Lyon's Heart (29 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #biker bad boy

BOOK: Lyon's Heart
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Drake left while we waited
for mom and the guys all sat around pissed off and glum. She’d
outsmarted us on our own turf. That shit was a hard pill to
swallow. I should’ve been more careful with them, should’ve put my
anger aside and…shit there was a whole lot I should’ve done
different but hadn’t. Now I’ll have to live with the sight of my
wife and kid being held at gunpoint for the rest of my


We spent damn near the whole
night down at the station. Drake did his thing with the information
we’d uncovered and we finally learned who she was. Rachel Chappell,
former girlfriend of Taylor Porter from Phoenix Arizona. She was
twenty two years old, from a good family who had already put out a
missing person’s report on her months ago. Which meant she’d been
in the area or close by for a while. That shit gave me chills.
She’d found Kat from that stupid Youtube video after her fight with
Jennifer at the mall of all things; what were the fucking odds?
With the recording of her admitting to killing Donna, shit went
down a whole new avenue. There were calls made to Arizona to the
authorities there who had to open a case in what they had thought
was a suicide. Since her present crimes were small change compared
to murder, they were gonna get her first I guess, or at least
that’s what I got from what Drake told us. I didn’t miss the
flicker of his eyes in my direction when he reached the part on the
recording when she claimed Taylor had disappeared to make a new
start. Kat didn’t seem any the wiser, and that’s all I cared about.
She was beating herself up for forgetting to set the alarm but
between the car getting run off the road and being held at
gunpoint, I couldn’t find it in me to be mad about that shit. I’d
spent way too much time in the last few days mad at my girl. That
wasn’t what I wanted our lives to be. I had finally come to the
understanding that my Angel was always going to be innocent and
just a little bit naïve and the truth is I wouldn’t have her any
other way. I’ll just have to see about keeping her and whatever
kids we have as protected as it was in my power to do.

“Can we get out of here? I
need to get home to my kid.”

“Sure, you two can get out
of here. She’ll be in the hospital until the cops from Phoenix come
to collect her I guess. We’ll have to wait and see what happens
there. Sometimes these things can drag on forever. But when they’re
done with her there, it will be our turn, unless the D.A decides
not to pursue it. She killed a witness in the process of a case.
She can get the death penalty for that.”

“Good, I hope they fry the
bitch, let’s go Angel. And the next time I tell you people
something’s off, maybe you’ll listen to me.”

“Okay son, you were right. I
should’ve listened, but I didn’t have much to work with and we have
to go by the book.”

“Yeah, fucking around with
that book almost cost you your daughter and granddaughter, no

I took my girl and headed
out of the station. It was already turning dark out and everything
was quiet. Tomorrow was the big day and the streets were lit up
with decorations. People had their lawns and homes decorated like
they were in competition with each other for most lights and there
was music coming from some houses that were getting the festivities
started early. I was tired as shit, but all I wanted to do was go
home and wake my daughter up if she was already in bed and kiss her
all over her little face.

Kat and I held hands all the
way home with me kissing her fingers every time we stopped for a

“I’m sorry I doubted you
Colt. That will never happen again. And I’m sorry about earlier. I
should’ve listened even if I thought Carol was in

“Don’t’ worry about it
anymore baby, it’s done. Let’s just put that shit behind us and
enjoy what’s left of the holiday.” She rested her head on my
shoulder, her hand still caught in mine. I know it won’t be long
before she was doing some stupid fuck thing again to make me crazy
but that’s just my Angel.

We turned onto our street
and got a shock.

“What the fuck?”

There were a ton of bikes
and trucks lined up from the driveway to halfway down the block.
The part of my crew that had followed us to the station were behind
us, so this could only mean that someone had called the others. It
looked like the whole of Lyon’s Crew was at the house. I guess I
wasn’t going to get that quiet evening alone with my girls after
all, but I couldn’t turn my people away. They were here to show
their support, it’s what we do. When shit gets rough we band

We walked in the house to
see the whole crew plus Travis and his guys spread out across the
living room. Mom was seated on the couch with my little pyromaniac
in her arms gazing at the fire. There was food and drinks from
somewhere. I’m guessing the sisters had pulled that shit together
or Elena’s hen pack had been hard at work. I saw a few of them
there including Char and Tina. What the fuck had she done put out a

“What’s going on?” I asked
the room at large.

“We heard. Why didn’t you
call me bro?” Travis came over to clap me on the back and whispered
some shit in my ear which I didn’t quite get because my head was
still fucked.

“No time. Everything
happened too fast.”

Jared came forward then to
finally hug his little sister until I pushed him the fuck away. The
only man I liked that close to her was…no one fuck. He grinned at
me before throwing his arm over her shoulder farther inciting my
ire the fuck.

So, do we know who she is
yet?” I guess he was somewhat calm now because he didn’t have that
death glare working anymore. Shit had to be tough on him too. Cy
was in the corner talking to some of the guys and I could already
see he looked more relaxed. It looked like everyone was

“Later, I need my daughter.
I’ll tell you guys what we learned in a minute.” Kat was already
yakking away with Travis’s girl Lydia like she hadn’t just been
through hell. My sister Carol was talking a mile a minute and I
didn’t hear half the shit she said. Everyone wanted to know what
the fuck was going on. Kevin and Tony the two guys who’d been on
Rachel were all torn the fuck up because they thought I was going
to tear them a new one which I should, but I just wasn’t feeling
it. There’d been more than enough anger and bullshit caused by that
quack and she wasn’t about to get anymore. That shit was

“We’re sorry boss, we never
even saw her give us the slip, and by the time we tracked back to
the apartment, it was too late. We fucked up.”

“Don’t sweat it. She didn’t
look like herself when she showed up here. She was wearing an old
black and grey wig. I probably wouldn’t have recognized her either.
Lets put it away for now, alright?”

I made the rounds, saying
hello to my crew, some of whom I hadn’t seen in a minute. When
things had calmed down a little, I told my guys all we’d learned
about who she was. Those who knew what had gone down in Arizona,
knew what I was talking about and the rest didn’t need to know any
more than she was some nut job who’d fixated on Kat from her time
living in Arizona. I don’t know how much Drake was going to share
with Tina but that was his deal. I made sure my guys knew we were
in the clear. I didn’t want that shit hanging over their heads to
fuck with them.

My phone rang in my pocket.
I’m glad I didn’t have to leave the shit in the evidence room
because it had all my shit in there. They just downloaded the
recording and gave me my shit back.


“Colt, where are

“Home why?”

“Rachel Chappell is dead.
Someone went into her room and slipped her something.”

“Don’t you have guys on

“Yes, they’re checking the
security tapes right now. The only people in and out of the room
were medical personnel.”

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my
guys because they wouldn’t have made that play without my say so no
matter how pissed they’d been.

“Well, I was at your station
so I don’t know anything about it.”

Travis caught my eye across
the room and I had a feeling that that’s what his whispered message
had been about.

“I have a full house here
Drake. Let me talk to you later. Yeah, your wife’s here, I’ll see
you in a bit then.”

Travis inclined his head
towards the back, so I gave Kat a kiss, went over and kissed my
daughter’s head and my mother’s cheek before heading for the

“You heard?”

“It was you?”

“You were in a tight spot
bro. Your father in law is the law and shit, somebody needed to
make that bitch dead. I don’t trust the justice system worth shit,
they’d probably claim she’s nuts and set her up in some padded room
somewhere and with her family connections, she’d be out in six
months. You and your family would be looking over your shoulders
for the rest of your lives. That shit’s fucked.”

“How did you

“Pops got a call. You know
he likes to know what’s going on around him, paranoid fuck. He was
going to do it but I told him I’d take care of it. It goes without
saying. We never speak of this shit again.”

“Thanks bro. I was trying to
figure out how the fuck I was going to get to her. I couldn’t do
her in front of my wife and kid.”

“I know it, but like I said,
you’re too close to this one.”

We hugged and slapped each
other’s backs in friendship before heading back into the room with
the others.

I decided not to say
anything for now because the atmosphere had changed. Instead of
everyone being somber and pensive, there was an air of merriment.
Caitlin, who had been dozing off when I left the room, was
reawakened by all the noise, so I took her and held her close while
I exchanged small talk with my men. Dad broke out what looked like
a pound of Kush and him and the other potheads headed for the back
of the house.

“Damn dad how much shit do
you have there?”

“It’s the holidays boy, your
mother said I was allowed. I have the next few days off.” All I
could do is shake my head.

The night turned into the
weirdest Xmas eve I’d ever had in my life but I wouldn’t change it
for anything. My family was safe at least for now. Who knows what
the fuck else was going to come at me next.


“Lift your leg Kat fuck.” I
was balls deep but that didn’t feel deep enough. Her pussy was
extra wet tonight. Maybe facing down a gun had given her a new
lease on life. Whatever, it was I who was enjoying the shit out of
it. Plus I think she had gotten too close to Daniel and his pipe
because she was a little more loose than usual.

“I wanna get on

“Shit, fine, but then I’m
doing you from behind.” I flipped us around so she could do her
thing. She was taking the dick kinda hard. Pulling up, and dropping
back down at a fast pace. I was afraid she might hurt herself, so I
held her hips tight trying to control her movements but she wasn’t
having it. She dug her nails into my shoulders and worked her pussy
around my dick like it was a gearshift.

“Fuck baby slow

“No, I wanna cum. Make me

I wet two fingers in my
mouth and pushed them into her ass. It’s the fastest way I know to
get her off when she gets like this. She squeezed down hard on my
cock as she came in a gush. As soon as she was done shaking and
moaning I threw her off and got around behind her. Lifting her ass
high so I could see the sweet pink of her pussy, I led my bobbing
cock head back to her pussy opening and slid right in, not stopping
until I was buried to the hilt once more.

“Grab the sheets baby, this
is gonna be rough.” I plowed my cock into her hard as fuck making
her screech. She pushed back against me so I know she wasn’t hurt.
Her ass bounced from the force of my thrusts as I pulled her on and
off my cock racing to the finish.

“Fuck Angel. I love the way
your tight pussy grips me.” I spanked her ass hard a couple times
while deep stroking her.

Oh yeah, my bad girl liked
that. She creamed my cock for the third time as she tore the sheets
and screamed into the mattress.

Fuck, my dick felt like it
was about to explode; I came hard, long and aplenty. “Fuck
Angel…shit.” My heart pounded in my chest as I rested across her
back, both of us trying to catch our breaths. I turned us both onto
our sides, my cock still buried inside her and held her close from
behind. “I love you Colton.”

“Love you more baby.” I
ended my words with a squeeze and settled down to sleep wrapped
around her. For the first time in a long while, I felt true peace
come over me as I drifted into slumber. The feel of her tiny frame
almost buried beneath me was reassuring and the hand I placed over
her lower stomach was hopeful.




Well crap, Colt had been
right again after all. I hate when that happens. He doesn’t just
come out and say ‘I told you so’ like us lesser mortals. Oh no with
him it’s like being put before a firing squad and playing twenty
questions at the same time. And I don’t dare roll my eyes either or
there will be hell to pay. Thank goodness for that impromptu party
last night. That sort of spared me so far from his tongue but I
knew it was coming Xmas or not. Add the fact that his Caitie bear
had been caught in the middle and the fireworks were going to be
flying for sure. I wonder if feigning early pregnancy syndrome
would get me off the hook. That was the only time I’d gotten any
peace from him and his mess, then again that wasn’t entirely true
either. He becomes a whole other special kind of crazy when I’m
pregnant, crap. I looked down at his sleeping face, he looked so
innocent. The way I imagine the son he swore he’d planted in me a
few days ago would when he got here. I wouldn’t have him any other
way though; all that tough caveman biker gruffness makes me feel
safe in a way nothing else ever could. When he isn’t pounding away
between my thighs, he’s standing between me and the rest of the
world. I can’t believe that for one second I’d had any doubts about
his love and devotion to me. No wonder he’d been so pissed that
day. Looking back now at everything that had happened in the last
few days, my body still warm from his and the feel of his seed on
my inner thighs. I knew there was no way I would ever doubt his
love for me again.

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