Masterpiece (The Masters of The Order Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Masterpiece (The Masters of The Order Book 1)
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She wasn’t the only one getting carried away. Jacques’s kiss intensified and Nicolai’s breath picked up. Nicolai’s erection pressed into her back as Jacques’s pressed into her belly. Both men seemed to move in time with one another and she knew it wasn’t a coincidence.

They're giving me a taste of my future.

Slipping his arms around to bring her closer, Nicolai locked her against his chest and pinned her arms at her sides. “We don’t need any of the things in this room, Beauty mine. No leather or metal can trap you as well as I can.”

He grazed her neck, his teeth scraping over the smooth column with the promise of a kiss.

Or the threat of a bite.

Feeling that hard body behind her did things to her. She was so much smaller, petite and fine-boned, and always felt alternatively protected and undefended against it. But never quite so much as right now, when Nicolai held her at his mercy and offered her to another man.

As if he could feel her body’s reaction to what he was doing, he added, “Taste her, Jacques. Taste the sweetness between her legs.”

Jacques smiled against her lips as he accepted Nicolai’s invitation. “It would be my pleasure.
J'ai le plaisir extrême

Nicolai’s grip cinched tighter, bending her off balance, as Jacques eased down her body to his knees and raised her skirt over her hips. He didn’t take it off. Hands slid up the back of her thighs beneath the fabric to cup her bottom. Somehow, she felt more vulnerable being dressed and exposed, rather than stripped naked. Jacques raised her feet off the floor and draped her legs over his shoulders.

Nicolai was right. They didn’t need any of the things surrounding them. Their bodies were restraint enough.

“Open for him, Beauty. Let him taste what is mine.” The voice was a velvet rasp. Goading, challenging, primitive, and so divinely dominant.

The first touch of Jacques’s mouth wasn’t tentative or gentle. His face came up hard between her thighs and he plied her open with a French kiss to her sex. The hot sweep of his tongue over her folds was followed by long, slow stabs in and out of her channel. He penetrated her, over and over again, drawing her essence into his mouth. Every press of his tongue went deeper, felt more intimate, as if he couldn’t get far enough inside of her.

Suspended between them, she couldn’t anchor herself and the rapture of Jacques’s mouth swept her up. It happened so fast. The frantic force of the orgasm ripped through her. No warning. No permission. No control. The tight pull inside of her body just exploded into a dripping climax. She trembled as Jacques lapped her cream off her skin.

Instead of easing her down, he increased the intensity and kept at her sex with renewed focus. Lashing at her. Licking her. Taking what he just had. The barrage of stimulation was unbearable so soon after that crushing release and her body bucked.

Both men held fast, offering no escape from the intimate kiss.

“He’s not going to stop until I say so and I have no intention of letting you go.” There was a bite in Nicolai’s voice to match his constricting grip.

Jacques continued to devour her sex, sucking and invading her with more demand. The struggle to draw breath in the tight clasp of Nicolai’s arms heightened the feeling of being defenseless against the demanding press of Jacques’s mouth. Sweat broke out over her skin and her breath labored in the vice of those steely arms. She squirmed, trying to free herself, and slipped down Nicolai’s chest.

“This body belongs to me. Do not fight him.”

The sharp command sent chills through her as Nicolai hiked her higher on his body. Jacques’s tongue never veered from its course. The second orgasm plowed through her, contorting her body in the trap of theirs.

Jacques didn’t relent. Not in the slightest. She cried out when she realized he wasn’t going to and thrust her hips up. Caught in the masterful predicament, the movement only pushed her more firmly against that wicked tongue.

The erotic onslaught continued and the coil started to wind again. She fought the urge to succumb. If she came again, she might not survive it and Nicolai hadn’t really touched her yet. Another orgasm and she would spin out of control.

There it was: the moment she lived for. The moment that defined her. It hadn’t happen when she accepted Nicolai’s offer for a ménage with Jacques or walked into Darion’s dungeon with him. It hadn’t happen when Jacques kissed her lips or her sex. It happened right now. When every instinct sought escape and she denied herself. When she chose to endure any erotic experience that Nicolai offered. When she put her trust in him and took a leap of faith.

Excitement surged up from between her legs and over her mental barricades like a tidal wave. The rush ripped the demure lady from the moorings of her self-control and thrust her forcefully into the shadowed lusts that lurked within her. Her cry of abandon echoed off the stone walls.

“There’s my girl. Surrender to me and I will never let you fall.” Nicolai’s voice was edged with masculine pride.

She went boneless, tears of release falling from her eyes as all the resistance spilled from her body. Jacques’s groan of approval sent vibrations deep into her. His lips seized her throbbing bud and sucked hard. The sensation consumed her. She’d thought Jacques was talented before, but the devouring pulls of his mouth blew her mind. His fingers pushed into her, seeking her other magical bundle of girl nerves, and began to swipe over it. The pleasure soared.

“I’m still going to punish you for the other two, but this one is mine. Give it to me, Beauty.”

The sound of Nicolai’s command overpowered even Jacques’s talented touch and she flew apart between her two lovers. Without reserve or ego or shame. She jerked and shuddered with the exhilaration that came from freeing the wildness in her, rather than controlling it. This place demanded that freedom. There were no limitations here. And even though this was only the beginning of their scene, she gave everything inside over to the release.

When she opened her eyes, she was staring up at the iron grid over the bed. Nicolai was underneath her. She couldn’t remember lying down. She couldn’t remember Jacques removing her clothes either, but she was as naked as the day she was born and he was standing over her with her dress in his hand.

“I think we handled the tasting part pretty well. Let’s see what we can do about the fucking. Come here, kitten.”

He pulled her off Nicolai, circled around to the side of the bed and scooted into the center. He removed his shirt and unbuttoned his leather pants. The ones she knew he wore for her. His head turned to her, the copper gaze latching on with a carnal intent. The look was dirty, dangerous and one of the sexiest damn things she’d ever seen. He patted the mattress beside him.

She climbed onto the bed, very conscious of Nicolai watching every move, and crawled to Jacques. She knelt in front of him, but didn’t touch him. The room may have been a bit of a shock, but Nicolai didn’t bring her here completely unprepared. He explained that Jacques was a more formal Dom who enjoyed strict protocol. Most importantly, he told her what Jacques disliked. Touching him without permission would insult him.

Nicolai didn’t command her to become something she wasn’t for Jacques, only asked her to respect his preferences when they were together. Even though the formal behavior was new to her, it felt natural. To her mind, showing respect to Jacques was equivalent to showing respect to Nicolai and everything she did was about pleasing Nicolai.

“Aren’t you going to touch me, kitten?” Jacques asked, testing her.

“Only if you give me permission, sir.” She dared a quick glance into those intense eyes.

Jacques smiled. “Very nice,
mon chaton
. I think before you punish her, Nico, we should reward her good behavior. Ask him if you’re allowed to come while I fuck you, kitten.”

“Nicolai, may I come while Jacques fucks me?”

The instant obedience sent a shockwave through Jacques and she felt his arousal spike.

With an amused chuckle, Nicolai answered. “When you put it that way, Beauty, how can I refuse? Yes, please do. As many times as you’d like.”

Nicolai reclined at the end of the bed to watch with pride glittering in those amazing crystal eyes.

“Lucky fucking bastard,” Jacques cursed him.

Nicolai laughed. She shivered.

“Put your hands on the back of your neck and straddle me.”

It was hard to balance with her hands on her neck, but she managed to straddle Jacques’s thighs without falling into him. His hands ran over her, exploring her body. He started with her hair, combing his fingers through it, and stroked her face. He lifted her chin with one hand while the other dragged behind her ear, under her jaw, down the slope of neck, along her collarbone, feeling the skin, measuring the contours of her frame. Warm breath fell over her body as the probing caress covered every curve. When he touched her between the legs, her arousal shot to dangerous heights.

Jacques slapped her breast, throwing her off the track to a lovely lurking orgasm. “What do you have permission to do?” he snapped.

What? Oh. What did Nicolai give me permission to do?

“I have permission to come.”


“While you fuck me, sir.”

“Am I fucking you now?”

. “No, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”

He slapped her breast again and returned his attention to her clit. This time he added a bit of pain to his play and it only made her need to orgasm stronger. She started to tremble, doing everything she could to fight off the mounting urge. She wanted to beg him for it, but Nicolai said Jacques only allowed his subs to speak when spoken to. Jacques wasn’t talking, so she kept quiet.

What Jacques was doing was studying her, dissecting her with those liquid fire eyes, as if she was the most fascinating object he’d ever encountered. Nicolai’s focus was intense, but Jacques took it to a whole different level. For Nicolai, she was a piece of art; for Jacques, a pleasure object. There for his pleasure.

As Jacques continued to explore her body, her mind fell into sync with this new type of power exchange. She was quite sure that if she didn’t belong to Nicolai, those orgasms Jacques so skillfully gave would have come at a much higher price. She steeled her determination that nothing about her would displease him and focused on her posture. Her arms ached, her thighs muscles felt like they would snap and the tension inside threatened to rip her to shreds, but she maintained control.

For Jacques.

Bien, mon petite chatte sexy

Jacques gripped her hip and guided the tip of his erection to her entrance. Moving a hand to her bottom to hold her up, he pulled one leg around his waist, then the other, before letting her weight fall over his waiting cock. The second he filled her, she came.

Merci, monsieur. Ooohhh. Merci

“You may touch me, kitten,” Jacques offered as he thrust into her.

Her hands speared into his black hair and her face dropped into the crook of his neck. He smelled delicious, like she remembered. Her tongue licked that delectable scent off his pale skin. Her body was liquid, helpless with pleasure, as he worked her over his hard length, burrowing as deep inside as he could go.

The position was so intimate. Their bodies entwined, cheek to cheek, chest to chest, breath to breath. Jacques enveloped her in the possessive embrace. Strong hands dictated each movement, lifting her and easing her down, controlling the pace to make her feel every amazing sensation as he took her.

The undeniable magnetism of the man inside her invaded every sense. Something flickered. An emotion that felt curiously like love, but not quite. Whatever it was, it felt right, beautiful, like something she wanted to keep long after this scene was over.

The feeling made her think of Nicolai. She rested her head on Jacques’s shoulder and looked to Nicolai though half-opened lids. Those hypnotic eyes burned with an intensity that spoke volumes. Nicolai loved Jacques, trusted him implicitly. They shared a lifelong bond and now, that bond extended to her. The sexual chemistry arched between the three of them like a live wire. The connection was deep-rooted and downright combustive. If there had been sheets on that leather bed, they would have burst into flame.

As her body rose and fell with the force of his, Jacques whispered, “Come on,
. One more. Just for me.”

She held tight and let herself go. As her inner muscles squeezed with orgasm, Jacques climaxed with her. Her eyes never left Nicolai.

“Gorgeous,” Nicolai murmured and moved to stand at the side of the bed.

She was wrung out, draped over Jacques with barely the energy to blink, but when Nicolai unzipped his pants and freed his erection, adrenaline shot through her blood. His hand gripped the base and still a few inches remained exposed. So incredible. So male. So delicious.

Hunger charged between them as though they’d never touched, never been intimate before this moment. Her mouth watered as she advanced on him. As soon as she was within reach, he tangled a hand in her hair and with the other hand still on his cock, guided it to her mouth.

Simmering eyes told her Nicolai wasn’t going to be gentle.

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