Make Me Yours (31 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

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Marc liked having the underside of his cock head licked, Scott liked to have his cock gripped tightly. Both men liked to have their slit tongued and their balls cupped, licked and sucked. Cassie was enjoying herself so much, she protested when they pulled away from her and Marc lifted her onto the padded edge of the tub.

“As much as we were enjoying that, darlin’, we do have other plans for you.” With a hand between her breasts, he pushed her back to rest on her hands behind her.

Without giving her time to wonder what they had in mind, Scott moved behind her head, tilted her back and straddled her face. Cassie opened for his cock and took him deep, relieved that he kept hold of the base of his dick to keep from choking her. She felt her legs lifted and draped over Marc’s broad shoulders right before he gripped her ass and plunged balls deep into her. Moaning around the hard shaft filling her mouth, she took their thrusts eagerly, feeling her body coming alive again with each deep stroke.

This time the men’s concentration was on their pleasure, but she had no trouble becoming aroused and joining them in that pleasure. With grunts and groans the two of them used her body for their satisfaction and she gladly accepted their use of her. Scott came first, his come shooting down her throat as his rigid length jerked in her mouth followed by his shout of release. Cassie lifted her head as Scott pulled out of her mouth and braced herself harder against Marc’s increasing thrusts. With her legs over his shoulders and her ass elevated by his hands she could do nothing but take his assault and enjoy the climax she felt coming. Marc’s face was as hard as his cock, his gaze glued to their joined bodies as he brought them both to a shattering climax.

Cassie sank back into the whirlpool, sighing as the warm water flowed over her aching body and lulled her into complacency. With Marc and Scott seated on each side of her, she rested her head back on Marc’s arm and felt herself drifting off when a voice she recognized startled all three of them.

“I warned you to come back to me, Cassie.”

Cassie swiveled around and stared incredulously at the man holding a gun on the three of them. “Greg?!”

Jack looked around the club room again then sought out Jake Combs, the one who booked this group and knew everyone. Spotting him on a sofa with his sub, he grabbed Morgan’s hand and made his way to him.

“What’s wrong?” Morgan asked knowing when Jack was worried.

“I need to check on someone. Jake,” he said stopping in front of the other couple. “I need a word with you about Mason Gregory.”

“Who?” Jake asked as he rose to speak with him.

“A guy named Mason Gregory checked in Wednesday, after all of you, but I haven’t seen him since. What do you know about him?”

“Nothing. I’ve never heard of anyone by that name. He must have learned about our trip from someone else and decided to come along. I’m sorry, Jack.”

“Shit. Keep an eye on things in here, will you? I’ve got to find Marc.” Jack turned to Morgan, his face worried. “Stay here and don’t budge until I return.” Jack hurried upstairs, grabbed the rifle he used to scare off bears and for protection and then looked down at the hot tub. Cursing, he ran back downstairs and out the front so he could come up on them unawares.

“Greg, what are you doing?”

Marc and Scott had risen and eyed the threat to them, both of them cursing for letting their guard down. “Do you know this idiot, Cassie?” Marc asked derisively, his gaze cool on the blond haired man.

“I’m her Master, and I gave her ample warnings and time to come back to me. Now, I’m taking her back.”

“You? You’re my stalker?” Cassie couldn’t believe this was the same man she had gone to to help her prepare to return to Marc. The few times she had scened with him, he had been strict, but helpful in tutoring her and he had never come across as possessive or indicated he wanted anything more from her than a few nights at the club and to help her in finding out if domination was what she really wanted.

“Greg, I told you up front it was Marc I wanted, Marc I was there to learn for.”

“I don’t care what you told me. Come here, Cassie.” Greg aimed the gun at Marc. “Or your boyfriend gets the first bullet.”

“No! I’ll come with you.” Breaking away from both men’s grips, Cassie stepped out of the tub, shaking from the cool air and fear as she stepped towards him.

“Cassie, get away from him,” Marc snapped, trying to figure out if he could rush this guy and give Scott a chance to get to his gun by his clothes, where Scott had been inching towards.

Greg grabbed Cassie and pulled her in front of him. Putting the gun to her head, he grabbed her breast with his free hand and squeezed.

Cassie bit her lip and Marc growled. He would take this bastard apart with his bare hands for causing her distress. With relief, he saw Jack moving quietly up behind Greg, his rifle cocked and ready.

“You’re awfully brave with a woman as a shield,” Marc taunted as he slowly stepped out of the tub, preparing to go for this guy as soon as he got the chance.

“Shut up, asshole. I ought to take you out for fucking her, but I need to get going. Come after us and I’ll put a bullet in both of you.”

“You’re not going anywhere. Drop it and let her go.” Jack poked the rifle into the guy’s back while using his free hand to remove the gun from his grip. As soon as he had it, Marc charged him, shoving Cassie toward Jack as he landed a hard blow to Greg’s stomach followed by an upper cut to his jaw. He wasn’t surprised to see him go down and curl into a ball. The guy was soft and a coward. Scott quickly cuffed him before scowling at Marc.

“You had to go and deck him, didn’t you?”

“If I hadn’t you would have.”

“Exactly. You got all the fun.” Scott got dressed and hauled Greg off, leaving Cassie in Marc’s arms.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Jack said with a smile.

“I owe you, Jack. Thanks.” Marc hugged Cassie’s shaking body tighter as she wept into his shoulder.

“No you don’t,” he replied. “You forget I know what she means to you.”

“Do you, Cassie?” Marc asked her as he lifted her tear streaked face to his. “Do you have any idea what you mean to me?”

“Maybe as much as you mean to me, Marc. I love you.”

“I’ve waited a long time to hear those words, darlin’. You might have to say them a lot to make up for lost time.”

Cassie beamed up at him. “I can do that.”

Also by BJ Wane:

Amy’s Redemption

Convincing Maggie: Her Submissive Education

Flushed With Shame

My Pet, Spanking Erotica

Sasha’s Portrait

Susie’s Awakening

Triple Play, Spanking Erotica

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