Marked by Hades (24 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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“Amazing,” Sadie said, approaching her. “It’s floating.”

“Can anyone who gets her stone do this if they know the words?” Justin asked.

“No. Just Yvonne,” Zander said. “The spell is cast for her and her alone.”

“I’m thinking this might come in handy for us all.” Theo smiled. “Too bad there aren’t more stones.”

,” Yvonne whispered, and she came back into sight.

Justin grabbed the weight and tossed it to the bench. “Come on,
.” He snatched her hand and winked. “Let’s practice.”

Her stomach warmed at the fire she saw in her Mate’s eyes, and she knew what he might have in mind. She hadn’t made love to him since the memories of Pario seared into her brain.

And she wasn’t sure she could.

Chapter Forty-Two

“Another shower?” Justin whispered to himself when he heard the water flowing for the third time today.

As he gently closed the door to their room, he drew in a deep, calming breath. Three days this had been going on, and Yvonne hadn’t let him make love to her since her memories came back.

While he’d spent the better part of each day slugging the punching bag in the gym, Yvonne had taken showers. Retreating into herself.

He had just gotten her back, and now he felt that he was losing her all over again. Yet he didn’t want to push her. The PTSD rape victims suffered wasn’t something to take lightly. If only he were like Theo and could absorb the pain. The terrible flashbacks.

Justin crept to the bathroom, debating what to do. He craved making love to his Mate, but… Turning the doorknob, he eased the door open. “Yvonne?”

She gasped. “Almost done.”

He heard sudden movement but couldn’t see through the thick steam. She must have had it on hot all the way.

His heart cracked.

Kicking off his shoes, he said, “I’m coming in.”

“Justin, wait.” Her voice trembled.

Damn, she’d been crying.

“Don’t hide from me,
.” He pulled open the heavy glass door and stepped in, leaving his gym shorts and T-shirt on for now. All that mattered was holding his Mate, trying to help her through the agony he felt rippling off her.

Water spilled over her invisible body. She must be clenching the stone Zander gave her.

He reached out and touched her shoulder, thankful for the water cascading over her so he could find it.

“I just can’t get clean. Can’t get him off me.” She cried, shoulders shaking beneath the steaming hot spray.

“I know.” He petted her hair and stepped in behind her. “I wish I could fix this for you.”

“No one can. I’m broken. Ruined for you.”

He slowly turned her around, longing to see her green eyes, but he didn’t chance asking her to become visible again. This was the most she’d opened up to him about it since she’d returned. Maybe the invisibility helped.

Feeling his way to her face, he glided his thumb over her smooth, wet cheek. “You’re not ruined for me or broken. I’ve never met anyone so strong. You survived being a demon over two centuries when you weren’t even meant to become a demon. You made it through the months you were down in Hades after turning yourself in for Theo. You’re so strong.” He kissed her forehead. “You’ll make it through this, too, and I want to help. I’m meant to carry this with you. Help you through it.”

He wasn’t sure how long he held her there, but it didn’t matter. He was with his soul mate. She was hurting so badly, and he couldn’t help. Couldn’t take it from her.
Great One, please heal her.

“There was so much violence. I’m scared all the time. Expecting something to attack me.”

“You’re safe here.” He slid his hand along her spine. “And loved. Treasured.”

“How do I get him out of my mind?” she whispered.

“With moments like this.” He brushed a tender kiss along her shoulder. “By planning how to kill him so he can’t ever hurt anyone else.”

“I would love nothing more than to kill him.”

“We will. Ripping him to shreds is number one on my list.” He kissed her forehead. “For you,

She leaned back, and he felt soft lips graze his chin. “I’ve missed you.”

“As I’ve missed you, Mate.” His body responded to her touch and her words. He moved away so she wouldn’t feel pressured for anything. Despite how much he wanted to make love to her right then and there, he didn’t want to rush her.

A moist tongue ran across his throat, and it nearly broke his already-teetering control.

“Is this okay?” she whispered.

“You’re in control. Only what you want. Just know this: I want you. Love you.”

She paused, and he heard her gulp. If only she’d send the invisibility away. He wanted to see her green eyes. Her full lips. Her smooth skin.

Fingers moved into his now-damp hair as she kissed along his jawline to his ear. The heat radiating from her rivaled the steam the water emitted. Invisible hands trailed over his chest to the hem of his shirt. Such a strange sight not seeing what pulled up his shirt.

But he went with it. This was about her. No one and nothing else mattered. And yet it was slightly erotic not knowing exactly where she was or where she was going to touch next. Maybe that’s why she stayed invisible. It gave her more control.

Or she didn’t want him to see her, because she still felt dirty. He closed his eyes, focusing on her, hoping she could physically sense his love. His respect. His awe of her.

“Lean forward,” she whispered.

He did, and she pulled the wet shirt over his head. Standing straight, he shook out his hair. Gooseflesh puckered his skin, so he stepped to the stream of water to warm up, mentally ordering himself not to reach for his Mate and tug her to him.

“Turn.” She guided him around so he faced the blue tile. Condensation dripped down the slick surface.

Delicate fingers toyed with the waistband of his shorts. He sucked in a breath and bit his cheek to control his lust, his desire to be inside his Mate.

Painfully slowly, Yvonne eased the clothing down until he was bare. He palmed the tile, anticipation spiking his pulse.

Her bare body pressed up against his back, molding to him. Arms wove around his waist, and she pressed her palms over his ribs. He let one of his hands down and rested it on top of one of hers.
Love you, szép

She clung to him for so long he was worried the water would go cold soon, but then her ivory-colored skin came into view.

“I feel you,” she said. “In my mind. No words or anything, just your presence. Your strength.”


“I love you, Justin. I love you so much.”

He glanced over his shoulder. There was a hint of fear in her eyes, but this time he saw more desire and love than fear.

“Take me to bed?” she half asked and told. “Make love to me.”

He slowly turned around and cupped her face. “We can stop any time you want. You’re in charge.”

“I want you.”

His heart leaped, and he eased her into his arms, cradling her like the treasure she was. His treasure. His beautiful Mate.

He shut off the water, then pushed open the shower door with his foot. She nuzzled his neck, pressing light kisses along his puckered skin.

Once at the bed, he lowered her onto the comforter, and her tiny, perfect body nearly disappeared. She didn’t release her grip around his neck, so he joined her, tenting her body with his.

She latched her mouth onto his, slowly working her tongue in. A gentle tug brought him flush with her body, and the contact knocked the wind from his lungs. She rolled him beneath her, never disconnecting their mouths, and he was fine with that.

The wonderful lavender scent exploded on his taste buds, and his body hummed with need. With energy. She was fueling him with her touch, as Shomrei Mates did. Every tingle of electricity sent his body further into chaos, but he reined it in. She was in control. Needed to be.

“Love you,” Justin whispered and kneaded up her spine, rubbing her skin as gently as he could. She’d always loved that. Craved it. He would be the one to always provide that for her since she couldn’t touch any other living thing.

She arched into his touch and pushed up with one hand. Her gaze pierced into him, filling every empty hole in his heart with her beauty. Her love.

She wiggled back, never relinquishing her focus on his eyes. Her heat was so close to him one move on his part would join them. No. This was about her. Her needs.

.” He caressed her cheek, and she held his hand to her face as she eased onto him.

Her eyes shut, and she tightened around him.

“Let me see you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “Your green gems.”

Slowly, she opened her eyelids, and a smile claimed her shiny mouth. He brought his other hand to her face and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “Love you.”

She began to move, slow, torturous movements, but he reveled in the feel of her. It’d been nearly four days since he’d last made love to her. That was too long. If he had his way, he’d never let a night go by without loving her.

After minutes or hours of sensual torture, she moved his hands from her face and propped them above his head, holding them to the bed.

And then she picked up the pace.

Later, he’d strategize how to kill the monster who’d violated her so deeply. Until then, he just closed his eyes and fell into her rhythm, enjoying every second he was with his Mate.

As it should be.

Chapter Forty-Three

“Boo!” Yvonne shouted at the demon.

The creature swung, but his fist missed her by over a foot. Probably had something to do with the fact that he couldn’t see her.

She giggled. Even heard Justin laugh. That made her smile even more. It felt good to smile.

It’d taken over two weeks, though. Sure, she still had some work ahead of her to get past what Pario had done to her, but she was finally headed in the right direction.

The demon growled, bringing Yvonne’s focus to the situation at hand. A massive creature stood before her, his talons out and ready to carve the flesh from her bones.

If only he could see her.

Justin’s instructions and training streamed into her mind. Justin, Theo, and Sadie had spent hours each day training her.

Even Dasha hung around the compound more often for some training. Seemed she didn’t like being the “weakling human,” as she put it. But the Shomrei still wouldn’t let Dasha come on hunts, much to her frustration.

Yvonne had strength and a lethal touch, and the invisibility combined with that made her a deadly force of nature that could help them get Pario and possibly the rest of the Artifacts. But they only had a week or two left of the stone’s invisibility, if Zander was correct about the time frame.

She reached out her invisible fingers and grazed the demon’s bare forearm. He grunted, then crumbled to dust.

A blunt force bashed into her back.

“Shit,” Justin said, but Yvonne landed on her stomach, so she couldn’t see him or the demon who’d just assaulted her.

“Tricky little Shomrei.”

How the hell was he seeing her? She rolled to the side and elbowed his soft gut, then groped for his face. He might have been able to make out her body, but seeing her fingers was a different story. She landed on some flesh and dust rained down on her.

Justin ran toward her as she pushed to her feet, Theo close behind with his Mavet drawn.

“I’m okay,” she said.

The tension in Justin’s face eased, smoothing away the crinkles along his eyes. He worried so much for her, but she was getting stronger, able to defend herself more than she’d ever thought.

She’d had physical strength for a long time, but the Shomrei warriors had given her combat skills, and unless she was mistaken, she’d gotten some of Justin’s strength as well, because she felt strong enough to lift a car without batting an eyelash.

“Nicely done, Yvonne,” Theo said.

. Her flesh-colored fingers appeared before her.

“Wow, you’re all with the compliments today, brother. What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” His grin widened. “Your Mate just did a good job, thought I’d tell her.”

Justin eyed his brother as if he were trying to read his mind.

A shiver ran through Yvonne. May in Colorado was still cold, but the more skin she showed the better, since anything that touched her—except Justin—vaporized.

“Justin, can you hand me my bag?”

As he tossed it over he said, “Spill it, Theo. Something’s been going on with you for days.”

The big Shomrei shook his head. “Can’t. Promised Sadie—”

“Dude, now you
to say something. What is it?” Justin pushed him on the chest.

Yvonne had noticed a slight change in the Gatekeeper, too, but— “Wait, is Sadie…pregnant?”

Theo’s eyes widened, and that was all the answer Yvonne needed. “You got some empath power going on, don’t you?”

“Holy shit!” Justin punched Theo in the shoulder. “How is that even possible?”

Yvonne eyed her Mate and shook her head. “Need a diagram?”

“No, you’re going to
me later.” Justin pinched her butt and gave her a sexy half smile. “But what I meant, my cute, smart-ass Mate, was Shomrei can’t procreate, so this little bundle of joy is a bit of a bombshell.”

Yvonne dug out her leather gloves as Theo drew in a deep breath and said, “Sadie wanted to tell Dasha first. She’s over there now, so please don’t tell her I ruined it. I wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

“We get it.” Justin nodded. “Holy shit, Theo. Pregnant? Have you heard from The Great One or Mother about this?”

He shook his head and started walking toward the splice. “I’m sure we will…or not. You know how things work.”

“That I do.” Justin snatched her hand and swung it. “Things are going to get interesting around here, aren’t they?”

“If there’s a little one on the way, that’s more reason to find Pario and kill that sicko.” Yvonne planned on adding castration to the menu of pain for all the abuse he’d dished out to her.

“Agreed,” Theo said. “We’ve been called to Colorado a few times now, but we haven’t run into him.”

“Something’s going on here, that’s for sure.” Justin caressed her shoulder. “It’s good training, but we’re running out of time.”

Now fully decked out in her leather clothing, Yvonne was safer to be around. Always worried she’d accidentally touch Theo, Sadie, or Dasha kept her leather-clad most of the time. And now, if there was a baby on the way, she’d have to be extra careful.

“Pario will show up soon. He has to.” Theo fell in stride beside Justin. “Yvonne, how’d that demon see you?”

“Not sure. Maybe he saw where I touched the other one?”

“Yes. That’s a downfall. Your vaporizing starts at the point of contact, then spreads.” Theo nodded. “Try to come from behind and grab two spots on them if there are other demons within eyeshot. They won’t be able to easily tell where exactly you are. And remember, touch and go. Get out of their range immediately.”


“Also, I saw some dust on you. Barely, but I saw it outline your bare arms. I think if there is any hint of perspiration, the dust might stick,” Theo went on. “Wearing leather is your best bet. Dust doesn’t cling to it. Though the dust is so close to your flesh, I’m surprised it’s not disappearing like your clothes do. Might have to ask Zander on that one.”

“Wearing a bunch of leather doesn’t leave much exposed skin, though, to help with the dusting,” she said.

“Personally, I’d like to see
more skin,” Justin whispered.

“That’s another reason to touch and move so no dust settles on you.”

Justin twined his fingers with hers. “You did great. You make me proud.”

“Thanks.” She leaned forward to catch Theo’s view. “And none of the demons I’ve vanquished have gotten back out of Hades?”

He shook his head. “So far, your touch appears permanent, if not more so than my Mavet. With all the snooping around I’ve done down there to try to see what happens with your vanquishes, I haven’t found a soul that you’ve dusted.”

“Amazing,” Justin said. “Lucifer’s punishment backfired, I’d say.”

“My and Sadie’s Mavets banish the soul to Hades, your touch sends them to the eternal fires, it seems.” Theo shook his head. “I’d say that’s a backfire of epic proportions.”

“Or exactly the Artifact I need to dust Lucifer.” Pario’s voice sent a bone-rattling spike of fear down her spine.

Suddenly her head was yanked back by her hair, dislodging her from Justin’s grip. In the next breath, a knife pressed to her neck. She saw the blade, but not the hand that held it. She felt the hard body behind her, but saw nothing.

The bracelet.


Wait. Had he called her an Artifact?

Justin growled as he turned. Theo roared, fangs extended and his Mavets held up.

Fear paralyzed her. She’d trained for when she encountered Pario, visualized how to fight him. Hell, Theo and Justin had plan A, plan B, and a backup trying to anticipate Pario’s actions. But her mind went blank, forgetting everything.

“That’s right, pet.” A gloved finger ran along her cheek. Flashes of Pario violating her rammed into her mind. She reached for him, but something cold clamped around her wrist. Then her other.

“Move again, Shomrei, and I’ll slice her neck.” His bitter breath triggered her gag reflex. “And we know she won’t heal from that one.”

Justin narrowed his eyes, and his jaw twitched. She could see him calculating options, but she also saw fear. Justin couldn’t zone in on an invisible target in order to take aim or throw anything.

Neither could Theo.

Exactly what they’d been practicing with her. She needed to be able to get out of this on her own, use her invisibility.

. Pario had been watching for all they knew. At least today based on how easily he’d sneaked up on them and ripped her away from Justin.

Again. She was at Pario’s mercy
. And she was so sick of it.

Theo grunted, then fell to his knees. “Sadie!”

A splice opened, but Pario muttered a quick phrase and the splice in reality vanished. How was he doing that?

“No!” Theo bellowed, holding his head. “No.” Blood trickled from his nose, and Justin knelt beside him, blade raised at Pario.

“I’m sorry, Gatekeeper. Your Mate didn’t make it.”

Tears stung. “No,” Yvonne whispered. “Sadie.”

“Stay there, Shomrei. Or you will lose your Mate as well.”

Yvonne’s gut clenched. “Please.”

She wasn’t sure to whom she was saying that: The Great One for help, Pario to release her, or Justin to stay back. Their team had prepared for a surprise appearance from Pario. Their planning hadn’t considered Sadie’s involvement, but Yvonne needed to trust in the Shomrei. The Great One.

“I’ll go with you,” she said to the monster behind her. “Just don’t hurt them.”

The chest at her back rumbled. “Oh, I know you’ll come with me. Tell your man to back off. I’ll return you once your usefulness has expired.”

“Yeah, right,” Yvonne said.

“Killing you would be too easy. I’d rather you live with the memories I gave you…and the new ones I will give you.”

A shiver climbed up her spine at the promise he would once again violate her to give her the
memories he spoke of. She would
allow that to happen.

,” Justin whispered, but gave her a slight nod.

Energy stormed through her chest and to her shoulder. His energy. Power. Courage. Yes. She’d be strong and make him proud.

“Let’s go.” She needed to hurry this along so Theo could get to Sadie in time to heal her. If he didn’t and she died, Theo and Justin would die as well.

She offered a wink to Justin and a silent good-bye:
I’ll see you soon!

And she would. No matter what, Yvonne would fight. She would return to her Mate.

Even if she had to kill Lucifer to do it.

The hardest thing Justin had to do was watch his Mate be taken away by the invisible Pario, but that wink she shot him empowered him to go with her plan.

And the fact that she had a tracking implant in her shoulder, beneath his Mark, and her toe boosted his confidence as well.

But what was happening to Sadie? She should have been safe within the Arizona compound walls. Pario’s surprise appearance had been anticipated, expected, but not Sadie’s involvement.

“Sadie,” Theo whimpered.

To see his brother whimpering tore at Justin’s chest like a dirty blade.

“Try a splice again. They’re gone.” Justin tugged his brother to his feet. “Hurry. There’s still time. You feel her. Right? She’s not dead. Can’t be dead.”

“Only faintly.” His voice cracked. “Might be the baby’s heartbeat.”

“Then do it for your little one. Go!” Justin yelled. “Move it, Gatekeeper.”

Fear stomped through Justin’s mind. If Sadie were dead, Theo would die. Which meant he would die, too.

Sadie was created by freaking angels. She’d live. She had to.

The familiar winds of a splice opening sparked a flame of hope within him. “Come on.”

They had to hurry. First Sadie, then tracking Yvonne.

“Nothing. I feel nothing.” Theo fell through the splice and landed on his knees in the foyer of their compound. “Sadie!” His voice boomeranged off the walls. “How’d they breach our protection?”

“How the hell did Pario sneak up on us? How can he mask his presence? Things are changing, Theo. Get up. Let’s find your Mate. Focus!”

Theo closed his eyes, his fangs still down and his grip tight on the Mavets. “Where are you, love?”

He twitched his head to the side. His nostrils flared. Justin didn’t sense demons, but he heard moans. Whispers.

“Kitchen.” Theo took off. “Sadie.”

Justin followed after his Gatekeeper, watching their backs. He may not detect any demons at the moment, but he hadn’t sensed Pario, either. Damn, those creatures were changing. Getting stronger. Or…shit, maybe he’d gotten the Necklace and Gem of Desmios.

If that were true…

He stepped into the kitchen and time froze.
His body stopped, and no matter how much he fought to move forward, nothing budged. His chest squeezed as if all the oxygen had been sucked from the room. He couldn’t hear anything, but he could still see.

Theo slid across the floor on his knees to Sadie. She lay on her back, a circle of blood around her body, more around her head.

No. Not the neck. Not the—

Her body twitched. Two figures cloaked in white stood near Sadie’s body, a female reaching toward her, yet not touching her. Tears streamed down the older woman’s brilliant face.

Sadie’s mother, Abby, and her father, Paxon. That was why Justin couldn’t move. He remembered feeling this from the first time Sadie’d opened the realm to her angelic parents.

But why weren’t they touching her? Healing her?

Theo howled, but he shifted enough for Justin to see. A red line across Sadie’s neck fused with a flash of light. Her chest glowed bright white, and her back arched. She opened her mouth, and her little fangs burst from her gums.

Abby covered her ears with her hands and leaned into Paxon.

Sadie reached for Theo, her eyes still closed. Their fused hands sparked a flash of light that rivaled the sun. Theo jerked to the side and tensed his jaw. The muscles along his forearm and his biceps triggered, but he didn’t pull away.

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