the door opened. Lydia looked enchanting in her tank and sleep pants, her hair mussed from her nap. She rubbed sleepily at her eyes and he wondered if he’d woken her.

“Is it seven already?” she asked, stifling a yawn.

“If you’ve changed your mind, we can reschedule.”

Lydia shook her head and backed up a step to let him inside. He looked around the small space as she closed and locked the door. There was a worn sofa and scarred coffee table in the living room with a small television on a rickety stand. A table with two chairs looked tiny in the dining area and the kitchen was so small he wasn’t sure they would both fit in it at the same time.

He offered the plant to Lydia. “I thought you might like this. It smells nice and I heard human females like flowers.”

Lydia smiled and took the plant from him, sniffing the flowers. “It’s beautiful. I’ll just put it on the coffee table so I can enjoy it every day.”

“I brought some chilled sparkling grape juice to go with our dessert. Should I put it in the fridge?”

“That’s fine.”

“When I ordered our food, they offered to deliver it. I don’t think it will take long for them to arrive. I thought it would save time.”

Lydia swayed a little on her feet and he rushed to her side. As he wrapped his arm around her waist, she sagged against him. Her knees buckled and Gryf lifted her and carried her over to the sofa. He eased her down on the cushions and knelt by her side, brushing her hair back from her face.

“Are you all right? Should I call your doctor?”

His heart hammered in his chest. If there was something wrong with Lydia or

the baby, he wasn’t sure what he should do. Should he call 9-1-1? Or did she just need to eat something? She’d said she worked all day, did she have time for lunch? Or did her asshole boss make her work through that too?

“I just got lightheaded for a minute,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

“Does that happen often?”

“Just for the last few days. I’m sure it’s nothing. I’m probably not sleeping enough.”

Gryf wasn’t convinced, but he couldn’t force her to go to the doctor. Could he?

“The food should arrive any moment. Let’s get you something to eat and then

see how you’re feeling. If you’re still lightheaded, then I think you need to see a doctor.”

Lydia was already shaking her head before he finished.

“Why don’t you want to see the doctor? You’re pregnant, Lydia. You don’t want to take a chance with the baby, do you? Shouldn’t we at least call your…what’s that kind of doctor women see when they’re pregnant?”

She smiled faintly. “An obstetrician. And I don’t have one.”

Gryf’s eyebrows rose. “What do you mean you don’t have one? You’re far

enough along that you’re showing. Shouldn’t you have seen a doctor by now?”

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. Gryf reached out and gently turned

her face back toward him. There was shame in her eyes and he wanted to kill whoever had made her feel that way. Had someone told her that she was less than she was?

Because he might not know her very well, but he could already tell she was amazing.

She might not live in the best area, but she obviously worked hard to provide a place for her baby.

“Talk to me, Lydia. Why are you living in this place? Why don’t you have a

doctor, and where the hell is the baby’s daddy? Shouldn’t he be providing for you?”

Gryf stared intently into her eyes, waiting for her response.

“There’s no daddy.”

He quirked a brow. “You didn’t get this way by yourself, unless you went to one of those artificial sperm places.”

That ghost of a smile graced her lips again and she shook her head. “I don’t

know who the daddy is.”

Gryf wasn’t sure what to say to that. She didn’t seem like the type to sleep

around, so why didn’t she know who the baby’s father was? There was a story there and he hoped she would trust him enough to talk. She seemed to be thinking things over, but there was a knock at the door before she could say anything else. Gryf got up to answer, both relieved and irritated that their food was finally here.

He started to set everything up at the small dining table, but thought it might be better if Lydia stayed on the sofa. He rummaged through her kitchen to find plates and silverware. When everything was ready, he carried the plates to the living room. Lydia sat up and he handed her dinner to her. She smiled at him before taking a small bite, then closed her eyes with a blissful expression.

“I’m glad you like it,” Gryf said with some humor.

“Why did you ask me out?” she asked.

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