Read Maid to Order Online

Authors: Rebecca Avery

Maid to Order (9 page)

BOOK: Maid to Order
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The female species as a whole thought with every square inch of their brains. Where men often just saw what was in front of them at the moment and dealt accordingly. Waiting for Amy to chew him out or tell him what was wrong was taking much longer than he cared to admit though.

He knew she was angry but at the same time she also seemed kind of resigned, as though she didn’t know where to go from here. However, he didn’t know what her current situation was because she wouldn’t tell him, so he couldn’t really help.

In most cases he could both understand and respect not wanting other people to know your business. He also didn’t like to share his issues with other people. Was that why she wasn’t sharing with him? Rusty remembered Courtney telling him not that long ago that if you never talked to people about what was really going on inside of you… then chances were good that they wouldn’t tell you things either.

The problem with that theory was that he had a dark side that wasn’t fit to think about… let alone talk about with other people. Just because he was forced to think about his problems daily… sometimes hourly… didn’t mean she needed to be faced with that level of ugly.

What he had to share would make Ms. Carlton curl into a ball and try to cover her ears to block out the nightmare of thoughts and emotions that he swam in every day of his miserable life. Somehow whatever was going on with her and Danny would probably pale in comparison to his issues.

He wasn’t about to try sharing his dreadful life with her, though, just to get an emotional confession out of her in return. She didn’t need to deal with his crazy ass on top of her own problems. And quite honestly, he didn’t have it in him to try and share little bits of himself with anyone.

Taking the lid off that bottle wasn’t a good idea anyway. He feared that if he poured a little bit out, he might not be able to cap off the rest of it.

He followed her up the front steps to her porch, not missing how she purposely swayed her tight little ass making sure to garner his notice. Looking back at him she smiled seductively at him and regardless of the icing he noticed on the side of her neck, he felt the breath leave his body.

She was a sexy little thing and she knew it… icing smear or not. She unlocked the door, stepped inside and disappeared into the dark interior. He followed close behind. Amy assured Grudge that it was just her and after a couple more yaps, he stopped barking.

Stepping through the doorway into the small pitch-black room, he turned to his right and took a step only to hit his shin against a low lying table. The pain shot up his leg and he heard himself whisper, “Dammit, Ms. Carlton, what the hell is this? And why is it in front of the window?”

She closed the door behind Rusty. Then running one of her hands leisurely up his back and across his shoulder, she then reached past him and blinded him by turning on the light. She really needed to stop caressing him like that.

Calling him Rusty like his name was a sexy word was bad enough. Touching was more temptation than
man could handle, including him. Glancing down at the offending piece of furniture he realized it was a bench style seat rather than a table.

“It’s my own personal spanking bench… what does it look like, Rusty? I like to look out the window while I’m being paddled. Want to try it out?” she asked saucily as she moved past him, catching and holding his gaze in that seductive way of hers that made him absolutely crazy.

He was unable to control his sharp intake of breath at her brazen words. Just as she had probably intended, his mind immediately conjured up something similar in nature to her description, against his better judgment.

God help him, his body was reacting to nothing but her words and the scene now playing out in his head. The woman was going to make him completely come unglued before this was over. He forced himself to follow her as she headed down a hallway.

“That is more information than I need, Ms. Carlton. A
lady has no business thinking those kinds of things, let alone saying them out loud. And again… it’s Sir, Sergeant or Mr. Hawkins,” he managed to say, trying to sound normal regardless of the effect her comment had on him.

Stopping, she turned back to him and said, “No…
. More information than you need would be for me to tell you that whenever you act all stern and condescending or look all moody and pissed off at me, like you’re doing right now, it doesn’t scare me one little bit. In fact it kind of makes my panties wet and then I start imagining all sorts of wicked things that
a girl like me
has no business thinking about or saying.”

He was done with taking her crap and it was well past time that he showed her what happened when he was pushed too far. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he pushed her none too gently up against the wall and then leaned in close. He realized too late that the hitch in her breathing wasn’t from fear, anger or intimidation.

That sweet mouth of hers opened slowly in a gesture so erotic that he was completely at a loss. He closed his eyes for a moment… trying unsuccessfully to fight back against the raw emotions she brought out in him with her games.

“You’re only doing this because I’m right about Danny. I know your brother better than you do and that upsets you and I can understand and respect that. He doesn’t need near the kind of help you think he does. And
makes you mad at me. You see me as someone else to keep you from him. You think that if you can keep him locked up in that…
… then he’ll always be there waiting on you at the end of the day… like Grudge. Always happy to see you when you can steal away for a visit… that’s what you want isn’t it? He’s not a damn pet! He’s a full grown man who disagrees with you! For good reason! And I won’t allow you to push him around anymore than I let you push me around and that makes you absolutely crazy doesn’t it? So you try to get back at me the only way you can… by talking dirty and shaking that sweet little ass of yours in an effort to tempt and tease me because you think I won’t do anything about it. Let’s be honest… you’re the one that needs
, Ms. Carlton,” he ground out against her cheek while pressing himself against those curves of hers that had been torturing him for days now.

“As much as I hate to admit it… Danny staying with you has been really good for him. I’d never flat out deny him
if there’s another option… even if that means staying with
. It’s not that I want to control him… I just don’t want to lose him now that I’m finally getting to know him. As for tempting you with my sweet ass… that has
to do with my brother. That has to do with the fact that you are freaking
. Maybe I’m teasing you because I want you. Ever think of that?,” she said, managing to somehow get her slender hands free to slide up his chest leaving a blazing trail of fire along their path.

“Dammit, Ms. Carlton… you don’t know what you’re saying,” he choked out realizing he had a major erection that amazingly showed no signs of going anywhere anytime soon. No images of dead bodies, explosions or grown men crying out in fear and pain. No feelings of guilt, doubt or devastation. Right now the only images in his head were of her naked and beneath him… or maybe above him… since she always wanted to be in charge and run the show.

Pressing her breasts into his chest she leaned up and whispered against his stubble coated jaw, “I think my nipples could cut glass right now…
.” He closed his eyes to try and block out the sound of her voice and the visual his mind summoned at her words. “Oh… sorry… more things
a girl like me
shouldn’t say.”

Fuck it… he couldn’t fight this intense attraction to her. She was temptation personified and he just didn’t have it in him to resist her for another second. He was willing to attempt this… he might end up embarrassing himself but he wanted her so much he couldn’t resist the urge to at least try being close to her. He was still rock hard and couldn’t help but enjoy some sense of normalcy at his physical reaction to holding her close.

He had wanted to kiss her since meeting her and had even dreamed of tasting her skin several times. However, whether he was able to actually do anything more than stand close to her with an erection remained to be seen but ultimately didn’t matter.

He had no intention of doing anything more than kissing and touching her anyhow. And that was only to teach her a lesson about teasing. He meant to put a stop to her flirting right here and right now before he lost all control one day where she was concerned.

Grasping her arms, he un-lodged them from around his neck and raised them above her head to hold them against the wall with one of his hands. It was then that he noticed that along with the icing on her cheek and neck, her right arm was also coated in cupcake batter, as was somehow the norm for her. How she ended up wearing icing or cake batter more often than not was beyond him. She wore it like most women wore jewelry, but right now it looked amazing on her.

Capturing her gaze in his own, he leaned forward, and sticking his tongue out, licked and sucked a path from the inside of her upper arm up past her outstretched elbow. She watched him with wide eyes and a partially opened mouth. What he hadn’t counted on was the shot of arousal that settled low in his belly forcing his hips forward to grind against her sweet center. His mind was suddenly flooded with images of himself making love to her in all kinds of different ways.

“Oh my God… Rusty… that feels crazy good,” she choked out, wiggling her hips around as though enjoying the sensation between her legs. Then her beautiful eyes tried to shut.

“I don’t think so, Ms. Carlton. You need to watch what happens when you fuck with me one too many times. Open those eyes up right now,” he ordered. He could barely breathe from wanting her so much. He should stop this now but, damn, she tasted and smelled amazing. Like sugar coated Amy.
God help him.

When she ignored his command, he forced one of his legs in between hers, leaned forward and again sucked the skin of her arm into his mouth and nipped at it with his teeth. Her eyes finally shot back open. She sucked in a breath and released a moan that set his body on full alert. He knew that sound… it meant that she was wet… and ready for him.

Good God… she was the hottest woman he’d ever
. He shouldn’t be doing this to her… but couldn’t stop himself now for anything. He had to know if his ability to enjoy physical closeness with another person was truly gone forever or not. Actual sex might still be impossible but right now just being this close to her was doing wonders for him in that department too.

Seeing even more intensity in her eyes, he again leaned in toward her but this time he licked and sucked up her neck to her chin. Unexpectedly, her legs just gave out until she was basically straddling his thigh. Perhaps now that she realized he could give back as good as he got, she’d stop with her constant flirting and attempts to seduce him. He released her hands and her head dropped forward to rest on his shoulder so he waited for her to ask him to stop.

“Touch me. God… Please? I just want to feel your hands on me, Rusty,” she said quietly, managing to stand back up on her own again. “You make me so hot. It’s crazy… I don’t even really know you but I think about you all the time. I dream about you touching me. Since the first day you came into the shop. I think about you even when I should be thinking about something else and I…”

He cut off anymore of her talking by forcing her face upward with one hand and covering her mouth with his. The touch of her tongue to his caused something in him to break free. His whole body was suddenly trembling and the emotions in him were so powerful he actually felt tears stinging his eyes.

All this while his body threatened to burn him alive from the inside out. Before he could get himself in check he was unbuttoning her pants and yanking them down her long slender legs. She managed to help until she was bared to him from her waist to right above her knees.

Reaching out he touched the satin nestled between her legs and was met with warmth and moisture. As much as he’d like to taste all that perfection, he was already out of control and that certainly wouldn’t help pull him back from the edge.

She really did want him… it wasn’t just an act… or her way of playing with him. Stroking his fingers against her wet folds was as enjoyable to him as it was to her. How could he deny her anything with her lower body rocking against his hand and fingers forcing him to give her the pleasure she sought?

Breaking her passionate kisses, her beautiful mouth again flew open and a strangled sound of pure pleasure escaped her. He was once again surprised when she reached out and unsnapped his jeans and attempted to pull them off his body.

She finally gave up getting his pants down and instead wrapped her arms around his entire head and went back to kissing him with everything in her. Her soft moans and whimpers sounded like she was begging him. Christ she
begging him for it. This had to stop now or it wasn’t going to end until he was buried in her as deep as he could go.

“Wait, I shouldn’t be taking you up against a wall like this. I should be gentler and… I don’t have a condom,” he managed to say after breaking her fiery kisses once more.

She pulled back from him and looked at him with eyes soaked in need and pleasure and said, “I’m on the shot and I promise that I’m safe if you are… I just want you. My body is on fire just from you touching me… God you’re good at that. Pleasure me some more… now. Please, Rusty.” Then she grabbed his hand and put it back between her legs. He stroked her again until she once more tugged at his pants trying to get them down.

Holy hell, he was still hard as a rock
. He nodded his answer to her question while pushing his pants further down his legs while she managed to kick out of her shoes and slide her pants the rest of the way off. Then he just picked her up and, holding her against the wall, guided himself into her sweet softness.

BOOK: Maid to Order
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