Madison's Quest (24 page)

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Authors: Jory Strong

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He laughed. Kurt whispered in his ear, “Give it to me.

Shane read off the numbers and letters, the click of a
keyboard accompanying each one.

“Okay, here it is. A red 2014 Audi R8 Spyder registered to
Reed, Marlowe, Mercer and Levin.”

No surprise there. That was the San Francisco law firm
funneling Bio-dad’s money to Madison. “Thanks, man.”

“So we’re good?”

“Paid in full.”

He lowered the phone.

Madison said, “Whoever that was really did owe you money.”


Mischievousness glinted in Madison’s eyes.

Shane’s pulse sped, straight from his heart to his cock,
returning it to the same hard state that’d existed when he left the shower.

“What do I owe you, in exchange for calling in the favor?”
she asked, husky-voiced, setting aside the brochure in favor of curling a
feminine hand around his dick.

He shuddered with the rub of her thumb over his cock head.
He ditched the phone and slid lower, stretching out full length, wanting Tyler
to watch his cock slide into Madison.

“Suggest something,” he said.

She straddled him, her hand moving up and down on his shaft,
both of them aware of the way the sheet draped across Tyler’s lap tented.

Shane grinned. He’d been prepared to suffer for the cause,
but who said he had to suffer alone.

He cupped Madison’s breasts, pressed his thumbs against hard
nipples, circled. “Kurt owed me a lot of money.
A lot

She laughed, touched his cock head to her slick opening.

He thrust but her grip on his dick prevented him from

“Will this cover the bill?” she asked, sultry-voiced,
lowering herself, allowing just his cock head inside her, moving up and down on

“Not even close, babe.”

She took another inch, fucked herself on him, the desire to
take charge, to roll her to her back and pound into her offset by the
excitement of Tyler seeing his dick going in and out of her, getting slick with
Madison’s heated arousal.

Shane clamped his fingers on her nipples, loved the way her
eyes darkened and her lips parted.

“How about this?” she asked, taking him deeper, inner
muscles clamping on him when Tyler shoved the sheet down and fisted his own

“Getting closer to payoff,” Shane panted, all bets off as
she took him deeper, lifting then lowering, rising again until his breath
caught in a heartbeat of fear that the contact would be lost.

The need to come built with each tormenting slide of his
cock in and out of her. He staved it off long enough to use his fingers on her
clit and send her over first, and then he gave in to the rush of ecstasy.

She stretched out on top of him like a satisfied cat. He
grinned, nearly purred in satisfaction himself at seeing that Tyler’s abs and
chest were now as messy as his had been earlier.

Tyler rolled off the bed and padded toward the bathroom,
stealing Shane’s attention.

When his gaze returned to Madison there was knowledge in her
eyes. His heartbeat quickened even as he realized that he felt easier about
coming out, surer now that he and Tyler had been with her.

He was ready to get everything out in the open, including
where he wanted this thing with Madison to go after she’d gotten to the end of
Bio-dad’s quest. Not that he didn’t feel a hit of relief when she asked, “Paid
in full?”


She bit his bottom lip.

“Yes. Paid in full.”

She sucked the lip she’d bitten. Followed that with a kiss
and then a string of them as Tyler occupied the shower.

Tyler emerged from the bathroom.

Shane willed him back to bed, but wasn’t surprised when Tyler
said, “Anybody interested in finding the Spyder?”

Madison rolled off. “Stanford here we come.”

And I go back to being good, waiting Tyler out.

Tyler claimed the backseat. Madison the shotgun seat. As
they got on the freeway, she said, “Want to bet how many clues are left before
the meet with Bio-dad?”

Tyler groaned. “Now I know he’s corrupted you.”

“What are the stakes?” Shane asked.

“Winner gets to play out a sexual fantasy,
within reason
and it can only involve the three of us. If there are two winners they can

He grinned. “No losers in other words.”


“I’m going to start charging you for using my line.”

“You can run a tab. Maybe I’ll pay up, maybe I won’t.”

Her smile said he was certainly welcome to try and make her
pay in the event that she didn’t.

“You in, Tyler?” he asked.

“I’m in. I say there aren’t any more clues. He’s told Madison
the stuff he doesn’t have the guts to tell her in person. Whatever we find in
the car will lead directly to the meet with Bio-Dad.”

Shane tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “Yeah, that
feels right to me too. The license plate was a give. He’s done with the walk
down memory lane. No more clues.”

“One more,” Madison said. “And I think he’ll leave it up to
me whether or not we meet.”

“No way,” Shane said. “Tyler?”

“On the fence with that one. No, I’m with Madison, but only
because he’s counting on her being curious about Bio-mom.”

The erratic movement of headlights had Shane watching the
rearview mirror. “We’ve got a couple of idiots behind us.”

Two cars were coming fast, moving back and forth between the
lanes, weaving around and between other vehicles, a light-colored car that
turned out to be silver when illuminated by headlights.

Tyler turned in his seat. “Racing.”

The silver car reached a big rig just edging past an SUV
towing a trailer. It ducked between the eighteen-wheeler and the SUV, then sped

The dark car accelerated. It screamed past the trucker.
Whipped in front of him, trying to catch the first car.

Shane moved left to give them plenty of room.

The silver car crossed to the lane he was in.

The dark car put on a burst of speed, catching and racing
alongside the silver.

Shane saw the rear passenger window of the silver car blow
out. “Shooters! Get down. Get down!”

Madison and Tyler ducked. He jammed the accelerator but the
two cars were on him before he could do anything more evasive.

The silver car wheeled to the left, onto the highway

The dark car swerved right, sandwiching the Jeep.

He caught glimpses of the drivers and one passenger.

The Jeep’s backseat passenger windows became a thousand
pieces of glass.

He slammed on the brakes throwing his upper body to the

Both his window and the one next to Madison were hit.

A rapid burst of gunfire came from in front of him, the two
drivers and their passengers still going at it.

He cautiously raised his head. The dark car had fallen
behind the silver, both of them probably doing a hundred.

Fuck! Fuck! “Everybody okay?”

“I’m good.” From Tyler.

“I’m okay.” From Madison.

He heard another round of gunfire but sat all the way up and
got the Jeep onto the freeway shoulder.

The eighteen-wheeler that’d been behind them pulled onto the
shoulder well in front of them.

Shane hit the interior light.

Madison was pale and shaking. He gave her a once over,
breathed again at seeing there was no blood.

“I’m okay,” she repeated, catching his worry.

She released the shoulder harness and belt. It reeled into
place, showering her with more fragmented safety glass.

They both turned toward Tyler.

“I’m good,” he said, opening his door.

They got out of the Jeep.

Glass fell off their clothes and onto the ground. Slivers of
it still clung to them.

It didn’t matter.

The instant they were together, they held each other.
Tyler’s arms around Madison. Her arms around him. His around them both.

“Fuck that was close.” And fuck if he was going to wait any

He fisted his hands in Tyler’s shirt, forced himself to meet
Tyler’s eyes, Madison held tight between them. “I’m bi. If you’re not, then
we’re going to have to figure out how to handle it when we’re together,
especially when the three of us get naked.”

Not exactly a declaration of love, but…

A shudder went through Tyler.

Shane’s heart dumped into his guts.

“It’s the same for me,” Tyler said, heart thundering,
becoming a battering ram that was no longer willing to allow his fear of loss
to stand as a barricade.

His arms tightened on Madison. He resisted the urge to bury
his face in her hair.

“It’s the same for me,” he repeated, not looking away from

Shane flashed a wicked smile. “Wouldn’t be surprised to
learn Grandma M saw this coming—or at least some of it.”

A tightening of arms and the hug ended.

The female driver of the eighteen-wheeler reached them, a
blonde with a short haircut and a feminine body camouflaged by a Pearl Jam
T-shirt that ended at her upper thighs.

“Everyone okay here?” she asked.

“Shaken,” Tyler said. “But nobody hit. Nobody hurt.”

“I called it in,” the driver said. “Twice. First as idiots
racing. Second as someone shooting.”

“Did you get the plate numbers?” Shane asked.

“No. They came off the ramp and whizzed past me too quickly.

Shane shook his head. “More focused on trying to get out of
their way.”

She jammed her hands into her back pockets. “Probably a gang
battle that spilled onto the freeway. Nothing to do but wait for the Highway
Patrol to show.”

Tyler thought they’d never get back to his place.

Years of pent-up longing, all the lust he’d battled and
suppressed since Madison’s entry into their lives, the agony of wanting but not
having when the three of them had been together in the hotel room…

How easily it could all have ended before it’d truly, fully

Need pulsed through him, and kept pulsing through him as
they waited for the Highway Patrol, then gave their statements, including a
promise to draw the men Shane had seen and forward the pictures, then drove

Time crawled, only to speed up with breathtaking force at
what was about to happen, at the magnitude of the step he was about to take. He
was bi, but his partners, male and female, had all been casual. He’d never
risked his heart, never been willing to chance having his world shattered—until
Madison, until now.

They entered the house and any lingering fear disappeared in
a blaze of white heat when Madison hooked her hand in his jeans, her fingers
sliding beneath the waistband of his underwear and along his cock.

His breath caught. Pleasure and need pounded through him.

“I feel like I’ve got glass slivers sticking to my skin,”
she said. “Shower first. Since there’s not room for three, if you two want to
go ahead…”

His cock pulsed against her hand in a yes vote.

Shane crowded in behind her. “Only if you watch.”

Anticipation shuddered through Tyler. How many times had he
fantasized about this, he and Shane in the shower?

She kicked off her shoes. Dropped her jeans.

“There’s no point in tracking fragments through the house.”

She peeled off her tank top. A couple of small pieces of
glass that’d probably been in her hair dropped onto the floor.

Bra and boy shorts and socks followed.

The sight of Madison naked had him stripping out of his
clothing and Shane doing the same. And like a siren, she led them to the

Tyler got into the shower, then Shane did, both of them
conscious of Madison on the other side of the clear-glass door—neither of them

He turned on the water. In silent accord they rinsed first,
then stood facing each other.

“You’re sure?” Shane asked, heart-meltingly tentative, so
unlike the Shane he’d watched in action for years.

“Are you?”

“It’ll change things.”

Tyler glanced at Madison, then met Shane’s eyes. “Things
have already changed.”


And that was pure Shane, a gambler like Lyric and Braden
were, never afraid to go after what they wanted and take chances to get it.

Except…in this case.

“How long?” Tyler asked.

“How long have I known I swung both ways? Or how long have I
wanted this with you?”


“Since senior year, though there were stretches I was able
to deny it. You?”

“Ninth grade. I figured it was a crush I’d grow out of.”

Shane grinned. All trace of tentativeness gone.

“Looks like you didn’t,” Shane said, his hand encircling
Tyler’s cock. “Looks like I didn’t either.”

Ecstasy nearly dropped Tyler to his knees. His buttocks
clamped. His cock pulsed against Shane’s hand and wept precum.

Heart hammering, he reached for Shane. One hand capturing
Shane’s cock, the other grasping the hair at the back of Shane’s head.

Need whipped through Tyler.

His mouth met Shane’s and years of hunger were unleashed.

He couldn’t hide what he felt. What he wanted.

His tongue thrust against Shane’s.

Their hands moved, stroked.

It felt too good to last. It
last, but the
desperation he felt didn’t scare him. It was only physical, only transitory.
And he wasn’t alone.

Shane’s hips jerked in time to his own. Shane’s need matched
his own.

It was raw, urgent, different than being with Madison but
made better by her watching, wanting this with them, for them.

Each thrust of tongue against tongue, each stroke of hands
took Tyler closer and closer to the edge.

He fought off coming. Knew Shane was doing the same, though
neither of them stopped stroking, stopped the squeeze and demand that came with
years of jerking off, of knowing where and how to touch a cock.

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