Make Me Yours (22 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Jack slapped Marc on the back, laughing. “Welcome to my world. I’ll go call Morgan in.”

“I heard the shower come on, so I’ll tell Cassie breakfast’s ready.”

Cassie had just emerged from the bathroom dressed in a calf length denim skirt and a sleeveless blue blouse when Marc entered the bedroom. Her heart did a flip at the sight of him and she smiled uncertainly. She never had been good at the morning after.

“Good morning, darlin’. Sleep well?”

She loved the way he called her darlin’ in that slow, southern drawl. Sometimes she thought she could come from listening to his voice alone. “Yes, but I overslept. I need to get to work.”

“You have time for a quick breakfast. Pancakes are already done, table’s set, coffees hot. Come on.” Taking her hand, he led her out to the kitchen where Jack and Morgan were already seated at the long counter and digging into their pancakes.

Not knowing how the other couple would feel about her presence, Cassie held back. “I’ll grab a donut at work. I really need to go.”

“And miss Marc’s pancakes?” Morgan exclaimed when she saw them. “He put bananas and nuts in them and they’re to die for. Come join us, Cassie.”

“Well, all right, but I’ll have to hurry.” Cassie sat next to Morgan at the counter and put a plate size pancake on her plate, grateful for the other woman’s open and welcoming attitude. “These are huge. How do you flip them when they’re this big?”

Marc sat next to her and stacked three large pancakes on his own plate. “I have a big spatula and a lot of experience.”

“So, Cassie, do you fix anything in the kitchen besides sweets?” Jack asked.

“Sorry,” she replied ruefully. “I can bake up a storm and love doing it, but when it comes to fixing a healthy meal, count me out.”

“How the hell did we both end up with a woman who doesn’t cook?” Marc complained to Jack.

“Dumb luck. The good news is we no longer have to do dishes.”

“Let me warn you, Cassie. They make no effort to keep from making a mess when one of them is in the kitchen. I never had dishpan hands till I came here.” Morgan looked at her paint smeared fingers and then at Jack as if it was his fault.

“Since I already have dishpan hands from cleaning up my own messes, doing a few more dishes won’t matter. That was really good, Marc, but I need to get going. Morgan, if you’ll do these dishes, I’ll clean up tonight.” Taking a last swallow of coffee, Cassie hopped down from the stool.

“It’s a deal,” Morgan answered.

“Hold on, Cassie. Let me grab my keys.”

Surprised, Cassie glared at Marc. “Don’t be ridiculous. Finish your breakfast. I’m perfectly capable of driving myself to town.”

Glaring back at her, he bit off, “I’m well aware of your capabilities, but this isn’t open for discussion. I’ll take you to work, Scott or one of the deputies will keep an eye on the bakery while you’re there, and I’ll pick you up.”

Fisting her hands on her hips she stared at him incredulously. “You’re right, it’s not open for discussion because I’m going now. You’re being ridiculous. This jerk probably isn’t anywhere around here.”

She didn’t get far before Marc stepped in front of her, blocking her exit. “My way, Cassie. That was the deal.”

His soft voice and the muscle ticking in his lean cheek made her wary, but didn’t prevent her from arguing. “That was about sex, not about you dictating my every movement and shadowing me night and day.”

“When it comes to your safety, it’ll be my way. Now, let’s go.”

“Marc, this is asinine. You have your own work to do. Stay here and do it, I’ll be fine.” When she made to go around him again, she found herself bent over Marc’s muscled arm in a move so fast it made her head spin. Squealing, she cried out in mortification when he flipped up her skirt and shoved her panties down, baring her ass to both Morgan and Jack. “Let me go, you moron!” she cried out.

Marc swatted her ass with his free hand. “No. I warned you about doing things my way. Now you know I was serious.” He smacked her again and again, covering her squirming buttocks with hard slaps that left her ass red and his dick hard.

Cassie’s shock at being treated like a naughty child was nothing compared to her shock at finding herself becoming aroused as her ass burned and that painful burn went straight between her legs. Knowing Morgan and Jack were watching only seemed to add to her arousal and she whimpered in shame as she quit struggling in the hopes he’d stop before she embarrassed herself further. If any of them looked closely enough, they’d be able to see the dampness coating her lips, testament of her arousal.

Marc landed a few more well aimed smacks when she quit fighting him for good measure. Her buttocks were a bright red and warm when he ran his palm lightly over them. A quick dip between her legs told him all he needed to know. Holding back his smile of satisfaction, he pulled her panties up, lowered her skirt and lifted her to face him. Tears she refused to let fall brightened her blue eyes and her face was flushed with more than embarrassment.

“Now, are you ready to let me drive you to work?”

Keeping her eyes averted from the other couple, she mumbled ungraciously, “Yes, Sir.”

“Don’t fret, Cassie,” Morgan said before they left the loft. “I’ve had my share of discipline from these two. You’ll get used to it.”

Too embarrassed to reply, Cassie hurried down the stairs before turning to glare at Marc. “You spank Morgan also?”

“Occasionally, if the situation warrants it. I’m sure Jack’ll get the pleasure of warming your ass before long, especially if you keep arguing with me.”

Even though Saturday was her busiest day, Cassie couldn’t keep her thoughts from picturing herself bent over Jack’s lap, wondering if his hand would raise the same heated pain and subsequent pleasure as Marc’s did. Years ago, when Marc had suggested enhancing her pleasure by allowing Jack to join them, Cassie had naively run from the man she was rapidly falling for, taking his suggestion as a betrayal. Yet now, when she pictured herself being spanked by someone else, with Marc watching, her pussy swelled and creamed with lust. She knew from the few nights she had spent tutoring under Master Greg’s strict hand that she got off on being dominated. She also knew from the sex she had had with Marc since arriving in Bear Creek that she only climaxed so strongly that she lost her sense of time and place with Marc. It was what she had suspected, what drove her here and what had her accepting the suggestion of another man touching her with anticipation instead of betrayal.

The bell chimed over the door and Cassie smiled at Susan Boggs. “I’ve got it all ready for you, Susan,” she said. Turning to Michelle, her part time help, she asked, “Would you get the bridal shower cake in the refrigerator please?”

“Sure. It’s really pretty, Susan.”

“I know Jenny will like it. Are you doing her wedding cake also?”

“Yes. It’ll be my first wedding cake here. I did them all the time when I worked in a bakery in Nebraska. I’m looking forward to it.” Cassie loved decorating cakes and enjoyed coming up with different designs for different themes.

Michelle returned from the kitchen and set the boxed cake on the counter, lifting the lid so Susan could see it. “Oh, it’s gorgeous and you managed to use all six of her colors.”

“I loved working with the pastels and what a great idea. I’m working on designs for the wedding cake that will also use all six colors.”

“Will you be doing Morgan Tomlinson’s cake also? I think their wedding will be in August.”

Cassie wondered if she’d still be here in two months. She loved her little bakery, liked being her own boss even if it was more stressful, and of course, she was discovering she loved being with Marc again. But she had no idea how he felt about having her back in his life. He went from accepting her to rejecting her in the space of a few hours. Then he had shown he still had some feelings for her by being over protective when he heard about the threat against her. But it was only through her manipulations that she was back in his bed, which left her wondering where she’d be when her stalker was stopped.

“I hope I get to do their cake. I’ve met Morgan and she seems really nice,” Cassie replied, omitting how she knew Morgan.

“Have you seen her artwork? She sells it at the gallery. She’s very talented,” Michelle handed Susan her change then the cake.

“I saw some paintings at the lodge. They were beautiful.”

Susan and Michelle exchanged a secret look then grinned at her. “Be sure you call ahead before going out to the lodge, Cassie,” Susan warned with a flushed face. “There are certain groups that vacation there that get pretty wild.”

Cassie knew her own face turned pink when both girls started laughing. “I take it you saw first hand what goes on up there?” Michelle teased her.

“Uh, yes. Are their activities well known around town?” she asked.

“Oh, sure,” Susan answered as if it was no big deal. “This is a small, close knit community, and we don’t have a problem with it as long as it’s confined to their property, which it is. Besides, the lodge brings lots of business to town.”

Cassie was relieved to hear that. Now she didn’t have to worry about losing business if details of her sex life ever got out. All she had to worry about was making her business a success, a reluctant relationship and a stalker. Piece of cake.

Worry about her relationship plagued Cassie more that afternoon than worry over her unknown stalker. Michelle left at three when things slowed down. Marc wouldn’t arrive until six, when she closed until Monday. As she marked down items in the display case that wouldn’t stay fresh until Monday, she brooded. Blackmailing Marc into allowing her back into his bed wasn’t how she had planned getting back with him. When she had given him her ultimatum yesterday, she had done so without thinking of the future consequences. Now she had no way of knowing if Marc wanted her or if he was just ensuring she accepted his protection. When the problem with her stalker was resolved, then what? Would he return her to her little apartment upstairs and ignore her again, or would he want to give their relationship a try for real, without her coercion and his doubts?

As Cassie cleaned her kitchen and waited on the few late afternoon customers who always showed up for the marked down goodies, her mood went from bad to worse. She finally blamed Marc for putting her in the position of having to force her way back into his bed. If he wasn’t so over protective and had just allowed the Sheriff and his deputies to do their job, then there was the chance the two of them could have eventually worked their way back to each other. As much as she had enjoyed submitting to him last night and looked forward to more of the intense sexual satisfaction that she seemed to only achieve with Marc, she wished he was with her of his own desire. Though she should rescind her threat and offer to sleep in the guest room, the thought of returning to a platonic relationship didn’t improve her mood so when Marc entered the bakery shortly before six she wasn’t pleased to see him.

“You’re early. I’m not ready,” she snapped at him and then instantly regretted it when his welcoming smile turned into a frown.

Striding to the counter, Marc eyed Cassie coolly wondering why she was in such a foul mood. He had thought of her all day and vacillitated between being angry at her, worried for her and lusting after her which led him to an irrefutable conclusion. Even though her threat of not staying at the lodge unless she was in his bed had pissed him off, he had to finally admit that she would have ended up there eventually, if not sooner, anyway. It seemed when it came to Cassie, he had as much self control as Jack had had against Morgan and he could now sympathize and understand why Jack had voluntarily kept his distance from Morgan for so long. Although it was too early for him to envision a similar positive outcome for him and Cassie as Jack had had with Morgan, he at least wouldn’t be left regretting turning her away without giving them another chance.

“Bad day, darlin?” he questioned coolly.

“I’ve changed my mind, Marc,” Cassie said over her shoulder as she went back into the kitchen.

Marc followed her, irritated at the way she was evading him. “About what exactly?” Leaning against the large worktable that she was cleaning up, he folded his arms over his chest, his eyes watching her closely.

“About staying at the lodge. I’ll be fine here. I’ll call Scott and let him know the change of plans.” Putting away the butter and milk, she tried to ignore the way his jaw tightened and his green eyes snapped with ire.

“And you think Scott and his deputies have nothing better to do than baby sit one woman who doesn’t have the common sense to accept a simple solution and offer of help?”

Making her sound self centered and foolish just irritated her more, mainly because he was right. “You’re an ass, you know that?” she snapped in self defense then paled when he got that Dom look on his face that said she had gone too far.

Marc had had about enough of her attitude, especially after the day he had had. Stalking around the counter, he pinned her against it, his arms caging her in as they rested behind her. “You want to tell me what has you acting like a bitch?”

His soft voice sent a shiver through her and it wasn’t totally from fear. Being this close to him had her pussy clenching in need and her nipples puckering. Damn, how was he able to do this to her with just a look and his body bracketing hers? He wasn’t even touching her. “No, I don’t.” Acting perverse was her only defense against the need she had for him that she couldn’t seem to escape from.

“Well, that’s too bad. You made your choice yesterday and I’m holding you to it.” Picking up the wooden spoon lying on the counter behind her, he ordered, “Turn around and bend over.”

Cassie’s eyes widened in shock going first from the spoon then to his face, noting he was dead serious. “No way. Damn it, Marc, this is my business. Someone could still walk in.”

“Which is why you’d better comply quickly. When you forced your way back into my life and my bed, you knew what I would demand of you. My way, Cassie. Anywhere, anyhow and anytime I say.” Raising a dark brow, he challenged, “Or are you running again? Already.”

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