Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (49 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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Well that wouldn’t do. Why shouldn’t he find release? And in any case she wanted to see him come.

She rose from the chair and moved towards him, pursuing him when he stepped backwards. After only a few steps his back hit the wall.

Would he let her touch him now? What could she do to persuade him to allow himself to come?

She claimed the phone from his hand and turned the camera upon him. “Your turn.”

He peeped warily at her from beneath his eyelashes. “Do it, Spook. Don’t pretend that you don’t want to.”

He closed his fist around his shaft.

Yes, thank you, God!

He might not come very often, might not need or desire to do so in the way other mortals did, but he would come today, now, for her.

Interestingly, once the decision was made, he didn’t prolong the torture. His fist slid up and down his shaft in a quickening rhythm.

“When was the last time you did this?” she asked.

“I don’t remember.” His gaze was hot on her. “Years, I guess.”

Fuck, that was just crazy. Not having any sort of release for that long would drive her demented.

“How does it feel?”

“I don’t think you need me to explain.”

“I think you should do it a lot more often. Maybe once a day so that I can watch you.”

“You can watch the video you’re making.”

“That won’t be the same.” She stopped recording in order to touch him. Alle leaned in and placed her hands on either side of his abs, over the ridges that swooped down towards his groin, but didn’t attempt to touch his cock. “I want to see you naked and doing this, and covered in water droplets and doing this, and oiled with lube and slowly, lazily doing this. And I want to take you in my mouth and suck you and do a whole lot of other wicked, wicked things with you.”

“You’ve a very dirty mind.”

“You inspire me.”

He was getting close; she could see it in his face each time his hand came up over the head of his shaft, and in the way in which his eyes had begun to glaze.

“So, do it,” he whispered, abruptly tearing his hands away from his cock. “Suck me.”

Without hesitation, Alle bowed her head and inhaled the scent of him. She lapped at the little slit on the head of his cock first, then opened her mouth and let him right in.


Chapter Ten


Three, four strokes inside the hot cave of her mouth was all it took to undo him. Spook curled his fists within her hair as his seed poured from him. He was out of control, out of his mind as his climax roared through his cells, wakening an unbearable ache. He’d forgotten how good and how bad it could be.

Fuck! Why had he been denying himself this again? He knew there were reasons. Good, solid reasons, but not one of them mattered, or made sense to him right now.

Alle held him gently until his erection lost its battle with gravity. She released him and swallowed. Then licked her lips like the cat that’d got the cream.

Spook pulled her into his arms and kissed her, tasting himself on her lips.

“I still want you to fuck me,” she whispered. “And I want to suck you off properly.”

“I don’t fuck people,” he insisted.

“Fuck people,” she quipped. “I only want you to screw me. What do you say, Spook? How would you like to slide right inside of me? For you I’d even consider letting you come in my arse.”

“Don’t,” he pushed her away a little, but only half-heartedly. “That’s a naughty thing to say.”

“Well I do have a naughty tongue.” She poked it out and wiggled it at him.

Her naughty tongue would be the undoing of him. She’d already put a brick or two through his glass boundary walls. “I dare say it’s not the only badly behaved bit of you. I think it’s high time you put your clothes back on, before you stumble across any other ways to be rude.”

“If I don’t will you punish me?”

He dragged his teeth over his lower lip as he shook his head. “If you don’t, I
punish you.” He knew how to play this game, regardless of what she thought. “Anyway, it’s high time you got on with your work.” He zipped up his fly, just to make it clear that he meant it.

“If I fix the song to your satisfaction, what do I get?”

“Dinner,” he said emphatically. “With me, at my hotel tonight.”

She cheekily tipped her head from side to side as if considering. “What’s for dessert?”

Spook laughed at her temerity. “You haven’t earned any yet, but there are three options: fingers, tongues or toys.”

“They’re funny options. Are you sure they’re edible?”

He wheeled the abused chair back to the console. “I’m one hundred percent certain that they’re not. But I guarantee they’ll all be far superior to any chocolate dessert.”

“I’d better get to work, then,” she said, and set about pulling on her clothes.




“I’m impressed,” Xane admitted, after listening to the remastered version of
Within You
. “I never thought for a minute that you’d pull it off. I’m pleased to be proved wrong.”

“Well, Spook did help steer me in the right direction.” She cast him a sideward glance, half expecting him to say something, but he didn’t. He had his guitar in his hands and was fingering the strings as if playing, but without making a sound. Maybe he could hear the tune in his head. He’d retreated back into himself the moment Ash and Xane had turned up. They’d not had sex again, or even kissed as they worked on the track, but they had laughed a lot.

“Did he, now?” Xane arched his pierced eyebrow. “Well, maybe he’ll help keep you straight while you’re remastering the rest of the album.”

“I’d like that,” she said. “I’d like it a lot.”

“And we’re working on some new material too. Maybe you’ll be available to master that.”

“Cool!” Perhaps, she and Spook could discuss it over dinner at his hotel later. That was assuming she couldn’t convince him to skip straight to dessert. In which case, they might not get round to talking until breakfast tomorrow.

Leastways, a girl could dream.

She shot a glance at Spook. Somehow, she was going to have to address his no penetrative sex rule. Abstinence in a man that sexy just wasn’t healthy.




Want more Black Halo?


I hope you enjoyed reading about Spook and Alle’s first meeting. Their story will continue in future releases. Meanwhile, if you’re eager to cosy up with another rock star, you can read about Xane Geist and Dani Fosbrook in the novel Come Undone, and Ash Gore and Ginny Walters in the novella All Night Long ~ available now. Turn the page to learn more.


For updates on future Black Halo books and my other new releases please sign up to my mailing list.
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You can also get updates on new releases by visiting my website, or liking my author page on Facebook.


Thank you so much for reading REMASTERED. Please consider leaving an honest review where you bought it so that others can discover Black Halo and share in their story.



Other Works by Madelynne Ellis


Come Undone (Rock Hard #1)

On stage he's dynamite. Off stage he rocks her world.


When red-hot, Goth-metal band, Black Halo, split live on stage, fate throws Daniella Fosbrook into the path of sexy vocalist Xane Geist. Initially, Xane's only looking for a ride home, but Dani tempts him in a way a thousand other women haven't. Determined to explore their heady chemistry and avoid hashing things out with the band, Xane whisks Dani off to Monaco for a steamy weekend.

There, Dani tries her best to hang onto her heart and some clothing, while Xane soon loses both. However, Xane isn't being entirely honest about the reason for the band's demise. When the truth comes out, can Dani accept the facts, or will everything come undone?


Buy Come Undone now!



All Night Long (Black Halo #1)

Three hot guitarists.

Two people looking for love, but too afraid to admit it.

One exhilarating night…


One night of rampant passion with a rock star, that’s all it’s supposed to be. Ginny Walters isn’t looking for love, only some sexy fun with an amazingly hot guy; that is, until she hooks up with Black Halo’s lead guitarist, Ash Gore, on the night the band splits up.


Ginny discovers a side to the womanizing, bad boy that she never imagined. Beneath his hard rock image, is a man so hung up on the possibility of being hurt by love that he’s unwilling to risk becoming emotionally involved. How can she convince him that the bond between them is worth exploring, given that she’s not sure dating a rock star is terribly bright idea?


Ash can’t seem to get Ginny out of his head either. She’s totally unlike the women who fan his ego but leave him unsatisfied. Ginny sees through the media hype to the scarred man beneath. Given that Ginny understands him like no one else, is this a one night stand he won’t be able to leave behind?


Buy All Night Long now!



Come Together (Black Halo #2)

Daniella Fosbrook can’t believe she’s dating a smoking hot rock star, now all she has to do is hold onto him.


Bad boy rockers, Black Halo, have reunited and have hit the road. Dani Fosbrook has never experienced life on the move, now she’s squashed onto a tour bus with five horny rock stars and her lover’s ex, and there’s no room for mistakes.


If threats from jealous fans and warding off unwanted press attention isn’t difficult enough to handle, Dani has to battle her own personal insecurities. Xane says he’s committed, but with so much on offer to tempt him, can she trust he won’t stray?


When sabotage puts both the tour and everything Dani and Xane have built together under threat, can the band and their entourage come together to make the tour work, or it is time for everyone to part ways.


This title is due to be released 25
September 2014.



Anything But Vanilla

(Read about Xane’s cousin Ric Liddell)

One girl. Two guys. No strings.


Kara North is on the run. Fleeing from her controlling fiancé and a wedding she never wanted, she accepts the chance offer of refuge on wild, rocky Liddell Island, where she soon catches the eye of the island’s owner, erotic photographer Ric Liddell. Wickedly sexy by day and just plain wicked by night, Ric rules his domain like a feudal lord. He’s used to getting what he wants, without any commitment, and just when Kara thinks she has him hooked, he hides behind a cool, dispassionate mask.


But pleasure comes in more than one flavour when Zachary Blackwater, the charming ice-cream vendor also takes an interest, and wants more than just a tumble in the surf. Zach offers her warmth that she never felt from her ex, and soon it’s not just the ice cream that’s melting.


When Kara learns that the two men have been unlikely lovers for years, she becomes obsessed with the idea of a threesome. Zach is reluctant, until he sees the dynamic effect Kara has on Ric’s emotions. She might be the key to finally capturing Ric’s heart.


Soon Kara is wondering how she ever considered binding herself to just one man. She’s never had so much fun or felt so uninhibited, but just when everything seems so perfect, the man she left behind returns with some very old-fashioned ideas about rescuing her and taking her home to his own idea of wedded bliss.


Buy Anything But Vanilla now!


The Black Halo Books


Rock Hard Series (Xane & Dani)

Come Undone

Come Together (released 25
September 2014)

Come Alive (due 2015)


Black Halo Series (Ash & Ginny)

All Night Long

All Fired Up (due Dec 2014)

All Right Now (due 2015)


Related novel (Ric, Zach & Kara)

Anything But Vanilla

(note: chronologically this book occurs before Come Undone)



For Other Works by Madelynne Ellis, visit her website
where you can download a full bibliography.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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