Marked by Hades (7 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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“I won’t bind myself to anyone, let alone to a demon—or whatever she is.”

“I’m not saying to quick have sex with her or anything. Hell, I’m still freaking a little bit about all this. But the fact remains, she bears your Mark, and the way you reacted when Halena announced she’d tried to vanquish Yvonne is confirmation enough. She’s your Mate.”

Justin’s gut wrenched. His reaction to Halena’s attempt on Yvonne’s life had surprised him, too. Mate. Mate. Mate. “So what if she is my Mate? I can’t touch her, so it makes no difference.” He wasn’t going to touch her anyway, even if he could.

Either way, he got what he wanted. No Mate. At least that was what he thought he wanted.

Chapter Thirteen

“I helped you get these scrolls?” Yvonne pushed them away and slumped onto the kitchen chair, her leather pants groaning in protest. She couldn’t stomach any more good news about what she was.

A fully fanged-out demon named Dyre. She was evil and had lived in Hades with an upper-level demon called Agares—or, as Sadie called him, Aggie.

And she’d had sex with him. Was his…
it sounded like.

“Yep. Sure did. Sorry I killed your boyfriend. But obviously it was to make room for our big Shomrei pouting upstairs.”

Yvonne glanced up the hallway. She could see why he rejected her. “How is this possible? And if I’m not a demon anymore…what am I?”

“For one thing, you’re Shomrei now—well, you will be once you’re fully mated, and that means you’re immortal for the most part.” Sadie nodded. “Don’t worry, I freaked at first when I found out I wasn’t human anymore. Just take things slow on that front. As for once being a demon but now you’re not, I don’t have any idea. Aggie did say you were being punished just before I killed him.”

“Punished.” Something rang true about that, but she couldn’t pinpoint what.

“And Theo…” Her breath hitched. “Theo said the last demon he and Justin killed mentioned something about that, too. You getting banished from Hades was a form of punishment. For helping me.”

“That doesn’t make sense. Seems it’d be good to get out of Hades, right?”

“Obviously not. Well, except for you. You happened to get mated to a pretty awesome guy.” She drank the last of her orange juice. “But that demon mentioned that punishment could be worse than Hades.”

“I can’t touch anything without killing it. Maybe that’s what my punishment was.”

Sadie sat up straight. “Of course.” She pushed to her feet and held her head with her hands. “Of course that’s your punishment. When I woke up in Aggie’s cave, you were serving him. I distinctly got the sense that you were with Aggie because he was someone who could take care of you. Had promised you things. That you longed to be with someone. Anyone, rather than be alone.”

“And now I’m here. No memory. Lost. Can’t touch anyone when that’s all I want to do.” She glanced over her shoulder again. Especially Justin.

To glide her bare fingers over the valley between his pecs she’d felt through his shirt the one time they’d been close. Or to suck on that pouty bottom lip. Or peel back—

“And by the look on your face and thoughts careering through your mind, you wouldn’t mind being able to touch the big oaf upstairs.”

Heat steamed through Yvonne’s cheeks. “You think it’s possible they sent me to earth unable to touch someone without killing them as my punishment for helping you and betraying this Aggie?”

“That’s exactly what I think.” Sadie pulled out her phone. “Let’s get Halena’s people on that train of thought.”

“Where is she? You’re calling her?”

“There are several levels to this house. She pretty much hates you, so I’m thinking she’ll stay hidden until she needs to come out.” Sadie gulped. “And she’s working on finding Theo.”

“Sadie!” A new voice entered the conversation, sending Yvonne to her feet, heart battering her chest like a pickax.

“Oh my gosh, I forgot.” Sadie darted out of the kitchen. “Dasha!”

Yvonne moved to the doorway to find Sadie embracing a short girl with red hair, a few shades lighter than Halena’s.

“Are you okay?” The small girl named Dasha looked past Sadie at Yvonne. “Oh.”

“Hey, Dash, this is Yvonne. She’s um…”

“Complicated.” Dasha nodded. “Halena told me. Where’s the food? I’m starving.”

Hand in hand, Dasha and Sadie made their way into the kitchen, Yvonne staring at their obvious intense friendship. Not to mention the simple gesture of holding hands.

People took that for granted.

“You hungry, too, Yvonne?” Sadie asked as she rummaged through the fridge.

Dasha sagged onto a chair and let out a long sigh. “Flights from Phoenix to France…way too long. Especially with a screaming child one seat back.”

“You’re…human?” Yvonne asked.

“One hundred percent human.” She grinned, but her jade eyes were tired, darkened. “So, you’re a demon, huh?”

“Was,” Sadie interjected as she set a plate of sandwiches on the center of the table.

Dasha and Yvonne both grabbed one. “You really can ash things with those hands of yours?”

“Boy, Halena told you a lot.” Sadie joined them at the table. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“I called Halena to pick me up at the airport…didn’t want to bother you.” She slapped Sadie’s hand. “And where else would I be other than with my bestie, especially after what happened with Theo?”

Sadie flinched.

“What the hell happened?” Dasha asked.

Yvonne was glad Dasha brought that up, because she wanted to know as well but didn’t know how to broach the subject. Theo had seemed utterly undefeatable since the second she’d seen him. To think he was bested and then taken shocked her.

“Wicked fight with a pack of demons. They were expecting us.” Sadie glanced at Yvonne. “Hordes of them.”

“You were looking for something of this Aggie demon’s?” Yvonne asked.

“Total amnesia, huh?” Dasha gulped her soda.

Sadie nodded and said, “Long story short. Your former lover demon, Aggie, was planning on overthrowing Lucifer and found a few toys—which are really called Artifacts—to help with that endeavor.” She shook her head. “We thought we’d found where he’d hidden the Thata, but we were tricked. Big time. That sucker is long gone. As are all the clues as to where the others are, or where Theo is.”

“And you think I know where this Thata thing and the other Artifacts are since I was once with Aggie?” Yvonne tapped her head.

“I think you know exactly what’s going on.” Sadie clicked her phone as she talked. “Just don’t know how to retrieve it. But maybe Halena has some ideas how to crack into that noggin of yours.”

“She won’t help me.”

“Not you, but she’ll help me get Theo back. Because if she doesn’t, the United States will fall into turmoil without its Gatekeeper and…” Her voice trailed off, and she glanced at Dasha.

“What?” Yvonne asked.

“If she doesn’t, and Theo dies…Justin will die along with him.”

“Just try it.” Sadie’s voice trickled into Justin’s awareness. “Go on.”

“No. I’ll kill him.”

“You won’t. Remember what I told you. I could hold the Mavet before I mated Theo. The Great One protects Mates. They’re the most sacred thing. You won’t kill him.”

“Trust her, girl. Sadie’s wicked smart.”

Was that Dasha’s voice?

Justin opened his eyes. Dasha, Sadie, and Yvonne stood at the foot of his bed. Yvonne had changed into blue jeans and a T-shirt.

Wait. No protective leather.

“Feeling better at all?” Yvonne asked as she stepped closer. “Hungry? I could get you some more food.”

“No. Stay away from me. Where are your gloves?”

Dasha crossed her eyes at him. “Back to being a jerk again, huh, J?” She smacked his foot as she shook her head. He hadn’t seen Sadie’s best friend in a while.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Missed your charm.”

Sadie tugged Dasha away. “It’s winter break, and she’s here for moral support for me. Come on, Dash.”

The door clicked shut, and Justin returned his focus to Yvonne.

She cleared her throat as she sat on the edge of the bed. “To answer your question, we sent out for new leather. Mine got trashed fighting Halena. But I call dibs on your jacket once that’s cleaned up.”

He didn’t want it back. Not just because a demon—or former demon—had been wearing it, but it would remind him of her. Why was she still here, anyway?

“Sadie told me everything. Showed me the scrolls.”

Remorse emanated from her frown. He clenched his hands into fists. No. He would not empathize with her. Would not comfort her. No matter how much he wanted to.

“It didn’t jog any memories loose.” She slouched. “If only I could remember something, I could help. Help find Theo.”

The short sleeve of her shirt didn’t cover all of the Ahavah Mark on her shoulder. The intricate weave of thick and thin black lines drew his attention. “You didn’t have the Mark at my hotel.”

“I did. It showed up a few days before you found me at that convenience store.”


“I covered it up.”


“It freaked me out. Just suddenly appearing like that. Then I got so sick and had these crazy dreams.” Her cheeks reddened. “And with my power, I didn’t know if it marked me for attack, or if someone saw it they’d know I was…evil and try to kill me.” She picked at her fingernails. “I was scared, so I covered it up.”

It’d been on her all this time. No wonder he’d felt so inclined to protect and care for her. Hell, he still did. As much as he didn’t want to, the urge was still there.

But things were different now. She was a damn demon. The very one who’d helped imprison Sadie for three months, nearly killing Theo. And she’d been with Aggie, served him. Justin couldn’t get past that, no matter what that Mark on her shoulder meant.

Could he?

She grabbed a damp rag from the bowl on the table beside the bed. “Here. Let me help you.”

“Don’t come near me. Not without gloves.” Sure, that cool rag would feel good on his hot skin, but he’d seen what her touch could do.

“Sadie thinks it’ll be fine for me to touch you since…um…since we’re Mates.”

“We are

“I think we are. Sadie…what she says rings true, Justin. At first I didn’t believe it, either, but—well—I feel it.” She fiddled with the rag in her hand and bit her bottom lip for what felt like an eternity, then looked at him. “I don’t know how this is all happening or what I was before, but I feel it, Justin. Somehow, I feel it deep down. Maybe in my soul, if I have one.”

He sat up, bracing for an argument. She couldn’t touch him. Even if he didn’t disintegrate, which he might, he’d get his Mark, and he didn’t want it.

Yes he did.


“I know you don’t want me, Justin, but if I can help, I want to. Like you helped me.”

“You can’t help me.”

“Sadie says I’ll energize you. Help you recover faster since Theo isn’t here for you. Halena can’t fully heal you since she’s not your Gatekeeper. Sadie said I could help heal you, like she can heal Theo.”

“I’m not a Gatekeeper. It doesn’t work that way.”

She glanced around the room, nibbling at her lip ring. “I read up on Companions and Mates while looking through some of Sadie’s stuff.”

. Mother had told him Companion Mates fueled each other much like Gatekeeper Mates. So much information came swarming back to him now that he was face-to-face with his…Mate.

“You’re the aide for your Gatekeeper. Both of you are breathed into life by The Great One for the sole purpose of guarding the gates of Hades. You help him get the demons that find a way out, and you’re directly linked to him. If he dies, you die.” She pinned him with a stare. “He’s got his Mate, so now it’s your turn. And since he’s not here to fully heal you…your Mate can.”

“Mate.” He never thought he’d utter that word. Had never wanted to, but if touching her would help him heal quicker so he could go back and get Theo…then maybe he should let her try.


But the feel of her in his arms, even when clad in leather, flashed through his mind. How perfectly in time they’d moved together. How right she’d felt beneath him, responding to his touch. His body tightened, and energy roared through his blood, flooding to his face.

She drew in a deep breath, her nostrils flaring. “Justin.”

Could this be the real deal? He’d witnessed these intense feelings from Theo in response to his Mate, Sadie.


She reached for his hand, which lay on the bed beside him. A blanket covered his lower half, leaving his bare chest exposed.

Inches separated her bare fingers from his. He knew deep down he wouldn’t turn to dust, but he would get the Mark on his neck.

Unlike a Gatekeeper, his neck had always been vulnerable, but once he got the Mark, demons would know he was mated. That there was someone who was a target for termination or capture just to get to him. Or to his Gatekeeper.

He should stop this right now. Pull away so he didn’t get the Mark. Didn’t get attached. But damn, he wanted her in this bed with him right now, naked and kissing him. Even despite how sore he was.

Wait. Her injuries were gone.

“Stop,” he said.

She froze.

“Your injuries.” Sadie had said Yvonne was stabbed twice, then did battle with both her and Halena to get to him. “They’re gone.”

A red hue imbued her cheeks. “Seems I don’t stay injured for very long.”

“Even a Mavet?”

She nodded. “I’m not a demon, Justin.”

At least not now, but was it because of a spell? A curse? This could all be a trick. She could somehow be related to Theo’s capture.

She leaned toward him, and he pulled in a breath, steeling himself for contact. He’d heal first, then figure this all out. His guard would remain up.

Had to.

Warm fingers melded with his.

Heat erupted in his neck, and he couldn’t hold back the flinch, which led to other aches igniting along his side where the deepest stab wound had been.

“Oh, God.” Yvonne yanked her hand away and watched with wide eyes.

“It’s okay,” he whispered.

Lines of heat twined up his neck as he knew it would. His Mark was branding his skin. Marking him as hers. Her as his. Binding them. Not as completely as a kiss or sex would, but it was a start.

One he was uncertain of but needed to trust. It might help him heal faster, which meant finding Theo faster. Maybe even…

No. He wasn’t going there. Yvonne had been a demon, in with Aggie at one time.

But damn, her touch had felt good.

“It’s happening,” she whispered. “Your neck.”

She clutched her shoulder, watching him. Her chest heaved, and that broke his resolve. Tension crumbled around his heart; his defenses fell away. All he saw was Yvonne. Her eyes. Her body. Her lips.

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