Making New Memories (19 page)

Read Making New Memories Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #helicopter, #rescue, #marine, #wyoming

BOOK: Making New Memories
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Grinning Stump says, "Grab your stuff and
let's split this place."

More than happy to be leaving, Dylan follows
his buddies upstairs to the helipad and climbs inside the familiar
space. Breathing a sigh of relief he asks, "How did you guys know
to come get me today,"

Pinky offers, "Jesse told Bear last night you
were being released and just in time too. We have your next

A wave of disappointment flows over Dylan,

"Yeah, sorry man but you're going to have to
wait a little while longer before snuggling up with your woman.
We're headed for LA."

"LA? What's going on in LA?" asks Dylan.

"Do you remember Jim Burleson?" asks

"Sure, Jim's a great guy. Why?" asks

"He's been arrested for building the bombs
that blew up the restaurant," responds Stump.

"What? You're kidding aren't you?" asks

"No, we're not kidding. Detective Long sent
us four sets of fingerprints. When we ran them through the military
database and Jim's name popped up. The information the detective
furnished about the makeup of the bombs is also a match for Jim."
explains Stump.

"What about the other three sets of prints?"
asks Dylan.

"Two of them matched people that died in the
explosion. We haven't been able to match the fourth set." Pinky
adds. "Since you and Barry were the closest friends Jim had in the
Marines you need to talk to him and see if you can find out what's
going on. Barry is still supposed to be dead."

"All right, give me all the details you have
about the explosion. I saw it on television but I haven't heard
anything except the television reports since Jesse told me they
survived," says Dylan.

"Hey man, we're sorry we couldn't let you
know sooner. I know it had to be hard watching that on TV and
thinking Skye was in that restaurant," says Stump.

Dylan nods and says, "Yeah, it nearly
destroyed me."

Stump continues, "The police think the bombs
were hidden in potted plants and coordinated to explode with one
cell phone call. One hundred three people died. The official list
still hasn't been released but some of the families have identified
their victims. The police don't have any possible motive yet other
than the trial so Barry and Skye are still the likely targets. You
need to thank Bear when you see him. He is the one that rushed them
through to the back door and saved their lives. He knew immediately
something was wrong."

Thinking out loud Dylan says, "This whole
thing really doesn't make sense to me. Who knew they were going to
that particular restaurant for dinner far enough ahead of time to
plant bombs in the potted plants? Are you absolutely certain the
bombs were set off by a cell phone call and not a preset timer?
Have you looked into the restaurant owners? Was there any financial
difficulties or perhaps a competitor angry enough to blow up the

Pinky says, "Those are all good questions. We
don't have the answers. The police aren't sharing a lot with


As he walks into the jail where Jim Burleson
is being held, chills run down Dylan's spine remembering when he
was jailed not too long ago. After signing in and asking to see
Jim, the three men move to the visitation room. When Jim walks in
and sees them a semblance of a smile crosses his face.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming. I was beginning
to think I am the most hated man in the universe. Watching the TV
coverage is pretty depressing," says Jim.

Dylan asks, "What's going on Jim? Did you do
blow up that restaurant?"

Adamantly Jim says, "No! I wouldn't do
something like that. I wouldn't deliberately take another human
life." Tears in his eyes he adds, "They are saying I built the
bombs but I didn't do it. I wouldn't do it."

Dylan feels down in his gut that Jim is
telling the truth. He asks, "Jim, can you think of any way someone
could have gotten their hands on bombs you built and hidden them in
those potted plants?"

Jim says, "Dylan, I build bombs every day. It
is my job, I blow up buildings. I try to be very careful not to
leave anything lying around but ... wait, I have been working on
preparing the building on Cross and Williams Streets for implosion
for weeks. It's a thirty six story building and it takes a long
time to set all of the charges. What if someone went behind me and
took some of them? I wouldn't know until the final check the day
before I set them off. The building is supposed to have security
but I'm not sure how good it is."

Dylan asks, "Do you know if they still have
surveillance cameras?"

Jim answers, "The cameras are still in the
building but I don't know if they're working."

"I'll look into it. Hang tight Jim, I'll see
what I can do to help you," reassures Dylan.

"Thanks man," says Jim Burleson as he is led
back to his cell.


As the guys are leaving the jail, Dylan dials
his cell and speaks to the man on the other end, "Tom, this is
Dylan Drake."

"Hey Dylan, how are you? I've been wondering
about you since the trial ended. What can I do for you?" asks Tom
Christensen, Private Investigator.

"I'm good. Listen, I know you have
exceptional access to security video. A building at the corner of
Cross and Williams in LA is scheduled for implosion. Jim Burleson
has been placing explosive charges inside for weeks getting it
ready. I need to know if the security cameras are still active. I
believe someone may have stolen some of the explosive charges out
of that building and used them to blow up the restaurant on Rodeo
drive. Will you check it out for me? Check all of the surrounding
area security cameras too."

"Sure, I'll get back to you in a couple of
days," says Tom.

Dylan turns to the guys and asks, "What

Pinky smiles and says, "Well, I guess we can
take you back to the ranch now. I believe there might be a couple
of people that would like to see you."

Smiling Stump says, "That surgeon did a
really good job on your face. You can hardly see the scar anymore.
How's the back?"

Dylan says, "Thanks, I thought he did a good
job too. My back is healed but the scars will always be with me I


When the helicopter lands Dylan can see
Damian and Skye waiting for the blades to stop turning. As he steps
to the ground Damian flies into his arms giving him a huge hug.
Dylan's eyes are glued on Skye. Thank you God! She really is all
right. He had been so afraid they were not telling him the whole
truth. As he walks toward her he can see the tears in her eyes and
he opens his arms to her, pulling her close and kissing her warmly.
"I've missed you Skye. Thank God you are all right. I felt like
someone ripped my heart out of my chest when I saw that building
explode on television."

Smiling tearfully I say, "I must admit I saw
my life flash before my eyes too. Thank God Bear was with us or
none of us would have survived."

Dylan turns to Bear with tears in his eyes,
"Thank you Sir. I owe you big time."

Blushing Bear says, "You're welcome. I'm glad
I was with them and my instincts didn't let me down."

Dylan says, "Jesse tells me you are
considering moving here to the ranch. I want you to know that you
will always be welcome as a valued member of the Drake Security

Bear smiles, "Thank you that means a lot to
me. Barry is letting us build a house here and we will be moving
before summer's end. Jesse will be coming as soon as we solve the
mystery about the explosion."

Dylan says, "Sweetheart I need to update
Barry on my side trip to LA. I'll catch up with you in a bit, all

I say, "Of course," and lean in for his


After the men all gather in the study, Dylan
says, "I spoke with Jim this morning and I've got to tell you, my
gut instinct is that he didn't do it. I want to ask Jacob to
represent him."

Barry says, "What did he say?"

Dylan continues, "Barry, you know Jim. He is
a good guy. He assured me that he didn't do it, that he never could
intentionally kill someone. He explained that he is readying a big
building for implosion and he suggested someone could have taken
some of the explosive devices he had already placed in the building
and used them to bomb the restaurant. I have asked Tom Christensen
to check any and all security video from the area to see if he can
turn up any activity around the building."

Barry says, "That sounds logical. We can only
hope Tom turns up something. I'll foot Jacob's bill if he agrees to
represent him. I have a hard time believing that Jim would do it
too. In the meantime let's look into all former employees of the
restaurant. Maybe somebody is carrying a grudge.

"Dylan, I have those papers ready to sign to
transfer the property. I also have the contractor ready to start
whenever you give the go ahead."

Dylan smiles, "Thanks Barry. We can start as
soon as you are no longer thought to be dead." While Dylan had been
at the hospital he had drawn the plans for his and Skye's home and
sent them to Barry. He wants to surprise her. "Did you have the
ring delivered?"

"I have it right here and the preacher will
be here for the wedding on Saturday. Have you asked her yet?" asks

"I took care of that before I left but I
promised Damian we would ask her together so I think I'll do that
tonight after dinner. Are you guys going to be witnesses?"

Grinning they all slap Dylan on the back and
nod. "We'll be here, we wouldn't miss it."

Barry has planned a big barbeque on the back
patio for the group. He has invited the Murrays and Melanie's
parents Patricia and Mark Brentwood so Dylan will have quite an

"I better go find Damian so we can practice."
Dylan heads out the door in search of his son.


The house and back patio are packed with
people standing around talking. It is a warm July night and
everyone is relaxed and happy. The kids are running around playing
chase and generally just being kids.

Barry grills the hamburgers with help from
the other men and the women are busy preparing potato salad, baked
beans, and cold slaw to round out the menu.

After everyone has finished eating and the
women have cleaned up the dishes and stored the leftovers in the
house, the men and women are gathered in groups around the area
chatting quietly. Everyone is keeping an eye on Damian to see when
Dylan gives him the signal to begin.

I am sitting in the middle of a group of
women, and am surprised when Damian comes running up to me with a
huge grin on his face. Everyone stops talking and turns to watch
Damian. He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the group of women
into the middle of the patio and looking up with hopeful eyes says
very loudly, "Skye, will you please marry my Dad and be my new

Shocked I glance around for Dylan who steps
from behind a group of men, bends to one knee and extends his hand
holding out an exquisite solitaire diamond ring. "Skye would you do
me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears streaming down my face and all of their
friends and neighbors looking on, I say, "Yes!" and I hug Damian
close. Dylan slides the ring on my finger and kisses me warmly.
Then pulling me tightly against his side with Damian standing in
front of us, we are inundated with congratulatory wishes. It is the
happiest day of Damian's young life.


On Wednesday morning Dylan and the other
Marines are going over the information they have been able to dig
up on the internet concerning former employees of the restaurant
when Dylan's cell phone rings, "Drake"

"Hey Dylan, Tom Christensen"

"Hey Tom, have you found something?" asks

"Well, maybe. The cameras in the building
where Jim is working have been disconnected. However I did find
video of what appears to be a catering van on the street outside.
Two men appear to be coming out of Jim's building and loading boxes
into the van. It doesn't show them actually exiting the building
though. I've got some close-ups of their faces but they are not
hitting any of my databases. I thought maybe you would have better

Dylan says, "Wow that sounds promising."

Tom says, "That's not all. I also found video
of what appears to be the same van outside the back door of the
restaurant on Rodeo Drive. It was after business hours and they
were unloading the boxes and appear to be carrying them inside
although it doesn't show them actually going in the door. It's
dated the night before the explosion. Of course the video from the
restaurant was all destroyed in the explosion so I have nothing
showing them inside. I'll send over the close-ups. See if you can
identify them."

When Dylan receives the close-ups the faces
aren't familiar to any of the members of the Drake Security team
and they didn't show up in any of the databases they have access
to. Dylan says, "Barry has spent a lot more time in LA than the
rest of us, maybe he will recognize them."

Dylan finds Barry in the study. "Hey Farrie,
do you have a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?" asks Barry.

"Tom sent over these close-ups of two guys
loading boxes into a van outside the building where Jim Burleson is
working. They aren't showing up in any of our databases. I thought
you might recognize them since you spent more time in LA than we

Barry looks at the pictures, "This guy looks
familiar. I've seen him somewhere but I'm not sure where. I don't
recognize the other one."

Thinking Dylan says, "Well, we have the list
of former employees of the restaurant. Maybe if we showed these
pictures to them they can put a name on them."

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