Lynna's Rogue (21 page)

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Authors: Kitty Margo

BOOK: Lynna's Rogue
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could not
suppress a giggle, which she quickly covered. Too late, it only served to infuriate Suzanne and caused her eyes to blaze with smothered fury.

Releasing a seething Suzanne, Joshua returned to Lynna's side. Gently taking her hand
, he led her to the pond.
“Allow me put some cool water on your face. Perhaps it will take some of the sting out. Or,” he whispered for her ears only,

be more than agreeable should you desire me to kiss away the pain.”

She was about to sting his ears with a sharp retort when she felt herself being drawn down bes
ide him to the water’s edge, watching
as he dipped his kerchief in the cool water and with a feathery touch gently caressed her cheek. His touch was soothing and immediately removed
any trace of pain from her skin
, leaving in its place a warm
tingling sensation that left her face and rapidly spread throughout her midsection
and to parts beyond

Joshua witnessed her struggle to remain aloof and his willpower altogether deserted him. The world around them ceased to exist as his hands moved behind her head, through silky golden hair and his mouth d
escended to hers. His lips were so close h
e could feel her warm breath
his cheek. Suddenly a splash, followed by a cooling spray of water, made them both glance up.

Horrified, Lynna's hands flew to her mouth as Suzanne cavorted in the pond, absent her clothes, with her small breasts bobbing out of the water.

Suzanne laughed derisively at Lynna's shocked expression. “Lynna, honey, close your mouth before a
June bug
flies in it, and come join me.” Then to Joshua, “The water is heavenly, Joshua. Muc
h warmer than it was
last week when we got chilled to the bone before…”

“Enough, Suzanne!” Joshua warned.

do not
be shy, darling. Lynna knows how we feel about each other, don’t you
Lynna? We
have to hide our true feelings around her.”


I said that was enough!
” he ground out between clenched teeth.

Heading toward her horse and intent on fleeing Suzanne’s humiliating display
Lynna was stopped by Joshua's hand on her
shoulder. “Do not leave.
expect you to remove your clothes and join her.”

“How very generous of you.” She thrust his hand away and again headed for her horse. “However
do not
intend to be a witness to Suzanne’s
lack of morals.”

Lynna.” He grabbed her hand, seemingly not at
all shocked by Suzanne’s wanton
behavior. That should have been some indication that the man was accustomed to viewing Suzanne in all her glory, but she was too besotted by his devilish grin to think rationally. “Let’s take a walk until she cools off. Hopefully
she will
get dressed and forget this ever happened.”

Reasoning that Joshua
could not
blamed for Suzanne's disgraceful
conduct any more than she could, she allowed him to take her elbow as they moved toward the shadow of the trees. After all, he was an innocent bystander to Suzanne’s revolting escapades, and his dreamy eyes were coming closer, fusing with hers
, his moist, soft lips inches...

honey, are
you coming in?” Suzanne called
, standing temptingly so that her bosom jut
ted out of the water. “We have no
t been abl
e to meet here in forever
because of the rain. But we
re here now, and
sure Lynna could be prevailed upon to leave us alone for a while.
you, Lynna?”

“Certainly!” Incensed
by Suzanne’s words, Lynna snatched up her skirts and raced to her horse. Joshua had brought her to the very spot where he and Suzanne…! Of all the low…!

Joshua was behind her
trying to help her mount, but she roughly brushed his hands away. How could she have been so blind? Such a na
ve fool! Of course they were lovers! His arrogant attitude should have told her he was accustomed to having any woman he desired at his beck and call, just as he had her and countless others before her. Now it was painfully obvious
he had
tired of Suzanne and was ready to discard her like yesterday’s stale bread and start anew with her. What a foo
l she had been! Without a
she mounted her horse and raced from the clearing.

A dark scowl crossed Joshua's handsome features as he watched Suzanne's dripping body leave the water and amble slowly toward him. She eased her slippery arms around his neck, pressed her wet, naked curves against him, and attempted to pull his lips down to hers. He pushed her away more roughly than he had intended.

“Is there a problem, darling?” she whispered huskily, urgently desiring to feel him inside her. “I knew you
appreciate my getting rid of
Little Miss Prude
so we could be alone.
” Reaching for him, she was frustrated once more as Joshua again sidestepped her intended embrace. “It has
been such a long time and I know
you are
as eager for my touch as I am yours.”

“Appreciate it!” he stormed incredulously. “Appreciate the fact
you behaved
like a common whore?”

“Whore?” Her face flamed and she took a step back as though
she had
been struck. “If I behave like a whore, sir,
it is
because you made me one!”

“Oh, no!” he spat ruthlessly. “You
will not
blame the loss of your virginity on me. Your wares had been sampled long before I sailed into your life. I was but one of many.” His temper somewhat
abated, his voice softened, hoping
they could end this on amicable terms. “It was enjoyable for us both while it lasted, Suzanne. But
it is

“Over!” she cried. “What are you saying? Over? You
mean th
! You love me, Joshua. I know you do.
I have
been patiently awaiting a proposal of marriage

“Marriage? Surely, you cannot be serious
!’” Of all the fool notions! Hoping not to upset the girl overmuch, he spoke more calmly. “Unfortunately, you were dreadfully mistaken. I never promised you anything other than a good time
and unless I miss my guess, I believe I fulfilled my part of the bargain, Suzanne.”

With rising despair
Suzanne watched him mount his steed and ride away, leaving her naked, dripping, and humiliated beyond words. In search of Lynna
no doubt!
ruined everything!
Suzanne closed her eyes
visualizing Joshua’s hands roaming over Lynna’s more ample curves, whispering sweet words of devotion. That must never happen! She
would not
lose Joshua, especially to poor white trash like Lynna. Why, the
silly girl would not have a single coin
to bring to a marriage. And besides, Joshua was the only man in her entire life Suzanne had ever truly coveted.
She would not lose him!


Lynna arrived home completely distraught and unobserved, so she was able to slip quietly into her room. Throwing herself on the bed, she silently
gazed out the window at the fluffy fields of white and
herself for being such a

It was over an hour later when Suzanne arrived home with a wide, sa
tisfied smile and came straight
way to her room to gloat. “Lynna, why on earth did you leave in such a fired up tizzy?” 

“I saw no reason to stay and
watch you degrade yourself, Suz

“Degrade myself
Hah!” Suzanne
er was keen as she waltzed around the room. “You never cease to amaze me, Lynna. Why, I
did not
feel degraded at all, quite the contrary. By the way, you have perfect timing. After you left
Joshua joined me for a swim. Then, afterw
ards we lay down in the sun to…um…

“Are you saying that you paraded around him without your clothes?” Lynna tried to conceal her shock
as nothing Suzanne did should surprise her anymore.

“Lynna, dear,
when will you lose that childhood innocence?
It is
difficult to satisfy a man, especially one as lusty as my Joshua, while still fully clothed. A real man likes to see what he has in his hands.”

your behavior is like that of a common whore in the red light district! I
believe you could have so little respect for yourself.”

Suzanne's hands clenched tightly by her sides and her breathing became shallow as she heard Lynna c
all her the very same word
Joshua had used earlier. She swallowed the rage boiling in her throat and forced her voice to remain calm. It would never do for Lynna see how upset she truly was. No
, she must convince the strumpet
that she and Joshua had spent the bette
r part of the afternoon happily ensconced
in each other’s arms. “Respect is boring. I choose to spend my life in pursuit of exciting endeavors. With a man like Joshua
what more could a girl wish for?”

She began to undress, shedding her clothes carelessly in a heap on the floor. “He was tremendous today, by the way. I coul
d have happily remained in his
arms until morning.” Picking her clothes off the floor with a contented sigh she started for her room in her chemise. “
I am
going to take a nap. Joshua insists I meet him by the pond again tonight and I have no intention of disappointing him. The man simply
seem to get his fill of me.”

As Suzanne closed the door, Lynna could feel only pity for the girl. She sympathized with anyone in love with that devil incarnate
Joshua Jordan.


At breakfast the following morning
Lynna received a chilly reception from Suzanne. Being well accustomed to her vacillating moods
, Lynna ignored her intended gibe
. “Lynna, didn’t you slee
p well, darling? Your eyes seem
puffy this morning, almost as if you
d been crying.”

“No, not at all. I slept very well
thank you.”

“I think she looks positively ravishing!” Daniel came up to slip his arms around her from behind. “How would you like to take that ride this morning, Lynna? I trust Samue
l can spare me and there is
no one I
rather spend my day with.”

love to, Daniel! Just give me a moment to change.” She was midway up the stairs before remembering her manners. “Would you care to join us, Suzanne?”

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