Lynna's Rogue (19 page)

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Authors: Kitty Margo

BOOK: Lynna's Rogue
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Once again Joshua's eyes sought Lynna as he spoke softly, “I have many treasured memories from the
, true, but only one that was unforgettable and routinely torments my dreams.”

Everyone in the room witnessed this passionate exchange. It was then that Mary gave up all hope of ever having Joshua as her son

Unfortunately, her daughter
did not
accept defeat quite so gracefully. She rushed to take Joshua's arm
pressing her bosom against him as she fluttered her lashes wildly, successfully embarrassing her family. “
It is
such a beautiful evening, Captain Jordan. Could we perhaps take a round through the garden?”

Lynna needed to be away from Joshua’s suffocating nearness an
d Suzanne’s persistent whining.

It has
such an
exhausting day
,” she said to Beth

If you will excuse me, I will retire for the evening.”

pulled away from Suzanne, leaving her positively livid, and hurried to Lynna’s side. She feared his purpose was to seduce her then and there as he gripped her small hand in his. “I
understand, but I do
hope to
get the chance to
visit with you again before you return to Georgia,” was all he said
, mercifully

Glancing over his shoulder
Lynna cringed at the unbridled rage glistening in Suzanne's eyes. At that moment her greatest desire was to be away from both of them. Jerking her hand from his, she bid everyone good night and raced up the stairs. Why had she come here? How could she have been so dense? Dense. The very word Joshua had once used to refer to her mentality.

Once in the safety of her room
she slipped into a pale pink nightgown and fell breathless and numb on the bed with her mind a chaotic jumble. If only she could return to Georgia tonight! Why did Joshua have to live nearby? Why did her skin burn where he touched her?
Why did he smell so good? And why, oh why, did he have to be so sinfully

For these and other questions
she had no rational answers. Accepting that sleep would be a long time in coming
she went to stand on the
balcony, watching as the light
ning flashed in jagg
ed forks across the sky and
booming thunder drew nearer. Thank God Aunt Judith was here if the storm should get too fierce. A gust of wind blew across the land to rustle the leaves and cool her heated skin as she leaned over the balcony and breathed deeply of the unmistakable smell of rain. The moon cast its golden glow over the earth
lending to it a rosy hue as a multitude of insects played their nightly concert.

“Good night, my sweet. I fear sleep will abandon me tonight as well.”

did not
miss her muffled gasp, as one hand flew to her mouth and the other clutched her gown more tightly around her bosom. Evidently, Suzanne had failed in her effort to secure a private audience with him.

His deep laughter drifted up to her. “I
suppose you could be persuaded to come out and take a walk with me?”

“You should have accepted Suzanne’s invitation, sir. I can assure you
I have no desire or intenti
on of ever being alone with you
again.” Incredulous, she spun around and rushed into the room, confident that if she ignored him
he would go away.

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity and hearing nothing, she tiptoed to the balcony and peered over the railing.

“Just as I feared.” He grinned, blowing her a seductive kiss. “We
ll have our walk soon, my sweet.”
With those words
he turned
and Lynna could hear him whistling softly as galloped into the night.

Sleep was impossible as she struggled with feelings
she had
hoped were long dead.
“You had your walk …and so much more, Captain Jordan.”

Chapter Ten


oshua spurred his horse forward as fat drops of rain splashed his face and quickly
soaked his clothes. Heat light
ning flashed across the sky
illuminating the heavens in a brilliant display. He
a triumphant grin as he raced across the field toward home at a full gallop. Good! The pouring rain would prevent Suzanne from going to the pond to wait for him. The girl was too demanding by far. He
been with her almo
st nightly during the last fortnight
and she never seemed satisfied. Hell, he doubted if one man was even capable of such a herculean feat. No doubt there would be hell to pay when he put a halt to their nocturnal rendezvous, but it must be done.

He still could hardly comprehend the fact that Lynna's Aunt Judith was employed by the
Fletchers, and Lynna
had been living
with them
all these years.
times Suzanne had
and pouted
with him to visit her family home and he had promptly dismissed her requests. Damn! Had he known Lynna was in residence, he might have been a frequent visitor at Magnolia House and worn out his welcome years ago.

The mystical Lynna had certainly woven an enchanted spell over him
. Many was the night he had lain
awake in his lonely cabin and
brought her clearly to mind, often wondering
if she was safe and out of harm

s way, while at the same time longing for the feel of her soft, ample curves against his burning skin. He
been content with his dalliance with the insatiable S
uzanne, his frequent scintillating
visits with Resa, and many gratifying encounters with the provocative upstairs maid, Juanita. Until now!

The memory of his passionate encounter with Lynna was as fresh as if it had happened only yesterday. He laughed out loud remembering how his heart had thundered in his chest at dinner when Samuel had inquired about her marriage plans. Greatly relieved
his galloping heart had returned to its normal r
hythm after realizing the lady
had no desire or intent of speaking her vows anytime soon. That left the door wide open for him and he
did not
intend to waste a single minute.

They could make a fresh start. Granted, he had made a grievous error in his treatment of Lynna, but after seeing her to
night he could no longer deny his feelings
. He wanted her. She ignited a fire in his loins no other woman could come close to smothering and he
would not
allow her to carelessly slip through his fingers again. “
Will you marry me, Joshua
?” she had asked once. If she were to ask that question of him today
she would most li
kely get a very different response
than she had then. True,
he had
been a colossal fool. But now, with his decision made, he arrived home soaked to the skin, feeling better than he had in…three years.

Suzanne sat by the pond, her wet hair plastered to her head and her soaking wet clothes clinging to her shivering body. She was in a glorious rage. Somehow
she had
known Joshua
would not
make an appearance tonight. He
had met her every night for the p
ast fortnight. And now, the very night that treacherous slut arrived
he neglected to meet her. Oh true, there was a torrential downpour at present, but had it detained her from coming? Hell, no! If he was as eager to be with her as she was him
would a little rainfall deter him? 

Suzanne was certain of one thing. Joshua was not at fault here. Oh no
Lynna was! She had
failed to notice how the shameless hussy had practically thrown herself at the poor man. What red-blooded man
would not
have been sorely tempted by such an open display of wantonness? Oh, Lynna desired Joshua
that much was obvious. Any fool could see that. But if she got her hands on him
would be af
ter Suzanne's was in the ground


The rain poured down steadily throughout the night, drumming on the tin roof and settling the occupants of Cedar Hill into a peaceful slumber. By morning the lawn was standing in several inches of water and turning the oyster shell driveway into slush. Still the rain continued to fall over the hushed plantation.

The field hands enjoyed a day of much needed rest and most were still abed, however those who were awake were smiling broadly as the rain turned the fields to mire, assuring them of at least one more day from the fields.

Going to the French doors
Lynna saw that the storm had set in to stay.
he sky was a leaden, ominous grey
draping an eerie cloak of darkness over the land
as far as she could see,
and promising more rain to come. Dressing in warm clothes against the damp
chill that invaded the house, she
proceeded downstairs in search of a steaming cup of coffee. She also had in mind to sample the country ham
and buttered biscuits that smelled divine

“Lynna!” Bethany Breanne
called from the dining room

ill you sit beside me at breakfast? Please?”

Lynna scooped the darling child into her arms and tickled her ribs
sending her into peals of laughter. “I
imagine anyone I
rather sit next to.”

“I can!” Suzanne sneered from be
hind her. “You may hope to entice Joshua with your wanton
ways, but I ass
ure you, you will not succeed!
I noticed
as did everyone else
how you batted your lashes throughout dinner, dallying with him like the common white trash
you are!”

Lynna's own temper was beginning to rise. Suzanne was jealous and spitef
ul, that was painfully obvious. “None of the
accusations you have leveled against me are true, Suzanne!”
she spat, arching her eyebrow meaningfully. “And if
you will
recall, I was not the one making overtures last night
It was
Captain Jordan who seemed to have some difficulty keeping his hands to himself!”

Suzanne gasped, incensed. “Why, you devious little twit! You
give Daniel up just like that, wouldn’t you? You never had any intention of marrying him. You were just toying with him until you found a man with a wealthier purse. And you think my Joshua is that man? Be warned,
he is

’s voice chirped in, “Joshua called Lynna ‘his sweet’ last night,
he, Lynna? The thunderbolts woke us and Lucy and I went to my balcony. He was talking to you under your balcony during the storm, wasn’t he, Lynna?”

Suzanne seethed as she watched the betraying blush stain Lynna's cheek. Of all the nights she and Joshua had spent together making love until sunrise
he had
never once used that
, or any other
term of endearment with her. Spinning on her heels
she fled the room, humiliation causing her cheeks to flame.
So, the little brat had heard Joshua’s words as well as that prying bitch, Lucy, her nanny.
She knew Lucy would giggle and gossip about the incident for days, causing all the housemaids to s
nicker behind her
back. She had to put a stop to this nonsense before it got further out of hand!

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