Marked by Hades (9 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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“At least it confirms a few things.” Yvonne leaned over Justin. “Theo’s alive, and they don’t have all the Artifacts they need.”

Sadie squatted beside her. “And somewhere in your mind, you know where they are.”

“That means we have leverage.” Halena stood, shaking out her hand. “They’ll give us Theo if they can have you.”

“No!” Justin vaulted to his feet.

“Wait.” Yvonne grabbed his arm. “She’s right. They’ll keep coming after me now that they know where I am. We’ll get them to talk or something. We’ll find out where Theo is, and if not, yes, we’ll trade.”

“We will
trade you.” He cupped her face.

Her heart swelled at the love she saw in his eyes. Despite all the crap going on, she had Justin’s heart.

Resting her forehead to his, she said, “But Theo’s your Gatekeeper. You’re dead without him.”

“No. You. I can’t…” His voice trailed off.

Even though he couldn’t admit it yet, she saw it—felt it—he was beginning to accept her as his Mate.

“It won’t come to that,” Sadie said. “We’ll get to Theo another way.”

Yvonne admired her hope, but she knew the truth. She’d be returning to Hades as a demon to save Justin.

And she was fine with that. His life was worth more than hers.

Chapter Sixteen

Justin shifted in the waiting room chair and drew in a deep breath, thankful he and Sadie were the only ones in here. Trying hypnosis was Dasha’s idea and one that didn’t really sit well with him.

The thought of lying on a couch, not in control of your mind— He shook his head. “Why’s it smell like an orange in here?”

“Mandarin.” Sadie swiped her phone, then frowned at the empty messages screen. She’d been doing that every few minutes, hoping to get something from Dasha or Halena on Theo’s whereabouts.

Justin nudged her elbow off the armrest, and she looked up at him. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her lids hung heavy. She hadn’t slept well in days. “Mandarin?” he prompted.

“Known to have a hypnotic effect that reduces anxiety and nerves. It offers a sense of calmness.”


She sighed. “This has to work, Justin.”

He knew that just as much as she did. Already he was feeling more fatigued than normal, and it wasn’t only because of the long hours searching for Theo or finding different ways to hack into Yvonne’s mind for answers. No, this was because Theo was being tortured, and no doubt Sadie felt Theo’s pain as well.

Justin settled his hand over hers. “We’ll figure this out.”

She nodded, but a tear slid down her cheek. “Yvonne’s more determined than ever.”

That she was. It was strange to think that Yvonne was a former demon, considering how selfless she’d been searching for Theo. Offering to see anyone and try anything to remember.

Sadie dropped her phone into her side pocket and leaned toward him. “I see you two haven’t furthered your bond.”

Running his fingers through his hair, he sat up. “Coffee?” He nodded toward the one-cup coffeemaker in the corner of the waiting room. This was a conversation he did
want to have right now.

“Why haven’t you?” she asked, completely ignoring his deflection. “It’s obvious you’re into her and she’s into you.”

“It’s not that easy, Sadie.”

“Explain it to me, then.”

“Great, putting on the
hat now?”

She smacked his arm, and it wasn’t exactly a gentle tap considering her strength.

“Remember how you resisted Theo at first? Didn’t want to give up your life?”

She nodded.

“But you still
something for him? Well, it’s the same here. Even before I knew she was my Mate, I felt something for her. But the whole former demon thing is tripping me up.”

“She’s not a demon.”

“But she
, and we don’t know exactly how that changed. What if…she turns back? And you can’t forget she’s hurt people, including you, Theo, and me. My brain…can’t shut that off so easily.”

Sadie sagged into her chair again and closed her eyes. “With all this searching and running around to try to find a way into her brain…have you even had a chance to get to know her?”

Besides his constant desire to touch and protect her, he knew little about her other than that she was a selfless, kind woman to endure visits such as these for Theo, after having only met him for a few minutes before he’d tackled her into a cage.

It took quite a woman to overlook that.

“She doesn’t do this only for Theo, Justin.”

“Get out of my head.”

“Then quit screaming your thoughts.” She rested her head back, eyes still closed. “She does this for you.”

Again demonstrating exactly how amazing this woman was. Strong, dedicated, and…
a demon. And he couldn’t dismiss how patient she was. They’d been close a few more times, but she never forced a kiss to further the bond. Not once.

“Have you found anything more on my mystery Mate?” he asked. “Like what the hell she is now?”

“Not a thing. When I was in that cave with her in Hades, she only mentioned she was tricked into becoming a demon. It was obvious she didn’t fit in there. I bet you she’s never even killed anyone or harvested a soul. Yeah, she was strong, but it felt more like a front. That she was just doing what she needed to do to survive. To be around Aggie.”

He stood and stretched toward the ceiling. His neck cracked at least three times as he rolled his shoulders. The long days and nights searching for his Gatekeeper were starting to take their toll.

“You should take her out,” Sadie said.

He laughed as he went to the coffeemaker. Might as well try a jolt of caffeine to wake up his tired body.

“I’m serious. Get to know her more. Have some fun. You need a break.”

“No.” Not that he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t afford it. If Theo weren’t found soon, he would die. That meant Justin would die. Why get to know his Mate and fall for her even more than he already had?


The door across the room opened, and a tall, thin guy followed Yvonne out. Her long, shiny hair cascaded over her shoulders, resting near the crook of her leather-covered arm. Dim sage eyes locked with his, telling the whole story.

It hadn’t worked.

“Sorry, Mrs. Bradford,” the guy said as he shook his head. “I wish I had better news.”

Yvonne’s shoulders slumped, and she nipped at her lip ring. Usually it was a turn-on for him, but now it just magnified her sadness. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, never latching onto Justin’s gaze.

“Have you thought of acupuncture?”

“Tried it,” Sadie said, reaching for Yvonne. “Come on, girl. It’s okay.”

Silently, Yvonne stepped by Sadie, not taking her hand. Sadness radiated through Justin. Dark, heavy, and riddled with fatigue.

“Come here,
.” He weaved his hand beneath Yvonne’s long hair and cupped her neck, guiding her to him.

She turned her face into his chest and said, “I’m sorry, Justin.”

“Shhh.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head as she wove her arms around his waist. She fit perfectly against him. He hated that she was so sad and that she felt responsible for Theo’s situation. “We’ll figure it out.”

Holding his Mate close, he felt her despair and realized Sadie was right. It might be time for a little break.

“We should get back to the compound,” Yvonne said, not really wanting to but knowing they should.

Justin strolled next to her, holding her hand. “So ready to be done with our date, huh? I think I might be offended.”

The people milling around the street seemed to close in on her. What if she accidentally touched one of them? Sure, she was covered in leather, except the hand holding Justin’s, but still. She was a danger to everyone around her. And Theo was still missing, needing their help. She shouldn’t be out enjoying herself as if everything were fine and…normal.

No. They should get home—
—back to the compound. It wasn’t home. It was a holding spot for the inevitable: Yvonne’s trading herself for Theo.

Why bother with a date? While she loved the escape from reality, she felt guilty.

Then again, if she had only limited time left with Justin, why not go all out?


She glanced up at him. “What’s that mean?”

“Hungarian for ‘beautiful.’” He winked. “And yes, you are. Don’t even try to deny it. So, did you hate the movie as much as I liked it?”

She couldn’t help the smile. “I didn’t hate the movie; it was good—even though I had a hard time keeping up with the subtitles.”

“Figured you for one to like kick-ass action movies more than chick flicks.”

“Oh yeah?” She swung their connected hands. “I don’t even know what I like. I mean, this was my

“I suppose it was. How about a big, fancy, overpriced coffee drink? Ever have one of those?” Justin nodded toward the shop across the cobblestone street and steered them in that direction.

Scents of sugar danced along the cool air. It was nighttime, but the streets were abuzz. People strolling, holding hands, and subtle French conversations carried on the air. It was like a dream.

She’d never had the money to indulge in the fluffy coffee drinks most people bought daily. Instead, she’d used the money from her day jobs to get hotel rooms and drink herself into oblivion to forget she’d killed that nice man who helped her the night she’d awoken in the park.

Not the best way to cope, but it was the easiest.

A few minutes later, she found herself sitting at a tiny table for two watching Justin order. He’d promised to surprise her with a drink to die for. As she watched him standing at the counter, she smiled once again.

Despite his hesitancy with her because of what she’d once been, he took great care of her. Treasured her. These past few days, going from place to place, trying anything and everything to break into her brain, he’d been a constant, always holding her hand and encouraging her.

She didn’t know much about anything, but one thing she did know: Justin was what she wanted. His strength, his courage, his honor. Not to mention his humor. He could make her laugh at the most inopportune time, but it was usually when she needed a smile the most.

Glancing over his shoulder, he hooked her gaze. That crooked smile she’d come to love sliced through her doubt that he’d ever be able to get past her demon heritage. Clicking the metal lip ring between her teeth, she winked at him.

He was such a flirt sometimes. She could be, too.

He picked up the drink order and stalked toward her, his eyes focused as if she were his prey.

“You know what that does to me, right?” he said as he sat down and placed her drink in front of her.

Whipped cream spilled over the top, and she swiped it up with her finger. “What?” She licked the sweet stuff, and his eyes widened.

“You’re a tease.” He sipped his coffee.

She half knew what he was talking about, considering she licked her finger a little longer than needed, but before that, she hadn’t had a clue. Didn’t matter—she rather enjoyed those ocean eyes focused on her. His look alone heated her beyond measure.

But he still hadn’t kissed her.

Or tried to make love to her.

If she thought about it too long, doubt crept in hard and heavy. Doubt about everything from finding Theo all the way to the possibility that Justin still resented being mated to her.

“So, what are we going to try next to break through this noggin of mine?” she asked, bringing the drink to her lips, ready to dive into a calorie-fest.

“We’ll worry about that tomorrow.” He slid his hand along the tabletop and meshed his fingers with hers. “You’re mine tonight.”

A burst of chocolate with a splash of thick, rich coffee rushed over her taste buds. “Wow.”

“I guessed right?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Remember, calories don’t count on date night.”

She lost herself in the chocolate coffee for a few more sips and smiled. “Can I ask you something?”


“Why the date?”

“Back to that again?” He grinned.

“I—well—I know you were less than happy that I was marked, and, well…what brought on the big change?”

“I’m kind of a jerk, if you haven’t figured that out yet. But eventually things sink through my thick skull.”


“I want to try this.” He gestured between them. “You and me.”

“Because of the bond.”

“Started that way.” He took a drink.

“And…” Was it always going to be this difficult to get him to spit things out?

“Don’t tell me you’re going to be a talker.” He smiled and tapped her hand. “Kidding. Look, you’re pretty awesome. Doing all this for Theo, working so hard to get your memories back. I—respect that.”

She let out a long, slow breath as she reveled in the compliment. The short time she’d known him, she’d realized he didn’t dish those out very readily.

“I know I joke around a lot, but this”—he gestured between them—“it’s real. I fought like hell against it,
, didn’t believe in it—in us. But I want to be with you. Only you.”

During all this angst, when he was staring death in the face, to hear that he wanted to be with her left her speechless. Talk about an epic date night.

The thought of being with him, as his true Mate, sent a ripple through her stomach and kicked her heart into a stutter.

He let out a little growl, and his tongue flicked out along his bottom lip. “The more you do that, the more
want to.”

“Um, what?” She leaned in as if pulled by his burning gaze.

“That lip ring, the way you toy with it…drives me insane.” He eased forward, his eyes focused on her mouth.

“Oh, like this?” She eased her tongue out and hooked the metal enough to tug at her lip.

“We’re so ending up in my room tonight with next to no clothing on. You know that, right?”

She’d wanted to kiss him the minute she’d seen him, and it’d taken all of her strength to keep her lips from his whenever they’d been close. But after learning what it truly meant for a Shomrei to kiss his Mate, she pulled back. To ignite the link between their Marks would intensify their connection even more. Despite how much she wanted to further their bond, it wasn’t right to do when she knew this would end with her leaving, trading herself for Theo.

No. It’d just make her decision to leave harder—and hurt him deeper. No matter what, she’d do the right thing to save Justin.

Even if that meant leaving him.

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