Make Me Yours (23 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Her face flaming, Cassie turned and bent over the counter. There was no way she was giving up yet. She had come too far, sacrificed too much to return to him. When he lifted her skirt and shoved her panties down, she bit her lip, both anticipation and dread filling her.

“This is for snapping at me,”
The spoon snapped against her cheek, leaving a bright red mark and making her cry out. “This is for not telling me what the problem is.” Another whack below the first one.

When a third smack landed, Cassie cried out, asking, “What was that one for?”

“For good measure.” Marc was about to give her one more for questioning him when they both heard the bell ringing out front indicating she had a customer.

“Marc, Sir, please, I need to go see who it is.”

Leaving her panties down, he dropped her skirt and helped her up. Her face was red and her eyes watery and wary as she looked at him. Satisfied, he smiled at her. “Come on, let’s get them what they want.”

“Hello Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Griffin. Did you find what you wanted?” Cassie cringed when she saw the mayor’s wife and her best friend at her counter. Conscious of her throbbing buttocks and her panties bunched around her thighs, she plastered a smile on her face and prayed they were quick. Unfortunately, if past experience was anything to go by, it usually took them forever to make their selections.

“Hello Cassie and Marc! We knew you wouldn’t be able to stay away from the bakery for long even though Martha’s no longer running it,” Madge Davies said with a beaming smile.

“Well, Cassie tempted me with not only her baking but her pretty blue eyes. How could I stay away?”

“You always were a flirt. Are these rolls fresh, dear?” Mrs. Davies asked pointing to some sour dough rolls.

“Made them this morning.” Leaning slightly, Cassie slid open the case, preparing to lift the rolls out when she felt Marc’s hand slide unobtrusively under her skirt to caress her buttocks. Stifling a gasp, she straightened quickly, tray in hand. When his hand remained where it was, caressing her bare cheeks, she made sure her customers couldn’t see what he was doing before turning to glare at him.

“How many would you like?” she asked as she tried to ignore the effect of Marc’s caressing.

“Madge, did you see the potato rolls over here?” Betty Griffin asked her friend, both women oblivious of Cassie’s desire for them to hurry up.

When both women moved down the counter, she hissed at Marc, “Stop that before they see!”

Marc looked at her flustered face and saw arousal as well as worried mortification. Stepping closer to her side, blocking her more fully from the two women, Marc simply replied, “No,” before kneading her buttock, running his hand over the marks from the wooden spoon, then sliding one finger down her crack to dip between her moist folds. “I love your pussy,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s so tight,” his finger entered her fully, “and so warm,” he moved up to lightly graze her clit, “and so wet.” Swirling his finger in her moisture, he coated it liberally with her juices before sliding it back up her crack and moistening her anus.

“Marc,” she moaned, then swallowed audibly when he glared at her. Glancing quickly at her customers, she added, “Sir. Please stop.”

“Cassie, dear, will you give me a deal on these two pies?” Betty asked.

“Yes, Mrs. Griffin. You can have both for the regular price of one,” she quickly agreed. Right then, with Marc’s finger tempting her anus with light, damp strokes, she’d agree to anything to get them out of there.

“Very good. I’ll take them and half a dozen of these dinner rolls.”

Much to her chagrin, Marc moved the one step over with her, making it look like he was helping her. Bending slightly again to open the case, she couldn’t prevent the shocked gasp when his finger slid into her ass.

“Are you all right?” Mrs. Davies asked as she joined her friend. “You look flushed, Cassie.”

“I’m just warm from baking all day,” she said setting the pies and rolls up on the counter. “Will that be all?”

“I haven’t made my selections yet,” Mrs. Davies said. “Marc, what do you suggest for Jim’s dessert tomorrow?”

Marc made a show of looking in the display case as he slipped his finger back down to her pussy, moistened it again with her juices and then returning to slide into her tight back hole. Fingering her slowly, he pointed to a few chocolate éclairs. “Those look really good. Why don’t you get a few of them?”

“Good choice. Cassie, I’ll take two éclairs and four sour dough rolls, please.”

Cassie bit her lip as perspiration coated her skin and her heart beat accelerated. Marc’s finger softly stimulated sensitive nerve endings and made concentrating on wrapping up their purchases and ringing them up difficult. Thank God everything was down at the end of the counter where the cash register was and she didn’t have to move around a lot. By the time the two women had said their farewells and headed out the door with their purchases, she was on the verge of climax and not sure how much longer she could hold out.

“Ladies, would one of you mind turning the sign to closed on your way out?”

“Certainly. You two have a nice day tomorrow. See you next week, Cassie dear.” Betty flipped the sign and shut the door behind her.

“Damn it, Marc,” Cassie hissed, but before she could continue he had a tight grip of her hair and his lips latched onto hers. Moaning, she kissed him back, her tongue meeting his as he resumed finger fucking her ass. When he pulled back and ordered her to bend over again, she never considered resisting. Leaning over the shorter counter next to the register, she was thankful she had closed the blinds over the front windows when the afternoon sun started shining in. Cool air hit her bare crotch when he flipped up her skirt.

Marc quickly sheathed himself in a condom, grabbed her hips and thrust into her. There were still three red stripes across her buttocks. Running his fingers over them, he felt her cunt gush, soaking his dick further. Chuckling, he pounded into her, burying himself over and over to the hilt, his balls bouncing with each thrust. Cassie whimpered then cried out as her pussy tightened around him drawing out his climax.

“That’s it, darlin’, come on my cock. Come for me now.” Releasing her hip, he spread her cheek and thrust a finger into her anus and quickly set up a pounding rhythm in her ass that matched that in her pussy.

The duel stimulation along with his harsh command was too much for Cassie and she let go, crying out with the pleasure as it ripped through her and sent her spiraling out of control. She had barely stopped convulsing when she felt Marc’s cock swell and jerk followed by his shout. His climax triggered another one for her and she buried her head in her arms and rode out the pleasure barely managing to keep her legs from collapsing.

Chapter Thirteen

The next day, Marc decided Cassie needed another lesson in submission, namely, submitting to him. She knew the score this time, had even trained under another Dom, something that still rubbed him the wrong way and that they would have to deal with sooner rather than later. But not today. She was off today, but he wasn’t. He and Jack had a scheduled hiking tour slated for this afternoon and that would be a perfect time to introduce her to a little outdoor bondage fun.

Joining Jack in their office downstairs, he poured himself a cup of coffee before taking a seat. “I’d like to guide the first half of the hike today to Eagle’s Lookout if that’s all right with you.”

Jack glanced up from the computer where he was checking the reservations for the upcoming week. “No problem. We’ll meet you there and bring them back.” Jack grinned knowingly. “Going to play with Cassie before returning?”

“Yeah. That’s a good spot. Secluded, but the potential of being discovered won’t be lost on her.”

“Mmm, I think I’ll head up there early with Morgan and kill a little time while we’re waiting for you. The last of our current guests will check out on Tuesday and our new group starts arriving Wednesday with the last of them checking in Friday. The whole group will be here for the weekend.”

“Doesn’t give us much time to equip the cabins and the club room.” Marc and Jack always looked forward to entertaining some of their friends who indulge in the BDSM lifestyle, but preparing for them was time consuming. “Are we still planning a lingerie night for Saturday night?”

“Yeah. I sent out e-mails so they could bring get ups with them. We’ll also divide them up for a hike so they can play outdoors. Other than that a few want to go water skiing or just boating and make a trip into town for shopping. They’ll be an easy group to please.”

“Sounds good.” Rising, Marc set his cup down, saying, “We’ll head out around one thirty and meet you there at three.”

“Make some noise in case I lose track of time.” Jack grinned at him.

“I’d have to make a lot of noise to be heard over Morgan.”

“I’ll gag her so I make sure I hear you.”

Marc laughed, shaking his head. “Later.”

Marc was still smiling when he went outside and found Cassie watching Morgan paint. It was warming up nicely and she sat with her head tilted back, her eyes on the easel. Her long red gold hair hung down her back and her pale skin was rosy from the sun. She was smiling at something Morgan said and he felt himself harden. Maybe he ought to commission Morgan to do a portrait of Cassie. He had seen several she had done for some of the residents and they were excellent. That way, if things didn’t work out, he would have something to remember her by. Already just the thought of her running again had him faltering and he knew he would go after her this time if it came to that.

“Hey,” Cassie smiled up at him wondering what had him looking at her so broodingly for. “Something wrong?”

Marc shoved his morose thoughts aside and concentrated on his plans for the afternoon. “No darlin’. Do you have a sturdy pair of tennis shoes?” he asked eyeing her small sandal clad feet.

“Yes. Are we going hiking?” Cassie hadn’t explored any of the hiking trails since moving here and the afternoon was so pleasant, she couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do more.

“Yes. I’m taking a group up to Eagle’s Lookout in about thirty minutes and you’re going with us.”

“Eagle’s Lookout?” Morgan glanced up at Marc with a knowing glint in her topaz eyes. “Are we going?”

“You’re meeting us there to escort the group back.” Marc laughed when Morgan hastily packed up her paints.

“What’s at Eagle’s Lookout? Is it someplace special?” Cassie asked wondering what these two knew that she didn’t.

“Cassie, there are a lot of special places on their property. But don’t worry, you’ll like them. See you guys up there.” Morgan folded her easel and practically skipped inside.

Marc watched her go with a fond smile. She had come a long way in the last eight months and now openly embraced her passions, much to both his and Jack’s delight. “Come on, Cassie.” Holding out his hand, Cassie took it and allowed him to pull her up. “Go change your shoes and I’ll pack a few things to take with us.”

Cassie marveled at Marc’s knowledge as he led her and a group of eight guests through a scenic tour of the mountain. They walked slowly which allowed him to point out plants and wildlife native to the area and stopped at strategically placed lookout spots that allowed them to view different sides of the mountain. Forty-five minutes into the hike they stopped at a clearing and rested, taking time to down some water and eat an energy bar.

Cassie watched as Marc swallowed a bottle of water, his strong tanned throat working and arched back as he drank. Dressed in jeans, boots and a tight black tee shirt, her mouth watered at the sight of him. They had just had sex that morning and she wanted him again. She seemed to be insatiable where he was concerned, something she had no desire to rectify. She was coming to expect, and enjoy the way her body responded when she was near him. Her tight nipples and damp crotch ensured she would be ready for whatever he dished out. Recalling the way he had controlled, and excited her in the bakery yesterday, reminded her it was her mind that had trouble submitting, not her body.

“What are you thinking, darlin’?” Marc asked when he stooped down next to her, a small knowing grin on his face.

“About how I can’t seem to get enough of you,” she answered honestly.

“It just happens to be a mutual feeling, so let’s get going so we can do something about it.”

Thirty minutes later they reached Eagles Lookout and were met by Jack and Morgan who looked flushed and sated making Cassie wonder just what went on up there. The small glen was surrounded by trees except for a wide opening which overlooked the lake. Looking down, Cassie hadn’t realized they were walking up and the view above the lake was breathtaking. As their group settled on the logs for a rest, she couldn’t help but notice how the roughness was smoothed from them, how the grass grew thick and lush and the trees kept the heat of the sun from beating down on them while still allowing splashes of sunlight into the copse. There was a picnic table and fire pit and was an ideal spot for a picnic, or to meet a lover. Sitting down next to Morgan while Marc and Jack visited with their guests, she asked, “Why do they switch up here instead of one or both of them taking the group the whole way?”

Morgan smirked at her. “It all depends on what other activities those two come up with. From what Jack said, Marc wants some alone time with you up here, so it was no problem for us to take the short route and meet you here. Of course, we’ve been here awhile because Jack wanted his play time also.”

“I’ve never had sex outside,” Cassie confessed. “But what if someone comes along?”

“That’s part of the excitement, never knowing if you’re going to get caught. I remember one time… oops, no time now. Jack’s ready to head out. Have fun, we’ll see you back at the lodge.”

Morgan jumped up and joined Jack as he led the group down another path from the one they came up on. Cassie rose and waved goodbye before turning to see Marc removing his small back pack from his shoulders.

“Cassie, do you need more water?”

“No, I’m good. This is a beautiful spot, Marc.”

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