Marked by Hades (14 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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Chapter Twenty-Six

“What do you know of Yvonne?” The demon’s cheek caved beneath the force of Theo’s fist.

The creature choked out an answer. “Don’t. Know. Her.”


The demon cringed. He flicked his gaze to Theo, then to the floor. Justin’s heart shredded his chest like a battering ram pulverized brittle wood. Yvonne was a demon now. No wonder Justin had lost his Ahavah. He couldn’t be mated to a demon.

Yvonne was truly gone.

“Where is Dyre?” Theo asked. “What do you know of her?”

Two days they’d been pounding this creature, and this was the first break in the creature’s defenses.

Young demon, but strong.

Justin’s hands itched to strangle this guy, choke the answers out of him, but he stayed outside the cell and watched through the bars as Theo had ordered. They both knew he couldn’t be trusted to be inside with that demon and not lose control. “Where are they holding her?”


“The Artifacts?”

Again, more silence. Somehow he’d found his resolve again and not so much as a hint of emotion flashed across his face. Theo pulled out his Mavet and buried it into the demon’s chest. “
Reverto ut—

“No!” the demon yelled as Justin did.

Justin grabbed the bars. Halena clutched his shoulder. Theo couldn’t kill that demon; he knew where Yvonne was—where the Artifacts were.

“Theo knows what he’s doing,” Halena whispered. Her hand rested on his shoulder. She’d been so supportive, a strength Justin had needed.

It’d surprised him. This tough Gatekeeper had always hid this side of herself beneath a facade of tough, raw anger.

“Germany,” the demon said.

“What’s in Germany?” Theo churned the dagger wedged deep inside the demon.

Justin’s grip on the bars tightened until his knuckles ached.

“Ring.” The demon gasped, blood oozing from his mouth as he spoke. “Pario’s woman knew where to find it.”

“Woman?” Justin yelled. Please let it not be—

“Dyre. She knows…helping…” His head fell forward, body limp from unconsciousness.

Yvonne was
Pario’s woman.

Halena flinched beside Justin and stepped back as she dipped her head at Theo. Damn, he’d vibed her with an order. She turned toward the door leading upstairs to the living quarters and yanked it open.

Justin looked to Theo, then to Halena.

“Go, Justin,” Theo said.

He chased after Halena and followed her to the elevator. “What?”

“Off to research the ring some more.” She punched the elevator button for the ground floor. “You’re handy with a computer. Two minds are better than one.”

Research, he could do. Anything to get his mind focused. It’d been so scattered lately. More so regarding Halena’s offer. Her touch comforted him, but did nothing for his body in the romantic sense. No woman ever would again as far as he was concerned. He’d never
anyone else.

Only Yvonne.

Hours passed, and they’d put out as many feelers as they could about the Ring of Episteme. Now it was time to wait. Something he was getting entirely sick of. It might be time for the gym or something.

“Take me to coffee?” Halena said as she slapped down her computer top.

Justin froze.

“Wow. It looks like you just saw a ghost or something.” She laughed.

“Ummm.” He glanced around. “I was thinking of hitting the gym.”

“You need out of this place for a while. You’ll go nuts otherwise.”

She had a point. He did feel like climbing the walls. The pre-Yvonne Justin would have hopped into town, picked up a girl, and blown off steam that way. Now, that just seemed…wrong.

Of course, everything felt wrong without Yvonne. But to go out with Halena…?

“As friends, Justin. We’ve gone to coffee a thousand times. What’s the big deal?”

“Your offer the other night changed things.”

“Good.” She stood. “At least you’re thinking about it. I’ll get a coat.”

She sauntered out of the kitchen, passing Sadie, who was on her way in.

“Justin, what are you doing?” She pointed in the direction Halena went.

“It’s not what you think. It’s just—”

“Just the biggest mistake on the planet. She has a thing for you.” Sadie planted her fists on her narrow hips. The fire in her eyes looked eerily similar to Theo’s when he was mad.

Justin dug his fingers into his hair and tugged. “She offered to mate me, Sadie.”

“Son of a—” Sadie looked to the ceiling. “That girl is nuts. She doesn’t get to choose. Fate chooses. She’ll get marked with someone else, and then where does that leave you? And what about

He rubbed his neck where his Mate’s Mark once was. That demon downstairs knew Yvonne only as Dyre, so what if she really was fully a demon now? Even if he did find her, he couldn’t be with her, could he? Would she even remember him? Want to be with him?

A solid fist to his shoulder tipped him over, and he landed on his ass on the hardwood kitchen floor. He pushed up with a roar.

“We’ll find her. We’ll—”

“What, Sadie? What?” He stomped to the entryway to get out of the confining kitchen. “My Mark’s gone. No doubt Yvonne’s is gone, too. It’s been more than two months. We’re done. No Mates. Done.”

A strong hand gripped his biceps and tugged him to a stop. He stared at the floor, willing the tears to dry up. He’d shed enough of them in private; no need to show them to Sadie. To anyone.

“Even if Yvonne is gone, you can’t go with Halena. She’s not your Mate.”

He knew that, but the companionship was nice. Or maybe he should call Dasha. She was human. Maybe—


“I love Dasha, and before Yvonne came along, I would have loved to see you end up with Dasha, but—”

“Get out of my head, Sadie.”

“You’re broadcasting too strongly; I can’t help but pick up your thoughts.” She turned him, but he refused to look her in the eye. “Nothing other than you and Yvonne together sits right with me.”

“You can’t predict the future. Even with your red eyes flaring.” He shrugged out of her grip. If she
see the future, what she said would comfort him. Instead, Sadie, as wonderful as she was with Theo, was a romantic and believed in fairy-tale endings.

“You’ve been dealt a shitty hand, Justin. The shittiest, as far as I’m concerned. To have a Mate, then have her ripped from you. I don’t even want to imagine what that feels like. Oh, wait, Theo was taken from me for weeks.”

“This is different.”

“How?” She shoved him in the chest. “And when I was taken from him. He almost died, Justin. Died.”

“Why are you saying all this? It’s not going to bring Yvonne back.” Nothing would. And even if she did come back, would that mean his Mark would? That he’d Mate with a demon?


“You have to have faith. She will come back.” She glared at him, pointing her finger. “She. Will. Come. Back.”

The conviction in his sister-in-law’s eyes sliced through his heart. He’d never believed in true love—until he’d met Yvonne. She’d shown him this love by the very sacrifice that tore them apart.

No, Yvonne may be gone, but Justin would still honor the Mark he once shared with her.

Dyre sauntered into Agares’s old quarters. The demons had finally gotten down to Hades, undetected, and demolished the wall where the door once was. Images of how Sadie had shattered the desk, searching frantically for a way back to her Mate, flashed in Dyre’s mind.

The great Theophilus. She smiled at the thought of Theophilus and Sadie reuniting. They more than likely ran into each other’s arms, made passionate love, and have been inseparable since.

And Dyre helped make that happen. If only it could happen to her with someone…if someone could ever truly love her.

She shook her head, shoving the fantasies away, deep in her cold, dark heart. Well…lukewarm heart. She couldn’t let this side of her, the one Agares always catered to, show. Pario and his men already watched her like a hawk. No need to give him reason to ridicule her for her oddities.

She surveyed the room to make sure she was alone, then crouched beside the bed. Dyre might have told Sadie about the scrolls, but no one knew about Agares’s safe haven for the Ring of Episteme. She’d made sure of that.

Giving Pario false information as to where the treasure was in Germany would keep them distracted while she could go to the real, very modern, safe-deposit box in Essen. Just a few miles from where she’d directed Pario and his team to go.

Hell, he was getting his team ready as she sauntered down memory lane in Agares’s room. She groped beneath the mattress until she found the cloth bag that held the security card and passwords.

“Dyre?” Gavin’s voice shattered her concentration. She shoved the bag down the front of her shirt and popped up. “What are you doing?”

“Lost an earring.” She held up the jewel she tugged out of her earlobe on her way up.

Gavin eyed her, then glanced about the room. “We need to leave. The splice will close soon.”

“How’d you find one to evade the Gatekeeper’s detection?”

“Pario studied much of Agares’s spells and charms.” He grinned. “Seems the demon was onto something, and Pario wanted part of it, so they swapped secrets.”

“Why not just use the Thata?”

“That thing is not to be out in the open in case of an ambush.”

“Whatever.” She flipped her hand, hoping to give off an air of indifference, but the thought of Pario knowing what Agares knew was a bit disturbing. Why didn’t Agares confide in Pario about where the ring was, or where the other Artifacts were? Other than the ring, Agares hadn’t told Dyre where they were hidden. She doubted he’d told anyone.

But maybe he’d left some information in the safe-deposit box.

She scratched at her shoulder and checked her skin. So strange. It tingled constantly, but she never could sate the itch.

“You really don’t remember any of your time as a human?”

“You mean the torture the Council instilled upon me?” She heard it was horrible. Anything she touched while she’d been human turned to ash. To never touch anyone? She would die. No, the human Yvonne would die, taking Dyre with her.

And Dyre didn’t want to die. She wanted to be free of Pario to roam earth and enjoy all it had to offer.

Gavin waved her to him. “Come, let’s get to the splice. It’s my ass if I get you there late.”

“Pario’s busy gathering his team, we’re fine. I don’t need a babysitter.”

Gavin grunted his response. Dumb, mindless drone doing Pario’s bidding. Dyre rarely had a minute to herself.

She followed Gavin down the granite-flanked hallway, her nostrils stinging at the scent of sulfur. She’d always hated that smell. Being locked up in Agares’s chamber, watching Sadie, had been her only reprieve from the stench.

And now, being here for a short time, it felt embedded in her skin again. No, she enjoyed earth much more and would make
her final home if it was the last thing she did.

“What do you know of my short time as a human?”

“As Yvonne?” The demon shook his head.

“Pario tells me little.”

“You think he tells us more than his woman?”

His woman
. Mmm, she liked the sound of that despite not really caring much for Pario himself. It felt nice to belong to someone. Something.

Yet it still left her in want. An untouchable itch had started deep within her mind, in addition to her shoulder. It felt as if there was more for her, that she could somehow break free of this ball and chain she’d never wanted to begin with.

“What have you heard? Demons are the worst for rumors and gossip.” She needed to know, because since she’d
she felt…different, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

Gavin guided her around a corner with a gentle touch to her elbow. It wasn’t even close to being as possessive as Pario. It was nice.

She slowed down and turned to face him as she glided her hand up his arm. “You can tell me.” One step forward brought her body in contact with him, and she licked her lips. “I promise it’ll be our little secret.”

Gavin sucked in a sharp breath, and his hand snaked around her waist to her ass. Good, it was working. If she could get some more information, she might be able to figure out this strange feeling swirling around her chest. She’d never fit in down here, but now, the feeling was even more prominent.

“After Lucifer and the Council stripped your demon, you landed in a small town in Arizona. Back in November. Or so. Couldn’t touch any living thing without turning it to dust.” He drew her closer, and she felt his arousal. “We found you a few weeks later after one of our demons went missing in that area. Son of Hades, I’ve always wondered what you’d taste like.”

She ran her hands up his chest and combed her fingers through his dark hair. Sure felt nice to touch someone who wasn’t so aggressive. Violent. “Did I dust him?”

“I’m thinking so, but then you fell off the radar again so we took Theophilus to flush you out.” He spun her around until she was pinned between him and the granite. “We don’t have much time,” he said, reaching for the zipper of her pants.

She stayed his hand. “I was with the Gatekeepers? They took me in despite my once being a demon?”

“Yes. We confirmed that and had the idea to get Theophilus for exchange. The Shomrei fought hard for you.”

“Why me?”

Gavin’s gaze moved to her shoulder, and as if on cue, it stung.

“What?” she asked.

He eased her zipper down and let out a growl. “Nothing. Not sure. They’re strange creatures guided by an even stranger entity that often keeps reasons for his actions hidden from his people.”

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