Read Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender Online

Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,Marie Harte,Joey Hill,T. J. Michaels,Kate Pearce,Carrie Ann Ryan,Sasha White,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies

Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (48 page)

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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The sharp impact left her breathless and appalled.

That burned. It really burned.

This only proved just how inadequate the few other partners who’d consented to do this had been. Previous lovers had barely sent a tingle through her skin. They’d made a whole lot of noise and a whole lot of fuss, but never accomplished the same sort of sting.

“Ow,” she protested, genuinely breathless as he landed the second blow in a similar position to the first. Tears sprung in the corners of her eyes, but at the same time the fire that blazed within her bottom seeped inwards towards her belly, and caused her pussy lips to plump.

“I think we’d best count if we’re going to keep track.”

“Maybe two’s enough,” she said kicking her legs. She didn’t actually want him to stop. She thought she could manage another three, maybe four such strikes before she was a wholly quivering wreck. Already, it was proving impossible to keep still, no matter how many times he instructed her to.

Spook slicked his fingers along the split of her sex, and found her clit, which made things triply awesome.

“Oh, God!” she quavered.

“Definitely, ten,” he insisted. “We’ll count together. In Swedish.”

She didn’t know any Swedish.

“Count with me, Alle.

She squeaked as his hand landed, then panted open-mouthed as he made the fire billow and spread by rubbing circles over the place where his palm had landed.

“I didn’t hear you, my lovely. Shall we do that one again?”

“Three,” she shouted.

,” he corrected, the depth of his accent coming through. He said some other words in his native tongue that she had no idea about, but made her long to hear him speak more often in his first language. “Now

No, not yet. She needed a moment. Not that he gave her one. The shockwave stole her breath, and caused her clit to nag so much she begged him incoherently to stroke it again. She needed to come. She longed to be filled. Her sex felt empty and open. It throbbed along with her bottom, desperate for the kiss of his cock. Alle prayed that was what came next. Once the pain was done, then the passion would begin. He’d slide into her and ignite the lighter fuel that suddenly seemed to be running through her veins. White heat was already spreading through her torso. It’d perked up her nipples into two hard points and loosened all her muscles. “Please, please,” she begged. “Just take me.”

Alle drew her hands backwards to cover her cheeks, no longer needing anymore fire poured over her flesh. What was important now was getting him inside of her. Even if wasn’t yet his cock filling her up. The blunt tip of his thumb or the callused tips of his fingers would do.

“Move your hands or I’ll have to tie them so you can’t put them in the way.”

“I need to breathe. That’s enough. I want you inside of me.”

“If you’re able to talk, you’re obviously not having any issues breathing.”

“It hurts.”

“Yes,” he agreed, pushing two fingers inside of her as requested and working them along with his thumb that swept over the wrinkled entrance to her ass.

Oh, man…oh, man…oh, man!
That was rude. That was seriously rude. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He did. His thumb dipped just a little way inside of her rear, making sweat break out across her brow. She’d not… “Ohh!” she mewled. That was amazing. How could one place have so many nerve endings? He slid his thumb a little deeper, and she wondered if she might like him to actually fuck her in the arse. She’d never done that before, really her sex life had been awfully vanilla.

“Come on now, Alle. Be brave. You know we need to reach ten.”

She’d be insane by the time they reached ten, and yet she let her arms fall to her sides.

“Good girl.

The next blow made her back arch.

“It’s all right. Quiet now, breathe.” He rubbed her hole again, causing more heat to pour into her already burning skin.


“Oh, yes, please,” she gasped, startling a laugh from him. Sex was definitely what she wanted now. Not just the slippery pass of his fingers, but rough, sweaty sex. She needed fucking and fucking hard. “Fuck me. I want you inside of me.”

“You’re awful dictatorial, miss. Do I need to beat that out of you?”

“Fuck me,” she said, arching her head back so that she could see his response. She imagined he’d be as eager as she was, but his expression was more guarded than hungry.

Spook feathered his fingertips over her sensitized skin, and a first sense of uncertainty nipped at her senses. Why didn’t he ease her off his lap, stand up, turn around? His cock was near bursting free of his zip, she could feel it prodding against her waist. Why was he so hesitant?

“Sweetheart, I don’t fuck anyone. Not even when they’ve an arse as pretty as yours.”

So, he knew she’d been thinking about what it would be like for him to fill up her bottom.

“Make love to me, then.”

She felt, rather than saw him shake his head. “Let’s not split hairs over usage. The meaning’s similar enough.”

“Spook, I want it hard.”

“It’s not happening.” He lifted her panties back into place, shocking the hell out of her. Not happening? Her jaw continued to work, but no sounds emanated from her throat. He could just stop things now, when she was nicely heated up and what did he mean, it wasn’t happening?

“But I thought. I don’t understand,” she eventually managed to spit out.

“I think we’d better stop here.” Spook gently eased her off his lap, at which point her legs wouldn’t hold her, and she sank onto the floor. “I did warn you there were things about me you might not like. I don’t have sex…penetrative sex, Alle. It’s not what I do.”

“Not ever?” That possibility horrified her. She liked sex. She wanted to enjoy a whole lot of it with him. “Why, is there something wrong with you?” Her response lacked tact, but she was so horny at the moment, she thought she’d go mad if she didn’t find relief soon. And he’d rather sprung this on her. It wasn’t as if he was even saying, no, it’s too soon. He was saying, never ever.

“There’s nothing wrong. Everything works. I just don’t. It’s a choice, and not one I’m about to unmake.”

She couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. None of it made sense to her. Alle tore at her hair in frustration, tangling the fiery-red strands. “What do you do? You must do something? Masturbate? Oral?”

“None of them, as a general rule.”

“So what, you’re like the only rock star on the planet that doesn’t fuck?”

“I’m sure I’m not the only one.”

She was certain he definitely was.

“Are you a masochist?”


“Then how can you stand not to do something with this?”

She reached out and stroked her hand up the length of his cock. Even tucked away inside his jeans, the line of him was still apparent. Spook sucked a breath through his teeth. His eyelids fluttered.


“Don’t what?” She stroked him some more, and reached for his fly and unzipped him. He held himself rigidly still as she enclosed her hand around his shaft.

He was long and beautiful and perfect in every way, just like the rest of him. “If you won’t fuck me with this, can I suck you?” she asked.

“No,” he said, fighting a smile. “Alle, I think maybe we ought to just get back to working on the song.”

She couldn’t think about the blasted song, even though she was finally understanding its crazy, pounding rhythm. The beat matched the pulse of arousal she felt right at this moment, and the way her nerves were firing in frustration. That’s what
Within You
was about, frustration, not precipices.

“I can’t think about that right now,” she snapped.


“I can’t.”

“Alle.” His voice was warm and buttery soft. Really, she ought to ban him from saying her name, because the way it seemed to melt on his tongue raised ridiculously high expectations of sensual promise. When she looked up at him, he was smiling, and a mischievous twinkle sparkled in his eyes.

“Take your clothes off.”

“What?” She only hesitated for a second before stepping out of her skirt, and then pulling her top off over her head.

“All of them. I want you naked. It’s important that I can see everything.” He got his phone out again, ready to take more photographs.

“Will I get to come?” she asked, hesitating over removing her bra. They were still in her work place, even if the door was locked. It was easy enough to flip a skirt back into place. Less easy to dress in a hurry, if someone wanted to come in. There was still the possibility that his band mates might return to find out how things were progressing.

“And the panties,” he insisted, ignoring her question in favour of dishing out more instructions. She rather liked it when he got bossy. “Now sit on the chair.”

Alle did as he asked, or rather she perched, with her knees together and her arms folded across her front so he couldn’t see a whole lot of her.

Spook slowly circled her. His lips were pursed as he considered her pose. “Are you cold?” he asked.


“Good.” He let his fingertips brush against the top of her arm. “You wanted to come, so make yourself come. I assume you know how.”

Surely, he didn’t expect her to sit here and do it, while he watched. Even though he’d already fingered her pussy, she still felt shy at showing it off. Spook pointed the camera towards her, and she realised that not only did he absolutely intend that, but he was going to record it too.

“Spook, I’m not sure…” She sometimes touched herself in the heat of passion, if she
needed a bit of extra something to get herself off, but she’d never performed for a partner in this way. The notion filled her with nervous tingles, which only served to remind her how swollen with need her pussy already was.

Spook took hold of her hand and guided it down between her thighs. “I like that you’ve kept your curls.”

She was pleased too that she hadn’t waxed them off, as he admired them, touching the springy curls ever so lightly. The hair on her pubis was six times more fiery than that on her head, and she didn’t always like that it was quite so bright. “Spread your legs wide, so that I can see what you’re doing.” She did so, and he slipped into the space between her knees. “You’re very pink and wet.” He traced a digit around her opening, making her mewl in response. “Rub your clit. Show me how to please you.”

He watched; his focus intent upon the motion of her index finger. “That’s quite a small movement.”

“My clit’s not very big.”

“But plenty sensitive, I hope. Is this what you do if you want to come when you’re alone?”

She nodded, then changed her mind and opted for honesty. “Mostly, I use a vibrator.”

“Yeah.” He grinned showing off his teeth. “I approve of the use of toys. I’d like to see that. I don’t suppose you have it with you in your purse.”

“Sadly not.”

“That’s a pity. What if I loan you the use of my fingers?” He didn’t wait for her response, but pushed two inside of her. He curled their tips on the backward stroke, so they brushed against a sensitive spot on the inside of her sheath. Alle moaned in delight. That felt so nice. It’d be better if it was his cock rubbing against her, and stroking in and out, but she’d take whatever she could get. One thing was for certain. He knew exactly what he was doing. There was no hesitation in his movement. He seemed keyed in to all her most sensitive places. So much so that it became difficult to concentrate on his movement or the expression on his face. Her breathing swiftly became light and rapid.

Alle grasped the sides of the chair, bracing herself so that she could roll her hips in time with his thrusting. It deprived her clit of any stimulus, but it gave him a very explicit view of her pussy to photograph. Spook took numerous shots, not all of them of her sex. He seemed fascinated by the blush spreading across her chest and the high colour in her cheeks too. When he added the press of his thumb into the mix so that the pad of it rubbed over her nub as his fingers filled her up, she knew she was done for. He was going to make her come in very short order. She heard him click the camera over to video record as the first ripples of her climax flowed through her body.


Chapter Eight


Spook watched her freckled skin turn rosy, and her nipples peak. Every time her body sucked at his fingers, it gave him a further thrill. She was sprinting towards the finish and she looked so beautiful, he knew he had to capture the moment forever, so that he could relive it while they were apart.

His own arousal was a nagging ache in his loins. He ignored as best he could, but it put his stamina to the test. The only blessing was that she’d released his fly, so he wasn’t squashed tight against the unyielding fabric, but had a little bit of breathing space. The need to touch himself was almost overbearing, but he continued to fight it. Besides, relieving her need took priority.

She looked so damn perfect, and he couldn’t wait to see her explode.

“Spook…Spook,” she chanted his name, each repetition slightly less coherent than the last. He realised almost at the last moment that just seeing and hearing her wasn’t enough. Nor was the feel of her pulling on his fingers. He needed to taste her as well.

Immediately, he swept his tongue over her clit. The taste of her filled his mouth, so sweet that he had to keep on sucking and drinking her down. When it came, her orgasm burst like a firework, right in his face. Blinding him, and enfolding him. He stayed with her. His mouth over her clit, fingers deep inside her pussy until the very last pulse of her climax faded away, and she was limp against the chair back.


Chapter Nine


Alle couldn’t stop smiling. She opened her eyes, to find Spook standing over her. “You’ve a damn pretty mouth,” she told him. “And a damn pretty cock too,” though it looked kind of tender at the moment, given how red the tip of it was. She watched him breathe, mouth open, his eyes half closed, and realised he was fighting the urge to bring himself off.

BOOK: Mastered: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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