Master's Milking Cow (3 page)

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Authors: Faye Parker

BOOK: Master's Milking Cow
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"Hey, I'm going to need some new clothes. The old ones don't fit."

"No problem. We'll send someone up to help you right away."

They left me.

I leaned back against the cushions and started to stroke my sensitive pussy. If they weren’t going to do it, I would do it myself.

It seemed like I wasn’t the one really in control quite yet. They still answered to the real boss.

I would have to see him again.

Maybe once he had a taste, he would fall for me like those two had, because Sean Riggs was the one I really wanted. Those two were just some fun and some major release. I wanted the boss.

The next afternoon, they knocked on my door again. I was prepared. My breasts, feeling fuller, ached, knowing they were going to get milked. They produced more to please. But they didn’t step in. They remained outside the door. I could tell how they still had their sunglasses on that we were leaving the resort.

“Time to go.”

“Go where?”

“Go meet Master Riggs and the others. It’s time to bring you to the farm.”

“Farm," I muttered.

I forgot they called it a farm. I guess in this situation, I was the cow? I
the one milking.

I didn’t know if I really liked that idea. I wasn’t much of a farm girl. I hoped this was some sort of luxury ranch. It seemed that staying at the luxury resort for free had made me a little spoiled. Whatever it was, I owed it to myself to check it out at least. If I didn’t like it, I always had the option of leaving, right?

“One second, let me slip into something else,” I said. I was only in the towel again.

Chad and Jeremy nodded.

“We prepared for that.”

They headed inside and sat on the bed, flipping through the TV stations as I tried to pick something from my limited wardrobe.

“Doesn’t matter what you wear. They’re going to have clothes once we get there,” Jeremy called out.

I still didn’t want to arrive looking like a mess. Most of my new clothes didn’t fit me around my chest, but I still had one dress that I could wear. I pulled it over me. There was a low cut to it, revealing a lot of cleavage, and it fit snugly around my curves, and tighter around my chest. I wouldn’t be able to wear a bra, either.

It wouldn’t be appropriate to wear this out, but since I was sure that this luxury farm was all about breasts, I figured it would do.

I put on my high heels and stepped out to show the men.

They jumped to their feet, ready to drop to the ground and worship me. It was pretty funny. One second, they were annoyed by me wasting their time by getting dressed, but as soon as I stepped out in that tight fitting outfit, they were grateful.

“All right, time well spent.”

Chad slapped his friend on the shoulder. “We better get a raise for this.”

Then he turned to me. “Ready? I don’t think you’ll be coming back here, so take everything you need.”

I hurriedly packed my small suitcase. I didn’t bring much with me, and most of it didn’t fit now. Maybe after this potion wore off, I could salvage my wardrobe, but for now, I was rolling with one dress to my name, a sexy dress, but still, one dress.

“Ready,” I said, then they escorted me out of the building. A limo waited. I knew it must’ve been mine as soon as I saw it from the lobby. Did these guys ever go anywhere without flaunting their money? For now, I would take advantage of it. I wasn’t necessarily a rich girl growing up, so this was a welcome change for once.

They held the door for me then headed inside the comfortable, spacious limo.

“It’s not a long drive,” Chad said.

“Drink?” Jeremy asked.

“What time is? Like eleven in the morning?”

“Yes,” Chad said, popping the champagne bottle.

Jeremy grabbed glasses for both of them and handed one to me.

“They say that drinking a little alcohol can help with lactating.”

“I don’t think I need help with that.”

“No,” Chad said. “Not with us around.”

Jeremy took a hearty sip, licked his lips, and then leaned back. “But what happens when we’re not there? What happens when you need to do it yourself?”

“I - uh….you guys are getting me nervous.”

“You should be a little nervous. That shows you care.”

“You know what this is all about, right?”

“Milk,” I said. I knew that much.

The magic word brought their eyes to my cleavage. I leaned back. I held out my hand for a glass of champagne. I took a sip. It was nice and sweet and went down easy. If it wasn’t a long drive, I wouldn’t drink much. Besides, I wanted to be on top of my game for when I met Mr. Riggs.

“That’s pretty much it. These men and women are very rich, but not just rich, very powerful. They’re searching for the best milking cow.”

“We think you might be it.”

“So you guys get a cut of the profits?” I asked. I felt a little betrayed if they had another motive.

“Yes, we do, and sometimes, we get the first taste for ourselves. Not often, but lucky us in your case. It’s an added incentive. Don’t get us wrong, we love our job. We also like you.”

I blushed and turned away for a moment, watching as the limo drove up a long mountain with the most beautiful white rocks. The drop lead to the ocean, splashing its mist which almost reached me.

“Whatever girls we handle, we get a cut of their profits.”

“Sounds a lot like pimping.”

Jeremy chuckled, but looked dismissive, staring into his empty glass. Chad waved at me and muttered, “Give me a break.”

“It’s not pimping at all. Every girl here chooses to be here. They’re offering a service. These men and women will pay a hefty amount for the right pet. They want one that can give them healthy, delicious milk, and they want a lot of it.”

“Once we get there, we’ll see if you belong in this type of life.”

“What about Riggs? I thought this was all for him.”

“Oh, Master Riggs doesn’t choose any girls for himself. At times, he’ll have a sample taste, but that’s as far as he goes. As far as I know, he doesn’t mix business with pleasure. That’s what makes him the best.”

And I guess that’s what makes you two second best?

That stung. I could feel myself sink, a fog covering me once they told me that Mr. Riggs wouldn’t be involved. I only went along with this because I thought it might lead somewhere with him. He was intriguing. I wasn’t saying I was in love with the guy, but I definitely wanted to know more, and stepping through all these hoops, I thought maybe I could have a dinner with him at least.

I’m not sure if that was how it was going to go. It sounded like they were going to auction me off to the highest bidder.

I finished my champagne. It didn’t help me relax.

“Will he be there at least?”

“Oh yeah, he’ll be there.”

“He’s looking forward to seeing you."

That helped.

My purpose for being their renewed, I handed back the glass and waited for our arrival.



Driving down a long private road with lush jungle surrounding it, we came to a giant gate, security cameras plastered all over it. One of the cameras swiveled, staying on the car, then the gates opened. It revealed something that looked like it was out of the middle of America, a far reaching plain of green grass. The green branched out for miles then dipped down a hill. The car drove down the pastures, then headed over the hill to reveal an estate, a complex of buildings that looked like it could house an army, only these were all domestic buildings, architectural works of art.

“We’re going to drop you off with the others.”

“The others?”

They laughed. They could be real dicks.

“Yeah, did you think you were going to be alone?”

“There will be many girls to choose from. You’re one of many.”

“Does every girl get picked?”

“No, not every one. Sometimes they perform horribly."

Jeremy leaned closer to me. “Don’t be one of them. We’re counting on you.”

“You’re really something special. If you open up, and let yourself go, you’ll be the finest prize we’ve ever offered.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, not sure how I felt about being anyone’s prize just yet.

My breasts panged. As we approached the first mansion on the right, I checked out Jeremy and Chad, running my eyes over their slick, chiseled bodies. I was getting terribly horny being stuck with them. My breasts' nagging, quiet this morning, came back with a vengeance.

They weren’t going to stop aching, or stop producing, until I lactated. That strange sensation pushed from my chest. I thought I might start leaking.

Maybe I could ask them to help my milking before we headed in?

That was an absurd suggestion.

I couldn’t believe what this trip did to me. I was now about to ask for my tits to be sucked in the back of a limo.

I decided to shut up. I needed to show some restraint. Besides, Chad and Jeremy looked preoccupied. The limo came to a stop. I looked to the left, noticing the long rows of barn yards. They had small ponds nearby with fountains and concrete walking paths leading to them. They weren’t the typical American barn. These were more like high class lofts.

Jeremy got out and held the door open.

“I think the girls are all at the pool. Let’s get you changed, yeah?”

My worry about being placed with other girls quickly faded once he said "pool". I loved pools, but never got to swim in them much. I would get to as a kid, going over my aunt and uncle’s place, but they lived more than an hour away. It might’ve been childish, but I couldn’t wait to jump in. It was a beautiful day, clear with a brief, cool wind.

“OK, come with me. Chad is going to go get things set up, register you and everything.”

I followed Jeremy into the foyer, a gigantic space with a massive chandelier and staircase. We didn’t stay for long. I hurried to catch up to him, already hearing the music and the girl chatter echoing from the pool. He led me into a room that looked like a theater costume room, except this had every sort of outfit in every sort of size that you could imagine, and they all looked stunning.

“Go wild. I suggest a bathing suit right now. Once you’re done, you can go hang out with the girls. We’ll be back in a couple hours. Good luck, make us proud,” Jeremy said, and then he gave me a wink and shut the door.

I didn’t say anything. I was too into the clothes to say anything.

I ransacked the place. The first couple rows looked like something you would wear to a fancy dinner. It wasn’t appropriate, but I still wanted to look. I was probably in there for twenty minutes, wandering around in a daze until I found a bathing suit.

This was a one piece monokini that would fit me perfectly. I got dressed and then put it on, loving how my breasts were freed for a moment. Having them pressed against my black dress was starting to get to me. Now with this outfit, I had room to breathe.

I turned around, glancing at my ass, round and plump and poking far out. Wow, I really did have a big booty. Thankfully, it was nice and tight from my sporadic exercise, just enough to keep it tight.

I could’ve stayed in that room for hours, but I knew I should get out and look at my competition. Besides, I hadn't forgotten about swimming.

When I stepped out from that wondrous room, I heard someone say, “Look at those perfect breasts. I hope you’re ready for this. Are you ready?”

That was a strange conversation. Being nosy, I decided to sneak down the hallway to see what was going on. I peered inside, seeing a man with a whip and a young, pretty girl standing there naked before him. They were in a lounge area, but no one else was inside. Everyone else was in the pool.

I pulled away, thinking that I should move on. I didn’t want to disturb whatever was going on, but then I needed to look again.

That girl had huge breasts for her size. I couldn't look away.

She was petite, but had the most luscious, creamy breasts I’d ever seen. I wasn’t a lesbian, but I had to admit that this girl was sexy. I peered from the doorway, checking that small, hot pixie out.

Was this my competition?

If so, I was in trouble.

Her trainer asked her again, “Are you ready, Lexi?”

“Ready, Sir,” she said.

“We’re going to see how ready you are,” he said, and then he commanded her to turn around.

When she turned, she showed off her ass, a cow tail swaying above it. She bent over, knowing what would come next. Her trainer gave her a swat with the whip. She yelped.

“No, we’re not doing that. I’m too horny for that. I want you right now,” he said, and then he approached her from behind, spreading her legs, and running his fingers over her.

She sprung against his back. Her body twisted and resisted, but he held her, putting one hand over her neck firmly but delicately, keeping her pinned against him as he played with her pussy. I was getting wet and excited watching this. I really hoped they wouldn’t notice me. I might not be able to stay due to my embarrassment if they turned around and saw me perving out.

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