MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: MARRYING MR. RIGHT (The Brides of Hilton Head Island Book 3)
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Whoever did this didn’t want me to find out who has Zavier. Don is here because of me. Because I hired him to take on my case to find my son. Damn.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, man.”

Weighted down with problems, Zeke stalked out of the room. Something inside his mind told him he needed to hire a security guard to protect Taylor when he was not around. He needed to install cameras inside the house for her protection as well. As soon as he got a chance, he’d do exactly that.










Chapter Thirty

ow does that feel?” Zeke asked, driving his stem into Taylor’s drenched opening as she lay on her stomach the following afternoon.

“Wonderful,” Taylor purred. Circling her hips, Taylor slid her hand between the mattress and her hairy sex. She slipped her fingers to her tingling clitoris and began rubbing circles on the engorged substance.

                            Flat hands pressed against the mattress, Zeke’s slow, deliberate strokes soothed her insides. Made her hot sex pulse. Clench with need. Desire to explode on Zeke’s rod. 

                            Pinching her blood-filled clit, squeezing Zeke’s rod with her channel, Taylor turned her head sideways on the mattress and captured the beautiful sunrays shining down on the shimmering ocean. A spring breeze blew from the balcony through the opened sliding glass door to the inside of the bedroom, ruffling the white sheers on either side of the sliding glass door.

                            Feeling the gentle breeze caress her arm and face, Zeke’s hoarse groans filled Taylor’s ears. He dropped his firm lips to her shoulders, placed a series of kisses all over her. Pushing her hair from her nape, he twirled his thick tongue in her ear. Hot breath whipping into her ear, chills skittered up her spine.

                            “Yes, my wife. Fuck me. I need this.” Zeke spread Taylor’s butt cheeks, traced a finger around her rear, then slipped it inside.

                            Finger twirling inside her back door, Taylor moaned. She never knew the sensual act could feel so good. Desire flooded her veins.

                            “Oh, Zeke. It’s been, too long since we’ve made love.”

                            “It’s only been two days.” In one quick, fluid movement, Zeke slid his arms between her torso and the mattress, scooped her up in his arms. Still driving deep into her womb while behind her, starting at her right shoulder, his fingers trailed down her arm.

                            Taylor’s knees pressed into the mattress. Circling her hips, she grabbed her sensitive breasts and squeezed. With one knee pressed into the mattress, Zeke bent his other leg at the knee. He hooked an arm beneath the underside of her kneecap, brought her leg upward, and placed it over the bent part of her leg.
Gosh, you definitely have to be flexible for this position
, Taylor thought, feeling the hard knob of Zeke’s shaft thrust deep inside her.

                            To keep her balance, Taylor curled her fingers around the bedrail and mashed backwards. And what happened next was simply remarkable. Pushed her over the edge. “Hold on tight,” Zeke demanded. He lifted her other leg upward to his waist. Now both of her legs were wrapped around his waist as he slowly thrust in and out of her from behind.

                            Sex noises resounded through the air. Breathless, she looked back over her shoulder at Zeke. Linking her gaze with his, Zeke’s face twisted. Grunting, he stroked her something delicious.

                            “Keep going slow. Oh. Uh. Ooo,” Taylor oohed and ahhed.

                            Zeke’s tool twirled in slow, delicious circles inside Taylor. Air got into her canal, and as he twirled her entrance, it made loud popping sounds.
Pop. Pop
. “I’m making that pussy pop, my wife.”

                            “Yes, Zeke. Hit it slow, baby. Right there.”

                            “Like this?” Clenching her hips, he gently stroked her.              

                            “Yes. Yes. I’m cumming.” Her sex burst into an intense orgasm.

                            Zeke pushed hard. His body tensed. Cum erupted from his tool, soaking her. “Unh. I’m cumming, too.”              

The house phone rang. Zeke lowered Taylor’s legs to the mattress, slipped out of her entrance. Hot cum spilled from her opening onto the linen. She reached over to the nightstand, lifted the phone to her ear.

                            “Hello, Taylor. This is Dr. Howard. The kidney compatibility results are in. I need for you to drop whatever you’re doing and come to the hospital right away.” A sense of urgency was in the doctor’s voice, frightening Taylor.

                            “Okay, we’re on our way.” Taylor hung up the phone and looked at Zeke, who was now lying on his back, motioning his still, hard shaft up and down in his hand. “That was Dr. Howard. She wants us to come to the hospital right away.”

                            Zeke’s hand froze on his hard erection. “Is Evan okay?”

                            “I didn’t ask. She sounded funny. Let’s hurry, Zeke.”

                            Zeke and Taylor hopped in the shower together. He stood under one shower head while she stood under the other. Hurrying to bathe, they didn’t utter a single word. Praying for the best, they hopped out of the shower, threw on their clothes. Zeke drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital.


lifted from the manila file clenched between her hands when she heard Zeke and Taylor enter her office.  She stood, walked over to the door, and shut it.               “Please, have a seat.” Dr. Howard sat back down in the black leather chair behind her desk while Zeke and Taylor plopped down in the chairs in front of her desk. “Thank you for coming so quickly.”

“No problem,” Zeke said.

Worried sick over what Dr. Howard had to tell them, Taylor’s stomach churned. Oh God, what if neither of them was a match for the kidney transplant? Then what? As severe as Evan’s case was, he could die while waiting on a kidney.
God, please let Dr. Howard have some good news to share with us

                            Dr. Howard’s expression was hard to read. “Where do I start? Well, as you already know, both of you were tested to see if you’d be compatible to give Evan a kidney. To my surprise, both of you are a perfect match.”

                            Zeke burst into laughter. “This is great news.”

                            Taylor’s mouth dropped wide open. “Oh my God. Are you serious? How can this be?”

                            “That’s exactly what I wanted to know. For both of you to be compatible is nothing short of a miracle, unless there’s more to the story. And there is.”

                            Zeke looked at Taylor, then back at the doctor. “What do you mean there’s more to the story, Doctor?” he said.

                            “More to the story? I’m confused,” Taylor stated.

                            Dr. Howard said, “So was I at first. Knowing you two’s history, and remembering reading about the kidnapping that happened to Taylor many years ago, I decided to run a DNA test on Evan to see if his DNA matched with the two of yours. And it did.” Dr. Howard’s lips pulled into an endearing smile. “Zeke…Taylor…Evan is your son.”

                            Grabbing the sides of her head, Taylor just stared at Dr. Howard. “What did you just say?”

                            Zeke bolted from his chair. “What did you say?” he mocked Taylor.

                            Dr. Howard’s eyes beamed. “I said, Evan is your son. Evan is the baby that was stolen from you all those years ago.”

                            Glancing up at the ceiling, Zeke threw his hands up in the air. “Are you sure? Thank you, God. Thank you, God.”

                            “Oh, God. Oh, God,” Taylor cried. “Oh God, thank You. Thank You. Are you sure, Dr. Howard?” Taken by complete surprise, and overwhelmed, Taylor rose to her feet.

                            Dr. Howard nodded. “I had the test run four times to be certain. I’m one hundred percent positive. There’s no doubt in mind, or in any of the other doctors’ minds around here, that Evan Elliott belongs to the two of you. Zeke and Taylor, you are Evan’s biological parents.”

                            Zeke threw his arms around Taylor. “Baby, Evan’s ours. God sent him back to us.” He kissed the tear running down her cheek. “I always felt so connected to him, but couldn’t explain it. Now I know why.”

                            Swallowing, tears streamed down Taylor’s face. “Me, too. From the very first day I laid eyes on him, I felt like Evan was a part of me. I felt like if I let him go, I’d die. Felt like I had to be crazy to feel such strong feelings for a child I barely knew. But I felt that way because he came out of my body. I gave birth to him. Zeke, I gave birth to Evan. This is a miracle.”

                            Zeke looked at Dr. Howard. “Yes, it is a miracle. Doctor, I’ll be the one to give Evan a kidney.”

                            Smiling wide, Dr. Howard nodded. “Okay. There’s some more great news.”

                            “More?” Zeke asked.

                            Dr. Howard said, “Yes. Evan is finally awake.”

                            Taylor cupped her mouth, then released it. “Oh, God. Let’s go see him, Zeke, and tell him the good news.”

                            “Okay. But let me make a phone call first.” Zeke dialed his attorney. “Hey, Gar. Have you given Muriel the check yet? She’s on her way over there now to pick it up?” Zeke laughed. “Don’t give it to her. In fact, do me a favor and tear it up in her face. I’ll explain the details later.”

                            After Zeke got off the phone with the attorney, he put a quick call in to one of his good friends—the Chief of Police. He filled the Chief in on Muriel, and he’d promised Zeke he’d take care of Muriel right away.

                            Zeke and Taylor got off the elevator, passed the nurse’s station, and walked into Evan’s room. Upon their entrance, a nurse stood at Evan’s bedside, hand-feeding him. In total shock and disbelief, Taylor and Zeke walked up to their son’s bedside.

                            Honey brown skin, curly brown hair, dimples in his cheeks, Taylor always knew Zavier looked like a lighter complexion of her, mixed with hints of Zeke. “I’ll finish feeding him,” Taylor told the nurse, and she left. “How are you feeling?” Taylor asked Evan, or Zavier.

                            Evan put a hand to his stomach. “Not good. I feel sick. Why am I in here?”

                            Zeke told Evan, “You need a new kidney.”

                            Evan’s face scrunched. “A new kidney? Am I going to die? If so, I’m not scared. It’ll be much better than going back to live with mean Muriel.”

                            Zeke stated, “You’re not going to die, Evan. I’m going to give you one of my kidneys.”

                            Evan’s lids looked hooded. “I see you still being nice, mister. If you give me one of your kidneys I’ll never be able to pay you back. I’m going to have to sweep your office ‘til the day I die to pay you back for a kidney. Maybe I can cut the grass, too.” 

                            Taylor’s face creased with a slow smile. “You don’t have to pay us back for anything we do for you. We love you, Evan.”
Oh, Evan. You’re my biological son, Zavier Balfour.
Taylor encircled her arms around Evan as best she could. Squeezing her eyes, tears slid down her face. She pried herself from her son and just stared. And stared and stared.

                            “There’s something we have to tell you,” Zeke said. “Remember when I told you that I had a son and he was kidnapped?”

                            Evan nodded. “Yes.”

                            Zeke took a deep breath. “Well, to make a long story short, the doctors ran some tests on Taylor and I to see if we’d be a match to give you one of our kidneys…and…um…well.” Unable to hold back his emotions, Zeke let the situation get the best of him. A few thin tears left his eyes. 

                            “What is it, mister? Why are you crying?” Evan reached out and wiped the water from Zeke’s face with his tiny fingers. “It’ll be okay.”

                            Zeke sniffed hard. “Evan…you are Taylor and my son. You’re the little boy that was kidnapped from us. I’m your real father, and Taylor is your real mother.”

                            Evan’s brows furrowed. “Man, you ain’t been drinking, have you? Are you sure about this?”

                            Taylor giggled. “He’s sure. The doctors looked at our blood, and it matches yours perfectly.” Caressing Evan’s arms, Taylor looked up at Zeke, smiled, then hooked her gaze back on Evan. “You’re our son.”

                            Evan slapped his forehead. “You mean to tell me I’ve been putting up with Muriel’s shit all these years, and she ain’t even my mama?!” 

                            Zeke shook his head. “I’m going to let you slide with the cussing this time, my son, but from this day forward, if you use profanity, you’re going on punishment.” Zeke ruffled the hair on top of Evan’s head.

                            “Sorry for cussing, mister. I mean…Mom and Dad. I’m so happy you’re my REAL parents. Wait ‘til the kids at the shelter hear about this. Especially Jaheem!”

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