Manufacturing depression (61 page)

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Authors: Gary Greenberg

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female sexual dysfunction
: American Psychiatric Association,
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,
4th ed., text revision, 543.


“for the vast majority of . . . the walking wounded”
: Shorter,
Before Prozac,


“proves to be a sort of instant super-Prozac”
: Kramer,
Listening to Prozac
, 290.


a “neutral technology”
: Parens, “Kramer’s Anxiety,” 26–27.


“low self-worth”
: Kramer,
Listening to Prozac
, 8.


socially capable
: Ibid., 11.


“as many as 50 percent of the patients”
: For a review, see Fava, “Prospective Studies.”


Prozac poop-out
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tachyphylaxis: Solomon et al
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a good working definition of disease
: For a brilliant discussion of this idea, see Sedgwick, “Illness—Mental and Otherwise.”


decreasingly sympathetic support systems
: For a devastating critique of this response, see Wallace, “The Depressed Person.”


“modern opiate”
: Ibid, 272.


“induces conformity”
: Kramer, “The Valorization of Sadness,” 52.


“on balance a progressive force”
: Kramer,
Listening to Prozac
, 272.


“so-what drugs”
: Shorter,
Before Prozac,


“facilitat[ing] better performance”
: Parens, “Kramer’s Anxiety,” 415.


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