Marked by Hades (19 page)

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Authors: Reese Monroe

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Coming of Age, #entangled publishing, #Paranormal, #demons, #Romance, #Embrace, #New Adult

BOOK: Marked by Hades
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Chapter Thirty-Four

Theo stopped the group, arms out to his side, twenty feet from the SUV. Dyre glanced around, suddenly feeling very nervous. “What?”

“Damn it. I sense a splice.”

Sadie nodded. “He’s not even bothering to cover them.”

“Or this is someone new. It feels bigger. Darker. Dyre, is there any chance another demon knows about Pario’s plans? Aggie’s?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Pario’s called some bigger demons to come it seems.” Theo gestured toward the car. “Because if I’m feeling them, these demons have been vanquished before. Not the young ones we’ve been dealing with.”

Fear tumbled down Dyre’s spine. She scratched at her shoulder, wondering what the heck was happening beneath that leather of hers. The air was so cold plumes of white burst from her mouth as she worked to catch her breath. It was as though she’d run miles.

Something felt off. She clutched the bag around her shoulder. “We have the Thata and the Sword of Terentia. Let’s use it and splice to safety.”

“I can create splices just as easily, but I must answer this call. Justin, you should take your Ma—Dyre to safety. Sadie and I will handle this.”

“Or not.” Pario landed beside the SUV with a thud. He’d jumped down two stories from the building beside them.

Justin yanked Dyre behind him and whipped out his weapons. Seven more demons crowded in from the street, not bothering to hide themselves from the public. Thankfully there were only a few bystanders, and they hurried away, gasping and whispering disbelief.

“Dyre, you continue to surprise me.” Pario eyed Justin. “Siding with the Shomrei. You little devil.”

She clutched the backpack and reached for her ankle blade. An arm snaked around her waist and yanked her away from Justin. Flipping the dagger around, she plunged it into the leg of whoever was carrying her. He stumbled, landing atop her, but she pushed him off and jumped to her feet.

It wasn’t Pario, but it was a rage demon and just as huge.

She made a beeline toward the SUV, where the rest of the Shomrei were battling the horde of demons that had descended upon them.

Theo had been right: they’d brought the big guns. If they got their hands on these Artifacts, it’d be catastrophic.

Even though the ring was at the compound, these two would seriously tilt the scales in the demons’ favor. Especially if that third one Pario had mentioned before was still with him.

Three for the demons. One for the Shomrei.

And her bargaining chip would be lost. She needed the Gatekeepers to have all the Artifacts so they’d help her.

A redheaded figure pummeled the demon attacking Sadie, and they all went down. She whirled around and buried her dagger in the creature’s ribs. “
Reverto ut Abyssus

Sadie rolled off the girl and faced another attacker.

A demon tackled Dyre, and the momentum carried them beyond the SUV to the front of a bakery. Her head smacked the ground and stars burst into her vision. The tip of the Thata dug into her back, even through the thick leather coat she wore.

A warm tongue dragged across her cheek. “Mmm.”

It was Pario.

“I’ll be taking this, thank you.” He whirled her around and smashed her face into the concrete. Stinging pain engulfed her cheek, and her eye felt as if it would explode.

The giant’s weight suddenly vanished. Shattering glass rang out next, followed by a thud.

“I see you’re quite fond of my demon, Shomrei. Her bite is stimulating, isn’t it?” Pario said, then clobbered Justin’s cheek.

His head swiveled so much his other cheek collided with what was left of the shattered window. Blood streamed from his face, but he didn’t falter as he squared off with Pario.

Pario was too much for Justin to handle, too strong and too wicked. She couldn’t let him get hurt.

Dyre roared, fangs dropping, and rammed into Pario. The immovable force of Hades batted her off like a pesky fly. Halena came in for a try, and Pario budged that time, but only enough to evade the Mavet dagger aimed at his throat.

Justin kicked, and Halena grabbed Pario’s jacket. Together, the movement flipped Pario onto his back. Halena straddled him, but the demon palmed her hips and tossed her over his head. Justin jammed his dagger in Pario’s chest, and his bellow filled the air.

He grabbed Justin by the neck and twisted.

The sickening sound of bones snapping stole Dyre’s breath. Justin’s body went limp. Pario yanked him near and said, “She’ll always be mine,” then tossed the lifeless body to the side.

Darkness filled Dyre’s vision. Everything vanished except Pario, and she lunged. He simply grinned at her advance and jumped, bag of Artifacts in hand, to the roof as he had done before.

“Theophilus!” Halena yelled.

“Got him.” In a blink, the Gatekeeper vanished through a splice, following after Pario.

The Artifacts were gone, but Dyre didn’t care. Justin was dead.

Sadie ran to Justin.

Dyre lunged, intercepting her, and thrust her into the air with a good shove. She drew out her dagger and squatted before Justin, the SUV behind her and two Shomrei females approaching.

“Mine.” The word hissed out between her fangs.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Halena pointed her Mavet at Dyre. “You’ve got to be fucking

“Shut up, Halena.” Sadie showed her palms to Dyre. “It’s okay.”

“Dyre?” Halena tensed. “He fucking mated a demon?”

“Shut up!” Sadie inched forward. “Dyre, we can help him.”

Darkness crept into her vision. Her shoulder pulsed.

“Halena’s a Gatekeeper. She can heal him.”

“I’m not healing a demon lover. Let him die.” Halena sheathed her Mavet and turned to leave. “You’re on your own.”

Dyre launched at the Gatekeeper, but Halena whirled around and stiff-armed her at the throat, effectively cutting off her breath. Frigid fingers squeezed her neck, and her body met the cold, hard ground.

Halena drove the Mavet into Dyre’s shoulder. “Now. I won’t say the vanquish if you don’t move so I can go heal him. Got it?”

A paralyzing force froze Dyre’s body in place. The Mavet daggers immobilized demons by just piercing the skin, but if the Shomrei said the words, demons were eternally banished to Hades.


“Save…him,” Dyre whispered.

Halena leaned over her until their noses almost met. “Only if you promise to disappear and don’t ever show your face near us again.”

Her heart shattered. “Yes. Anything. Save him. Please.”

Halena pushed up and turned to Justin. She placed her hands on his neck, then tensed as she roared an anguished, choked sound, and her fangs dropped.

“Just hold on,” Sadie said. “Here. See if my touch helps.”

Sadie placed her hands on Halena’s, and they both flinched.

Justin’s legs moved, and he groaned.

Thank you
. He lived. That was all that mattered.

Now, to just pry this dagger from her shoulder, she could disappear. She’d locate Evania on her own and get the punishment reinstated. Then she’d find Justin again, and when she did, she’d never leave him.

Chapter Thirty-Five

“Are you sure she’s Marked?” Theo asked, pacing in front of Justin.

“I felt it, like I did before, she scratched her shoulder, and The Great One spoke to me, so yeah, I’m sure.” Justin let out a long, relaxing breath as he retrained his focus on Yvonne. Or Dyre. He wasn’t sure which name to focus on, so he chanted both, but that was okay, he wanted both. They were both

The wooden chair at the tiny table in the even smaller hotel room didn’t help with the comfort factor, either. The small German town didn’t have much to choose from.

“How far away can you sense Sadie?” Justin asked.

“I was in Connecticut when I felt her Mark appear, and now that we’ve mated, I can sense her anywhere in the world and splice to her side.” He glanced at Sadie who sat on the bed, flipping through some sort of book.

Always researching.

Justin closed his eyes and drew in another deep breath of the stale air. “I should have mated Yvonne when the Mark first appeared.”

“There were extenuating circumstances,” Theo said. “I would have waited, too.”

“No, you wouldn’t have. You never question The Great One’s design. I did, and look what happened.”

“We’ll find her.”

Justin opened his eyes. “It’s been twenty-four hours since she disappeared. No sign. No sense. No nothing! What if Pario’s already found her and killed her?”

“You’d know.” Theo let a growl loose. “Damn that demon. I’ve never met one so strong.”

“Your focus was to get the Artifacts. You did, now we’ll kill that asshole together.”

“After you find and mate your Mate.”


Need thundered through Justin’s body. If only he could touch Dyre, he’d welcome the burn of the Mark appearing on his neck again. He longed for the pulse he’d once shared with Yvonne.
Please, Great One, where is she? Is she safe?

Yvonne or Dyre?

Both. I’ll take them both.

Then focus on them as one, for they are not separate. You must embrace them both. Love them both.

And with that said, the whispers vanished. A tingle in Justin’s neck ignited.

“Wait. I feel something.”

“Focus. Keep asking yourself where. Where. Where.”

“Shut up.”

Theo growled but didn’t say another word.

A whisper of lavender wrapped around Justin’s senses. His heart rate spiked. Fear trickled in as well.

Her sweet voice cascaded through his mind.

Where, szép?


Help me find you.

North. She was north and west. Cold. Shivering. His neck pulsed, and he would have thought he had the Mark had he known he didn’t.

“Laden, California” popped out of his mouth without any rhyme or reason. “How the
did she get to California?”

“Let’s go.” Theo waved his hand, opening a splice. “Sadie, love, come join us.”

Theo’s Mate hopped off the bed, smiling. “Took you long enough.”

“You knew?” Justin stood. “You knew I’d find her?”

“Of course.” She grinned. “I have faith in you, Justin. Now, are you ready to go get your Mate?”

“More than ready.” He dove into the splice, welcoming the cold wind and pressure against his lungs.

His feet met solid ground in a matter of seconds. Cool air sliced through his T-shirt. Damn, he hadn’t even gotten his coat. Two tall buildings flanked them, and the brick walls reached toward a darkening sky.

“Here, dumbass.” Theo tossed Justin’s leather jacket at him as he shook his head.

“Can’t blame him, hon.” Sadie smiled. “Go, find Dyre. Theo, let’s go find a nice, little…hotel to settle into.” She winked and twined her fingers with his. “I’ve never been to Laden before.”

“You’re not coming?” Justin asked.

“This is something you must do, brother.” Theo grabbed Justin’s shoulder. “Trust your instinct.”

“You know something, don’t you?” Justin said. “Shit. Now’s not the time for a lesson, Theo.”

“Go.” Theo and Sadie sauntered off holding hands, happiness radiating from them. Of course they had things to celebrate. The Shomrei Gatekeepers were in possession of three of the Artifacts the demons needed to overthrow Lucifer, and they were tucked away at the compound.

Supposedly, there were four left, but at least they had some breathing room now. Had some time to figure out a plan of action without the fear of the overthrow happening at any given time.

Though Justin had Pario to contend with, and that demon would pay for what he put Yvonne through.

He turned a circle, taking in his surroundings, then darted up the alley to the sidewalk.

It wasn’t as late as he’d thought now that he was out from the dark alley. Not a cloud in the sky, but the sun was low, so it must be nearing late afternoon.

He headed to the right, taking the sidewalk north.

Couples strolled by him, hand in hand, some carrying bags of popcorn, caramel apples, and other sorts of foods.

Sounds of distant music and shouts trickled through the air.

He stopped in front of a coffee shop window and saw posters.
Laden County Street Fair

That explained why there weren’t any cars on the streets, only streams of people. Scents of fried food and sugar wafted through the air now that he paid attention.

“Come on, Yvonne. Where are you?”

He turned a circle, and her lavender essence reached out to him from the north. Moving onward, he kept his mind open, focusing on her sweet face. Her lips. Her scent.

Suddenly, what felt like a kick to the gut knocked the wind out of him. He stopped, but nobody was near enough to him to have caused it. Closing his eyes, he zeroed in on what he felt. Pain. Yes. And he tasted blood in his mouth.

He pushed through the crowd across the street and to the northwest. A sign reading
flashed in his mind.

What do you mean, Yvonne? Tell me.

A park.
The thought streamed through his mind. Justice Park. What would she be doing in a park right now when it was getting dark? She was in pain, too.

He stopped an older gentleman he’d been ready to pass and asked, “Excuse me, sir. Is there a Justice Park nearby?”

“Why yes, son.” He pointed the direction Justin had been going. “About two miles north there. Hang a left at Danglers bait shop. Go another mile.”

“Thank you,” he said as he sprinted away. “Hold on, Dyre. I’m coming.”

Dyre had never known such pain. Not just physical, but mental. So close to finding Evania, she couldn’t believe she’d missed her chance.

Damn demons had the house staked out.

She rolled onto her side, the one that wasn’t shredded from daggers and claws. Thankfully, she was immune to the lethal poison the demons’ claws had, but they still hurt like a son of a bitch.

Closing her eyes, she focused on healing. It left her vulnerable to attack, but she couldn’t defend herself very well right now anyway. Thank Hades she even remembered this splice existed. Agares had told her about it, but since he was dead she wasn’t sure it would still be active. He’d hidden it from the Gatekeepers well, too.

In through the nose. Out the mouth.
She focused on that for several minutes, then let her mind wander to Justin. He was probably healed from Pario’s injuries, maybe even back to the States. Deep down she hoped he was still looking for her. That was dangerous for her to hope for, though, considering she wasn’t any closer to getting to Evania or getting her punishment reinstated. She couldn’t be with Justin until that happened.

A memory slid into her mind.

Justin and her, hand in hand, strolling through a field. The setting sun cast a mural of reds, pinks, and purples across the sky just for them.

She must be dreaming.

No, it was a memory.

“Yvonne. What’s it like not to remember anything other than when you woke up on that bench?”

“Strange. And to know I was demon before, that’s even worse. Why would I choose such a life? Such a horrible fate?”

Justin shrugged. The wind tangled with locks of hair, and they danced across his smooth forehead. “Doesn’t matter. You’re here now. We’ll figure it out.”

She nodded, and they fell into a comfortable silence, but what she felt most was his skin. Tender and warm. It didn’t matter she’d never be able to touch another human being or animal. She could touch Justin and that was enough for her.

The Mark on her shoulder confirmed that. She was meant for him and him for her.

The memory faded, and the coldness of the ground on which she lay shocked through her. Mark? On her shoulder?

She had a Mark now, too. Had that helped dislodge this memory? It was Yvonne’s memory…from when she’d been with Justin…before she became Dyre again. How could that be?

She rolled onto her back and thunked her head against the ground. Tears burned. All she wanted was to be with him. Not to have to worry that behind every corner was a demon hell-bent on hauling her off to Hades. Or Pario. Had he gotten all the Artifacts?


Branches crackled, shooting the hairs on her arms to attention. She was still too weak to fight anything off. Evidently, she hadn’t made it far enough from the splice.

Or maybe it was Theophilus. Maybe he’d somehow sensed her reentry even though this was one of Agares’s secret splices. One he used before he had the Thata. It’d supposedly been charmed.

She pushed up to her feet and made her way to the first tree she could, then stopped and heaved in some air.

More crackling. Someone or something was moving fast and directly toward her. Her shoulder pulsed, and her breath sputtered to a stop.

She had to keep moving.


Her name came to life in her mind. Justin’s voice. No, she’d imagined it.

She kept moving, using the trees along the way to keep her upright. “Come on legs, move.”

They were heavy. She was cold. Hungry.

And done.

She collapsed to the ground, thankfully missing the rock her head almost hit. Not that it’d kill her, but still. Whoever or whatever it was chasing her, let it find her. Maybe it’d detach her head fast. End her—

“Yvonne? Dyre?” Justin called out. “Answer me, damn it.”

No. He couldn’t be here. Couldn’t be. Halena’s threat chimed loud and clear in her head. She had to stay away from him. At least while she was a demon. Halena would end her if—

“Oh my Great One.” Justin skidded to her side. “Dyre. Say something.”

She batted his hand away as it reached for her face. “Don’t.”

“What’s happening?” He glanced around. “You’re hurt.”

“That’s what happens when Hades spits you out.”

“You went to Hades? Why the hell would you do that? You’ll get yourself killed.”

She could only be so lucky.

“Can you stand? I’ve got to get you to shelter.” He reached for her again, but she pushed off.

“I can do it.”

Hurt ripped through his eyes as he stood, hands up. “Just let me touch you. You’ll see. I know you have a Mark on your shoulder.”

“What?” How could he possibly know?

“It’s my Mark. You’re my Ahavah. Please let me touch you.”

“I can’t be. I’m a demon, Justin.” She backed away. The intensity of his eyes scared her because they held so much hope. That much hope was dangerous. She didn’t dare slip into that. Not until she could find the witch to reverse her spell. Or whatever she did to her before.

“Trust me.” He stepped closer and cupped her face. Without warning, he pressed his lips to hers, holding her face steady with his hands. She didn’t move. Didn’t kiss him back, just stood there, waiting for something. Anything.

But then he opened his mouth enough for the tip of his tongue to swipe her bottom lip, and she couldn’t resist.

She threw her arms around him and yanked him flush to her. God, he felt good. As she’d imagined heaven would be. Warm. Cozy. Safe.

Drawing him in, she tilted his head and took the kiss deeper. She needed more. Her fingers burrowed into his hair, pressing his face closer.

He moaned, then pulled away, but he kept his forehead touching hers and closed his eyes. “Wait for it.”

For what?

Several long seconds later, he severed their connection. “I don’t feel it.”

“What, Justin? What’s supposed to happen?”

He cupped his neck.

A memory overwhelmed her. A vision of him with a red mark on his neck, and it matched her shoulder. It pulsed. Linked them.

She snapped back into reality. “Ahavah connection. We had one before.”

“You remember?”

“Touch brings the Mark. Kiss seals the bloodlink.” She touched his neck. “It didn’t work.”


“Because I’m demon.” Her gut churned. “But I’m Marked on the shoulder. How can that be?”

“I don’t know, Dyre.” He pulled her into his arms. “I don’t care. I’m with you. We’ll figure this out.”

“No. Justin. We can’t be together.”

“Bullshit.” He didn’t release his hold. “You’re mine.”

As much as she wanted to be, wanted to get lost in him right here in the woods, she couldn’t. Not until she was human again.

“Let go,” she said.


“Justin.” She weaseled her hands between them and pushed hard on his chest. “I mean it. You have to go.”


“Because Halena will kill me if she knows we’re together.”

“She’ll have to get through me, Theo, and Sadie first.”


“Face it, Dyre, human or demon, you’re with us now. With me.” He planted a kiss on her lips that promised more to come.

She wanted that more than anything, but how? Light and dark didn’t mix. “Justin, wait—”

“Done waiting. Dyre, you’re mine. I’m not letting you go again, ever.”

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