Read Masquerade Secrets Online
Authors: Janelle Daniels
He would find her. There was no doubt in his mind. And when he did, she would be his.
With that pledge firmly in place, he walked out of the alcove, his dukely façade securely in place.
On waking the next morning, Aubrey concluded that she should have never gone to the masquerade the night before, but the opportunity had been too great. It had given her another night with the duke, a chance to see if what had happened between them during the previous masquerade had been real.
It had been more than real. It had been earth-shattering.
But now she felt even closer to him, desired him even more. She wanted him to be hers more than she had ever wanted anything before. But she wanted him to want Aubrey. Just Aubrey.
And now he knew she was staying here.
Bradford was a man of his word, and he would find her. Hunt her down. She had no doubt in her mind about that. It might be today or in a year, but he would find her, would finally recognize her. Was that truly such a bad thing?
If only she had more time alone with him as Aubrey, she might have a chance. But why would he make time to be with her when he was looking for another woman?
She screamed her frustration into a pillow. She was competing with herself. It was ridiculous.
The time that they had spent in each other’s company during their ride had told her that he didn’t find her unappealing. In fact, she had thought she saw desire in his eyes for a second.
Pausing, she thought over that moment again, reliving the glint in his eyes, the way his eyebrows had narrowed down as if seeing her body unobstructed by clothing.
A hot feeling rushed to her cheeks and she knew she was blushing. Yes, he had found her attractive for a moment, but could she attract him again?
He had been relaxed, carefree like she had never seen before. His smiles and laughter were treasures that she hoarded in her heart, never to be shared with another. He had enjoyed her company, she was sure of it.
But would it be enough? If given more time, could she steal him away from the masquerade woman? A woman that didn’t truly exist?
Ringing for Bitsy, she hurried and dressed. He would be searching for her today, was probably already down at breakfast eyeing the ladies that were in attendance, and she wanted to see what he thought.
See if he recognized her.
Fully dressed, she stopped in her tracks. She shouldn’t get her hopes up again. She had been sure that he would recognize her after the first masquerade, but that hadn’t happened. There was no guarantee that it would happen today either. In fact, it was more likely that he wouldn’t recognize her as the woman he had kissed.
But she had to try. She had to see him.
Most of the guests had finished their breakfasts and were loitering in the morning room and library, engaging in games of cards and worn books.
Natural light filtered through the tall windows, brightly illuminating the room’s inhabitants in their colorful frocks. The flowers on the entry table, bright and cheerful, were still wet from the morning shower they had received in the garden before being cut. They were fresh, crisp, and gave the room a sweet smell that mingled with the rose bathwater many had enjoyed that morning.
Deciding against joining in a game, she ventured to the library and chose one of the novels that had been laid out for their enjoyment. But she had no intention of reading this morning.
Making her way back into the sitting room, she murmured a few hellos before taking a corner seat with a perfect view of the room.
She was surprised Bradford wasn’t in attendance as more and more people began to filter into the room, but she knew he would soon join them. And she was ready to watch when he did.
Opening the book, she was only two pages in when the air in the room changed. She wasn’t sure if it was because she sensed his presence, or if she had sensed the change he had evoked in others. In either case, she knew that he had arrived.
And what an entrance he made. Had he any idea how handsome he was? That just him standing in the doorway, scanning the crowd, was enough to cause more than one heart to flutter.
His frame wasn’t overly large, but he was tall enough, and muscled enough to look imposing in the doorframe. His light morning coat, tailored to perfection, caused men to look at the design in envy. And she couldn’t blame them. No one looked like he did. No one else could be that handsome.
The fact that he was that good looking, kind, wealthy,
a duke was enough to make him the catch of the decade. At least she believed so. She wouldn’t be surprised to find that others believed that as well.
Joining a group of ladies playing hearts, she watched as he examined each of the women, watching the way they moved, cataloging their traits, the way they spoke. She wanted to laugh.
To others, he would look like an attentive suitor, but she knew differently.
After a few minutes with the women, he excused himself. Clearly he had crossed them off his list of possibilities.
She watched as he went from group to group, chatting amiably, looking for any hints that pointed to the masquerade woman, but eventually leaving with more names crossed off his list.
Glancing up from her book to see who he was currently evaluating, she felt a shock course through her when she locked eyes with his.
He was coming toward her.
Sitting a bit straighter, she placed her book down and greeted him with a warm smile that only slightly wobbled.
“Good morning, Your Grace.”
“Good morning,” he said before sitting across from her, his back to the room. “I hope I am not disturbing you. Is that an interesting book?”
“It’s passable. Honestly, I was just using it to whittle away the time,” she answered frankly, barely sparing a glance at the discarded book. “You’ve been quite social this morning.” She couldn’t stop herself from prodding.
“Yes, well, it seemed like the right time for it.”
She tried to read if he was cataloging her like he had with the others, but couldn’t tell. “Yes, I don’t think there is anything scheduled until this afternoon. I believe most people will be rather restless by then.”
“No doubt.” His lips curved wryly. “They are in the country and bored after a few hours from sitting inside too long.”
She laughed softly. “Most are used to being in London where their lives are lived out indoors.”
“Exactly. However, I noticed that you do not share that opinion.”
“Not at all. In fact, I would live in the country at all times if possible.”
His brow arched in fascination. “How unfashionable of you.”
She shrugged in an unlady-like way and laughed. “To be honest, I find myself unfashionable most of the time. I never really jumped into the way of debutants, finding myself different in both looks and temperament from others. I have no desire to change.”
“And I’m grateful for it,” he said, not bothering to dissuade her. “I find that I enjoy the diversity you offer from other women. I’ve never once heard you giggle.” He gave a dramatic shudder.
Laughing with her whole body, she shook her head. “No, I have never been known for my giggling, to my mother’s relief. However, I believe she would wish me to prefer London as others do.”
“The country is far superior,” he agreed.
“You? But you’re a duke.” The moment she said the words she knew she sounded ridiculous.
“And? It is so much more peaceful in the country. I don’t have to stay up all hours, I may ride as freely and as often as I wish, and I am usually in the comforts of my own estate. What more could a man ask for?”
“True. I enjoy riding everyday. I hadn’t realized that I had picked up the habit until we arrived here. It will be something that I will miss once we return to London again. The sedate pace that is required in Hyde Park just doesn’t give me the same thrill.”
He nodded in agreement. “Care for a ride?”
The invitation cut off her lighthearted laughter. “Now? Together?”
“Yes. As you said yourself, there isn’t anything scheduled until this afternoon.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I enjoyed our ride the other morning.”
“I did too.”
“Shall we then?” She could see that he was eager to spend time with her, and that knowledge surprised her. She felt him willing her to accept.
“We will need a chaperone.”
Sighing, almost as if he were relieved that she had accepted his offer, he smiled as he stood. “I will arrange to have a servant accompany us.”
She stood as well, tilting her head back a little to meet his eyes. Memories from the night before surged through her. His eyes gazed into hers, not with recognition, but with fondness. He truly wanted to spend time with her.
Could it be possible? Could she have a chance with him as Lady Aubrey and not the masquerade woman? The possibility flittered in her stomach. “I will change into my riding habit and meet you in half an hour. Is that agreeable?”
“Yes. I’ll meet you by the stables.”
“All right,” she said and turned to leave, but she couldn’t help herself from glancing back at him as she left, flushing when she caught him staring at her waist and hips.
His eyes trailed back to hers filled with such heat that it singed her skin. She had never thought her curved body was attractive, but he couldn’t seem to stop staring at her with desire whether she was the masquerade woman or simply Lady Aubrey. Pleasure surged through her heart at the thought.
She couldn’t wait to spend more time with him.
When he had approached Lady Aubrey, it hadn’t been his intention to ask her to join him for a ride. In fact, as he stood in the stable yard holding the reigns for their horses, he couldn’t believe he had.
The lack of strength and discipline that he had displayed since meeting the masquerade woman was astonishing.
He had spent an hour speaking with the guests in the room, weeding out women on his list of possibilities. His mind had been focused, completely in tune with his mysterious woman.
He had cataloged, weighed odds, gained more vivid memories of the encounters he had had with the woman, and then he had seen Lady Aubrey and all thoughts of the masked lady had flown out of his head.
Looking up at the sky, the bright rays of sun warming his face, he remembered the way she had looked in the corner chair.
Fresh, alluring, and observant. He couldn’t help but be drawn to her. He had just needed to be by her. Needed to speak with her. He couldn’t fathom the effect she had on him, but he knew he craved it. Both body and mind. He needed to be by her.
Disloyal idiot.
What was the matter with him? He wanted to pull his own hair out. The moment Lady Aubrey had left the room he had regretted the invitation. Nothing good could come of it. Nothing.
And the way she had looked walking away, all luscious curves and innocence, he had to fight back the urge to grab her.
He really wasn’t worth either woman’s attentions.
The ride would have to be a quick one. He couldn’t afford to spend much time in her company, risking a stronger attachment to her.
His time was better spent searching for the woman he had promised himself to. Not courting someone else.