Making Waves: A Perfect Kisses Novella (7 page)

Read Making Waves: A Perfect Kisses Novella Online

Authors: Ophelia London

Tags: #past love, #reunited lovers, #Cindi Madsen, #small town romance, #Marina Adair, #hawaii, #surfer, #famous, #Julia London, #clean, #Catherine Bybee, #novella, #sweet

BOOK: Making Waves: A Perfect Kisses Novella
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Chapter Eight

How long did it take to try on a bathing suit? Justine had been in the dressing room for a very long time. For a second, Will wondered if she’d climbed out a window and fled on foot. He hoped this little experiment wasn’t freaking her out.

Once he was sure she was really behind the dressing room door, he wandered around the small store, flipping over the one touristy postcard that bared his surfer name. He was never more grateful for his careful, incognito identity than right now. The last thing Justine needed was pressure. If he was going to help her through this, it was all about nice and easy.

And he wanted to help. He couldn’t take away her loss, but maybe there was something he could give her.

“Any luck?” he said, moving to her dressing room.

“I’m not sure,” she replied as her door swung open. “What do you think?”

Thinking wasn’t something Will was able to do right then, because when Justine stepped out of her dressing room wearing a teeny-tiny red bikini, every drop of blood rushed from his brain and headed south.

“Um, nice,” he managed to garble. “

“It’s not too much?” She pivoted around to display her back half.

Hooooly hell.

Will’s pulse went into maximum overdrive, his helpless gaze glued on the tiny sliver of red fabric that could hardly be considered a bathing suit bottom.

“Umm. Shhhyoob…” When it was probably obvious he couldn’t form a complete sentence, Justine turned to face him. A second too late, his eyes darted to hers. He hadn’t the damndest idea what his expression looked like, though he was pretty sure he resembled a horny teenager drooling over the cover model on the
Sports Illustrated
swimsuit issue…live and in person and smelling like springtime.

“Judging by your reaction, I’m thinking too much.” She stepped back into the dressing room. “I’ll try another.”

It wasn’t until her door latched that Will was able to take a breath. Damn it, the girl was sexy. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? He took a deep inhale and swiped a shaky hand across his forehead. Maybe getting her practically naked wasn’t such a great idea. He was doing this to help her, not seduce her.

How much help would he be if he couldn’t keep his eyes or hands away?

A few minutes later, Justine’s door opened again, slowly this time, as if she didn’t want to startle him. She wore a deep blue suit, a two-piece, but not nearly as tiny as the red one. Will was grateful for that. She was as stunning as ever, but at least he could breathe.

“I like it,” he said steadily, though his heart was still doing a pretty decent imitation of a jackhammer.

“Yeah?” She blinked up at him, her eyes looking even bluer against the color of the suit.

“Yes, definitely,” Will added. “That’s a keeper.”

A keeper? What the hell?

“Okay.” She smiled and tugged at her hair. “I’m going to need a towel. Would you pick one out for me?”

Will swallowed and nodded mechanically, then stared at the outside of the dressing room door after Justine closed it. When he heard the sounds of clothing being removed and saw the shadow of her body behind the door, he swallowed again, turned on his heel, and got the hell out of there.

He strode toward the row of beach towels by the far wall, blindly reached out and grabbed the first one he came to. He was about to walk to the cash register when he took a look at it. It was hideous orange and had a cartoon whale in the middle. Hmm, not so much.

So he returned to the rack and did some browsing. He decided on an oversized white towel with pink, aqua, and yellow paisleys. It felt like Justine: classy and feminine, retro and California. He couldn’t help imagining wrapping it around her then holding her against him.

“Is that for me?” she asked, back in her yellow dress, the blue bikini draped over her arm. “I love it. It’s so cute.”

Cute wasn’t what he’d been shooting for, but he was pleased she approved. “You’ll want to change into your suit, right?”

She stopped walking and stared straight ahead. “Now?”

“Baby steps,” he said, hoping he hadn’t spooked her out of it. “All you’re doing is putting on a bathing suit. You did that two minutes ago. The only difference is, now it’s yours.”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Okay.” She turned to the cashier and asked if she could use the dressing room one more time. Will stood by the exit, holding her towel. A few minutes later, Justine called to the cashier.

While he waited, Will pulled his cell out of his pocket to check messages. There were about a million emails sent to his Chase Ryder address. He probably shouldn’t have taken off like this, but he didn’t care. Spending time with Justine was more important—he felt that now more than ever.


He looked up to see Justine before him. She wore the blue bikini top and one of those sarong things around her waist. It was white and sheer and tied in a knot right below her belly button, showing off her curvy hips and flat stomach. She also had a bright pink flower tucked behind an ear. He didn’t know how her beauty managed to stun the hell out of him again, but it did.

“You fit right in here,” he said, touching the flower. “Like you were born this way.” He held the door open and her shoulder brushed against him as she exited the store.

“Are we…you know…right now?” she asked after they were back into the car. She looked a little pale and he noticed her fists were clenched and one knee bounced up and down.

“We’re going to drive for a while,” he said, hoping to calm her mood. “Nothing to worry about.”

She stared at the dashboard, not blinking. Out of impulse, Will put a hand on her knee. He felt her body freeze but then the bouncing started again. After a moment, it stopped and she exhaled. “Okay. I’m okay. Let’s drive.”

Will didn’t think she really was okay, but he’d have to take her word for it. “See if you can find some Taylor Swift on the radio, would you?” He grinned and was relieved when she unclenched her fists and grinned back.

“Isn’t there a station that plays all tropical music?”

“I think so.” Will worked his way up the dial until he found it. “You’re in luck. Sugar Ray.” He turned up the volume and sang along.

Justine burst out laughing. “You really are a pop fan. And a

“Shh—no killing the groove while I’m driving.”

Will was happy to sacrifice any shred of coolness he had left if that distracted her from what was coming. It was another thirty minutes down to the spot he had in mind. Along the way, he pointed out landmarks and secret coves only locals knew about, doing his best to keep her occupied. He was keeping himself plenty occupied as well, because every time Justine shifted in her seat, the damn slit of that white sarong exposed additional mileage of her toned thigh. More than once, he had to remind himself to keep his eyes on the road.

When he slowed the car and pulled off to the shoulder, Justine asked, “Why are we stopping?”

He knew she knew why, but he answered anyway. “We’re walking to the beach. Grab your towel.”

“Okay.” Her moves out of the car were hesitant, but at least she wasn’t wrapping her arms around the steering wheel and refusing to budge.

Will grabbed his own towel from the trunk and together, they walked toward the beach.

“Is this private?” she asked, pointing at the big, white hotel to their left.

A little notch of worry sliced between her eyes, making Will think she might need another round of distracting later. “This stretch of beach
for hotel guests, but I happen to know it’s pretty empty this time of year.”


“I used to come out here a lot when I was a teenager. I wasn’t much into partying like the locals my age, so this was where I liked to hang out with a friend or two. No surfing, because, like I said, the waves are crap.”

He heard Justine exhale, and they continued to walk. It was a warm and sunny late afternoon, and just as he’d counted on, there were only a few other people occupying this stretch of sand. The water seemed perfect, too; only the tiniest of breakers curling toward the shore.

Justine halted a good ten yards from the water. “I think we should stop here,” she stated, then began to spread out her towel.

“Good spot,” Will said, even though the distance from there to the water was more than conservative. This might be harder than he thought. But his plan was this: the longer she sat under the sun, sooner or later, she’d want to cool off. It would happen, he just had to be ready.

He spread out his towel beside hers, pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the sand, then took a few steps toward the water, trying to make out if there were any drop-offs or dips in the sand that might freak her out unnecessarily. When he heard her suck in a breath, he swiveled his head to find her staring at his back.

“My tattoo?” he asked. “Does it bother you?”

“Yes,” she said, not meeting his eyes.

Chapter Nine

Would she ever get used to Will’s rockin’ bod? The muscles on his back made those high school lessons about the human body come screaming back. His delts and trapezius, and the way his long and lean latissimus dorsi led straight down to his perfect gluteus—


She flinched and blinked. “Yes?”

His eyebrows were lifted. “I asked if you’d rather me keep my shirt on.”

“No. Why?”

Should we throw a tarp over the statue of David while we’re at it?

Will walked over to her. “You said my tattoo bothers you. Sorry, I can cover it up if…”

She was trying hard to keep eye contact with him, when all she wanted to do was study his abs. “Oh, um, I didn’t mean it
I actually meant it bothers me that I can’t run my hands all over it.
“It’s just, you know…” She faked a shiver. “Dragons are scary.”

Will laughed and shook his head. “We don’t have to do this now.”

“Do what?” she asked, leaning forward, imagining what he had in mind that they might do and would it include her hands on his dragon.

He looked at her intently for a moment, then tipped his chin toward the water.

“Oh.” She exhaled, feeling her posture slump.

“Let’s sit a while. It’s a beautiful day. No rush.”


They were sitting close enough that Justine could pick up the salty scent of his skin mixed with those natural, manly pheromones. He didn’t have to take time out of his day to do this for her. He could be off with his surfer buddies or his family or doing whatever the reclusive Chase Ryder did to celebrate.

Yet, he was here with her.

It was pretty evident that today had not helped in her quest to get over Will Davenport. After all that had happened and what she was still discovering, she was even
attracted to him. She gazed out at the tiny waves, trying to make sense of the puzzle running through her head.

“Well, it’s getting warm.”

Justine sat ramrod straight. “Already?” She had to admit, even though the sun was halfway down the western sky, it was pretty darn hot, and the ocean looked cool and refreshing.

Will extended his hand. “Why don’t you walk out there with me, just hang by the shore if you want?”

She pulled in a deep breath and then blew it out. “Okay.” She reached up and took Will’s hand. It was strong and sure, and just the sense of his fingers around hers made her feel safe. She was grateful he kept ahold of it as they walked toward the water.

Was the ocean always this loud? The closer they got, the faster her heart beat, and she wondered if Will could feel her hand sweat. Suddenly, Anna’s face flashed before her eyes—happy and alive like she used to be. Then nothing. Justine pulled to a stop, breath catching in her chest.

I can’t do it
, she thought, feeling like a failure. But as quickly as that negative concept hit, another followed.
Yes, you can
Anna loved the water, too. Do it for your best friend.

“Juss,” Will said, watching her with concern.

She closed her eyes and blew out a determined puff of air. “I hate this,” she muttered. “I hate letting fear have control over me.” She opened her eyes and stared straight ahead. “I really want to go out there, Will.”

He squeezed her hand. “I know.”

“I’m stronger than this, I’m
than this.” She turned into the wind and let it whip through her hair. “I just need…” She hated admitting she needed help. But the moment she felt Will’s arm slide around her waist, she didn’t feel as weak.

“Keep your eyes on the horizon,” he said, pointing with his free hand straight ahead. They stood side by side, watching the place where the blue water hit the blue sky. “Ready to get a little wet?”

“No,” she answered, but then tagged on a laugh. She wouldn’t mind seeing
wet, but the thought of herself in there… “I’m nervous.”

He gave her a squeeze. “I’ve got you.”

Together, they took a first step. Justine felt like throwing up the second her foot touched a foamy wave.

“Take my hand,” he said, moving in front of her.

She reached out and he took both her hands and started backing up, leading her forward into the water like he was teaching her to skate. She took one tentative step, her foot sinking in the wet sand. Then another step.

“Good,” Will praised, beaming at her. She couldn’t help smiling even though she knew he could feel how much her hands shook. “A tiny wave is coming.”

She nodded, her spine stiffening as cold water lapped halfway up her calves. When they took another few steps deeper, she slid her hands forward, gripping Will’s elbows.

“You’re kicking serious butt,” he said. “Another wave.”

This one reached her knees. She tried not to claw her nails into his skin, but she probably was.

“Juss, awesome job. Now I’m going to let you go—”

“No!” She shrieked, vice-gripping his arms.

“It’s fine.” He laughed quietly. “I want to take your hand again. See? You’re standing on your own.”

Her legs felt like rubber bands, but there she was…standing in the ocean almost up to her waist. The water was invigorating, cold near the ocean floor, but warm where it had been touched by the tropical sunshine. Her mouth was on the brink of a grin when a wave knocked into them, making them both stumble. Before she could steady herself, another wave hit, and suddenly Justine’s lungs wouldn’t work, couldn’t suck in enough oxygen. Maybe just like Anna’s.

Without thinking, she yelped and threw her arms around Will, flattening herself against his chest.

“S-Sorry,” she stammered. Part of her brain was embarrassed by the stupid burst of panic, while another part was too freaked to care.

“You’re okay.” Will’s mouth was at her ear. “Hold onto me.” His arms wound around her, keeping her safely against him. She felt her pulse start to regulate, the irrational panic receding. “I’m going to walk us out a bit farther. Step with me.”

She nodded and hooked her chin over his shoulder. As Will took a few steps out and the water rose over the bottom of her suit, she inhaled a gasp and jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist, hooking her ankles behind his back.

Will staggered forward a step, then steadied. “I’ve got you,” he said, adjusting his grip. “You’re safe with me, you’re…Justine, you’re shaking.” He pulled back so he could look at her. His eyebrows were drawn together in concern. “We good?”

“F-Fine,” she said, even though she had no intention of letting go.

“Keep your eyes on mine.”

She nodded, preparing herself to be released. But when Will’s long fingers splayed across the small of her back, her nerve endings sparked into high alert, realizing that she was curled around him like a vine, clawing at sexy, studly Will Davenport.

A ball of heat lit inside her stomach, rolled up to her chest and cheeks, slowing everything down. Per his request, she kept focused on him, but a moment later, Will’s eyes moved to her mouth, gazing with such intensity she felt herself shudder in his arms.

As natural as the flow of the tides, his lip touched hers. It was so soft and quick she was afraid she’d imagined it. But then his hand cupped the back of her head and he kissed her again. His lips were firm yet soft, fitting perfectly over hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him so close she had to gasp for air. Her eyes were sealed shut, feeling only his mouth, both salty and sweet. There was a faraway rhythmic whooshing inside her ears she couldn’t place, other than that, the only sound was her pounding heart and Will’s echoing gasps to breathe.

She felt gravity change as he dipped her back a bit, his hand moving up to the middle of her spine, under her hair, then coming to rest on her cheek. Part of her brain wondered how he was able to hold her up with only one hand. Just as she was really starting to wonder, he parted her lips with his, deepening their kiss, and she was caught in a dreamy whirlpool.

Will moaned deep in his throat, a vibrating hum she felt all the way to her toes. They broke the kiss and his mouth slid to her neck as she cradled his head in her arms. Afraid she might drift up and away, she tightened her grip because her current sensation was of floating on air. She felt sun on her face, which didn’t match the slick wetness everywhere else, under her hands, against his skin, between her legs where their bodies were connected. She dipped her chin, hungry for a taste of his neck. It was wet, too…like,

She pulled back and forced her eyes open, zeroing in on Will’s face. His lashes had tiny raindrops clinging to them. That was odd. And his cheeks were wet. Oh, hell. Had she been
over him? How attractive.

“You’re doing it,” he whispered.

“Doing…?” Suddenly, that whooshing sound in her ears became clear. The ocean. And she was up to her neck.

Automatically, she increased her grip, looking around in momentary confusion. They were thirty feet from shore. Will—who was a good five inches taller than her—was able to stand, but probably only barely, while Justine clung to him like a koala on a eucalyptus tree.

No wonder she’d felt like she was floating away.

“You’re doing it,” he repeated, touching his forehead to hers. He wore a proud little grin, causing her immediate panic to tail off.

She felt her face break into a smile. “L-Look at that.” She shivered under her breath. “I’m in the water.”

“You’re more than
the water. You’re all the way, baby.” He bobbed them up and down.

Justine squealed and giggled. Curious to test the level of bravery, she released her grip, allowing herself to drift. At first, Will kept his hands on her back, but after a moment, he spread his arms and let her go.

After a shaky breath, she tilted her chin toward the sky and took long back strokes, slowly getting to know her place in the water again. It was probably like riding a bike, but for her, the movements were even more familiar. Exhilarating—on crack.

Will whooped then jackknifed under the surface, coming up a few seconds later. His eyes sparkled, seawater caught in his curly dark hair. She splashed him and he splashed back. She hadn’t felt this alive in far too long.

Pushing back another layer of fear, she dove under. The ocean soaked into her hair, in her ears, enveloping her in a watery embrace. When she broke the surface, Will was clapping over his head, shouting her name. She laughed and kicked a splash in his direction.

“Hey now, I’ll kick your ass at a water war.”

“You gotta catch me first!”

They frolicked in the sea for what felt like hours. Justine never wanted to get out; she’d missed this part of her life more than she’d realized. Only a few times did her mind stray to the darkness. Those were the moments when—if Will was within reach—she couldn’t help pulling close to him until the fear went away. He never commented, he’d just held her until he’d probably felt her stop shaking.

Maybe someday soon, if she got enough practice, all the fear would be gone for good.

She took a deep breath, then made a deep dive, actually touching the ocean floor before springing to break the surface. She was grateful to Will for taking the time to give her this gift. Right as he came up for a gulp of air, she couldn’t help it…she swam his way, not stopping until she threw her arms around him.

“Thank you,” she panted. “You have no idea.”

He looked a little stunned but then he smiled. “You’re welcome, Michael Phelps.”

“I’ve missed this…so much.” She’d meant that she missed the feeling of her body immersed in water, but when Will slid an arm around her back, she missed something else much more.

Without thinking, she kissed him.

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