Man on Two Ponies (28 page)

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Authors: Don Worcester

BOOK: Man on Two Ponies
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Big Foot was badly shaken to learn that Hump had rejected the Ghost Dance and moved his band to the agency. Having doubts himself about the Messiah, Big Foot took no part in the dances thereafter. His people, spurred on by the high-pitched voice of the thin-faced fanatical medicine man Yellow Bird, danced with an intensity born of desperation. Yellow Bird was consumed
with hatred for
whites, and he kept his followers dancing until they fell from exhaustion.

Miles knew of no white man who was on as friendly terms with Big Foot as Ewers was with Hump, and who might be able
persuade him to move to the agency. Like Sitting Bull, therefore, he would have to be arrested.

When he learned of Col. Sumner's arrival at Camp Cheyenne with 200 men, Big Foot suspected the whites
become afraid of him. He and his headmen immediately
through twenty degree weather for a two-day visit with the new commander, to assure him that he and his people would obey orders. He found the bearded Sumner friendly and congenial, a man who understood and sympathized with Indians despite his years as a cavalry commander on the plains. Sumner was equally impressed with the broad-faced Big Foot and his headmen. “Without exception,” he reported, “they seemed not only willing but anxious to obey my order to remain quietly at home, and particularly wished me to inform my superiors that they were on the side of the government
the current troubles.”

Over the next ten days the two had frequent visits, and Sumner became increasingly convinced that Big Foot was cooperative and trustworthy. His visits to Big Foot's village, however, made him aware that many of the scowling young men were restless and unruly, and he was the more impressed by Big Foot's ability to control them. It was, he knew, far better to leave Big Foot in charge of them than to try to arrest and disarm them, especially without a larger force.

Shortly before mid-December,
Oglalas brought Big Foot an invitation from their chiefs, including Red Cloud, No Water, and Big Road, to come to Pine Ridge to make
between quarrelling factions. They wanted him to leave at once, and they promised him 100 ponies for his services. Big Foot's headmen urged him to accept, but he said they would go to the agency for rations and to collect their annuities on December 22. After that he would decide.

On December 15, the same day the Indian police killed Sitting Bull on the Grand River, Big Foot informed Sumner that he was taking
people to the agency for rations and annuities. They spent
the next day preparing for the ninety-mile journey. On the 17th, the day they set out, a rider from Fort Meade brought Sumner a disturbing wire from Gen. Ruger in St. Paul. “It is desirable that Big Foot
arrested, and if it had been practicable to send Capt. Wells with his two troops, orders would have been given you to try to get him. In case of arrest, he will
sent to Fort Meade and
securely kept prisoner.”

Sumner reread the message several times. It was not a
order to arrest Big Foot, but it was clear that Ruger wanted the arrest made and expected Sumner to make it. Giving Big Foot ample time to be well on his way, Sumner replied to Ruger: “I thought
best to allow him to go to Bennett a free man, and so informed the division commander by telegraph.” His wire to Miles had stated that Big Foot was on his way to the agency for annuities.
he should return I will try to arrest him; if he does not, he can
arrested at Bennett. “

Bad news followed, for Sumner's scouts reported that parties of Hunkpapas were descending Cherry Creek, probably to visit the Miniconjus along the Cheyenne River. The scouts suspected that other Hunkpapas were traveling south on trails farther west, dangerously close to white settlements in the Black Hills. They didn't know what had caused the exodus from Standing Rock, but it undoubtedly had to do with the Ghost Dance.

Cursing softly, Sumner pondered his options.
he marched to protect the settlements, he would be held responsible for allowing the Hunkpapas to unite with Big Foot's restless warriors, which might lead to trouble.
he moved to intercept the Hunkpapas on Cherry Creek while others struck the settlements... He shuddered at the thought, and for a day took no action.

Pawnee Killer had joined in the attack on the Standing Rock police and had seen Sitting Bull fall. When the troops drove Sitting Bull' s people away, he had ridden a mile to the cabin that he and Scarlet Robe shared with others. Hastily gathering food and blankets, they rode south toward Hump's village, the nearest of the Miniconju settlements, ninety miles away on Cherry Creek. Scattered groups of Hunkpapas were heading in the same direction, some in wagons, some on horseback, others on foot with only the
clothes they'd worn that morning. The country was rough and the water was alkaline, but the weather remained fair and the nights barely below freezing.

As he rode, Pawnee Killer wondered which way to turn. Hump's and Big Foot's bands were still dancing, he supposed, and Short Bull and Kicking Bear probably were holding out in the Stronghold. Hump, he knew, had scouted for the army in '77, which made him suspect, but the burly Big Foot was an old friend from the war of '70.
Hump was unwilling to take
people to the Stronghold, perhaps Big Foot and his Ghost Dancers would go there before he suffered the same fate as Sitting Bull.

When Pawnee Killer, Scarlet Robe, and about 200 Hunkpapas reached Hump's village they found it deserted except for the eighty zealous Miniconju dancers, who told a shocking story. Ten days ago, they said, two army officers had appeared, one an old friend of Hump. He had told Hump that Bearcoat Miles wanted him to stop dancing and bring his people to the agency. Hump had immediately agreed, and most of the band had gone with him. For all they knew, Hump might again be helping the army, this time in stopping the Ghost Dance and preventing the new world from coming.

The Hunkpapa refugees were dismayed, but most were too weary to react. Soon, they were sure, Hump would arrive with troops. Most were resigned to whatever fate awaited them.

Big Foot and his people set out for the agency on the 17th and camped that night twenty miles downriver, across from James Cavanaugh's trading post. Early the following morning, two Hunkpapas, one wounded, came to his tipi to tell him about the killing of Sitting Bull. Big Foot came out after a few minutes and told his people there had been a big fight at Grand River and the Indian police and troops had treacherously killed Sitting Bull. His followers had scattered and were fleeing to the Miniconju camps on the Cheyenne. Big Foot's people were confused and terrified. They were on their way to Fort Bennett, but now they hesitated, not trusting the whites or knowing what they might do to them. Instead of moving on, they remained in camp
day, speculating wildly about what might happen next. Yellow Bird kept them
agitated by warning them in his high-pitched voice never to trust the Wasicuns.

the 19th they crossed the river to camp near Cavanaugh's post, where there was more
for their ponies. The day was clear and warn, so they resumed dancing. All were armed, and to Cavanaugh and
sons they appeared hostile, ready to fight. When several came to the post and told
they were hungzy, Cavanaugh nervously gave them a generous supply of provisions.
soon as they left he barred the door, and with
sons headed upriver, where they soon met a cavalry patrol east of Camp Cheyenne. Cavanaugh sent word to Sumner that the Miniconjus had robbed
and that Standing Rock refugees were at Hump's village. Sumner and
his entire
command marched toward Cherry Creek.

Word of the Sitting Bull fight and the flight of his followers had reached the Cheyenne River Agency. Col. H. C. Merriam, Seventh Infantry, had finally
the ice-blocked Missouri, and had
ordered to march up the Cheyenne and unite with Sumner. Merriam considered the order unwise, for Big Foot might consider it a hostile movement. He called on Capt. J. H. Hurst, commander at Fort Bennett, to dispatch an officer to assure Big Foot's people they were in no danger. Hurst sent
Hale along with Hump and some of
men, a policeman, and a guide. They reached Cheyenne City on the evening of the 18th and found it deserted except for old Henry Angell.
previous day, he explained,
of hostile Hunkpapas approaching
of the settlers. Having seen no sign of hostility, the crusty old man believed
eyes rather
ears, and refused to leave. Hale sent the policeman to Sumner with the news, then ordered the guide to visit Hump's village to learn what he could about the Hunkpapa refugees.

The guide hadn't returned by noon on the 20th, and Hale was preparing to
out after
when Hump saw horsemen approaching—a
of forty-six of Sitting Bull's warriors, among them Pawnee Killer. None showed any sign of hostility, but unfortunately for Hale, he had no interpreter to instruct them to continue on to the agency.

Henry Angell
up and offered to help, for he knew enough of the sign language to make himself understood. He informed the
Hunkpapas that if they would remain where they were, Hale would
hurry to the agency and return with Capt. Hurst and an interpreter.
Then Hale had him kill a steer for them, and they agreed to stay. Although he hadn't found Big Foot, Hale feared that the Hunkpapas might join his people. He covered the fifty miles to the agency in under seven hours.

On learning that other Hunkpapa refugees were nearby, Big Foot sent ten men to invite them to his village, where he would give them food and clothing. On the 20th his men found the women huddling miserably around a fire. The men, they said, were across the river waiting for Lt. Hale to return. Big Foot's men crossed the river and found Hump urging the Hunkpapas to surrender.

When Big Foot's emissaries explained their reason for coming, Hump was furious. “You don't have to take them to Big Foot's camp,” he roared. “I'll take these people to the agency.
you men want to fight, I'll bring you some infantry to help you,” he added sarcastically. At his signal, his men surrounded them with cocked rifles. No shot was fired, for Pawnee Killer and the Hunkpapas informed Hump that if he attacked Big Foot's men he'd have to fight them as well. Hump called off his warriors; Pawnee Killer, Scarlet Robe, and thirty-six Hunkpapas as well as thirty of Hump's Ghost Dancers left to join Big Foot. The remaining 166
Hunkpapas and fifty of the Miniconjus stayed to see what Capt. Hurst proposed. He and Hale, with a sergeant and interpreters, reached Cheyenne City late on the 21st.

After having two steers butchered for the hungry refugees, Hurst urged them to give up their guns and accompany him to Fort Bennett, where their needs would be supplied, although he could make no promise as to their future. But if they joined Big Foot's band, he warned them, they risked serious trouble for themselves and their families. No warrior felt safe among whites without his weapons, but after talking it over, that night they surrendered their guns, and in the morning set out for Bennett with Hurst and Hump.

Col. Sumner and his troops had camped on the ranch of mixed blood Narcisse Narcelle on the southwest comer of the reservation on December 20. That same day Big Foot had sent a message to Sumner saying he was his friend and wanted to see him. In the morning Big Foot and two Hunkpapas rode ahead of the rest to
find Sumner, who was riding ahead of his troops, looking for Big Foot.

The two sat down to smoke and
Sumner criticized Big Foot for allowing the Standing Rock refugees to join him. “You should have sent them to me at Camp Cheyenne,” he said.

“They are relatives and brothers who came to us naked and hungry,” Big Foot explained, “and no one with any heart could have done less. How could we refuse to help them?” Sumner had to agree.

“The Standing Rock Indians with Big Foot answered the description perfectly,” he said later, “and were,
fact, so pitiable a sight that I at once dropped all thought of their being hostile or even worthy of capture. Still, my orders were to take them and I intended doing so.”

The troops and Big Foot's band camped that night at Narcelle's ranch, with units stationed around the Indians. Sumner had a head count made—there were 333 men, women, and children, among them the Standing Rock people, including fourteen warriors. Sumner informed Big Foot they were to continue on to Camp Cheyenne the next day, and his people were not to stop when they passed through their own village. Big Foot agreed.

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