Make Me Yours (12 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Morgan wondered what further torment Jack had planned for her tonight when he stopped in front of a large well padded wooden X that was set in a well lit scene area. Restraints were attached at the end of each post, leaving her no doubt to what they were used for. When she took an instinctive step back, Jack tugged on her hand, drawing her wary gaze up to his.

“Trust me?” he asked simply, waiting patiently for her response.

Recalling the scene they had just witnessed and how the restrained woman had cried out in pleasure as soon as that man’s hard cock penetrated her, made her even more eager to finally be taken, but the thought of such a personal act being performed in public made her balk. “What are you going to do?”

“Whatever I want, Morgan,” he said as he released her hand and cupped her face. “You know I’m not going to do anything you don’t want.” Sliding one hand slowly down her chest then up under her shirt, he caressed her damp sheath while never taking his eyes from hers. A few strokes of his fingers had her thrusting against his hand, a rasp of his thumb over her swollen, sensitive clit had her whimpering. Using his other hand, he quickly unbuttoned the shirt and slipped it off her shoulders. “Come, stand with your back to the cross and trust me to make you feel good.”

Morgan moved into position and allowed Jack to restrain her hands and feet, leaving her spread open, bare and vulnerable. To her shame, her arousal spiked up another notch, just as it had last night when he had chained her to be pleasured by both him and Marc. Only last night, Jack had assured her they weren’t going to go any further than they did, concentrating on nothing but bringing her pleasure. Tonight he wasn’t giving her any such assurances.

“You’re so pretty, Morgan,” Jack said as he stepped back to look at her. Restrained, spread for his use, her lush body drew him like a magnet. The more he took her, the more he thirsted for her, until nothing slaked his need except being inside her. His large hands cupped her soft breasts as he ordered, “Look at me, and only me. Nothing and no one else matters except the two of us.”

Morgan had no trouble obeying his command. His hands felt wonderful kneading her breasts, and when his fingers clasped her nipples and pinched those tender buds, she couldn’t stifle her moan nor keep from pushing into his hands.

Chuckling, Jack leaned down and took her mouth roughly, swallowing her gasp as he stroked her tongue in rhythm with his stroking thumbs over her nipples.

“Jack, Master, please,” she begged when he pulled his mouth from hers.

“Please what?”


“Well, that’s easy enough to give you.” Jack’s lips replaced his fingers on her breasts, his mouth moving between first one nipple then the other, his strong suction of each tender bud heightening her need. After both nipples were cherry red and hardened into stiff points, he reached into his pocket and retrieved the nipple clamps he had brought with him.

“What are you doing?” Morgan asked warily, eyeing the small clamp with trepidation.

“Giving you more like you asked.” At her squeal and curse when he attached the clamp, he adjusted the ring up, loosening it a tad. “Take a deep breath. The pain will ease in a moment,” he assured her.

Within seconds the pain subsided and her nipple felt numb and swollen, an odd sensation that wasn’t altogether unpleasant. When he moved to her other nipple, she quickly inhaled, prepared this time for that first snap of pain.

“There. Don’t you look pretty?” Jack licked each nipple, relishing her soft whimper.

When his right hand delved between her spread thighs and met soaking wet flesh, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. Releasing his cock, he thrust into her, not giving her time to think, only to feel.

Morgan screamed as she came, her pussy so long denied clasped around his hard length and refused to let go as the tremors from her release raced through her body. Tossing her head back, she forgot about where they were, about her reticence about being fucked in public and succumbed to the pleasure sizzling through her veins. Over and over he pounded into her, Jack’s hands clasping hers tightly as he relentlessly brought her to peak after peak.

“Oh, God!” she cried out as she struggled to get closer to him, her hips thrusting forward to eagerly meet each hard thrust, her thighs quivering as she strained to take him deeper, harder. The room in front of her blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors, the faces of those watching them surprisingly adding to her excitement.

Morgan’s pussy rippling around him was too much for Jack to resist as were her soft, mewling cries of release and her glazed, pleasure filled eyes. Letting go of her hands, he grabbed her buttocks and held her hips tightly towards him as he thrust once, twice, three more times before exploding in a climax so powerful he saw stars.

Morgan looked down, dazed, watching as he held her hips so tight she couldn’t move. His cock was red and wet as he slowed his thrusts, his come warm as it filled her. They were both perspiring and panting heavily as he pulled out of her, leaving her feeling bereft and empty. “Let’s go upstairs,” she managed to whisper, wanting to continue their lovemaking in private.

Smiling, Jack kissed her nose and adjusted his clothing. “I think I’ve created a monster.” Releasing her, he hugged her soft, sated body before slipping her shirt back on but leaving it unbuttoned. “Come on, Princess. Let’s get you some water.” Accepting a bottle of water from Marc, Jack led Morgan to an empty sofa and sat down, pulling her on his lap. After she’d downed most of the water, he held her shaking body, running his hand lightly over her clamped nipples, down her soft waist and lightly over her bent legs before taking the same journey only in reverse.

“You were beautiful up there, Princess,” he murmured as she slowly relaxed and came down from the high that such an intense experience usually causes. “I like how you don’t hide from your passions.”

“I was loud, wasn’t I?” she whispered, her face turning a delightful pink.

“Yes, you were and I was the envy of every dom here.”

Morgan smiled at his smug look, doubting his words, but relishing the intention behind them. Tucking her head into his shoulder, she relaxed against him, enjoying the soothing strokes of his hand. Her contentment was short lived, however, when his hand stopped on her right breast and grasped the nipple clamp.

“Ready?” he asked, but before she could ask what for, he removed the clamp.

With a yelp, her hand slapped against her nipple as the blood flow resumed and sent sharp needles of pain through her whole breast.

Grasping her hand, Jack shoved it aside and took the poor abused bud into his mouth and suckled it softly. When she relaxed, he quickly removed the other one and latched onto it, licking away the pain as she wiggled and panted in discomfort. By the time he had eased her discomfort, she was aroused again, as was he.

They couldn’t keep this pace up, Morgan thought as she stumbled into the shower the next morning, her sore body protesting every movement. She had barely been asleep two hours after calling it a night around midnight when Jack woke her with a sharp abrupt smack on her ass. Laughing at her screech of outrage, he’d simply pulled up her hips and thrust into her, stating she was the one who mentioned continuing what they started downstairs. As usual, her body responded easily and quickly to the demands of his and within moments she was pushing back against him, welcoming his invasion as his hard possession drove the breath from her body. Leaning her head back, Morgan let the hot water cascade over her face and shoulders, the heat soothing to her aching muscles. She was looking forward to the trip into Bear Creek today and to a respite from Jack’s vigorous lovemaking.

When he rolled out of bed at eight o’clock, just four hours after they had both fallen into an exhausted sleep, he had cheerfully announced they were going to spend the afternoon playing tourist. Thankfully, Jack and Marc had to deal with getting their guests checked out this morning and safely on their way, allowing her to roll over and sleep for another few hours. Morgan finished washing, wincing slightly as she ran the soapy cloth between her legs, then forced herself to step out of the warm shower to dress and go in search of food.

“Are you ready?” Jack asked when he returned to the loft, noticing again how good she looked in a pair of jeans. Down boy, he silently berated himself when his first thought was how quickly he could get them off her. He had fucked her twice more last night after they finally closed the club and he needed to give her a rest. Soon they would have to have a talk about her plans, something that they had both avoided the last two days, but would need to address shortly. He knew she was everything he wanted, and he’d be more than happy to ask her to move here permanently, but she needed to be sure. She was young and inexperienced and could easily mistake lust for something deeper.

“I’m ready. Is Marc going?” she answered as she grabbed her coat off a rack.

“He’s pulling the Tahoe up front. He’ll ride in with us, then meet us later for dinner. He’s got some errands to run one of which, I’m sure, is stopping in at the bakery.”

“I’m surprised he doesn’t gain weight, as much as he likes his sweets. I’d weigh as much as you if I indulged as often as he does,” she commented as they went downstairs.

“But I could help you burn those calories.”

Morgan snorted, as she replied, “Your type of exercise would leave me unable to walk, defeating the purpose.”

“Don’t worry, Princess,” he grinned as he held the door open for her. “I’d be sure to rotate between all your orifices so we didn’t cause you any discomfort.”

Morgan settled into the backseat, refusing to comment in front of Marc, although she was sure her red face gave away the jest of their conversation. The drive into Bear Creek took about twenty minutes, mostly due to the now cleared roads, and Morgan got a much better look at the scenery than she had on her way in.

When Marc parked in front of a small, quaint store, Morgan could smell the enticing aroma’s coming from it as soon as she got out of the Tahoe. An elderly woman greeted Marc by name as she held the door open for him.

“I’ll catch up to you later,” he called to them as he hastened inside.

“That’s Molly Harper, a widow who has a soft spot for Marc,” Jack told her as he took her hand and led her down the cleared walkway.

“I could tell.” Smiling, she tripped after him. Although it was cold, the sun was warm and there was no wind, which made it a pleasant day to play tourist.

With fewer than five thousand residents, Bear Creek catered to tourists year round and Morgan fell in love with the small town atmosphere and friendly citizens. Born and raised in Chicago with its crowded bustling activity, high crime rate and constant noise, she could see the allure of this laid back existence, the main street with its one traffic light, quiet and peaceful, the business owners and residents friendly and open to strangers. Jack led her into small gift shops that sold goods native to Colorado, pointed out the library and city building that was over a hundred years old, made reservations for dinner at a restaurant that boasted the best steaks and seafood outside of Denver and then directed her to a small art gallery.

“Jack, how are you?”

Jack was greeted by an attractive woman in her forties who hugged him before turning her attention and beaming smile to Morgan. “And who’s this?”

“Stephanie, this is Morgan, the artist I told you about.” Jack almost laughed out loud at the astonished look on Morgan’s face. “Morgan, Stephanie and her husband, James, own this gallery and sell the works of several local artists.”

“I’d love to see some of your work. Jack tells us you’re very talented.”

After sending Jack a warning look for putting her on the spot, she managed to say, “I’ve only done a few sketches since I’ve been here and I left them at the lodge.”

“I have them.” Jack pulled a few sheets he had torn from her pad and tucked into his coat before they left. “You’ll recognize these, Stephanie, from our loft window.”

“Oh, no, Jack, those aren’t very good. I was just doodling.” Embarrassed that he’d show her what she considered not her best work, Morgan tried to grab them from his hand, but Stephanie already had a hold of them.

“Oh, my dear,” she said as she scanned the drawings, “if these are just doodling for you, I’d definitely like to see something you’ve put effort into. I could frame these and get forty dollars each for them easy.”

“Huh?” Morgan looked at Stephanie as if she was out of her mind. “They’re just charcoal sketches.”

“Yes, but you’ve depicted the landscape perfectly and tourists would buy them as a souvenir of their trip and residents as a wonderful rendition of a favorite spot. Look around, dear, you’ll see all kinds of different art from wood carvings, to sculptures to paintings all of wildlife and scenery native to this area.”

While Jack visited with Stephanie, Morgan looked around the small gallery and was impressed with the talent she saw on display. Someone loved wildlife and made beautiful wood pieces from bears and their cubs, to eagles with wings spread to a small raccoon resting on a log. Several framed paintings hung on the walls along with handmade quilts.

“When do you think you can get me some more sketches, or a painting?” Stephanie asked her eagerly when she finished looking at all the different pieces.

“Oh, I appreciate the offer,” Morgan stammered, not sure how to respond. Her life was currently in limbo until either Jack asked her to stay with him permanently or she decided if she was returning to Chicago.

Taking her hand, Jack rescued her by saying, “We’ll let you know. Right now, Morgan has some unfinished business back home she needs to take care of before she can commit to anything.”

“We charge twenty percent commission,” Stephanie said as she handed Morgan her card. “Stop by anytime you want, we’d love to display your work.”

Flattered, Morgan took the card. “Thank you. It was nice to meet you.”

Out on the sidewalk, Jack pulled her around to face him. “We need to talk, Princess.”

“You wouldn’t have introduced me to Stephanie or brought those sketches if you wanted me to leave.” It took a lot of nerve for her to dare him with that statement, but she wasn’t going to back down. She had chased after Jack practically her whole life. She wasn’t going to back down now, not unless he told her outright that he wasn’t interested in a permanent relationship with her.

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