Made For Sex (21 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: Made For Sex
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They went back into the living room. “Carla, pour everyone another glass of champagne,” Ronnie said. “You two,” she said to the men, “sit down.”

The two men dropped into chairs while Carla poured wine. “You've called the shots so far,” Ronnie said. “Now it's my turn.” When neither man answered, Ronnie knew she had been right. “Each of you close your eyes. Picture the rest of the evening. Play it in your mind like a movie—picture it exactly as you wish it would happen. Now, Glen, you first. Tell me precisely what you see.” When Glen hesitated Ronnie said, “Do it now.”

“This is very difficult.”

Carla walked behind Glen's chair, cradled the back of his head in the valley between her breasts, and glided her hands down the front of his shirt. “I know it is, baby,” she murmured. “Tell me. Are we making love? Are we fucking good?”

“Yes, but before….”

“Tell me, baby.” She bent over his shoulder and placed her ear next to his lips. “Whisper it to me.”

“Ronnie's making me do things to you.” The words exploded from his mouth and his body shook.

“What things? Tell me, baby,” Carla whispered.

When he was silent, Ronnie said, “You must tell us, Glen. Do it.”

“Oh Carla. Ronnie's forcing me to spank you. And she's forcing Vic to watch everything.”

Ronnie knelt in front of Vic, whose eyes were still closed as he fantasized about the evening. She placed her hands on his thighs. His body would tell her even if his words didn't. “What do you see, Vic? What are you doing?” When he was silent, Ronnie continued. “You must tell me.” She had heard what Glen said. “Am I making you watch? Are you getting hard?” When he remained silent, she continued, “Am I spanking you, too?”

“No,” he whispered.

Ronnie knew there was something else, but Vic was unable to tell her what it was. “Vic, put your mouth close to my ear. Now, whisper. Say, ‘Please don't make me…' and end the sentence.”

She felt him shudder as he whispered. Now she knew. “It's all right, baby,” she said. “I'll make it all right.”

Carla stared at her friend. She had no idea how Ronnie sensed the things she did, and got men to admit to their darkest sexual fantasies, but she felt the level of tension in the room increase moment by moment.

Ronnie stalked to the closet. She took out a wooden coat hanger and slapped it on her high boot. She pulled off her sweater and skirt and revealed a tight black satin teddy and black stockings. She settled comfortably on the couch, one ankle resting on the opposite knee. She slapped the hanger against the leather as she spoke. “Glen and Vic, shirts, shoes, and socks off. Now.” The two men hurried to comply.

Ronnie's boots, Carla realized, hadn't been an accident nor had the underwear. Somehow Ronnie had known. “Vic, sit here,” Ronnie said, indicating the spot on the sofa next to her, “and Glen, close your eyes and stand facing Carla. Now, touch Carla's face. Describe it to me. Tell me how it feels and smells and tastes.”

Glen gazed into Carla's eyes, then closed his eyes and touched her face. “Her skin is so smooth. She smells of perfume, exotic and eastern.” He licked her cheek. “Her skin tastes of salt and spice.” He ran a fingertip over her lips. “Her lips are soft and warm.”

“Now, Glen, open your eyes and undress Carla. Do it slowly and describe her body for us as you do. Blouse first.”

Glen slowly unbuttoned Carla's blouse and slipped it from her arms. “Her skin is smooth and pale. There are no marks from the sun anywhere, just white skin.” He touched his tongue to the pulse of her neck. “Her neck is slender and she tastes and feels smooth under my tongue.”

“Do you want to take her bra off? Taste and feel her tits?”

“Yes,” Glen whispered.

“Then do it.”

Glen unfastened Carla's bra and took it off. “Her breasts are gorgeous. I saw her body last week, but I never realized how beautiful her tits were.” He filled a palm with one large breast and lifted. “They're heavy and fill my hand. Her nipples are delectable,” he grazed her areola with his tongue, “and so soft.”

“Do they get hard if you suck them?” Ronnie asked, idly rubbing her hand over Vic's chest.

Glen drew one tight tip into his mouth and pulled. “Yes. Hard and warm.”

“Use your champagne to flavor them,” Ronnie said.

Glen smiled and picked up his glass. He slowly trickled cool liquid down one breast, then licked it off her erect nipple. “Vic,” Ronnie said, “the other one.”

Vic jumped up, dribbled champagne down Carla's other breast, and sucked it off. Carla's breath caught in her throat and her knees wobbled. Pleasure knifed through her.

“Vic,” Ronnie said, tapping the sofa with the coat hanger, “over here.” Again he sat beside her. “That's good,” Ronnie said. “Now Glen, pull off her slacks and panties.”

Glen unzipped Carla's pants and pulled both slacks and undies off in one motion. “Tell us about her body, Glen,” Ronnie said.

“Her stomach is flat and her belly button is very deep.” He flicked his tongue into her navel. “Tastes smoky. And I can smell the aroma of her cunt.”

“Feel her pussy. Is she ready for fucking?”

Glen ran his fingers through her pubic hair. “Yes, she's steaming.”

“That means we're ready for the next part.” Ronnie got up and turned one of the chairs from the dinner table to face the group. “Sit there, Glen. And Carla, you know what you must do. As they say, assume the position.”

Glen sat on the chair and Carla lay across his thighs. He stroked the gorgeous globes laying so invitingly across his lap, delightfully crushing his erection. “Spank her on one cheek, hard.” Glen raised his hand and brought it down on Carla's bottom.

“Again.” He did. “Again.”

After a few minutes, Carla whispered, “Popcorn.”

“Oh, poor Carla,” Ronnie said. “Her poor ass is so sore. Glen, make it feel better.”

Glen stroked Carla's flaming bottom, caressing each cheek softly. “Does she feel good?” Ronnie asked.

“Yes, very soft and very hot.”

“Does her hot bottom make you hot as well?”

“Absolutely,” he said. “I want to fuck her.”

“Not yet!” She reached down and held Glen's cock. “Neither Carla nor I have climaxed yet. Lie on the floor.”

When Glen was stretched out on the carpet, Carla impaled herself on his erection and Ronnie crouched over his face. As his cock serviced one woman, his mouth serviced the other. Vic squeezed Ronnie's breast in one hand and fingered Carla's clit with the other and the two women climaxed almost simultaneously, then Glen screamed and came.

“You've been so patient,” Ronnie said to Vic. “Now you get your reward.” She snapped her fingers and Vic stretched out on the sofa. Carla licked one side of his fully erect penis and Ronnie licked the other. The two women licked in perfect unison, until thick come spurted from Vic's member.

Vic looked at Ronnie and smiled. “Holy shit.”

“Precisely,” Glen said.

Later, as Ronnie and Carla were leaving, Vic and Glen stood at the door. “Next time I'm in town?” Vic said.

“Love to,” Carla said.

“Just give me a call,” Ronnie said. “You both know the number.”


got a catalog in the mail a few weeks ago,” Bryce said to Carla as they entered the paneled room one evening in early spring. “And I did some shopping.” He put a large cardboard box down on a wooden bench.

From the expectancy in his voice, Carla assumed that he wasn't talking about new shirts or remaindered books. “And…?”

“And I bought us a few new toys. I know Ronnie has a bunch of stuff here, but I wanted some things of our own. Why don't you get undressed?” As Carla took off her clothes, Bryce opened the box and pulled out his first purchase, two pairs of handcuffs. “Come here.” He kissed Carla firmly, cupping her firm buttocks and squeezing her cheeks. He nibbled on her neck, then fastened one cuff to each wrist. “Now let's see….”

Carla had a general idea of what was to come. She and Bryce had played here often and several of their fantasies had become regular games. They had learned to easily communicate their desires. Often an evening started with one fantasy and veered off in another direction midway through. But, no matter what scene they enacted, they always ended up truly satisfied.

Bryce backed Carla against a wall and fastened the cuffs so her wide-spread arms were stretched over her head. “Nice. I love to see you like that, exposed and vulnerable.” He took a sip of his wine. “Tonight, you need to learn a new sexual lesson.”

“And what might that be?” Carla asked, her body already wet and hot, ready for whatever Bryce wanted to teach her.

“Patience,” he said.

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“Tonight I'm going to see how far I can push you. It's a game that we're both going to win. As they say so dramatically in those romance novels you're so fond of, ‘I'm going to make you beg for me.'”

“I'll beg right now. I want you and you know it. And you want me too.”

“Of course I do, but tonight is a contest. I want to make you want me like you've never wanted anything before. I want to push your need as high as it will go, tear it down, and push it higher still.”

“This isn't supposed to be an endurance contest,” Carla said.

“An endurance contest might be fun.” Bryce took out his wallet, counted out ten one-hundred-dollar bills and placed them on the bed. He pulled a timer from the bag and set it for fifteen minutes. “I'm putting this right here,” he said as he set the timer on a bench. “If you can hold out until it goes off, the money is yours.”

“This is nuts,” Carla said, intrigued. “You already paid me for the evening.”

“I know that, but this is a wager. I'll bet you that I can make you so hot that you'll say, ‘Fuck me,' before the timer goes off. Of course, if you should climax you lose.”

“Why are you doing this?” Carla asked, truly puzzled.

“I love making love with you,” Bryce said, “but I've always felt that you're so busy giving me pleasure that you never reach your own limit. I want to extend you, push you to the ultimate.” He grinned at the beautiful woman spread-eagled against the wall. “Is it a bet?”

“Let's get this straight. If I can keep from asking you to fuck me until that thing bings, I win a thousand dollars?”


“And if I fail?”

“You get the best damn fuck you've ever had.”

“That sounds too good to pass up.”

Bryce slid his hand up the inside of Carla's thigh, past the top of her stocking, and brushed the crotch of her panties. “You're soaked already,” he said, rubbing her crotch lightly. “Want me to fuck you right now?”

“I can wait,” Carla said, feeling the electricity that always jolted her body when Bryce touched her. She liked Bryce a lot and would have dated him without the money, but he always insisted on paying. He tried to explain that it made it easier for him. And whether or not she truly understood his reasons, she knew that he could afford their frequent rendezvous and Carla enjoyed watching the boys' college fund grow.

Bryce pressed his fully clothed body against Carla, entwined his hands in hers, and placed his mouth against her ear. He traced the tip of his tongue across her sensitive skin and whispered, “Remember, just say ‘Fuck me' whenever you're ready.” He bit the tip of her earlobe, then kissed a fiery path along her jaw and down the pulse in her neck.

“You'll have to do better than that.”

“If that's a dare,” he said, “I'll take you up on it.” He opened the box and pulled out a jar. “This is called Slippery Stuff,” he said, opening the jar and tasting a bit. “Strawberry.” He rubbed some of the goo on Carla's nipples, then withdrew another package from the box. “These are nipple suction cups. I thought about getting clips, but I know you don't enjoy real pain and those things hurt. But these, well according to the package,” he said, reading the cardboard, “these are supposed to ‘create the erotic sensation of love-sucking.' Let's see.”

“That's not fair,” Carla said, heat rising through her belly.

“It's my game and I decide what's fair.” He held the silver-dollar-sized suction cups where she could see them, then attached one to each already-erect nipple. “Are they right? Do they feel like my mouth?”

“Not really,” Carla said, “but they're exciting just the same.”

Bryce's fingers danced over her breasts as the suction cups enhanced the sensation. “They make your skin blush,” he said. “Want to stop?”

Carla's hips moved of their own volition, but she said, “Not a chance.”

“Good.” He pulled another cardboard-and-plastic-wrapped package from the box. “Here we have a pair of ‘Vibrating Ben-Wa Balls.' It says, ‘Guaranteed to give maximum vaginal or anal pleasure.' You'll be happy to know that I even thought to bring batteries.” Agonizingly slowly, Bryce put batteries into the control pack, then inserted the one-inch balls deep into Carla's vagina. “Now, let's see how this works.” He pushed the slider so the balls hummed.

Vibrations filled her body. “Shit, Bryce,” Carla said. “Oh God.”

“One more thing,” Bryce said, pulling another toy from the box. “An anal plug.” As he unwrapped the plastic, he continued. “We've played with these before, but this is our very own, just made for your sweet little ass.” He held the almost-two-inch-wide dildo in front of Carla's face. “See how big it is?” He rubbed the thick phallus through the over-sensitive valley between her breasts.

“That won't fit inside of me,” Carla said, squirming. The vibrations still filled her cunt and the suction on her nipples made them almost unbearably sensitive.

“Let's see,” he said. “Make it wet.” He pressed the tip against Carla's lips. “Open,” he snapped. Carla took the thick plastic cock into her mouth and slid her tongue over the plastic.

“Good,” Bryce said. “I wonder how this will feel pressing against those vibrating balls in your pussy.” It took only a little pressure to insert the dildo into Carla's rear.

“Oh God,” Carla screamed. “Too much.”

“Don't forget that if you come, you lose.”

Carla gritted her teeth, trying to think about cold showers or trips to the dentist. It didn't help.

Suddenly, the timer sounded and Carla sighed.

“Good girl,” Bryce said. “You win. Now, how about double or nothing for another fifteen minutes.”

Carla's eyes were glazed and she was unsure whether she could last much longer. “Done,” she said, deciding she could hold out, or at least try.

“Wonderful.” He stood up and took a video tape from his jacket pocket. “This toy's a little unusual. Do you remember two men with whom you made a movie several months ago? Dean and Nicky.”

“I remember,” she hissed through gritted teeth. She was on fire and it took all of her concentration not to surrender to the pleasure.

“Well, when you told me about it I was curious. I called Tim who put me in touch with Dean and he made me a copy.” He brandished the unmarked video cassette. “Now I want to watch it.”

He turned on the TV and slipped the tape into the VCR. Familiar images appeared on the screen. For several minutes Bryce rubbed his hands over her body while, on the screen, Nicky kissed her as she lay on the couch of the hotel suite. As the scene changed to the bedroom, Bryce's hands became more demanding. Suddenly, almost angrily, Bryce removed the toys from her body, unfastened her wrists, and almost dragged her to the bed.

Bryce pulled down his jeans and briefs and forced his cock into her mouth. “Do me just the way you did him. Hold my cock with your free hand just like that.”

Carla squeezed the base of Bryce's cock and his sac the way she had Nicky's, effectively keeping him from climaxing. Watching the TV screen, she sucked his erection. “Now,” he cried and she released her hand so his hot semen could fill her mouth. As he came, the film ended.

Moments later, the timer sounded again. “You win,” Bryce said, burying his face in her muff. “Come for me, baby.” He licked her clit and fucked her cunt with his fingers until she, too, came.

Although her orgasm was wonderful, Carla was disappointed that Bryce has given up the game so easily. As he lay silently beside her she knew that something was wrong. “Tell me,” she said softly, wrapping her arms around his waist and placing her head on his shoulder.


“Bryce, that's not fair. If there's something you don't want to talk about, that's fine, just say so. But don't insult me by saying that nothing's wrong.”

Bryce sighed and stroked her hair. A few moments later he said, “Seeing you like that bothered me in a way I didn't expect.”

“I'm sorry that it upset you.”

“I guess I care about you more than I thought I did. It surprises and scares me.” When Carla remained silent he continued, “Would you consider giving this all up?”


“I suddenly realize that you mean more to me than I thought and I'm suddenly very bothered by the thought of you with other men.”


Bryce placed a finger across her lips. “Let me finish. I've spent a few days with your parents and your boys and I like all of them very much. If everything works out, eventually we could get married. You know that I'm very well-off, financially, and I'd make sure your boys' college was provided for. You wouldn't need to do this to earn money.”

“But that's not the reason I do this,” Carla said. “Sure, the money's nice, but I really enjoy giving pleasure and discovering new games in bed. And when the men that I'm with discover that their darkest fantasy isn't really so terrible, well, it makes me feel so valuable.”

“We have fun together and there's nothing we couldn't do together, in or out of bed.”

Carla patted Bryce's hand. “I know that, but this is what I want to do right now.”

“But I love you. I want you to be part of my life forever.”


“Of course. I guess I didn't realize it until now.” He kissed her. “I love you,” he whispered against her lips. “I guess it just takes a jolt like that movie to make me realize it.”

“Oh Bryce,” Carla said, pressing her lips against his. “I love you.” But I love this too, she said to herself.

“Think about it. Please.”

The following Monday morning, Carla and Ronnie sat across from each other in the living room of the brownstone. “Bryce proposed last Thursday,” Carla said.

“That's great.” Ronnie jumped up, wrapped her arms around her friend, and squeezed Carla. “What did you tell him? Should I break out the champagne?”

Carla sighed. “I told him that I loved him, but now I don't know. I think I said it because he did. Of course I'm very fond of him, but I don't know whether it's love. His offer is tempting: security, affection, and good sex. But although he told me he does, I don't think he loves me, at least not yet.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Well, for one thing, we haven't spoken since last Thursday. You'd think that he'd have called over the weekend. I think the ‘I love you' was sort of an afterthought, that his sudden decision to get serious is about me and this business. I think the thought of me with other men bothers him a lot.”

“If he loves you, it would.”

“Jealousy and possessiveness aren't love. Jack loves you and he understands. I think what Bryce is saying is ‘I want you to love me so much that you'll give up fucking other men for money.'” Carla told Ronnie about the video that precipitated Bryce's proposal. “Bryce is a wonderful man, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm not in love with him. Maybe some time in the future, but not now. And I enjoy what you and I do.”

“I know.”

“It's a tough decision.”

“I don't think it would be a difficult choice if you really loved him.”

“You may be right.”

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