Marriage Experiment Gone Wrong

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Marriage experiment



By J.W. McKenna














Other books by J.W. McKenna:


Out of Control 1 & 2 (anthologies)

Office Slave, Office Slave II: El Exposed

Stripped & Abused


Sold Into Slavery

Boarding School Slave

Tied & Branded

The Politician’s Wife

My Husband’s Daddy

My Wife’s Master

Torn Between Two Masters

Darkest Hour

Corruption of an Innocent Girl

The Sex Slave Protocols

Secretary’s Punishment

The Abduction of


Joanna’s Surrender

Slave to the Firm

She Couldn’t Say No

Lara’s Submission

Sybian Training

Trailer Park Tramp

Her Personal Assistant

Kyla’s Basic Training

The Cheater

Training Bra

Two Girls in Trouble

Punish the Slaves

Landlord Ladies

Trained in Two Weeks

Nude in New Zombieville

& Desperate

The Tutor’s Dilemma

Be Careful What You Wish For: A Cuckold’s Story

The Advantages of Marrying a Cuckold


Copyright, 2013, J.W. McKenna Publishing.
All rights reserved. May not be reprinted without written permission from the author.




It was just supposed to be the one time. We were experimenting, that’s all.
Diane and I had been married twenty-one years, our kids were both out of the house and we wanted to spice up our marriage a little.

I’m Bob Stewart, my wife is Diane. I’m forty-five, she’s a year younger. I would consider myself to be average
– average in height, brown hair, brown eyes – but Diane is gorgeous. She’s about five-four, blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and a kind heart. She’s a doll and I’m madly in love with her. Sure, she’s put on some weight since we’ve been married, but she’s given me two wonderful kids and I couldn’t be happier. Well, except for this nagging fetish I’ve had for years.

I had always had a fantasy about a man who was
more endowed than I am, making love to my wife. I can’t explain why it excited me – it just did. I never shared that with Diane, of course – not until after the kids were gone and we were all alone. Then, for some reason, it resurfaced, stronger than ever.

I can remember the shocked looked on her face when I suggested it. I had been drinking – we both had
– and it just kind of slipped out. We had been talking about “what were we going to do now” and all that. Diane had suggested we drive around the country in a motor home and I wanted to go to Europe, but with two kids in college we were fooling ourselves. We couldn’t afford to do any of those things for a few more years, at least.

“We should do something different,” she said. “We’ve been stuck in a rut for too long.”

“Like what,” I responded, “become swingers?”

She had stared at me before bursting out laughing. “I think we’re about ten years too late for that stuff! No one wants a pudgy middle-aged woman!”

“You look beautiful to me,” I said and took another drink of my scotch. I should’ve been more circumspect. But I had had
those fantasies for years and suddenly, in my semi-drunken state, this seemed like the ideal time to share them. “You aren’t ‘pudgy’ at all. I think any man would lust after you. Hell, I’d love to see you with another man.”

Had I just said that out loud?
I asked myself. Judging from Diane’s expression, I had.

“What? You’d
me to cheat on you?”

Shit! But my drunken tongue wouldn’t let me stop
. “It’s not cheating if I’m there.”

“Wait – you’d
want to
me cheat on you?” She was incredulous.

“Forget it. It’s just me being a little drunk.”

“No, you don’t get out of this so easily. Where does this come from?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a fantasy I’ve had since I was
younger. Forget it.”

“You’ve had a fantasy of sharing your wife?”

“Or girlfriend, like back when I was in college.”

“Did you ever…?”

I shrugged. “Once. I had this girl, I forget her name,” I said, but I remembered her name very well: Liz. She was a crazy, sexy lady and I had this urge to let my buddy share in her bounty. “I caught her eyeing my roommate and joked that she should try him out. One thing led to another and…” I shrugged.

“She did it?
With your roommate? How did that go down?”

“It was fine. We were all very open and liberal back then, not like now.”

“So … this girl… did you watch them?”

“No, my roommate was too shy, so they went into his room. But I could hear them.”

“Why weren’t you jealous? I would be jealous!”

“I don’t know – I just wasn’t. I found it to be a turn-on. After she was done, she came over to my room and we made love too.”

“My god, Bob, that’s … that’s weird.”

I shrugged. “It was a long time ago.”

“But you just said you’d like to see me…” She shuddered. “I’d be too embarrassed! I’ve gotten fat over the years.”

“Will you stop with the ‘fat’ stuff? You’ve gained
fifteen pounds since we got married. That’s hardly fat.”

“I feel fat. I would be too embarrassed to … show myself to anyone but you.”

“Well, then, forget it. I was just kidding. It was a joke.”

We dropped it,
or so I thought. Diane was thinking about it, I could tell. And I was pretty sure I knew why. I’m not the best lover. I’m a little “quick on the trigger.” Many times, I would come and leave her frustrated. I’d just want to roll over and go to sleep and she’d be lying there, waiting for the sparks to fly. Sometimes, I’d try to bring her off with my fingers or my tongue before I climbed on, but over the years, I admit I’ve gotten selfish. Making love to one woman for so long makes a man complacent. So part of my thinking was that Diane deserved a better lover than me, at least once.

It wasn’t but two weeks later that
Diane said to me out of the blue: “You know you were only my second lover,” she began.

“Yeah, I know.” She had lived a sheltered life.

“I’ve always wondered if I should’ve gotten married so young…”

It hit me then – she was still thinking about my secret turn-on!
“Because you didn’t get to experience too many lovers?”

She smiled shyly. “Well, yeah. I mean, I loved you and I still do! But… you know…”

I wanted her to stop beating around the bush. “No, I don’t know. What are you trying to say?”

“You brought it up! You said you’d like to see me with another man. I was just wondering… maybe…”

“You’d like to try it?” I felt my cock grow hard just thinking about it.

“NO! I mean… I don’t know…” She gave me a look I couldn’t read. “Maybe

“What led to your change of heart?”

“Oh, I don’t know… I guess I’m feeling like an old shoe. Now that the kids are gone, I’ve lost my reason for being or something. Maybe I’m having a mid-life crisis.”

“I can understand that. Maybe it would be good for both of us. Shake us up or something.”

“Yeah … but I’m so embarrassed about my body! I just feel so dumpy!”

“Putting that aside for the moment – pretend you look like you did ten years ago or so. Would you
really consider trying out another guy or is this just talk?”

She stared at me for a long time before answering. “I don’t know. I mean, I would never in a million years, but you … you said it would excite you. I never imagined that, you know. It does make me think…” She shook her head. “But it’s a moot point – no man would ever want me like this!”

I was tired of telling her she looked beautiful. I knew she wanted reassurance but she just wasn’t capable of listening to any compliments about her body. I tried another approach. “I think you look great, but I’ll tell you what, Diane – sounds like you need an incentive. If you lose ten pounds, I’ll find a nice guy for you to make love to. Okay?”

She stared at me.
“With a big cock?”

Now it was my turn to be shocked. I’ve never thought I was small – I’d guess my cock measures about five inches or so. I’d always thought it was enough for her. Now I was beginning to understand the problem we’d been having in bed. It wasn’t
just that I was selfish not to allow her to come first – she needed more to stimulate her. I wasn’t offended, not really. I was actually feeling magnanimous. I had had her for twenty years and she’d never complained about the size of my cock. She had just made do. Now it was my turn to give her what she had secretly been missing all these years.

“Yes, with a big cock.” I paused. “It’ll probably have to be a black man. You okay with that?”

She nodded, her eyes bright. “Sure.”

And so the grand experiment began. I’m not sure either one of us really expected to go through with it.
I wasn’t sure I could find a man for her, nor was I sure Diane could lose the weight. But we did take the first step. We had a naked weigh-in the next morning and I was surprised to find she had gained twenty-four pounds since our wedding twenty-one years ago, when she had weighed just one-thirty. I told her she looked great and hugged her. I thought she might cry.

“I mean that. You look so good right
now, I’d like to take you back to bed!” We hadn’t made love for over a week and I felt my cock stirring.

“No! I’ve got to get to the gym! I can’t let another man see me like this!”
Her tone was teasing, like she was kidding.

We both had had gym memberships for years and hardly used them. I was seeing the determined side of
Diane now and it impressed me. I knew what she was capable of when she set her mind to it. Right then and there, she told me she would lose fifteen pounds before spring.

Still, it’s one thing to make a resolution and another thing to keep it. When she started going to the gym regularly, it dawned on me that she really wanted to do this. It made me feel uneasy even as it excited me to think about sharing her. Did I really want to go through with it?
Thinking about how hard my cock got whenever the subject came up made me realize I did.

It took her
a couple of months to lose the weight, but she never faltered. She ate more sensibly too. When she stepped on the scale in late March and it showed she weighed just one-thirty-six, I knew I’d better figure out how to find her a man!

“I’m not done, either,” she crowed. “I’m going to lose another five pounds.”

“My god, you look great, honey. You’ve got muscles now!” It was true. She looked ten years younger. I felt some jealousy surface, the same way it had surfaced when I watched Liz and my roommate Jake head into his bedroom. I had also found it to be the most erotic thing I had ever done.

The challenge had moved to me and I was woefully unprepared. How does a middle-aged man find a nice stud for his wife? Duh – the Internet! I began perusing chat rooms and cuckold sites to find someone. I figured I’d cast a wide net and cull through the choices to find a guy who well endowed, maybe was a few years younger than us and happy with a one-time deal.

When I put up my inquiry, I was very nervous. I thought of all the horror stories about couples who had been slain in their sleep by someone they met online. Actually, I couldn’t remember that actually happening but it sounded possible.

I wouldn’t say the offers poured in. I had a trickle of interest, with most asking what
Diane looked liked. Not that I used her name, of course. I didn’t have any new pictures of my wife so I asked her to pose in a skimpy outfit to show off her new body. When she found out why, she recoiled.

“You want to put my picture up on the Internet? Are you nuts? What if our kids see it?”

“I have to show what you look like if I’m going to get any responses,” I told her. “You won’t be naked – you can wear something slinky, like that green dress I like.”

That mollified her. She put on the green dress, which she admitted hadn’t fit her in years, and was thrilled to see she could fit into it again. She looked amazing. I stood her up against the wall and snapped a few shots. When I showed them to her, she objected to having her face out there for everyone to see, so I took a shot with her hands over her face and she told me that’s the one I should use.

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