Madison's Quest (25 page)

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Authors: Jory Strong

BOOK: Madison's Quest
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The pressure built. A heat that filled his balls and
streaked up his spine.

Erupted on a moan, in a fiery release that was matched by the
fierce satisfaction of feeling the jerk and spasm of Shane’s cock.

The shower door opened.

Panting they broke apart.

“My turn,” Madison said, joining them.

The heat in her voice, in her eyes, went straight to Tyler’s

She soaped her hands, ran them over his body as he and Shane
ran theirs over hers, the tight space adding to the sense of intimacy.

Time became meaningless.

The flow of hot water only added to the heat building with
each caress.

Behind her, Shane’s smile turned wicked, drawing an answering
one from Tyler.

Shane cupped her breasts, the backs of his hands brushing
Tyler’s chest and sending a pulse of renewed need downward.

“So, was it good for you?” Shane asked.

She laughed, a husky sound Tyler had already come to crave.

“Are you asking me? Or Tyler?”

Shane kissed along her neck. “You.”

She covered one of Shane’s hands with hers, forced it down
to her pussy. “What do you think?”

“Yeah, you liked it.”

Tyler’s hand joined Shane’s, and Shane’s yielded in an
erotic substitution play.

Her clit was erect, swollen, a feminine version of their own

She moaned with the rub of Tyler’s fingers over it. He
kissed her, long and slow and deep, then kissed his way down her body, added
pleasure pouring into him with the feel of Shane’s hands in his hair.

He was hard again by the time he reached Madison’s pussy.
Hungry again, for her, for Shane.

He swirled his tongue around her clit, licked the underside,
the tiny, unprotected head.

Her hips bucked. Then bucked again when he took her clit
between his lips and sucked, loving the differences between her and Shane, loving
her cries. Loving her until Shane’s grip in his hair relentlessly forced him
upward, as if Shane was desperate to share the taste of her, to leave the
shower and share her.

Madison sank to her knees before either of them could stop
her. She captured their cocks, touched his penis to Shane’s.

His hips bucked. Shane’s bucked.

Shane moaned, driving his tongue into Tyler’s mouth, hunger
erupting with the sharing of Madison’s taste, with a fierce need that hadn’t
been quenched by bringing each other off with their hands, that would only rise
again and again, even after they’d finally fucked.

She put her mouth on them, filling Tyler’s head with white
heat. She rubbed her lips over their cocks, rubbed her tongue over them, turned
their dicks into matchsticks with the wrap of her hand around both of them, the
press of cock to cock.

She stroked. Up and down. Up and down.

His hips jerked in the same rhythm as Shane’s.

They ate each other’s mouths. Teeth clashing in an urgent
rush to get deeper, to have more, in a frustrated race that would only be
satisfied with penetration.

In a few more seconds they’d come on each other.

“No,” Shane panted. “Not like this.”

Shane’s hand dropped to her head. His fingers tangled in her

“Mad, stop. Stop. I want to come fucking.”

She released them, but their cocks strained toward one

“Let’s take this to my bedroom,” Tyler said, gripping his
cock, using pain to force back the urge to come before leaving the shower.

They toweled dry in a hurry. He gathered his damp hair into
a ponytail while Madison braided hers and Shane left his free.

When they reached his bedroom, she knelt at one corner of
the mattress rather than get in the middle. She cupped her pussy, drawing their
eyes there. Locking them there with the spread of her labia, the arrival of her
other hand and the play of feminine fingers on her clit, the slide of them into
her slit.

Tyler fisted his cock. Stroked himself in time to her movement.

“You want to watch again, Mad?” Shane said, husky-voiced,
coming up behind him, the press of Shane’s cock to his buttocks sending heat
spiking through Tyler’s shaft.

Her eyes darkened, dared. Her tongue darted out, reminding
them of the pleasure she’d delivered with her mouth.

“What do you think?”

“I think you should get what you want,” Shane said, his hand
coming around, forcing Tyler’s away from his cock.

Tyler moaned, his back arching at having Shane’s hot fist
wrap around his dick, stroking. Shane’s mouth on his neck, sucking, kissing.
Shane’s other hand on his nipple, rubbing, tugging.

“I’m not going to last,” Tyler panted.

Shane laughed. “I know the feeling.”

It didn’t stop the movement of Shane’s hands or the play of
his mouth. But Tyler wasn’t completely powerless.

He pressed his ass against Shane’s cock, felt the heat, the
throb, the slick head, the rock of Shane’s hips. He knew the exact instant when
Shane had had enough.

“How do you want it?” Shane asked on a moan.

His buttocks clenched. “From behind.”


“In the nightstand.”

Shane released him.

Tyler placed his knees on the edge of the bed. He dropped
onto his hands and Madison rewarded him by closing the distance, kissing him
before she pressed her nipple to his lips.

He latched on. Sucked. Fought against tensing, against
coming as Shane worked the lubricant in, and then worked his cock in, slowly
breaching him, slowly filling him.

Tyler closed his eyes, unable to keep them open in the
bombardment of pleasure.

One of Madison’s hands tangled in his hair. One of Shane’s
fisted his cock, and Tyler knew that all of the other losses in his life would
seem like nothing if he ever lost what he had with Shane and Madison.

Shane began thrusting. Pumping.

Madison’s quickened breathing added to the pleasure, finally
forcing his eyes open so he could watch her touch herself, so he could watch as
she matched her movements to Shane’s this time. Slow becoming fast becoming
inescapable release and shared intimacy.

She brought herself as Shane brought him. As Shane came,
partially collapsing afterward, the heat of his chest pressed to Tyler’s back
an unexpected dream come true.

Madison stretched on his bed, eyes half closed, a satisfied
smile on her face. And he wanted to see her like that all the way into old age.

Shane kissed his neck, sending a shiver a pleasure to
Tyler’s cock.

It pulsed in Shane’s grip and he felt Shane smile.

“Worth the wait?” Shane asked, his other hand covering
Tyler’s nipple.

Tyler’s heart did a little flip against Shane’s palm. “Definitely.”

“Good,” Shane said, pressing another kiss to his neck then
pulling out with a soft moan.

He padded toward the bathroom, the sight filling Tyler with
a weird feeling of wonder, a part of him finding it hard to believe that this
had really just happened.

Come sliding from between his own buttocks was testament
that it had, but…

He crawled forward, leaned down, kissed Madison, that kiss
extending until Shane entered the room.

Tyler left the bed. He reached Shane, sudden heat crawling
up his neck now that they were face to face.

 “So, you need the words?” Shane asked, fingers flattening,
rubbing over the nipple ring.

A swell of emotion bubbled up in Tyler.

I love you.
The words were there, had been in one
form or another for years. “Do you?”

Shane flashed a smile. “I’m good.”

“Me too.”

Though it didn’t stop him from leaning in, grasping a
handful of Shane’s hair, taking a kiss, offering one.

Fierce longing grabbed Madison at watching them together. This
was the happy-ever-after of her dreams.

Shane and Tyler broke apart, lips parted and wet.

Tyler disappeared into the bathroom.

Shane plopped down on the bed next to her with a pouty,
sensuous smile. “Satisfied now?”

She let him pull her into the moment.

She threw her leg over his, half lay on top of him. “Looking
for more ego strokes?”

He grinned. “Any more and there’ll be no more skin left on
my dick.”

She snickered. “Now there’s a romantic thought.”

He grasped a strand of her hair, curled it around his
fingers. “Put off Stanford until the morning?”

“Yes.” A spasm of ache went through her heart at the
reminder of Bio-dad’s quest, and how close she thought they were to the end of

Tyler returned, detouring to a dresser and coming back to
bed with a sketch pad and pencils.

“Promises to keep,” he said.

Madison rolled off Shane.

He made a sound of protest.

She laughed and said, “I’ve got to give the big head a
fighting chance.”

“Ah man, back to dissin’ me already?”

He sat up, claimed all the pillows and jammed them between
his back and the headboard.

 Tyler’s ability to draw out details, and get them on paper
amazed Madison, though she was on the verge of sleep by the time he pulled the third
image from Shane’s memory and left the room to send the pictures to the police.

She snuggled against Shane, welcomed the feel of Tyler’s
body against her back when he returned, her heart hungering to always have
this, to end each day in a cocoon of warmth whether or not she was the one in
its center.

They made love in the morning. Them on her, in her.

Tyler answering her question of the day before by lying on
top of Shane, taking Shane, their mouths locked together, bodies battling
toward release and finding ecstasy.

Alone in the shower afterward, Madison blinked back the
tears. This was the life she wanted. But she didn’t deserve to claim this
happy-ever-after when she hadn’t made good on her promise to Eli. When she
hadn’t accomplished anything.

Shane and Tyler were both successful. While she was just surviving
until she once again became a struggling musician whose real passion was

Wiping away the tears, she forced the churn of her emotions
downward, as if she could stuff them into one of the metal boxes that held
pieces of Bio-dad’s past.

She dried off and got dressed. They were waiting for her in
the kitchen, only this morning the thought of making breakfast, sitting at the
table together as if this was her everyday life, made her throat burn.

“Why don’t we grab something to eat on the way to Stanford?”

Their expressions shuttered.

“Sure,” Tyler said. “My car’s still parked at Shane’s.”

They passed the Jeep with its blown-out windows.

“Want to bet on how long it’s going to take until someone starts
a betting pool on what happened last night?” Shane asked, but the usual zest
was missing.

She couldn’t stand knowing that her avoidance when it came
to talking about their relationship was hurting them. She caught their hands,
entwined her fingers with theirs, squeezed, silently asking them to give her

Her eyes teared when they returned the squeeze. Shane
lightened the mood by swinging their two arms and then Tyler did the same, as
if they were kids and life was a playground.

They reached Shane’s house.

Tyler looked toward what must be Braden’s.

“You check on your girls and Braden’s going to get a read on
the situation,” Shane said.

“Think I’ll hold off on that.”

She claimed the backseat. Shane rode shotgun.

They grabbed breakfast burritos then cruised the Stanford

It was Shane who spotted the Spyder.

When they reached it, Madison pulled the key from her

It slid into the lock on the driver’s side and turned

She opened the door and unlocked the passenger side.

Tyler went around while Shane leaned against the car.

She searched her side. Tyler searched the other.

“Nothing,” she said.

“Same here. Pop the trunk.”

She did and the two of them joined Shane at the back of the

A thick manila envelope lay on carpeting.

Madison lifted it out of the trunk, opened the envelope and
glanced inside. “Newspaper clippings and pages ripped from magazines.”

“So who is he?” Shane asked.

She pulled the stack of papers upward without removing them
from the envelope. “His name has been blacked out.”

Shane’s shoulders sagged. “Fuck. So it’s another clue?”

“Looks like.” And remembering the bet they’d made after
leaving the hotel, she said, “I’ll start mulling over my various fantasies.”

Shane grinned and straightened. “There is that.”

“Back to my place?” Tyler asked.

Shane shut the trunk. “Works for me.”

She pushed the clippings into the envelope. They bunched and
didn’t go all the way in. She left them that way until they were at Tyler’s.

Pulling them all the way out, she saw the cause of the jam
and tilted the envelope, catching the Boy Scout badges and the heart-shaped locket.

was written on the back.

“Bio-mom’s,” Shane said at the same time Madison thought,

Thinking of Desiree like that felt…okay. It didn’t burden
her with guilt or divide her loyalties.

Madison opened it. On the left half was her mother’s
picture. On the right, one of her at two, along with a strand of hair.

“She must have given it to him when she surrendered me,”
Madison said, wondering if his hanging on to it meant he’d always intended to
one day meet her, or if he’d kept it like a talisman, as a reminder not to
screw up again.

The locket joined the pictures, the birth certificate, the
drum sticks, the clues and school keycard, on the table.

She looked at the two badges still in her hand. One had a
tent. The other had two bullets and what might be a pouch for gun powder.

“Camping and shooting,” she said. “Something he was proud
of? Or something that represents a good memory, to offset his being a junkie?”

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