Make Me Yours (29 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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Cassie wondered how far she’d get playing the poor me act, then looked at his face and realized she may as well not bother. He looked well and truly pissed. Maybe if she explained he’d understand, but the thought of telling him she thought she meant more to him than she apparently did made her cringe in humiliation. “Can we go back now? I have a lot of work to do, that is if I can use your kitchen,” she said, hoping he’d let the rule thing slide.

“No, we can’t go back now. First, I’m going to show you how I deal with rule breaking from my sub.” Grabbing her hand as she took a step back, he pulled her to him while turning to see where Scott went. Smiling, he saw he was thinking ahead and had removed his belt.

“I decided you were too angry to mete it out, so I’ll do it for you,” Scott said when Marc just raised an eyebrow at him.

“You’re right.”

“Right about what?” Cassie asked, her eyes going from Scott and the wide leather belt looped over in his hand to Marc.

“That I’m too angry to discipline you myself, so Scott will do it. I would never raise my hand to you in anger, Cassie.”

“No. You can spank me later, when you’re not as mad.” She tried to pull away from him, but his grip was too tight. While a part of her mind was in a panic over the thought of Scott using his belt on her, another part, the part she was beginning to think of as her slutty Marc part, was secretly excited about the prospect. The erotic pain from her previous spankings always led to powerful orgasms, as did having an audience. But this time was going to be for punishment and not with Scott just watching, but participating. Before she could assimilate how she felt about that, Marc had her jeans shoved down and was bending her over his arm. “Wait, Marc! Please!” She tried to struggle, but a hard slap on her bare ass put a quick stop to it.

“No, I will not wait. You took off alone,” the belt snapped across her buttocks and she yelped at the fiery pain. “You didn’t stay within sight of the lodge,” he said then reached under her with his free hand and cupped her unfettered breast beneath her shirt as Scott smacked her again. “And, you jumped to the wrong conclusion when you were listening in on my conversation.”

Scott smacked the belt across her vulnerable buttocks again and Cassie bit her lip as the strokes continued, the snapping sound against her flesh echoing in the mountain air. Marc’s words about her jumping to the wrong conclusion about what she heard had her wondering how he knew she had been listening and hoping that when he said she was wrong in her thinking that that meant there was still a chance for them.

The new hope blossoming in her chest helped her accept her punishment and the accompanying pain. Her buttocks felt as if they were on fire and she knew she wasn’t the least bit turned on from this spanking. Marc’s hand on her breasts was more soothing than stimulating and went a long ways towards helping her bear the consequences of her actions. As if the humiliation of being bent over bare assed and punished by Scott wasn’t enough, she was feeling guilty for having caused so much trouble for everyone by getting lost. The belt hurt worse than anything she had experienced before and the strokes were not light by any means. She whimpered when Scott shifted his aim to the under curve of her ass and then the tops of her thighs. She had tried to be still and accept her punishment stoically, but couldn’t prevent from kicking her feet and trying to shift her hips away from the descending belt on the last few.

“She reddens beautifully,” Scott said as he landed another blow right on top of a previous one and then ran his hand over her abused flesh. “You didn’t set a number, so, unless you want bruises, I’m done.”

Marc frowned and glanced at her ass. While definitely red and puffy, he knew Scott wouldn’t leave bruises any more than he would. His hand left the softness of her breasts to join in caressing her buttocks. “I think she’s had enough,” he said as she moaned and lifted into their hands making both men smile.

“She likes to be petted,” Scott drawled then stopped her shifting buttocks abruptly by kneading the plump warm flesh.

“Ow!” Cassie cried out when Scott squeezed her right buttock. “I thought you were done!” She should be scrambling to lift herself from being held over Marc’s hard arm, but in truth, she had been enjoying the attention from both men and was starting to get excited when Scott had so callously added to her discomfort and stopped any budding arousal.

Chuckling, Scott slapped her cheek lightly then put his belt back on. “I’ll let you finish this how you see fit and see you later.”

Marc lifted Cassie up, wiped the tears from her cheeks and ordered softly, “Cassie, kiss Scott and thank him for punishing you for me.”

Cassie’s face turned as red as her ass as she lifted her face to Scott. He made it easy by holding out his arms and hugging her before she looked back up at him. “Thank you, sir,” she replied before reaching up and kissing him softly. When he deepened the kiss by opening her mouth and stroking her tongue with his, she leaned into his hard chest and clasped his shoulders tightly. Damn, the man could kiss, she thought as he explored her mouth and lips with leisurely thoroughness, his hands caressing her ass softly, causing her excitement to spike. She was actually disappointed when he ended the kiss, removed his hands and turned her back to Marc.

“Later, sweetie,” he grinned down at her and tapped her nose before striding off.

“You ready to run?” Marc asked her when she lifted questioning blue eyes to his.

Enlightenment dawned as she realized the reason why he had allowed Scott to administer her punishment. “No, I’m not going to run. What did you mean I misunderstood what you said to Jack?”

“We’ll discuss that later. I have another pressing matter that needs addressing first.” Marc took her hand and pressed it against his hard cock. “Strip, darlin’. I’m not through with you.”

Cassie didn’t hesitate even though she was dying to talk about their relationship. But if he’d rather fuck first, who was she to argue? Recalling their last outdoor experience, she couldn’t wait to see what he had in mind today. Although, with her ass still throbbing from her punishment, she sincerely hoped he left his flogger back at the lodge. While slipping out of her clothes, she watched Marc warily as he strode toward a large tree, reached up and yanked on something. Cassie gaped in surprise when a strange seat dangling from four chains dropped down to hip height in front of him.

“What on earth is that?” she asked. It looked like someone had taken a cushion from an outdoor lounger and made a makeshift seat out of it. Similar to the swings she had seen but never used both in the Omaha club and in the lodge, this swing’s back was higher for more upper support, but the seat was shorter with barely enough space for her butt.

“Jack and I made it.” With his finger, Marc beckoned her over to him, his eyes taking in her hard, pointed nipples and the shiny glaze coating her bare pussy lips, both indications of her escalating arousal. When she reached his side, he bent and kissed her hard. “Relax, you’ll like this.”

“Said the spider to the fly.”

“I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you.” Lifting her, he set her ass in the makeshift swing then lowered the chains holding the back until she was leaning back. “Comfortable?”

Surprisingly, it was, she thought as she resisted the urge to swing her legs out and rock the chair. “Yes.” Looking up, she added, “But are you sure the tree will hold me?”

Chuckling, Marc lifted her right arm and attached her wrist to a cuff attached to the chain. “I’m sure, especially since you’re a little thing.” Leaning over her, he secured her left arm next then stood back between her legs and simply looked. Her nipples were pointed straight up and lay atop their soft pillows like tasty mints ready to be savored. Bending over, he took the right one in his mouth and suckled softly before nipping it with his teeth.

Cassie gasped at the erotic sting and pushed her breast up, wanting more. When his hand cupped her left breast and his fingers pinched her nipple at the same time as he bit down again on the other one, she cried out and thrust her hips against his, rubbing herself on his cock. “Master, please, take off your jeans.” She really, desperately needed to feel that hard cock rubbing naked against her own bare flesh.

“Demanding little sub, aren’t you?” His heated gaze lifted from her damp breast and noted her flushed face. “You’re not quite ready for me, darlin’.”

“If I were any more ready I’d be coming. Please, sir.” Cassie pleaded cajolingly.

“That’s not what I meant.” Grabbing her right ankle, Marc lifted her leg and attached another cuff on the chain attached to the seat of the chair. After securing her left leg in the same manner, he stood back and admired the view. With her legs lifted and splayed, she was wide open, her pussy and ass available for his use. “Now, you’re ready.”

Cassie had never felt more exposed, but the warm breeze caressing her bare skin as well as the heated look in Marc’s eyes made her forget her vulnerability and allowed her to relax and enjoy his attentions. There was no one around, and, as she watched him release his cock and take it in his large hand, she wouldn’t care if someone did happen upon them. All that mattered was pleasing Marc, feeling that hard cock shafting her again and ending this tortuous ache he had aroused in her.

Marc ran his fingers over her folds before slipping between them. “You’re so fucking wet, and warm, and tight,” he rasped as he finger fucked her while smiling down at her.

“For you. Please, Master.” She lifted against his hand, not wanting foreplay, just him.

Marc couldn’t resist her plea and reached under her hips to clasp her still warm, still pink buttocks. “If you insist.” Plunging into her, he damn near exploded at feeling her walls clasp around his bare dick. Her snug pussy felt as good around his cock as it did around his fingers and he wondered why he had held back so long from taking her bare back when he knew she was protected. His grip tightened on her ass as he pulled back slowly, savoring every feel of her before thrusting back in.

Cassie bit her lip, the pleasure almost more than she could bear. The fact he trusted her to go without a condom wasn’t lost on her and only added to her pleasure. His naked cock felt ten times better against her sensitive nerve endings and each time he pulled back, she struggled to tighten around him and hold him inside her.

“Shit. If you keep doing that, I’m not going to last.” Sweat dripped off his forehead as he tried to hold himself back.

“I don’t want you to last. Fuck me, Marc. Hard.”

Marc saw the need on her face but wasn’t ready to give in to it. Releasing her ass, he grasped the chains on the chair and swung it back, then forward, allowing the chair to control his thrusts. “Not yet. Soon.” Rocking the swing, he took her slowly, her frustrated whimpers music to his ears but the hot clasp of her cunt a torment on his senses.

Just when Cassie thought he’d never speed up and simply take her, he gripped her sore ass again, lifted her hips slightly so when he thrust in it was in a downward stroke and pressed right along her clit. “Yes!” she cried out as she felt the small tremors begin.

Marc gave in and took her the way they both wanted, hard and fast. His hands hard on her cheeks, he pounded into her over and over until they were both crying out together, the sounds of their slapping flesh and shouts of release filling the small clearing.

“Tell me why you took off the way you did.”

Cassie followed Marc back to the trail, her hand clasped tightly in his. She was glad his back was to her when he asked that question as it was going to be difficult to face him over this.

“I heard you tell Jack you were just doing a favor for a friend and that you were going to be through with me once the problem was resolved.” She shrugged even though he didn’t look back. When he didn’t respond she gave his back an exasperated look and tugged on their hands.

Glancing back, he didn’t smile at her scowl, but he wanted to. Raising a brow, he asked, “And?”

“And I thought we were more than friends. There, are you happy now?” she snapped.

Marc stopped walking, turned and pulled her to him. “We are much more than friends, something you would know if you had listened to our whole conversation or come to me instead of running away.”


“Quiet. I was speaking of a favor I’m going to do for a friend next week, a friend I’ve helped in the past and have realized that he’s using me as a crutch. Therefore, it will be the last time I help him out of this particular kind of bind.”

“Oh.” Cassie grinned sheepishly at him. If she didn’t feel so stupid for jumping to the wrong conclusion she would be enjoying the glow his explanation gave her. “Uh, sorry.”

Marc squeezed her buttocks and smiled when she winced. “I bet you are.” Taking her hand again, he resumed walking. “We will discuss our relationship later. Today, I have to see to our guests since we had to cancel their plans in order to look for you.”

“I said I was sorry,” she grumbled, then gaped in surprise when they stepped out of the woods into the clearing in front of the lodge. “That was quick.”

“You weren’t far off the trail, just well hidden. There’s a reason we had that swing in that copse.”

“How many play areas do you have in those woods?” They stepped into the cool interior of the lodge and Cassie was grateful to be back.

Smiling, he kissed her, then said, “Several, but please, don’t go looking for them.”

“Trust me, I won’t. I really am sorry I caused so much trouble. Thank you for finding me.”

“Can’t lose my favorite girl, now can I? I gotta go. I’ll expect a pie or something after dinner.”

“I can do that.” Smiling, Cassie trotted upstairs to catch up on her baking.

Saturday morning, Marc dropped Cassie off at the bakery an hour earlier than usual so she could meet Jimmy there and get her oven going again. After setting out the items she had baked at the lodge yesterday afternoon and evening, she quickly got to work preparing items for the Saturday regulars and the personal orders she had received. By mid morning, she was removing a large pan of brownies from her toasty warm oven and sliding another pan in when the door chimes pealed indicating a customer.

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