Marriage Experiment Gone Wrong (2 page)

BOOK: Marriage Experiment Gone Wrong
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I didn’t like it because I think she’s very pretty, but I understood her concern about our children. So I put out another ad using that photo and I got quite a few responses! I asked for photos and to give me cock length – I know! It embarrassed me too! – and the men came from everywhere for the chance to be with my wife.

I rejected all the out-of-area responses and all the ugly ones or the ones who seemed weird or creepy. That left me with three men, one white and two black. Remembering that black men often had larger cocks, I checked them out first. I kept coming back to this guy named Marcus,
who seemed to be about ten years younger than we were. He was handsome and in good shape and I guessed he was about ten years younger than us. He had a very nice cock from the picture he sent, not overwhelmingly big, but bigger than mine. The other two men just showed them in tight shorts, with a bulge on display. I showed Diane the finalists and she picked out Marcus right away as well.

“Okay, let’s meet him.”

“Oh, boy, I’m not sure I’m ready yet!”

“Come on, you look wonderful! Any man would want you. Hell, I want you!” I have to admit, our love-making had increased over the last couple of months, although I
was acutely aware that I continued to disappoint her.

“Maybe we could just meet him for drinks,” she suggested.

“Of course! I don’t want him to know where we live until we check him out first.”

And it was set. We scheduled our meeting at a hotel downtown, in the bar, on a Friday night.
Diane was so nervous I thought she might cancel on me.

“I should’ve lost some more weight,” she said. “My god, what if he thinks I’m too old?” She looked at herself in the mirror wearing her slinky black dress that she had bought just for the occasion. She looked like a million bucks.

“He’s seen the picture and he said he was very interested. Look at you! How could anyone resist?”

“I’m not sure this is a good idea. I mean, god, what are we doing? We shouldn’t be doing this!”

“Come on, it’s too late now! We’ve got to show up.”

I had to drag her
to the car or she probably would’ve backed out. When we parked and walked into the bar, she held my hand very tightly and whispered, “If I don’t like him, I’ll give you a signal.” I nodded.

And there he was. He had on black pants and a tight gray turtleneck under a blazer. His muscles bulged under his jacket and I could tell
Diane was attracted to him right away.

“Hi, I’m Marcus,” he said unnecessarily and took
Diane’s hand. “You look wonderful, Claire.” That was the name I had used online. He kissed her hand and I thought my wife might swoon.

“Hi, I’m
Bill,” I said, using my fake name. I was just being careful. He gave a nod in my direction and returned his full attention to Diane.

We sat and talked. Or
I should say, they talked. I might as well have been the bartender for all the attention he paid me. But I was okay with it because I was excited to see Diane with this man. It would be my fantasy come true! And now I was beginning to realize, hers too.

Marcus said all the right things as far as I was concerned. He was a professional man who had done this a time or two before, but was not a big player or anything.
Diane was too shy to ask him about the picture he had sent that showed his cock, so during a lull in the conversation, I said, “Claire was most impressed with your, um, attributes.”

turned beet red and gave me a glare. He laughed and took her hand and placed it on his lap. Her eyes got very round, I noted, before she pulled it away.

They seemed to be hitting it off, so I was surprised to hear
Diane say, “Well, it’s been nice meeting you, but I have to talk to my husband about all this. I’m sure you understand.”

Marcus smiled and
nodded. “He has my phone number,” he said and stood up. Even I could see the bulge in his pants now. Wow, I thought, my wife had caused that!

On the way out, I whispered to her, “Why didn’t you jump on the guy? I know you liked him.”

“I don’t know – it just felt so weird! Like I was a cheating wife or something.”

“You’re not if I’m okay with it. It’s just a one-time thing, remember? You clearly liked the
guy, why not just go for it?”

“I guess … I guess I wanted more input from you. When I’m supposed to decide, I feel like you’ll be mad at me, no matter what
I do. Do you understand?”

“So you want to leave it up to me?”

We were outside now, standing near the parking lot. She looked at me and nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to be the slutty woman who needs … more than she’s already got. I love you, Bob, and I don’t want this to ruin it, okay?”

“It won’t. I just thought we should spice things up. You agreed.”

“I did. And now I’ll leave it up to you.”

I nodded. “Okay then.” I handed her the keys. “Bring the car around, will you?” I left her standing
there, sputtering and I went back inside. Marcus was finishing his drink and about to leave when I caught up to him.

“Hey,” I said. “Can you follow us home?”

He grinned. “Why the sudden change of plans?”

Diane’s shy, that’s all. She wanted me to make the final decision.”

Diane?” I realized I had just spilled the beans.

“Yeah, shit – I was trying to be careful.
Too late now. She’s Diane and I’m Bob. And we want you to come home with us.”

He smiled. “
I see. All right, then. Let’s go.”

He followed me out and we found
Diane in the car, waiting by the entrance. I had her slide over and we waited until Marcus fetched his car. I could feel the waves of nervousness emanating from Diane.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m just … nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if he robs us or something?”

“That sounds racist. Marcus
doesn’t seem like that kind of man.”

“But we don’t know him, do we? He could be a serial killer or something.”

“I doubt that. But you keep close tabs on him and holler if he grabs your jewelry and tries to run, okay?” I rolled my eyes at her.

She made a face and we headed out, Marcus right behind.


We got to our house and I had to admit, I was a little nervous about letting Marcus see
where we lived. My original plan had been to get a hotel room, but those plans got lost in the excitement of the moment. I unlocked the door and led them inside and noted that Marcus was already working his magic on Diane. He had his hands on her and kept turning her face toward his for a kiss. She was embarrassed and excited at the same time. I understood – I felt the same way.

“Want a drink?”

Marcus nodded and said, “Something light. I don’t want alcohol to interfere with the experience.”

smiled and said, “How about a couple glasses of wine?” She turned to him. “You like wine, don’t you?”

“Wine would be perfect.”

I poured them a couple of glasses and tried not to hover. I didn’t want Diane to feel she was putting on a performance. It didn’t do any good – just having me there broke the mood. She kept looking over at me when Marcus kissed her or fondled her breasts, as if asking for my approval. It was clear she was too distracted to get aroused.

“Look,” I finally said. “I can see I’m making you nervous. Why don’t you take her into the bedroom and I’ll wait out here.”

Marcus smiled. “My man!” He stood, bent down and picked up Diane as if she weighed nothing! It startled her and I could see she was very pleased at having lost the weight. They disappeared from view.

“Use condoms!” I shouted after them. “They’re in the nightstand!”

As much as I wanted to see Diane with Marcus, I felt it would take away from her moment, so I stayed on the couch and listened. At first, I could barely hear any sounds.  They must’ve been breaking the ice. I knew she was still shy. Minutes passed. Then, imperceptibly, I heard Diane’s voice rising up… and up… and up. Whatever was happening, it sounded good! It went on for a long time.

I couldn’t stop myself. I snuck down the hall and hovered around the door. It was closed, but I knew there was no lock on it. I listened and heard
Diane make noises I had never heard before. Underneath was a rhythmic creaking of the bed. They were fucking! I grasped the doorknob and slowly turned it. I peered through the tiny crack and it was a wonder to behold: Diane was naked, on her back, the broad torso of Marcus over her, driving himself into her again and again. She writhed and yelped and for a moment it seemed she was in pain, but her words told me differently.

“Oh god!
Oh yes! Oh fuck! Oh my god!” She had lost all brain function, it seemed. She kept repeating those words over and over. Sometimes what she said wasn’t words at all. Diane clung to his thick arms, her legs wide apart and just let him have his way with her. It was the most exciting thing I had ever seen. My cock was rock hard and I really wanted to see Marcus’ cock in action. But I dared not go in. I watched until I could see the sheen of sweat forming on Marcus’ back and heard Diane just about lose her mind. He was like a piston, pounding her!

Suddenly, he bellowed and cried out, stiffening against her. She gave a big yelp and fell back, her
heels jerking against his butt, pulling him deeper into her. My god, it was wild! I had never seen Diane act like that during lovemaking, not in twenty-one years.

I carefully closed the door and tiptoed away, my mind reeling. I felt good, like a man who had searched high and low for just the right Christmas present and the wife had just
unwrapped it and said she loved it. I also felt jealous and sad, because I knew I could never bring her to such heights!

It was a strange combination of sensations.

I sat on the couch, expecting them to come out in a half-hour or so. Imagine my surprise when I heard them at it again! My god, what kind of beast had I found in Marcus? How could he get it up again after all that? I knew I never could. Diane’s voice rose up and it had a new sense of urgency, like she couldn’t believe it was happening, either.

Once again, I found myself outside their door, peeking in. This time,
Diane was on her knees on the bed, her face flat on the sheet, her arms forward to grip whatever she could grab. Marcus was kneeling behind her, stroking himself into her. This time, I could see his cock! It was nearly twice as big as mine. It was encased in a tight condom that barely seemed to fit as he shoved it into my wife again and again. Her pussy bulged around it as it went in and there was a froth of white around it. His hands gripped her hips tightly, leaving red marks, and he used her like a rag doll, pulling him onto his cock and pushing her away.

was yelping and crying and making all sorts of noises. It didn’t sound like she was having as much fun and I almost came in when I heard her say, “Oh fuck me! Yes! Do it! DO IT! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it! Give me that huge black cock!”

is a reserved woman and to hear her say those nasty things shocked me. My jaw dropped and I couldn’t believe it. How could Marcus turn her into a shrieking slut so easily?

He sped up and I knew they were nearly finished. I should’ve snuck away but I couldn’t. I watched as he bellowed his release once again and
Diane screamed something intelligible and they collapsed onto the bed. I used that opportunity to sneak away.

They came out forty minutes later. Marcus looked much the same, only
more mellow. But Diane! Diane was a sight! Her hair was messed up, her makeup smeared, there were marks on her neck and arms. But most of all, there was this thousand-yard stare she had. She didn’t seem to walk as much as float to the chair across from the couch and sat. She winced and readjusted herself and stared in my general direction.

Marcus tipped his head at me. “Your wife is an angel,” he told me. “Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I’ll leave the two of you alone now. Call me if you’d like to see me again.”

I don’t even know what I said as I walked him to the door and shook his hand, which was rather weird – like I was thanking him for ruining my wife! Because that’s what I thought had just happened. I just wanted him gone so I could check on Diane’s welfare.

He left and I hurried to
Diane’s side. “Honey?”

It took a minute for her eyes to focus on me.

“Honey? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

She stared a moment longer, then she smiled.
“Oh no, dear. I’m fine. I’m really fine.” Her voice sounded breathy and far away.

“Would you like some more wine?”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

I grabbed her glass and poured her some more wine. I handed it to her and she took a sip. Some color came back to her cheeks. She blinked and sighed and settled back into her chair.

“Was it … bad?”

She looked at me like I had gone crazy. “Bad? Oh, no, dear. It was far from bad. Hah!” She shook her head.

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