Lyon's Heart (26 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #biker bad boy

BOOK: Lyon's Heart
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I pulled my phone and called
Carol to rip her a new one.

“What’s up big

“Where are you?”

“What, I’m at the mall doing
some last minute shopping, why? You guys need a babysitter I’m so
there.” I got that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Did you call and tell Kat
to come get you?”

“Of course not. I’m with my
guy, what’s going on?”

I hung up without answering
and ran back to my family. Fuck, I was on my ride and her jeep was
at the bottom of the damn embankment.

I looked around for
somewhere to hide them.

“Get my wife and kid in a
car now.” The cop looked at me like I was nuts.

“Listen, I don’t think this
was an accident.” I explained what was going on and he soon bundled
them up and put them in the back of his car. I walked over to my
boys who were all standing around waiting for

“I think that bitch is
responsible for this. I don’t know how, but she is.” I called the
guys on surveillance last night. Was the only time she hadn’t been
under watch but who knows what the fuck she’s been up to

“Did she leave the

“Nope, no one in or out of
there except for some new chick.”

“What new chick?”

“Uh, I’ve never seen her

“What did she look like?” My
heart picked up speed.

She had black hair. It
wasn’t our girl, I’m sure.”

“What else do you

“Nothing much, she was
dressed kind of regular in jeans and a sweater, her hair was long
down her back that’s all I got. Is something wrong?”

“Yeah, someone just ran my
family off the fucking road and I think it was her.”

“Fuck it. Didn’t look like
her, you want us to go in? She hasn’t returned yet.”

“No wait, I’ll call you guys
back in a minute.”

I decided to call her father
and get him down here.

“Colt what’s up?”

“Someone ran Kat and the
baby off the road down here on Old Country Road. You need to get
down here.” I didn’t want to tell the cops too much because I
wasn’t sure yet how I was going to handle this new development but
if the law had to be involved, I’d prefer he handled it. I looked
over to make sure my girls were okay and saw that Kat was holding
the baby close in the back of the cruiser and it looked like she’d
finally calmed down. I’m way beyond pissed at her right now and she
knows it. I don’t care who called her, she shouldn’t have disobeyed
me. By doing that, she’d put herself and our child in danger. For
that, she was going to get it. She knew the deal, no means fucking
no. My head was going in ten different directions at once. This was
the last fucking straw for me, whatever this was ends today. I
approached the guys when I finally had something to say.

“Jared, I can’t leave them
here but I’m going to need my car. Ride over and pick it up and you
can take my ride back after. I don’t think we’re going to make that
delivery today after all.” I gave him the keys and he headed off. I
know he was pissed as fuck too, all my guys were. Accident or not,
some fuck had left one of theirs on the side of the street. That
shit would not go unanswered.

I called Cy back at the shop
to tell him what was going on and tell him that he should pack up
and go home. Of course he showed up not long after we hung

By the time her father
showed up, I had calmed own a little. They were doing some type of
investigation on the tire tracks on the road, skid marks I guess.
The jeep wasn’t totaled but the back had a pretty good sized dent
in it, one of the lights was out and the bumper had been torn off.
That had to be a pretty hard hit. One of the cops came from under
the car and went over to where her father their boss was standing
with another cop. I stood with my guys formulating in my head what
I was going to do next. I was just waiting on their report before I
did anything. If this was some accident, I didn’t want to be going
after someone wrongfully but I don’t believe in

I pulled my phone and called
my guys again.

Did the strange woman
return yet?”

“Five minutes

“Was she carrying anything
like maybe she’d gone shopping or something?”

“Nope, empty

What about her

“She’s on foot. If she was
driving, we wouldn’t know the garage is on the other side and since
we weren’t watching her, we didn’t take notice.”

“Okay thanks.” I still had
that niggling feeling in my gut something was not right.

“Colt, did you put a
tracking device under Kat’s jeep?”

“No. Why?” All her trackers
were inside hidden in the dashboard.

He opened his hand to show
me the tracker in the evidence bag.

“Son of a bitch.” This
wasn’t my brand, someone had placed a tracker on my fucking wife.
It wasn’t too much of a stretch to figure out who and

“That bitch did this the day
of the accident. That’s why she needed to get under Kat’s

“But why there, why didn’t
she do it while Kat was out shopping or something? That was a bit
risky and the question still remains if you’re right

“Fuck if I know but I’m
going to find out.”

“Colt, I don’t think that’s
a good idea, stay with the girls. I’ll handle it.”

“No way, my family, my

“Son, I’ve pretty much kept
my nose out of things but you can’t handle everything this way. If
this person has done this, then we’ll figure it out. We might have
her prints on this since we’ve retrieved them in the process of a
crime. I can get it taken care of faster.”

“They won’t be of any help
to you. I’ve already tried that.”

“What how?” I just looked at
him without answering. He got the message and sighed in

“Look, just promise me you
won’t do anything stupid okay. You have a young child who needs

“I’m good Drake. Can I get
them out of here now?”

I saw Jared pull up with one
of my trucks. It was time to get my family home behind closed
doors. I went and got them from the back of the cruiser.

“Let’s go baby.” I took the
baby from her and with my hand in the small of her back, led her to
the truck. Buckling her in, I went back to get the baby seat since
there wasn’t one in this truck. After I got them situated, I drove
us home leaving my crew behind to watch over shit until the last
cop left. I wanted to know everything.


“Not now Kat.” I looked back
at my daughter to make sure she was okay, she was nodding off but
there was never going to be a time when she saw her dad yelling at
her mom. Not fucking ever.

I know my wife had already
been through a lot. I know she’s scared but I also know that if
she’d done what I told her to, none of this would’ve happened. She
doesn’t get it, I tell her one thing, and she does another. I don’t
care if it was my mom calling, she had no right, and she damn sure
had no right taking my kid.

Back at the house, I let
them in and headed to my office.

“Colt, talk to

“Go put the baby down

I wasn’t doing this with her
right now. I didn’t even want to turn her over my knee for being
stupid I just wanted her out of my face. I know that that too would
hurt her but right now, I didn’t really give a fuck. I could be
standing over both of them at the fucking morgue right now because
of her stupidity. It was finally settling in what could’ve happened
to them. That’s a lonely stretch of road, no one hardly ever drives
there. What if this nut had been carrying a fucking gun and had got
out to finish the job?

I have to figure this shit
out and fast. The thought of her being in the same room as my
family tomorrow was no longer acceptable. I had to get into her
apartment, but how? I didn’t want her anywhere near my mother and
sisters either or I’d ask Elena to take her out shopping or
something. How the fuck do I get her out of the

I sat with my head in my
hand trying to figure it out but nothing came to me. It wasn’t long
before I heard the bikes piling into my driveway. I went downstairs
to let the guys in and they filed in one by one.

“The heat tested the skid
marks. It was a definite hit, no accident. The girls were run off
the road. The guy who saw the whole thing says the person slammed
into them once and when that didn’t work, they pulled back and
gunned it. That’s what sent them over the side. Apparently, Kat has
some skills, because she kept it from flipping.”

“Yeah, her father and I
taught her defensive driving. We’ve got something to do. I can’t
wait for tomorrow for this shit. I know it’s this chick doing all
this. I’m not giving her another shot at my family no fucking

“What are we doing, going

“Yeah Jared I’m going in. I
need to find out who she is.”

“What if we’re

“I don’t think so. The guys
said they saw some new chick going in and out of the building,
someone they don’t know. What are the odds of two unknowns in our
vicinity in a week? I don’t trust it.”

“Okay let’s go.”

“I’m not leaving my girls
here alone, Caitlin’s asleep. I have to wait until she gets up and
take them to my mom and dad’s. Shoulda thought of that before I
brought them here but I wasn’t thinking straight, fuck, I need a

I walked over to the bar and
got a shot of whiskey, my head was fucked up. All I wanted was to
give my little girl the best first Xmas I possibly could but this
shit was taking precedence when I didn’t want it to. And what the
fuck am I doing? This bitch came into my territory and fucked with
my girls and I’m doing what? Nothing, waiting for fingerprints and
shit. I know for a fact that she’s the one behind this shit. I
should’ve taken care of her the first time my gut warned me, well
enough of this shit.

“Listen, I need to get into
that apartment. I don’t care if she knows it or not. I’m just gonna
go over there and take care of this shit.”

“We’re with you Lyon. So how
do you want to do this?”

“I’m just gonna go over
there and turn that place upside down until I find out who the fuck
she is and what this is all about.”

“Should we call Drake and
get him in on this?”

“Nah no law. Who the fuck is
that?” There was someone at the door going crazy on the

“Drake what are you doing

I stepped back to let him
in, he’s the last person I wanted to see right now.

“Hey guys what’s going on?”
He looked around the room at the guys scattered around the

“Hey Drake, what’s

“Everything’s cool. Colt, I
need to see you.” We walked to the other side of the

“What are you guys planning
Colton, you know you can’t go all crazy here. Cy is already getting
his shotgun and talking crazy and I’m sure Jared isn’t too far
behind. I need you to calm this situation down. They’re your guys
they’ll listen to you. There was a young kid there. I’m sure your
guys already told you since they questioned as many people as we
did. He saw the whole thing and you’re right, it wasn’t an
accident, at least not the way he described it.”

“It’s that bitch, I told you
people there was no accident. If you’d listened to me, we could’ve
avoided this shit. Now my kid is scared out her fucking mind and my
wife is a wreck.” And you’d left her up there alone Colt because
your anger was more important than taking care of her,

“Who is this person? You
still don’t have any ideas on that?

“That’s what I’m about to
find out.”

“Wait what do you

“Nothing, stay out of it

“No I won’t stay out of it,
that’s my kid and grandkid. Listen Colt I love the way you take
care of them, the way you watch over them but this is something
best left to the law. We don’t have any idea who this chick is or
who else might be involved in this thing whatever it is. Let me do
my thing, tomorrow is the holiday you should be looking forward to
spending time with your daughter for her first Xmas let me handle

I heard what he was saying
but there was no way I was leaving my family’s care and protection
to someone else. That’s not what a man does. No one is going to
fuck with what’s mine and get away with it.

“You know I can’t do that. I
appreciate the offer but I have to handle this shit. She ran my
wife and kid off the fucking road.”

“Okay, tell me what you plan
on doing. How are you going to take care of it?”

“I think it’s best. You
don’t know anything about that.”

“See, I can’t let you do
that son. We have to handle this legally. You can’t go off half
cocked like some vigilante and take matters into your own hands. I
told you to give me some time and we’ll get on it. If we go after
her now without all the facts we could screw everything

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