Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (43 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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Ty smiled at whatever he saw on her face. “But you want to.”

She didn’t bother denying it. She’d always been an open book to Ty. But, still… “That doesn’t mean anything. Maybe Noah doesn’t want to know me.”

“We don’t guess at desires in this house.” Noah’s voice startled her. He had come out of a hallway near the kitchen and now filled the doorway with his muscular frame. Tasha pressed her hand to her mouth, but Noah was focused on Ty. “You couldn’t wait until she recovered from jet lag before starting this discussion?”

Ty shrugged unapologetically. “I got up here and realized I didn’t want to keep hiding what I want from her. For all of us.”

As Ty finished speaking, both men looked at her. She felt her eyes widen, and her pulse kicked up. Noah walked into the room and straight to her, so close she had to tilt her head back to hold his gaze.

He traced her bottom lip with a rough fingertip. “What did I tell you about touching what’s mine?”

“He touched me.” Her voice wavered with both fear and arousal.

Curving his hand behind her neck, Noah brought her closer. “Excuses?”

“You’re both insane,” she said desperately. “And I’m as crazy as you are.”

Noah nodded and released her. “Most likely.” He sat down in the recliner and regarded her with a stern expression. “Let’s see if you are. Ty, get up and drop your pants.”

Oh. My. God. Tasha’s core clenched as Ty rose and unbuckled his belt and peeled his jeans down his thighs. She could see his bulge pressed against the material of his boxer briefs. Noah reached out and stroked him, coaxing a damp spot onto the fabric. Her mouth watered.

“Would you like a taste, Natasha?”

God, yes. “Yes, Sir.”

Noah looked at Ty. “Remember what I told you.”

”I remember, Master. On your knees, Tasha.” He pointed to the floor in front of him and she scurried to obey. It was easy, natural, to kneel at his feet.

She wanted to be even closer, to press her nose against his groin and drag his scent into her lungs, but she tamped down the impatience and waited until he instructed her. This was a time to impress Ty--and Noah--with how much she’d learned during her training period, and she craved their approval.

Despite her training, she had trouble keeping her gaze on the floor between Ty’s feet. Butterflies careened in her stomach as she wondered what he and Noah were thinking. Both men left her hanging in silence. Ty carefully pulled the elastic from her hair and hummed as the heavy mass cascaded down her back. The small token of approval spread warmth across her back, but wasn’t enough to fill her. She was greedy, eager to taste his cock, to swallow him deep. Soon, it was all she could think about, and she caught herself swaying toward him.

Noah was the one who corrected her. He reached out and fisted her hair, anchoring her inches away from satisfaction. She whimpered. “Please let me, Sir.”

And it was both thrilling and alarming that she didn’t know which man she meant to address.

Ty spoke first. “Pull my underwear down, Tasha.”

“With your teeth.” Noah released her hair.

“Bastard,” Ty muttered.

Noah said something else, but the words flowed around her, not penetrating the pounding of her blood in her ears. Leaning in, she nosed along Ty’s abs on her way to hooking the waistband of his underwear with her mouth. His scent surrounded her, musky and masculine. Too complex, she realized, to belong only to him. Even though she touched Ty, she finally, fully understood she had Noah right there, too, not a separate physical presence but as much a part of Ty as the silky trail of hair that arrowed down from Ty’s navel. She almost believed she could taste him in the cotton on her tongue as she angled her head and worked to obey Ty and Noah’s commands.

She was getting frustrated, breathing hard, when she finally made enough progress to free Ty’s erection. His cock sprung forward without warning, silky and hot against her cheek. Tasha licked her lips and opened her mouth, but Noah took control once more and held her out of reach. A spark of defiance surged through her and she refused to lower her gaze again, determined to look her fill even if she couldn’t touch or taste.

Ty was beautifully formed, long and thick enough to impress but not intimidate. Metal glinted at the base of his cock. Her mouth fell open. “Is that a piercing?”

“It’s a cock ring. It’s meant to keep him in line,” Noah said. “But now it’s time to come off. Ty.”

Ty loosely encircled his shaft and stroked, coaxing a bead of precome to the tip. Once more, she found herself licking her lips, and this time she knew Ty noticed.

He smiled down at her, but spoke to Noah. “What will we do to keep Tasha in line?”

Noah drew his fingers gently through the tangled weight of her hair before he stood and moved to crouch behind her. She tensed, but relaxed when all he did was run his hands down her arms and pin her hands at the small of her back. Slowly and gently, Noah wrapped what felt like nylon rope around her wrists and upper arms. His movements were methodical, erotic, thoughtful. He knotted the rope and held it like a leash, tightening it to keep her completely under his command.

When he was finished, Noah leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Suck him, Natasha. Make him want to come in your mouth so bad, he’ll beg me for it.”

Noah didn’t have to tell her twice. She surged forward, but when she would have taken all of Ty immediately, Noah held her at a cruel distance. Ty braced his feet, not giving an inch of assistance, forcing her to reach for him with her tongue. With the first lick, she caught that hint of salty fluid, and wanted more. The tip of her tongue danced across the crown, and either Noah or Ty decided to have mercy on her, because the next time she licked out for a taste, Ty’s cock popped past her lips. Tasha latched on with a deep, satisfied moan, and locked her mouth around him.

Somewhere along the way, Noah relinquished her head to Ty, who threaded his fingers through her hair. Holding her steady, Ty thrust deep. Conscious of Noah’s command to make Ty beg, she loosened her suction, denying Ty the satisfaction he must surely be craving by now. The power she held was an unexpected rush. She would never have believed she would have any control while kneeling open and restrained between two Dominant men, but somehow she’d gained her very own upper hand.

Soon, tormenting Ty became a pleasure instead of a thing to be endured. She threw herself into obeying Noah’s command to drive Ty insane, never once forgetting Noah behind her. Noah tortured her in his own way, hidden from view, only touching her to press her restrained hands against his rigid arousal. . Through his pants, she could feel the way the hard length pulsed and kicked.

With Ty’s dick in her mouth and Noah’s cock wedged between her hands, she couldn’t help but fantasize about them both fucking her, licking every inch of her, claiming her. Tired of playing, she sucked greedily on Ty’s cock. His muttered curse set her clit to throbbing.

It was both supremely satisfying and frustrating when Ty yanked her head away, his teeth clenched and his eyes wild. She whimpered in protest, but Ty looked over her head.

“Master.” Ty’s voice cracked.

“Do it.” Noah’s demanding tone made Tasha groan and strain against his hold.

As Ty reached up to remove the ring, Noah released her hands. He placed his rough palms on her cheeks and held her head, making her watch. She could see the veins pulse as Ty gripped the toy to pull the metal from his flesh.

Tasha strained forward, whispering, “Please.”

She wanted to watch Ty come. She wanted the evidence of his desire on her skin. It wasn’t rational, but something base, a hunger that took root somewhere deep inside her.

“What do you want, Natasha?” Noah‘s lips skimmed her ear, and his cock branded her back through her thin shirt.

“I want him to come on me. Please.”

“In your face?” He angled her head back and leaned over her shoulder, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Is that what you want? Answer me.”

“Yes! Yes, it’s what I want. Please, Sir. Please.”

His eyes grew hotter and hotter with every word, and Tasha kept spilling them, driven to stoke the fire she’d sparked. After a point, she hardly knew what she was saying anymore, only knew her begging satisfied Noah, and that was something she deeply wanted to do.


A shudder rippled through Noah, and her body matched it. He released her face and disappeared behind her once more. “Ty’s going to come now, all over your pretty face, because it’s what
want him to do. You understand me?”

“Yes.” She nodded frantically.

“Good.” He jerked on the rope on her wrists and the knot he’d created slipped free. “Now, I also want you to stroke your sweet pussy for us. Make yourself come.”

Noah had barely finished speaking before Natasha jammed her hand down her yoga pants. She was unbelievably wet, and whimpered with frustration when she couldn’t create any friction at first. She might have given up under other circumstances, but with Noah and Ty both watching expectantly, she bit her lip and persisted, rubbing her clit with desperate fingers. Pleasure arced in short bursts, almost painful in their intensity. She cried out with each jolt of sensation.

“Ty, you wait for her to come first.” Noah’s voice was dark and deep. He kept a steadying hold on her, his fingers tight in her hair again, his body hard and hot at her back. Ty stepped forward and she was crushed between the two men, Ty’s cock in her face, Noah’s thighs and stomach at her back.

Giving in to temptation, she flicked her tongue out and licked Ty. Both men issued growls of warning.

Noah yanked on her hair, pulling her head at an angle that made further defiance impossible. His stubble rasped her cheek as he leaned down to murmur, “Bad girl. We’ll address that later. Now, make yourself come. We want to see you.”

His demand sent her over the edge and she arched back, convulsing. As her muscles seized, Ty pumped his cock, his breath coming fast. She did something she’d never done before and opened her mouth, inviting Ty to come on and in her.

When Ty let go, his guttural shout sent her spiraling into another hard, surprising orgasm. The sensation of him emptying on her face and neck was erotic and forbidden, a perfect blend that she licked from her lips.

Noah shocked her by bending to rub his tongue over her chin, lapping up the sticky traces she’d missed. He ended in a kiss that violated her mouth, holding her head at such an angle, she couldn’t escape the deep, savage thrust of his tongue. His knee pressed between hers as he repositioned, bringing himself around to face her. The pressure his thigh placed on her arm shifted her fingers between her legs, and that slipping touch set her off again. She reached out to anchor herself on something and found Ty’s hand, his palm reassuring and grounding her and then…the warm, wet pull as Ty closed his mouth around her fingers and sucked.

Her thoughts raced around the barrage of sensations. She’d never imagined she would do something like this, lose herself between two strong men who took and gave and…devoured. Her, yes, but each other, too. The certainty of want washed over her seconds before Noah lifted his head, finally granting air. Gasping, she rubbed her face against Noah’s chest and clung to Ty’s hand, lost in her desire for more of them. For
of them.

Ty still held her hand, but he rubbed slow circles between her shoulder blades while Noah feathered kisses across the crown of her head. Tasha eased her damp fingers out of her pants, ready to sink between Noah and Ty, to relax her over-stimulated body and racing mind, but as she shifted her arm, she brushed against Noah’s still-rigid cock. He hissed a curse and stiffened, and that rush of power whipped around her once more.

“Let me,” she whispered, turning her wrist so she could cup the huge bulge. She couldn’t wrap her hand around him completely, hampered by the stressed fabric of his fly. With a quiet, hungry growl, she probed for the zipper. “Let me do this for

“Natasha.” Noah’s hoarse voice drew her gaze up. She studied him through her lashes, silently begging him to let her bring pleasure and release to his body, to ease the taut lines of need that tightened his face.

Ty settled behind her, much as Noah had before, but instead of trapping her, Ty reached around to help her loosen Noah’s belt, buttons and zipper. “Master, please, let us do this.”

Ty’s solid warmth gave her confidence. She didn’t wait for permission to take Noah into her mouth. As soon as Ty dragged the fabric off Noah’s hips, she leaned in, lips parted and waiting as his heavy erection kicked free of his clothes. She pulled him in with her tongue, drew him deep, and sucked in deep, strong pulls, on a mission to please, not a mission to play. Ty’s fingertips brushed her chin on their way between Noah’s thighs, and seconds later, a groan reverberated through Noah. He palmed her head but didn’t do anything except hold her as she worked her mouth over him from root to tip and back again. Breathing through her nose, she filled herself with his spicy scent, which was sharper, different from Ty’s.

She opened her eyes and tried to tip her head to watch Noah, but he and Ty held her sandwiched between them, unable to see past the strip of hard, taut flesh immediately before her. The blindness expanded her other senses, and she realized the wet, frantic sounds above her head were Noah and Ty kissing each other. Unable to see, she contented herself with imagining their masculine lips crashing together, bold tongues clashing as they took from each other the way they’d taken from her. She squeezed her thighs together and rose up on her knees, lifted by the sense of urgency she felt in the tremor that rippled through Noah’s hands.

In the span of a heartbeat, their dynamics changed. Noah’s hold on her tightened and he took over, hard hands holding her in place as he pumped wildly into her mouth. Tasha fought for a second before giving over to him. One deep thrust. Two. And then he jolted forward as his release jetted over her tongue. She braced her hands on his thighs, deeply aware of the jumping muscles, of the sheer force of man that she controlled in that moment.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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