MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3) (29 page)

BOOK: MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3)
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Katherine rolled her eyes at Colton. “You knew about this, too? And didn’t tell me?”

                            Colton responded, “Didn’t think you’d be interested.”

                            “Well, I was. And you should’ve told me!” Katherine shouted.

Zeke’s cell buzzed at his hip. He pulled the cell from his clip to find a text message from Taylor on the screen. He clicked on the text message, and a picture of Taylor and Zavier lit up his screen. Made his heart catch with love. Made him smile.               “Taylor just sent me a picture of Zavier and her. Here, take a look.” Proud father, Zeke held the picture up to Colton’s face. Colton’s face split into a grin. Then he put the cell in Katherine’s face so she could see the picture, too. Katherine’s face looked gloomy. “I thought I knew what love was, but I didn’t know what it fully was until today.”

With a hand to her stomach, Katherine’s face turned crimson. “I’ll be back later.” Dress switching over her behind, she hastened away.

                            “Where are you going?” Colton questioned as Katherine hurried out of the family room.

                            Katherine shouted out, “I’m going to go have lunch with Taylor. Then afterwards, I’m going shopping for Zavier, my precious grandson.”

“I’ll be in the kitchen, finishing up dinner.” Delbert’s mood seemed laid back, under the circumstances.

                            Colton took the cell from Zeke’s hand and just stared at the photo of Taylor hugging Zavier. Eyes watering, Colton released a hearty chuckle. “Zavier does look like Taylor. Your wife is a beauty, you know? I see some of you in him, too, though.” When Colton handed Zeke his cell back, he slid it back into the clip at his waist. “As soon as Zavier gets better, I want you to bring him over here so I can take him fishing.”

                            “I’m sure Zavier would love that. Enough about me, how’s your health?”

                            Shaking his head, Colton sat on the sofa. “Oh. Let’s not talk about me.”

                            Zeke sat on the sofa next to his father. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

                            Tears welled in Colton’s eyes. “What I’m about to tell you, I haven’t told anyone. This is for your ears only…I’m dying, Zeke. The doctors have given me three months at the most to live.”

                            Zeke’s heart crumbled.  






Chapter Thirty-Two

ingers curled around the steering wheel, Katherine sucked in huge gulps of air. Face beet red. Chest tight with cramps. Terror riveting through her, Katherine struggled to breathe. With her stomach balled in knots, she signaled a right with her blinker and merged into traffic.

                            Katherine had just left lunch with Taylor, and all she talked about was how she’d found that damn son of hers. When Taylor had gotten up and gone to the bathroom during their lunch date, Katherine had sprinkled some poison in her drink.
Ooh, I can’t stand that woman. Bragging about that boy. She just found out Zavier was her son and acts like he’s all that. Like he’s perfect.

                            “How in the hell did this happen? Antonio promised me he’d take care of Taylor and the baby. He fucking promised.”

                            Antonio had promised her Taylor’s baby was far, far away from Hilton Head Island –but the damn baby had been here all along.
Damn Antonio
, Katherine thought, driving down the road. She couldn’t count on her oldest son like she thought she could. How could Antonio be so damn irresponsible? How? How?

                            Pissed at Antonio beyond measure, Katherine glanced in the rearview mirror at the car behind her, then back at the road in front of her. “Damn you, Antonio. I now see why your father thinks you’re irresponsible. You can’t do shit right.”

                            Angry, she banged her fist on the steering wheel.
I should’ve taken care of the kidnapping and Taylor myself. Just like I took care of Don. I should’ve got my damn gun and killed Taylor. Knocked her off. If Muriel tells the police where Mildred and Kelvin are, they will tell the cops about Antonio. Which will lead the police to me.

Katherine felt like she couldn’t trust her own son now. Right after she paid Antonio a visit, she may just have to get her passport and get the hell out of Hilton Head Island. As much as it’d kill her to leave behind the wealth, it’d kill her even more if she ended up in prison.
I’d never survive in prison
. If she did decide to leave, before she left, she’d make sure to transfer every darn dime from her and Colton’s savings to an account overseas somewhere. The last time she’d checked, Colton had well over fifty million in one account that had her name on it. “Damn, Antonio. You can’t do nothing right.”

                            Enraged at her son, Katherine pulled off the main road and steered the car into the woods. Driving along the dirt path surrounded by tall trees, the car rocked and shimmied. “Look how he’s living. Out here in the damn woods, like some poor, pathetic human being. Like a damn wolf.”

                            The brown wooden home Katherine’s parents had grown up in came into view. Three rusty rocking chairs on the porch, two windows with decayed wood, and a raggedy screen door, it looked like Old Mother Hubbard could live out here.

                            Katherine threw the gear in park, cut the engine, and flung open the door. Marching along the dirt ground toward the weathered-looking home, her right high heel shoe got stuck in the grimy dirt, causing her to trip and fall flat on her face. “Ahhh!”

                            Inhaling the unpleasant odor of the bowel-smelling mud, Katherine flattened her palms on the ground and stood. Livid, she wanted to kill someone. Not someone, Taylor. And Antonio. And Zeke.

                            Had Taylor kept her legs closed all those years ago and not gotten pregnant, she wouldn’t be in the mess she’s in today.  Covered in gooey dirt, Katherine yanked off her high heels, then proceeded in her pursuit.

                            Cool, moist dirt pressed into the soles of Katherine’s bare feet as she stomped along the grounds of Antonio’s now stupid-looking home. Particles of dirt felt grimy between her teeth.

                            Feeling like stabbing something, Katherine mounted the worn steps. The planks creaked beneath her feet. Knocking on the door, it squeaked.

                            “Coming!” Antonio yelled from the other side of the door.

                            A moment later, the door squealed open. Antonio stood shirtless inside the house. Katherine’s eyes snagged on the initials
branded on his chest.

                            Antonio’s face split into a grin. “Katherine. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?” Clenching her shoes to her chest, Katherine gripped the handle of the screen door and swung the hell out of it. Nose scrunching, she slapped the hell out of Antonio. “Ouch! Why in the hell did you do that?”

                            “Don’t you watch the news?!” She shoved her ignorant son’s chest and stormed past him into his living room, then threw her dirty shoes on the floor.

                            Rubbing his hairy jaw, Antonio shut the door. Katherine looked around the small, unkempt home. Brown carpet, green sofa, roof caving downward, the home her parents once lived in looked like a dump. A stinky, filthy dump.

                            Antonio’s reddish-blonde hair spiked on top of his head, like he hadn’t combed it in days. “I haven’t had time to watch the news today. What’s going on?”

                            In her ever most proper tone, Katherine sarcastically stated, “Hmm. Other than Zeke and Taylor finding their son after all these years, nothing else is happening here in little old Hilton Head Island.” Just looking at stupid Antonio here irked the crap out of Katherine. 

                            Antonio’s blue eyes widened in shock. “No. No. You’re lying.”

                            Katherine pointed a finger at her own frowned up face. “Does it look like I’m lying?! It’s been all on the news! Zeke and Taylor’s son has been found. They arrested Mildred’s twin sister, Muriel, for kidnapping him. It’s only a matter of time before Muriel tells the cops where Mildred and Kelvin are. Once the police find them, Mildred and Kelvin are going to point the police right back to you! You can’t do anything right, can you?!”

                            Huffing and puffing, Antonio snatched the remote from the coffee table, aimed it at the television, and clicked it on to the local news. Then he clicked to the next station, and the next, and the next. Every news station out there covered the story about Zeke and Taylor’s son.

                            Antonio threw the remote across the room, and it hit the wall. “We’re doomed, Katherine! Doomed!”

                            Katherine slapped Antonio upside his head. “Get it together, fool!” she snapped. “Get it together right now. We’re not doomed.
doomed. Even if the police find out about your involvement, you better not mention my name in any of this mess.” She pointed her finger at Antonio. “I mean it. For once in your life, you better man up! Man up and do the time for the crime. You’re so damn stupid. Dumb. I gave you one thing to do, and you couldn’t even get it right. Just dumb!”

                            Antonio’s cobalt eyes bugged from their sockets in fury. “You think the police aren’t going to figure out that you were the one to shoot Don? Huh?” Katherine’s mind spun. She hadn’t told anyone she’d shot Don. Not even Antonio. “You didn’t know I knew about that, did you? Yeah, ‘Mom’,” he uttered. Using the quotation mark symbol with his fingers, he muttered, “Not only do I know about that, I also know you killed Bridget—Zeke’s birth mother. Calling me dumb. Hmmp. How dumb is it of you to keep the murder weapon in the damn fireplace?” Antonio chuckled nastily. “Here’s the deal. You’re going to give me twenty-five million dollars by tomorrow evening to keep my mouth shut about you. If you don’t and the police come looking for me, I’m going to tell them everything I know about you. I may be dumb, but I’m not as dumb as you think I am. I smart enough to get some damn money and flee my ass from Hilton Head Island.”  His square jaw tensed visibly.

Oh, God. He knows I killed Bridget
. Katherine couldn’t afford to fold under the pressure, but she started crumbling anyway. “How? How did you find out about what I did to Bridget?”

                            Chortling angrily, Antonio tossed his head back, then snapped his eyes at Katherine. “The night you followed Dad to Bridget’s house, I followed you. I was driving back then, remember?” His eyes narrowed. “I saw you come out of Bridget’s house trying to look as cool as a cucumber, but guilt was written all over your face. When you got home, you tried to act like you hadn’t done a thing. Except you had. You’d murdered Dad’s mistress. You killed Zeke’s mother.” Hard lines appeared on his face. Right hand on his hip, Antonio pointed his finger in her face, making her feel like the kid for once. Making her feel smaller than a mouse. Defeated. Raw hurt appeared in her son’s eyes. “For years I’ve been protecting you, supporting you behind closed doors. You owe me, Katherine. Big time.”  Heart twisting like a rope inside her tight chest, Katherine felt like she was losing her damn mind. “Now as I was saying a few moments ago, get me the money. I tell you what…for five million more, not only will I keep my mouth shut about everything you partook in, but I’ll kill Taylor, too.” Katherine inwardly beamed with delight. “Once and for all, I promise you I’ll kill Taylor, Mom. But I’m going to need your help.” An evil glint flashed in his eyes.

                            “My help? How?” Katherine felt like he really meant it this time.

                            “Find a way to keep Zeke busy tomorrow night.”

                            A cold shiver rushed through her. “I think I can handle that. I’ll get you the money by tomorrow. You’ll get half upfront, and the other half you’ll get after you get rid of Zeke’s bitch.” Eagerly anticipating Taylor’s demise, Katherine picked her high heels up from the ugly carpet, pulled open the front door, and got the hell out of them damn woods. 












Chapter Thirty-Three

he glowing moon perched amidst twinkling stars in the dark sky above the serene sea behind Zeke and Taylor’s oceanfront mansion. Leaning against the white column on the deck while on the phone with her mother, pallid sounds of ocean waves crashing against the edge of the earth assuaged Taylor’s ears. Salty scents of the beach streamed up her nose. Finally at peace because Zavier had been returned to her, a soft smile came to her face. Her heart smiled.

                            Taylor’s mother’s snickers came through the phone and sailed inside her ear. “I had a blast visiting my grandson. I’m going to spoil Zavier rotten. God is so good, Taylor.”

                            Love for her family simmered inside Taylor’s system. “Yes, he is, Mama. I just got off the phone with Zavier a few minutes ago, and he can’t wait for you to come back and see him again. Zeke, Colton, and Katherine are at the hospital now, visiting with him. Zeke and I agreed we’d take turns spending time at the hospital. We don’t want him to ever be there alone.”

                            “I think that’s a good idea. I don’t want Zavier to be there by himself either. As his grandmother, I’m going to go sit with him, too. That way, you and Zeke can get a break. And after you adopt Jaheem, I’ll be more than happy to babysit the boys for you anytime.”

                            The phone chirped in Taylor’s ear. “Thanks, Mama. Sorry to cut you off, but this is Sandella calling. Let me see what she wants. I’ll talk to you later.”

                            “Tell Sandella I said hi,” Veronica stated.

                            “Okay. Goodnight.” Ending the call with her mother, Taylor clicked over. “Hi, Sandella. How are you?”

                            “I’m good. Having your son back, I know you must be on cloud nine,” Sandella spoke in a cheerful tone.

                            “Sandella, words can’t explain how I feel. One moment I’m laughing, the next I’m crying. I can’t explain it, but I never gave up on finding Zavier. I always knew he was alive and would come back to me one day.”

                            “You kept the faith. I’m so happy for you and Zeke. Braylon and I send our well wishes. If there’s anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to let us know. I baked a welcome home cake for Zavier. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to drop it off for him tonight.”

                            Beaming inwardly, Taylor pulled open the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of red wine. “Oh. You baked him a cake? That’s so sweet of you, Sandella. I’ll be here all night, so drop it off whenever you feel like it.”

                            “I’ll see you shortly.”

                            “Okay.” Taylor lowered the cordless phone to the receiver. Everyone had been so nice and kind to her, Zeke, Zavier, and Jaheem.

                            Standing to the side of the sink, Taylor reached into the cabinet above her head to retrieve a wine glass. Placing the glass on the counter, she tilted the bottle to the glass and poured herself a drink.

                            Taylor raised the drink to her nose and inhaled the sweet, flowery alcohol liquid. Taylor curled her lips around the edge of the glass as she sipped the delicious red wine. Mounting the staircase while sipping on her drink, her empty hand glided along the iron rail.              

Ding dong
. The doorbell rang.
Oh, that must be Sandella.
Taylor descended the staircase, placed her wine on the dining table, and pulled open the door. Looking like a ball of pretty sunshine, Sandella’s lips hitched. “I’m not going to come in,” Sandella said, handing Taylor a box with the cake inside.  “It’s chocolate with butter cream icing. Let me know how Zavier likes it. I’m making a cake for Jaheem, too. I’ll bring Jaheem’s cake over after the adoption becomes finalized.”

Appreciation spread through Taylor’s bones
“This is so kind of you. Thanks, Sandella.”

                            “Oh, yeah.” Sandella reached in her purse, pulled out a bag of whistles, matches, and candles, then handed the items to Taylor. “I got these for the boys, too. I know it’s not their birthday, but after everything they’ve been through, they deserve to make a wish.”

                            Taylor’s face smiled. “Thanks, Sandella. This is so thoughtful of you. I’ll be sure to let the boys make a wish. This house is going to get noisy real fast with two boys and a bag of whistles. I’m sure they’ll love them.” Holding the bottom of the box with one hand, Taylor slid the whistles, candles, and matches into her back pockets.

                            “Willa has been watching Logan for me all day, girl, so let me hurry up and get my behind home.” Sandella turned and headed for her car.

                            Taylor watched Sandella back her car out of the driveway, then finally shut the door. Back inside the kitchen, Taylor lowered the cake box to the counter and opened it. “Oh, this cake is so pretty,” she said, eyes roaming over the beautiful blue and white cake with ‘Welcome Home’ written on it. The scent and appeal of the cake made Taylor’s mouth water.

                            Folding the lid on the box to recover the cake, the doorbell rang again. “Sandella must’ve forgotten to give me something,” Taylor mumbled beneath her breath as she headed for the front door. She picked her glass of wine up from the decorative table against the wall and pulled open the door. “Antonio.”

                            Antonio’s mouth split into a wide, handsome smile. “Congratulations on getting your son back.”

                            Taylor smiled. “Thank you so much, Antonio.” Taylor’s eyes traveled to the driveway to find it empty. “Where’s your car?”

                            “Down the street. It broke down on my way here. Is Zeke home? I need a lift.”

                            “Zeke’s at the hospital. But I can give you a ride if you need me to.”

                            Antonio’s face split into a grin. “That’d be great.”

                            Holding the frame of the door, Taylor stepped to the side. “Please, come in. Let me get my purse.”

                            Antonio’s eyes gazed up at the thirty foot ceiling, then roamed over the wide, spacious area of the living room. “Wow! This is some fancy beach home you have.”

                            She sipped at her delicious wine. “Thanks. Zeke and I designed it together. Believe it or not, your brother has some good taste.”

                            “The moment he told me he was marrying you, I knew he had good taste.” Antonio’s eyes raked up and down Taylor’s body. An uncomfortable feeling faltered her excitement. Silly her. Antonio was just admiring her, that’s all. “Would you like a quick tour of the home?”


                            Taylor showed Antonio the downstairs first, including the outdoor patio, then she led him upstairs, where the majority of the bedrooms were. After showing him Jaheem’s room, she showed him Zavier’s room. As she stood in the doorway of Zavier’s room, she looked at the name ‘Evan’ she’d had drawn on the wall.

                            Still holding the glass of wine in her hand, Taylor glanced up at Antonio. “Zavier wants me to take down the name Evan and put his real name up. Now that it’s starting to sink in that he was kidnapped, I think he wants to forget his past.”

                            “I can’t blame him. What Muriel and Mildred did to him was horrible. I hope they rot in jail for what they did to my nephew.” Antonio’s throaty voice had depth.

                            “My purse is in my bedroom. I’ll be right back.” Taylor left Antonio inside Zavier’s room and went to grab her purse. Inside her bedroom, she strapped the purse over her shoulder and picked up her keys. Walking back down the long hallway, she sipped at her wine.

                            When she reached Zavier’s room, Antonio walked out, and they accidentally bumped into each other. The red wine flew from her glass and splattered his white dress shirt. “I’m so sorry, Antonio. I didn’t know you were still up here.”

                            Antonio’s hand brushed the red stained fabric of his collared shirt. “Yeah. I was checking out Evan’s room.”

                            “Zavier. He wants to be called Zavier. Would you like for me to get you one of Zeke’s shirts to wear?” she offered.

                            Antonio waved a hand in the air. “No, that’s okay. Is it okay if I use the restroom in Zavier’s room?”

                            “Sure. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

                            Antonio headed for the bathroom inside Zavier’s room as Taylor made her way downstairs. Halfway down the staircase, she turned and headed back upstairs.
I ruined his shirt with the red wine. I’m going to get him one of Zeke’s shirts to wear.

Once back inside her master suite,
Taylor pulled open the drawer to Zeke’s armoire and retrieved one of his folded T-shirts. Right before Taylor exited the bedroom, her cell phone rang. She tucked the shirt beneath her armpit and grabbed the phone from her purse. It was Dr. Sauer…her OBGYN. “Hello?”

                            “Hello, Taylor. This is Dr. Sauer. Sorry to call you so late, but there’s something urgent I need to speak with you about,” Taylor’s OBGYN stated. She hadn’t told anyone, not even Zeke. But after she’d had lunch with Katherine the other day, she went straight to her doctor’s office. Because she was thinking about trying to conceive, Taylor had had Dr. Sauer do an extensive exam on her, including blood work.

                            “What is it, Dr. Sauer?” Pressing the phone to her ear, Taylor held the empty glass of wine in her free hand and started walking down the hallway towards Zavier’s room so she could give the clean shirt to Antonio.

                            Dr. Sauer sighed. “You may want to sit down for this.”

                            Taylor’s nerves jittered.
Oh God, please don’t tell me I can’t have children.
“What’s wrong, Dr. Sauer?”

                            Disliking the sound of Dr. Sauer’s voice, Taylor entered Zavier’s room to find the door to the bathroom slightly ajar. Antonio stood at the sink, washing his hands, looking in the mirror.

                            Unnoticing her peeping through the crack of the door, Antonio grabbed the white towel from the rack, wet it, then dabbed at the red stain on his shirt. Unable to get the stain out completely, he unbuttoned his shirt to wipe the red liquid from his chest.

                            Dr. Sauer said, “Unfortunately, I have some very disturbing news to share with you. The lab called and reported that they found an enormous amount of arsenic in your blood. It looks like someone is trying to poison you.”

Someone’s trying to poison me?!
Taylor’s heart clenched. Her eyes snagged on the bubbly skin on Antonio’s chest with the initials ‘SM’.
SM? Southern Mafia!
Shock hit Taylor like a ton of bricks. Her mouth dropped. Pressing the cell to her ear, the glass slipped from her other hand and shattered on the floor.

                            Antonio’s eyes snapped in her direction. He quickly looked down at the permanent branding on his chest, then back up at her face. Wicked evilness darkened Antonio’s eyes as he took slow, purposeful strides towards Taylor.

                            Throat clogging, Taylor took a few backward steps, then took off running. “Call the police!”

                            “Come back here!” Antonio chased after Taylor.

                            Taylor ran down the hallway. “Dr., did you hear me?!” The line went dead in her ear. Terrified, she scurried down the stairs. Right when Taylor’s foot hit the last step of the staircase, Antonio fisted her hair and yanked it hard. Hands flailing, Taylor’s feet slipped from under her, and she fell flat on her back. Her cell went flying in the air.

                            Losing her balance, she plummeted to her back, head banged hard into the floor. Lying on her back on the stairs, Taylor’s brain throbbed. Pain stabbed her spine. Her temples ached.

                            Antonio pulled a gun from his waistband, raised it above her face. “Please. No. No.” Bones aching, she felt crippled.

                            Antonio’s face twisted with a psychotic look. “I never did like you.” The handle of the gun came crashing down on Taylor’s head. Eyes rolling, she blacked out.

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