Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (111 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“Excuse me,” he said to Christy, the one female they had in the class who was there to train as Domme.

Kalina, the club submissive who was acting as bartender for them, saw him coming over Ronnie’s shoulder and smiled. “Ian, may I get you a drink?”

“Thank you, Kalina, but no.”

She lowered her eyes and stepped away, and he leaned against the bar next to Ronnie. She turned in her seat, and their eyes met.

Christ, she still had those big dark eyes that he’d loved years ago. “Hello again,” he said.

“Hey,” she said. “Long time no see.”

They looked at one another, and the years fell away. She wasn’t someone he used to know anymore. She was Ronnie. The same girl next door that he’d looked out for. The same one who’d sat at his side after his Grandmother had passed, and tempted him beyond reason until he’d kissed her. He’d been eighteen at the time, and had no business kissing a fifteen year old.

“A three year age difference won’t stop me now,” he said before his brain caught up with his mouth.

Those eyes widened again, she flushed a pretty pink and her lips parted on a sucked in breath.

Ian smiled. When he first thought of Ronnie in the club, he worried that he wouldn’t be able to get into the right mindset to train her, but that wasn’t the case at all. He’d watched from the wraparound viewing lane above the club’s main floor as Adam had met each person individually and gave them his card. He hadn’t recognized Ronnie when she’d first come in, but when she’d walked over to the bar, he’d known that stride. That confident walk hadn’t changed.

She hadn’t grown much either. Still a tiny thing, she wore tight blue jeans, and a black tank top that showed off a strong, tight, body. He didn’t know what he’d expected her to look like, but she’d surprised him. Dark caramel colored hair, that was so silky that his fingers tingled with the need to tangle in the strands was cut in a way that was both simple, and sassy. Not only did the simple clothes and hair style show off her body and skin, they showed off the colorful tattoos covering her right arm and shoulder.

He’d been surprised, and at the same time he knew he shouldn’t be. As he looked at her now, heat started to build within him. A need to get deep inside her mind, seek out what made her juices flow, and then give her the freedom to wallow in her own desires. Anticipation began to build in his gut.

“It’s been too long, Ronnie. I’m glad you found Overwatch.”

In less than a second, the tough chick he remembered appeared again. A slim brow arched high and Ronnie crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s your fault it’s been so long.”

“Yes, it’s my fault.” He nodded. “After my grandmother passed, there didn’t seem to be a reason to stick around.”

“Or a reason to say good-bye?”

Some might not have seen the hurt in her eyes, but Ian was a good Dom. He saw it, and it was like a punch to the gut. “You’re right, I should’ve said goodbye before I left. Especially to you since I know you’d have understood how I was feeling.”

Her arms relaxed, and her eyes cleared. “You’re right. I would’ve understood.”

Feeling like he’d shed a monkey from his back that he hadn’t even known was there, Ian opened his arms. Ronnie grinned, hopped off the stool and into his hug. And fuck if that didn’t feel good.

“Hey, what’s this?” Simon said as he stopped next to them. “There’s no touching allowed at the first session, Ian. Hands off.”

Ronnie immediately pulled back and, strangely reluctant, Ian let her go.

“Sorry, Sir,” Ronnie said, facing Simon.

“No apology needed from you, Lil’ bit,” Simon said with a smile. “It’s Ian here who should know better.”

Ian gave Simon a look that said he knew exactly what the other man was up to. “Simon, meet Ronnie Mack, an old friend of mine. Ronnie, this is Simon Sharp, one of your other trainers.”

“I prefer to go by Veronica when here,” she said and held out a hand to Simon.

He grinned, took her hand, and instead of shaking it, turned it over and kissed the palm of her hand. “A pleasure, Veronica. Welcome to Overwatch.”

“Now who’s touching, buddy?” Ian growled.

Ronnie laughed and looked back and forth between them. “I knew from the introductions that this place was special, but I have ago admit, I’m surprised at how casual everyone is. I mean, most of the guys I met were all puffed up and adamant about being called Sir or Master every time I opened my mouth. This mostly feels….”

“Normal?” Ian said.

She shook her head. “Natural. It feels natural.”

“She’s gonna be special,” Simon said a few minutes later when they watched her walking away from them.

Tearing his gaze from Ronnie’s tight ass he glanced at Simon, already knowing what he would see. Sure enough, the Dom’s gaze was also locked onto Ronnie. An unfamiliar feeling stirred deep within but before he could examine it Adam’s whistle echoed through the club, signaling the end of class.


Chapter Three


A week later Ronnie parked behind Sam’s Auto and shook her head at the guy by the back door.

“Delilah sounds good,” he said when she got out of the car and started toward him.

“She’s doing good.” Ronnie leaned against the wall and they both stared at the deep purple 1970 Barracuda she’d named after a legendary temptress. The car was her baby, and the way she purred proved that a mothers love was an amazing thing.

“What about you?” She asked Zane, the owner of the garage. “Tina know you’re out here sneaking a smoke?”

Sam’s Auto was an old school style brick garage with four bay doors and service areas that Zane had inherited from his dad, an old stock racing legend. His thirteen year old daughter usually worked the counter up front and ran the shop like a mini Dominatrix, making all the guys ask how high whenever she said jump. Her mother, Zane’s wife, had died from cancer when she was only five years old, and one of the things that was sure to send Tina on a rant that made them all cringe was catching her dad with a cigarette.

“She’s spending the weekend with her grandparents. They just picked her up”

“Ahh,” That explained why he was smoking. Not only was Tina not there to monitor him, but she was with his in-laws. The ones who’d tried to take custody away from him after his wife died because they didn’t approve of a race car driver raising their grand-baby.

Zane had retired from racing to raise her.

He glanced at Ronnie. “Don’t worry, I’ll work the counter so you can work your magic in the bay. We got a tow-in late last night. Need you to figure out why this lady’s car keeps dying on her.”

She pushed off the wall and headed inside. “Sounds good.”

“Do the Caravan’s oil first,” he shouted after her.

“Yeah, yeah,” she muttered.

After putting her lunch in the shop’s fridge she pulled coveralls over her shorts and tank and went to work. It wasn’t glamorous or as challenging as working on the hot rods and muscle cars that the majority of their clientele brought them, but oil changes and wheel balancing helped pay the bills at the garage and Ronnie could do them blindfolded. The thought of being blindfolded made her nipples tighten and her mind wandered as her hands went about the work.

She was excited about tonight and her third training session at the club. They said this is when things would get interesting, but she’d found it all pretty fascinating so far. Last Thursday everyone had stayed together in one group again as the trainers took turns going over common terms and definitions of things that they should know. Things like the definitions between a bottom, a submissive and a slave. Or hard and soft limits. Understanding the stoplight system of safewords. They even covered legal aspects of play, and explained the waivers that all members needed to sign when joining the club.

Fees were covered privately with Adam, and she quickly learned why. He charged them on a sliding scale, sort of. There was a reasonable minimum fee everyone paid, but others were encouraged to pay more according to their income. It made sense because when he’d talked to Ronnie, she’d agreed to pay an extra ten percent because she could. If she could’ve afforded more, she would’ve paid more. Membership included a locker, beverages, and chocolate.

Apparently they went through a lot of chocolate.

One of the Dom’s in training was surprised that members could drink alcohol at the club, and had commented on it. Eden had been quick to tell them that all the members were adults and would be treated as such. While club security and Dungeon Monitors kept a close eye out, people were expected to play responsibly.

It all made Ronnie excited, and nervous at the same time. Strangely, nothing had happened yet to live up to her sexual fantasies, but she already felt like she was starting to live her dream.


The trainee’s had paired off to do mock negotiations. The trainer’s walked among them, listening in, stopping here and there to coach and correct. Since there were seven bottoms and only five tops in this class, Adam had brought in two of the club submissives to help out as well. Ian struggled not to laugh at the look Mike’s face, the trainee who’d been paired up with Kalina.

The sub was a sweetheart, but a bratty one. Since Mike had been fairly vocal about his ‘experience’ as a Dom, he’d told Kalina not to go easy on him.

“You’re evil,” Eden whispered as she moved to stand beside him.

“He needs to learn how to listen. Kalina will make sure he does.” The words were barely out of his mouth before Kalina threw her head back and laughed. Loud.

Color flooded Mike’s face and he stepped forward aggressively. Before he could do anything Simon had him by the back of the neck pulling him back from the still smiling sub.

“And if Kalina won’t make him listen, Simon will.” Eden walked away, an added swing to her hips.

Turning away Ian walked toward where Ronnie was negotiating a scene with Conner. He stood far enough back as to not distract, but close enough to hear.

“I don’t like to be spanked, so the bench is out,” Ronnie told him. “What about the Cross? I’ve never been on one, but have always wanted to try it.”

“So spanking’s a hard limit?” Conner asked. “What else?”

He listened for another minute, then interrupted.

“Not bad, guys,” he said, stepping forward to stand next to them. “You’re communicating clearly, which is good. But negotiating doesn’t have to feel like a job interview, or worse yet, like a shopping list of do’s and don’ts.”

Conner grimaced and Ronnie chuckled. They looked at each other, neither offended or upset by the critique, and both open to what he was saying. Perfect.

He let out a short whistle and everyone in the closed club turned to him. The shopping list was something lot of the newbies did, and every class needed a demonstration. Looked like he was going to do it for this class.

“We gave you guys a list of things that should be covered in an initial talk, but that doesn’t mean you have to check them off like a to-do list,” he said to the group. “Negotiating can be as erotic as any sexual play when done right.”

He turned to Ronnie. “May I take your hand and lead you to the stage?”

She nodded, wide-eyed.

“Don’t think of your negotiations as something that has to be done before you get to play, think of it as part of the play. Use all your senses to gain, and give information. Watch, and listen.” When they got to the stage he turned to face Ronnie and smiled, but didn’t let go of her hand.

“Hi,” he said.


He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand slowly. Her skin wasn’t soft like most women, but her hand was so warm he didn’t want to let go. “Are you playing tonight?”

“I’d like to.”

“How do you feel about bondage with ropes, and a little impact play?”

Desire sparked in her eyes. “I’ve always wanted to be tied up and flogged,” she said.

Ian’s dick swelled to life. “What about blindfolds,” he asked, reaching up with his other hand and brushing his finger down the soft skin of her cheek from eye to lips. “Or gags?”

Her pupils dilated and her tongue snuck out to swipe at her lips, teasing him, making him want a taste as well. “Um, yeah. I’m okay with those.”

“Do you have any hard limits, or medical concerns I should know about?”

She shook her head, eyes still glued to him as she swayed forward a bit.

Fire leapt to life in his veins and lust unlike any he’d known flooded his system. Christ, he dreamt of a woman with no limits.

He frowned, pulling himself back to reality. This wasn’t for real. It was demonstration. “No hard limits at all?” he asked sharply.

“Oh!” she gave her head a shake and stepped back from him a bit. “No, I do have some hard limits. No face slapping, ever. No rape play, extreme pain or humiliation. I’m more into pleasure and sensation than pain. Oh, and if we’re talking gags, then we need a hand signal for a safe word replacement.”

Pride blended with the desire thrumming through his veins as Ian stepped back and let go of her hand to face the watching students. Her scent was still heating his blood so he stepped away to be able to concentrate.

“A good way to start things off is starting what you want. You move on from there. If she had no interest in being flogged, but was into being spanked, it gives her an opening. In a negotiation there is no top or bottom. You are equal, and you need to both be sure you’re going to get what you need or what’s the point? Use all your senses when talking. Watch her non-verbal cues, and watch for red flags like no hard limits.” He frowned at her over his shoulder. “Unless you’re in a permanent relationship with someone, and you know them better than they know themselves, there should never be no limits.”

“Shuffle up and go again,” Simon called from the side of the room. “Don’t think of it as practice. Think of it as foreplay.”

Ian helped Ronnie off the stage and watched her ass swing with her long strides as she joined the group again thinking about how Simon had been right. She was something special. The question is what the hell was he going to do about it?


Fucking foreplay, alright.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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