Make Me Yours (30 page)

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Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Make Me Yours
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“Be right with you,” she called out.

“It’s just me, dear,” Ed answered. “I’ll set your mail on the counter.”

Cassie hurried out front, catching him before he left. “Wait Ed, I’ve got a cherry tart for you.” Handing him a small bag containing his treat, Ed beamed at her.

“You spoil me, but I’m not complaining. Have a nice weekend. I’ll see you Monday.”

“You too.” Cassie picked up the mail and quickly flipped through it, then felt her stomach cramp when she saw the plain white envelope with no return address. With shaking hands, she slit it open and shook it, not wanting to touch anything. A picture slid out face up. Nausea churned inside her and threatened to come up as she stared down at a picture of herself restrained in the homemade swing, her legs lifted and splayed, Marc between them gripping her ass, his face hard as he fucked her.

Just the thought that this person had been out there with her, close enough to take this picture, close enough to harm either one of them, was enough to make her want to run and hide. But she wasn’t going to do that. Anger slowly replaced her fear as she reached for the phone.

Less than ten minutes later, Scott showed up, his face tight with anger as he looked down at the photo. “No note?” he asked as he looked up at her pale but composed face. It looked like she was holding it together, which was good.

“No, just the picture.” Cassie would have been embarrassed to have him see her in such a pose, but anger and the fact he had seen her naked before helped lessen her mortification.

Scott took his pen and flipped the picture over revealing the message:



“Shit. You don’t make a move without someone with you, got it?”

Cassie could see why he’d make a good Dom. She wasn’t about to argue with him. “I won’t, I promise.”

Slipping the photo into a plastic bag, Scott said, “I’m going to call Marc and have him get out here to stay until you close. Don’t worry, sweetie, we’ll catch this guy.” Scott smiled reassuringly at her but he could tell she was worried.

Cassie just nodded and returned to her kitchen. Things were going so well between her and Marc and now this. She wished whoever this was would make a play for her. At least then this waiting on pins and needles would be over.

Scott stayed until Marc arrived. One look at the picture had him swearing and threatening this guy with a slow and painful death. Thinking of Cassie alone in the woods with this pervert somewhere nearby had him seeing red and he vowed to stick to her like glue until he was caught.

“You coming out to the lodge tonight?” Marc asked Scott when Cassie was out of earshot.

“I planned on it. What’d you have in mind?”

“Something to take her mind off this son of a bitch.” Just thinking of the ways the two of them could pleasure her had both his anticipation and his cock up.

“I think I can be available to help with that. It’s lingerie night, right?” Scott asked.

“Yes, our favorite theme.” Marc smiled thinking of the outfit he bought for Cassie to wear tonight

“I look forward to seeing her in whatever has you smiling. Meanwhile, I’m going to be doing some more asking around about strangers in the area.”

“Thanks, Scott. We’ll check with our guests too. Most of them we know, so we’ll ask them about any of these new players. We’ll get him.” Marc was sure of that, he just hoped it was soon and before he had a chance to hurt Cassie. Now that he had found her again, he wasn’t about to lose her.

Cassie eyed the small package on the bed warily. Marc had informed her that all the women would be wearing lingerie tonight and he had bought her something special. Special meant provocative, she thought as she lifted the lid off the small white box. Then again, if there was anything in there it was more than being completely naked, which she assumed she would be eventually. A blue satin demi bra with white lace trim and matching thong lay nestled in the tissue paper. Lifting the bra, she thought it was the prettiest set she had ever seen.

“The blue matches your eyes.” Marc came in and removed the damp towel that covered her rosy body.

“It’s lovely, Marc. Thank you,” Cassie said as she slipped the bra on and turned so he could hook it. Looking down, she was disconcerted to see the cups were only big enough to provide a shelf for her breasts, plumping them up and leaving her bare nipples protruding out.

“Perfect,” he said and before she could complain, leaned down and drew one soft peak into his mouth.

Cassie leaned into him, quickly getting over her embarrassment as he suckled her nipple with deep pulls of his mouth, his tongue stroking the hardening bud over and over. “Marc, Master, do we have to go downstairs right now?” she moaned, wanting nothing more than for him to toss her on the bed and fuck her hard.

Marc released her nipple with a strong pull before smiling at her. “Yes, we do. Now, hold still darlin’.” Withdrawing a small object from his pocket, Marc clamped the nipple ring then loosened it slightly before drawing her other nipple into his mouth to ready it for the matching clamp.

Cassie groaned as he attached the other clamp, the pinch hurting until he loosened the ring enough to ease the sharp bite. Now her nipples throbbed with the pressure, their normally pink color a deep red.

“Slip these on and we’ll head down.”

Cassie stepped into the thong, bracing her hands on his shoulders while trying to ignore the way the chain attached to the two nipple rings swayed as she bent and pulled on her sensitive nipples.

Catching her grimace, Marc kissed her. “Don’t worry, you won’t have to wear them long.”

“From what I remember, it hurts worse when they come off than when they go on.”

Marc just smiled, took her hand and led her out of the room. Morgan and Jack were just coming out of their room and Jack eyed her slowly before giving her a wink.

“Very pretty, Cassie.”

Cassie blushed then looked at Morgan. Dressed in a calf length see through ivory gown, it was obvious she didn’t have anything on underneath it.

“Morgan, you look innocent and seductive. Good choice, Jack,” Marc commented.

“Why do I feel more naked in this than I would without anything?” Morgan asked of no one in particular as they headed downstairs.

“I don’t know, Princess. Would you rather I slipped it off now, before we go in?” Jack asked.

“No, sir.” Morgan looked at Cassie and rolled her eyes.

Cassie giggled and followed Marc into the club room glad to see that only one other couple had arrived. Jack fixed them a drink then they left her and Morgan seated at the bar while they greeted their guests and mingled. An hour later everyone had arrived and Cassie and Morgan were finding themselves grateful for their meager outfits. Most of the women wore gowns with holes cut out for breasts and pussies or bras and panties that were similarly missing fabric. The music was loud and pulsing and laughter filled the room and Cassie found herself enjoying people watching as she finished her drink. These people wasted no time getting into the swing of things she thought as she watched two women go down on a guy while the woman seated next to them had her legs draped over a man’s shoulders as he knelt in front of her and buried his head between them.

“Eager, aren’t they?” Morgan asked as they both watched.

“I’ll say,” Cassie replied. A few minutes later, when Scott walked up to her and lightly tugged the chain between her breasts, she felt her pussy clench in need. Being a voyeur had certainly built her own desire. If she hadn’t been so crazy in love with Marc, she thought she could really fall for Scott. He had that whole Dom thing down pat and was good looking and nice on top of it.

“Don’t you ladies look lovely,” he said.

“Thank you, Master Scott,” Morgan smiled at the sheriff and from the look on her face Cassie thought she found him as attractive as she did.

“Where is Master Marc, Cassie?”

“Right here.” Marc slipped his hands around Cassie’s waist and lifted her off the stool. “It’s about time you got here. The bench is clear.” Looking down at Cassie, he held her against him with an arm around her waist and tipped her chin up with his free hand. “Scott and I are going to scene with you darlin’. Are you okay with that?”

Cassie felt none of the sense of betrayal she had the last time Marc suggested allowing another man to join them. Even though he hadn’t said the words, his actions, especially in the past few days, all spoke of love and a commitment to keeping her happy. He had explained that giving her the ultimate pleasure of two men would please him as much as her, and she could no more deny him than she could herself.

“I’m okay with it.”

Marc cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly. “I love you, darlin’.” Quickly laying a finger across her lips before she could reply, he said, “Tell me later, after.” Marc escorted her to the front of the room where a padded, waist high bench similar to the spanking bench stood unoccupied. Silently, Marc removed her bra while Scott slipped her thong off leaving her naked except for the nipple clamps.

“Up you go, sweetie.” Scott lifted her onto the bench and eased her down before strapping her wrists down at her sides. “Relax. We’ll be right here with you,” he said when she struggled against the restraints.

Cassie tried to relax as they each grabbed an ankle, bent her legs and strapped her down with her legs bent and knees spread, and when Marc pulled a strap across her hips, leaving her unable to move at all, she felt herself moisten in anticipation.

“I’m going to blindfold you, Cassie,” Marc said as he showed her the black blindfold he had put on her before. “It will heighten your senses.”

Cassie nodded her head then lifted so he could tie it behind her. Now there was nothing but the music and the sounds of slapping flesh and cries of pleasure surrounding her, the warm lights shining above her and hands running over her body.


Lips and tongues caressed her clamped nipples simultaneously making Cassie moan at the dual stimulation. When fingers removed the clamps and the pain from the return blood flow caused her to gasp, their lips returned, easing the pain, soothing it with their tongues, leaving her aching for more.

Cassie forgot about the party going on around, heard nothing but Marc’s and Scott’s deep voices in her ears as they pleasured her. Within minutes, she discovered being the sole object of their attentions was a heady experience and one she found herself bemoaning running from all those years ago.

Lips touched hers, Marc’s, because she’d know his lips anywhere, while hard hands plumped and kneaded her breasts.

“You are exquisite in your passion,” Marc whispered against her mouth before tracing her lips with his tongue then moving down her neck.

“I agree.” Scott’s mouth took the place of Marc’s and Cassie fell into his kiss, enjoying his taste and his hands as they moved over her.

She whimpered when he moved away then gasped as their hands and mouths moved slowly down her body, suckling her tortured nipples again before licking and nipping their way down her stomach to her mound. Cassie lost track of whose mouth and hands was whose and succumbed to the pleasure they induced. Lips caressed her damp folds as fingers spread them, exposing her fully, leaving them no illusions as to her eager acceptance of their touch.

When their fingers penetrated the moist depths of her pussy, Cassie cried out and tried to arch into the thrusts only to find herself unable to move. Her breath caught as her excitement escalated at her helplessness and the darkness behind her blindfold burst into a kaleidoscope of colors as they brought her to one orgasm after another. With fingers, lips and tongues they left no inch of her untouched, deep thrusts into her pussy and anus had her screaming her pleasure, soft strokes from their tongues over her swollen needy clit had her moaning and jerking with wave after wave of ecstasy. One peak would end only to herald the onset of another. One of them moved back up to her breasts and with perfect coordination she found her nipple being sucked simultaneously with her clit and was once again tossed into the storm.

What seemed like hours later, Cassie lay panting quietly, her body coated with a sheen of perspiration, her nipples and clit aching and sore from so much attention and so many climaxes. Her blindfold was removed and she stared up into the smiling green eyes she loved so much.


Her soft, sated voice was music to Marc’s ears. Her face was flushed, her body languid as they released the straps. “Darlin’, I don’t think I have to ask if you enjoyed yourself.”

“No, you don’t have to ask.” Cassie sat up slowly with their help and allowed her eyes to adjust slowly to her surroundings. She saw people smiling and moving away from their scene area and she didn’t have enough energy left to be embarrassed over what they saw and heard. To her right, she saw Morgan on the St. Andrew’s cross, her body shuddering under the onslaught of Jack’s possession. Her gaze shifted to Marc and Scott and their undeniable erections. “Um, what about you, sir? Don’t you want to...”

“Most definitely we want to,” Marc answered, grinning at her as she floundered. He’d have to remember how multiple orgasms left her so cutely flustered. “Come with us, Cassie. We’ll go someplace a little more private.”

Marc and Scott each took her hands and led her outside to the whirlpool. The evening had cooled as it did in the mountains and goose bumps rose quickly on her bare damp skin.

“You look cold, sweetie. In you go.” With a hand on her butt, Scott guided her down into the heated swirling water.

Cassie leaned back and watched appreciatively as both men stripped and joined her, their jutting erections seeping from their slits. When they stood in front of her, she needed no encouragement to lean forward and take Marc’s cock into her mouth while gripping Scott’s with her hand. Their deep moans sounded loud in the quiet night as she alternated sucking and stroking each of them, taking her time to learn each of their pleasure spots and to concentrate on those areas for their pleasure.

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