Master for Tonight (20 page)

Read Master for Tonight Online

Authors: Elaine Barris

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #erotica, #paranormal, #alpha

BOOK: Master for Tonight
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He lit the fire in his eyes and opened her
eyelids with his fingers. Their blankness and unresponsiveness
brought fresh anguish.

His voice quivered when he spoke, and he had
to try speaking several times before it came out even.

“Kate, you are under my influence. You will
hear my words and obey. I release your memories of me and us. All
of them, Kate. Remember me. Remember us. You will remember it all.”
He repeated his command to her several times more before closing
her eyes and returning his to blue.

Carefully, he gathered her into his arms,
supporting her head and neck with his hands. He lifted her up from
the bed. He made sure the position would not cause her any distress
or disrupt any of the machines.

His kissed her softly and whispered, “I love
you, Kate Collins.”

He shifted her head up, across his left arm,
to slip her head back, before pressing his lips to hers again. He
used his mouth and tongue, encouraging hers open. Slicing his
tongue straight across, his blood flowed into her mouth and down
her throat as he continued to kiss her. Minutes passed as he
caressed her, and tears began to flow from the corners of Kate’s
eyes. When the wound in his tongue closed, he opened it again to
heal her, his love. His tongue slid over hers until he felt hers
stir slightly.

Reese had warned him not to give her too
much blood, causing a sudden recovery, which would raise questions
by the doctors. As if he cared about that, or the pain in his
mouth. Fuck that. He cut himself once more before settling her back
into the bed. If he could, he would take her out of the hospital
and run away with her, out into the night, and secret them away. He
hated the reality he had to contend with.

Reaching over to the bedside table, he took
a wet wipe and ran it over her face and mouth, removing the traces
of blood that had escaped during their joining. He did the same
with her teeth, and then placed some toothpaste on his finger and
ran his finger along her gums and tongue to remove the coppery
taste. He kissed her eyelids and licked away the tears which slowly
streamed from her eyes. He took another sheet and wiped his face
clean. If she opened her eyes, he didn’t want to scare her at the
bloody sight of him.

He tossed the wipes into the waste basin and
flipped the door lock. No sooner had he unlocked it, when a nurse
popped her head in. She opened the door wide with one arm and
motioned with the other.

“Sir, you’re going to have to leave.
Visiting hours are over. Who are you, anyway? I haven’t seen you
here before.”

“Certainly. I didn’t realize the time. Could
you come in for a moment first? I think one of these wires came
free. Nurse?”

“Nurse La’Rainne.” She eyed him as she made
her way to the IV and began checking the connections and the
butterfly needle in Kate’s hand. “I don’t see anything wrong here.
What did you see? Why is she crying? Where did this blood on the
sheets come from? I need to get a doctor. Did you do something to
her? Move. I’m calling security.”

When she turned back around, Julian’s fires
burned brightly.

“My name is Julian Montfort. I can be here
as long as I want, whenever I want. Kate is safe with me. I am
trusted. Is that understood?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Thank you for your agreement and concern
for my love. Now, you may go about your rounds as you would
normally. Do not disturb us further unless medically

The nurse left the room, and he placed the
chair as close to the bed as possible, took her hand back into both
of his, and waited for Reese and Mazzie to return. He would be in
the shadows no longer. His existence, as well as his intent, would
be made clear.

Julian spent the remainder of the night
whispering words of love and touching Kate’s face, arms, and hands
tenderly. When he felt the approach of dawn, he pressed her
fingertips to his mouth.

“I don’t want to leave, but I don’t have any
choice in the matter. I’m quite certain I’ll be discovered if I
take my rest in the broom closet. I’ll be with you again as soon as
night falls, my love.”

As the door shut behind him, Kate’s fingers
rose from the bed.




“Reese! Look at her coloring! She looks so
much better tonight!” Mazzie said, pulling Reese’s arm and pointing
at Kate.

“Looks like she’s made a turn for the
better. Much better. Hmm.” Reese’s eyebrows scrunched together
before he brightened. “Just like you have, Maz. You needed a day
off to rest.”

“Okay, I’ll say it. You were right. Bossy,
but right.” She hugged him at his waist. “I’m going to go see if I
can find a nurse or doctor. I think they have good news!”

Reese took a few moments to chastise his


Reese: I told you not to overdo it,


Julian: I apologize for nothing.


Reese: I’m here at the hospital with Mazzie.
They’ve removed most of the monitors and all the IVs from Kate.
She’s still sleeping though.


Julian: I will be there as soon as I feed.
Any news on Evangeline?


Reese: Let me know when you arrive, so I can
get Mazzie out of here. No news.


Julian: Her silence isn’t good.


Reese: Agreed.


Mazzie walked back into the room, stood by
the bed, and took Kate’s hand in hers.

“I knew you’d do it, K.”

“What did they say?”

“She apparently had some miracle recovery
during the night. The doctors are amazed! They did some tests
today, and the brain swelling is almost gone. They’re going to see
how things progress tonight, and maybe bring her out of the coma
tomorrow. They’ve already reduced the amount of medicine they’re
giving her. They said it’s even possible she could wake on her own
either tonight or tomorrow. She can hear us now when we speak to
her. She just can’t respond. Can you believe it?” She bounced on
her feet, smiling from ear to ear.

“That is really great news.” His phone
buzzed, and he checked it. “Let’s go celebrate with a nice bottle
and tasty dinner. I’m buying.”

“What? I’m not going anywhere.” She plopped
herself down in the chair, and dropped her purse on the floor.

“Look at how much better she got when we
weren’t around. Maybe she just needs some peace and quiet. What if
our being here is bothering her somehow? How irritating would it be
to have friends talking to you and not be able to say

“You’re impossible. I want to be the first
person she sees when she wakes up, so I can apologize to her.
Besides, Kate loves listening to me talk. You never eat anything
when we go out, so I’ll just get something from the cafeteria when
I get hungry. I don’t know when you eat, but it isn’t with me. I
need to talk to you, anyway. Sit down.”

“If she can hear you, then tell her now.
There’s only one chair in here,” he grumbled. “Can we at least go
to the waiting room down the hall to talk?”

“I’m not telling her now, when she can’t
look at me and see how much I mean it.” She stood and snatched her
purse up. “You are an impossible man. Fine. We’ll go down the
hall.” He took her arm, physically directing her out of the

Once seated in the waiting room, Mazzie
turned to Reese. “Okay. This morning, I took a bath in K’s
bathroom. I don’t have a tub at my place, so I used it while I
stayed over before. It has those massaging jets. Trust me. I needed
those to relax after dealing with her every day. Okay, okay, back
to the story. So when I got out, I looked at the mirror. It was
really vague. Maybe I’m imagining it.”

“Go on.”

“I saw what seemed like someone’s name, but
I couldn’t make it out. You know how you write on mirrors when a
room is steamy? It fades, but there are usually bits of it left
until the mirror is cleaned.”

“Right. So what was it?”

“I was able to make out what I think was a
J, L, and N. I’m not sure what it means, but I think it’s a

“Do the letters stand out to you in any

“Not to me. But I think it will mean
something to Kate.”


“I didn’t believe her story all this time,
but I’m starting to think it was true. Why would a man who drugged
and raped a woman write his name on a mirror? You only do stuff
like that when you’re emotionally connected to someone. I owe her
an apology for this, as well.”

“I think she will forgive you. It was an
incredible tale.” He rubbed her shoulders.

“But why doesn’t she remember anything?”

Reese sucked his bottom lip into his mouth
and said nothing in reply.

“You don’t really think? Nah. That can’t be
it. You and your silly ideas, and here I am almost taking them
seriously.” She took Kate’s notebook out of her purse and flipped
through the pages of her writing.

“Why not? There are more things in this
world which cannot be explained, than there are which can.”

“Okay. Just for the sake of argument, let’s
say I believe this whole vampire theory. Why didn’t he kill her?
It’s what they do in the movies.”

“So you base your opinions on movies now? An
entire species of beings are murderers simply because actors
portray them as such? You can’t be as naïve as you sound.” He
tapped her at her temple. “Why would they be any different than you
or Kate? They simply procure their meals differently.”

“What?” She backed away from him on the
couch, and poked him in the chest. “That is the most ridiculous
thing I have ever heard. ‘Procure their meals differently’. Just
stop. Stop.”

“Okay.” He poked her back. “I’ll stop, but
I’m right. You’ll see.”

She waved her hands at him in dismissal, and
her attention was drawn outside the room.

“Oh! Look at the huge bouquet he’s carrying!
Whoever is getting those is one lucky lady.” She went to the

“Mazzie, come sit back down. This isn’t your

She stomped back over to the couch.

“You need to stop ordering me around, Mr.
Kelley. I wasn’t hurting anything. I just wanted to see them.”

He pulled her down to him and into his arms,
with her back against his chest.

“I like it when you call me that, Ms.

“Then I’ll be sure to never to do it again.”
She laughed. “It’s nice to smile again.”

“Yours is one I have missed these past few
days.” He rubbed his nose in her hair.

“What are you saying?”

“I know you are not this dense. Sit up and
face me.” He waited until she did, smiling at her look of
confusion. “I’m saying I know you like me, and I like you in the
same way. We should get out of here, so I can show you how much I


“Yeah, oh.” He took her hand. “Shall


“Will still be here in the morning.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“We go, then?”

“Let’s go to my place. Wouldn’t be right at
Kate’s house.”





Julian set the bouquet of three dozen
long-stemmed, red roses on the window sill. The crystal vase was
wrapped in a white bow at the neck. Removing one of the flowers, he
held it under Kate’s nose, allowing her to breathe in the scent
before breaking the stem in half, and then half again. After
getting some water in a styrofoam cup, he dropped in the rose and
placed it on the hospital tray beside the bed.

“I hope you like the flowers, Kate. I took a
chance you like roses. From what I remember, most women do. Not
that I’m comparing you to other women, or saying you’re like every
woman. Barely in the room and already messing up.” He tugged at his
necklace nervously. “What I’m saying is if you don’t like them,
I’ll get you whatever you do like. When you’re able to speak, you
can tell me your favorite, and they will be yours,” he said before
bending to kiss her lips. At the touch of him, she tilted her head

“Beautiful girl, yes.”

He slipped his hand under her neck, cradling
her to take her mouth, and she made a small sound. Unsure of what
it meant, he parted from her lips and gathered her into his arms.
He picked her up and settled them both in the bedside chair. He put
her legs over the arms of it and tucked her in at his shoulder. He
held her hand against his chest in case she moved. He would feel it
directly over what she held, his heart.

“You’re in my arms again, beauty, where you
belong.” He kissed her forehead. “I think you remember me now too,
yeah?” He glanced down at her, hoping for movements. He’d take
anything. “While we wait for you to wake up, I’m going to explain
some things. Somewhere in there, you hear me. At least, that’s what
Reese said. It’s just the remnants of drugs keeping you down now,
yeah? Ah. Don’t worry about anyone disturbing us. Your Nurse
La’Rainne is taking care of us tonight, and I have spoken to her
already. Nice lady. See, I know how you think, love.”

Kate coughed softly.

“Was that a laugh at me, beauty? I don’t
mind. Remember how you laughed at my fear of snakes? A vampire
afraid of snakes. Doesn’t make sense, does it?” He paused and
tightened his hold on her. “Yeah, a vampire. Don’t be afraid of me.
I love you more than my life. When I catch Evangeline, I will
destroy her for what she did to you. She’s my Maker. She made me
into what I am. She followed me to your house. I still don’t know
how. She forced me to wipe your memory, or she would have killed
you if I didn’t.” He shifted in his seat. “I hate to admit this. To
admit any more of my weaknesses to you. I’m supposed to be the man,
strong and tough. Your knight in shining armor, right? The reality
is she was much stronger than I, at that time. I would not have
been able to protect you. I had to do what I did, and it ripped me
apart as much as it did you. But I’m stronger than she is now,
beauty. No one will ever hurt you again.

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