Master's Milking Cow

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Authors: Faye Parker

BOOK: Master's Milking Cow
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Master's Milking Cow


Master’s Milking Cow


When that man sat down next to me, I knew my flight would be interesting. I didn’t expect it to be much more than that, but maybe I should’ve. Sean Riggs was different from anything I’d ever known, far different. I should’ve known he would pick up on my curiosity. He picked up on everything. But at that time, he was something unknown.

With his slick, perfectly groomed hair, and his suit and leather briefcase, he screamed money. That wasn’t what shocked me. It was his smell. It got my attention. It got more than that, it sucked me in, making me want to crawl into his lap and lick it off him. It was that alluring.

Whatever he had on, I didn’t want to ask how much it cost, but by the end of the ride, I wanted to figure out what it was. Maybe I could find a cheaper alternative somewhere.

Trying to control my excitement over meeting this unique stranger, I gave him a pleasant, small smile, and then reclined in my seat and looked forward. That wasn’t enough for him. He reclined with me, and then looked over at me, and despite having an elderly woman in the seat next to me, began to talk with blunt earnestness.

“You’re a beautiful girl. What do you do for a living?”

“Oh, thanks. Right now I’m unemployed. I’m going back home.”

What was this guy’s deal? Did he think I was going fall for him because he reeked of money? I decided to just take it as a compliment. I gave him another sly smile. I wanted to know what his story was. My story wasn’t that exciting. I moved from Romania to the United States, moving in with one of my cousins in the middle of nowhere. My family broke apart, some of them living in Romania, while some lived in the United States.

I thought it would be an adventure. Not only an adventure, but I thought I would be pulling in a bigger paycheck than in Romania. It turned out I was wrong on both counts. This man who sat next to me was the most interesting person I saw on my entire trip.

“I could have a job for you,” he said, not skipping a beat. He remembered that we weren’t introduced. He brought his hand over to me, firm, yet smooth, and shook it. I warmed up immediately to this stranger. A tingle passed through my body, one that I fought to not turn into a full on shiver.

He knew his way around women, that was for sure. This man showed no fear.

“My name is Sean Riggs.”

“Gwen. Really? A job for me? It wouldn’t happen to be in Romania would it?”

The woman next to me huffed and peered over at us. She must’ve thought this conversation just as strange. I didn’t blame her.

“Afraid not. Is that where you’re headed, Romania? Gwen doesn’t sound very Romanian to me.”

“We moved there when I was little.”

“Moving from the States to Romania. Interesting. Why were you in the States?”

“Thought it would be better for me. I was actually making more and having more fun in Romania. I shouldn’t have left.”

“That’s a shame,” he said. Then he flashed his wicked smile at me. I knew I needed to be careful around this guy. He was the type used to taking advantage, but I was confident in myself, and I decided to just go along with our flirting, thinking nothing of it other than a good time. We were flirting weren’t we? I was trying to hide my smiling, but he wouldn’t let me go.

“Maybe you didn’t stay with the right people,” he said, then took out a business card from his wallet. When he handed it to me, I got a very American Psycho vibe.

“This is where you work?”

“Yes, it’s an interesting organization. We could use a girl like you.”

I read the card. It didn’t make much sense to me. “Cowgirls Inc,” it read.

“I’m not sure what you do exactly.”

“Like I said, it’s interesting. Basically, we serve high end clients.”

That was vague. The woman next to me decided to look out the plane window in order to remove herself from the conversation.

I got the impression that this man was one shady character. He was trying to lead me on. I’d never before been approached like this, so alarms sounded. In hindsight, I was right, but I wouldn’t have done anything different if I knew the truth.

“You want excitement, you want an adventure, and you want to get paid well, you give that number a call. Or I’ll be here for the whole flight. I’m not going anywhere.”

Sean Riggs eventually broke me.

There was a stop in Britain. I was supposed to get on another flight to go to Romania, instead I went on the flight with Mr. Riggs. He was happy to pay for my ticket, and he also said he would put me in the finest hotel he could find once we reached our destination, Capri.



Sean wasn’t bluffing.

After a long talk in a private limo, in which he talked about the sights and dropped hints about taking me to each, he dropped me off at a hotel, a majestic palace as far as I was concerned, nothing I could’ve afforded to stay at if I saved my whole annual income. He left me to take care of business. He said he needed to check on the farm, which wasn’t too far from the resort. Farm? I wasn’t following. Why would billionaires want to be involved with a farm when they could have a luxury hotel near the beach?

Before I could get an answer, he sped off. He must’ve called in advance, because when I arrived, I was treated like royalty. I got scared that I might have to tip some of the workers. If I did, they would probably require a huge tip, but they told me it was OK, that Mr. Riggs paid them before, and everything was “on the house.”

Left on my own, I took advantage of my free stay, my only requirement being to take a small dose of some liquid left on my bed stand every afternoon. I wasn’t sure what the deal was with that, but when I took it, I didn’t notice any after effects and it went down smooth. It was a strange request, but if I got to stay at this luxury hotel for free, I wasn’t going to complain. I shrugged and figured that it was a complimentary drink, maybe something local that I didn’t understand.

The next couple days were spent sunbathing and drinking by the beach, waiting for the inevitable dream vacation to vanish. I thought it would end much sooner, but I was right in thinking that my relaxation couldn’t last forever.

I received a knock on my door in the early afternoon, which I had grown accustomed to waking up at since I could sleep in. When I opened the door, two tall men with slick, identical haircuts entered.

“How are you, Gwen?”

“Enjoying your stay?”

“Yes,” I said, confused. Who were these men? I got the feeling that I had been duped. Maybe they would extort the money from me somehow.

“Have you been taking the drink every day? We work for Master Riggs.”

“Oh, yes, I have. What is that drink, anyway?”

“Actually, that’s why we’re here, to determine it’s effectiveness, and to make sure you’ve been keeping up with your doses.”

“I don’t understand.”

The two looked like models. One was blond, the other had dark auburn hair, but both had identical haircuts and fine sculpted features. They were quite handsome, and because they reminded me of doctors, were alluring and mysterious.

I couldn’t pinpoint why I needed to take that drink.

It sounded like they were drugging me.

“May we inspect one of your bras?”

This was too weird.

“You want to inspect one of my bras? How do I know that you’re even involved with Mr. Riggs?”

The one with the brown hair nodded with a smirk. “My name’s Jeremy. Master Riggs thought you would say that.”

Do they really call him "Master" all of the time?

Mr. Blond smiled at me as well. “Name’s Chad.”

Jeremy flipped out his cell phone. It took him a second to play the message. Mr. Rigg’s undeniable voice played.

“Hi, Gwen. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person. I’m very busy running things over at the farm, making sure our guests are having the best possible stay. I hope you understand. Jeremy and Chad are capable of handling everything in my stead. I want you to listen to everything that they tell you. It’s important that you follow all of their advice as you prepare to work for us. Thanks, I hope to see you soon. It’ll be a challenge, but the prize will definitely be worth it. I hope you’re enjoying your vacation. It's just a little taste of what we have in store for you.”

This was just a taste?

What did these men want with me exactly? It sounded like I was competing. But I trusted Mr. Riggs, at least for the time being. If these guys wanted to check out my bra, let them. It wasn’t the end of the world. I weighed my options - be hired by a billionaire, or not let someone check out my bra?

“Go ahead,” I said, and I searched through my closet and handed it to Jeremy.

“Thanks,” he said, and he picked it up and dangled it over his eyes to inspect it. Chad inspected it with him, running his fingers over it. I got a strange sensation in my breasts as they played with it, almost like they were touching me. I squeezed my thighs tight to stop my reaction.

“Have you noticed any changes? Physical changes?” Chad asked.

“No, should I?”

“Yes, you might notice a change. If you run into any problems, talk to the front desk and they can ring us. We don’t expect any problems. We’ll be back in a week.”

"Wait, what kind of physical changes?"

Jeremy dangled the bra on the tip of his fingers. "What kind of changes do you think?"

He handed me back the bra.

I got the hint. There might be side effects to whatever I was taking, changes that might make my breasts sensitive. I knew that was a common side effect of some medication.

"What is it? Some kind of local drink I've got to drink?" I asked.

They laughed in unison. "Yeah, it’s local all right," they said, and then they left me to my dream vacation again.

The next week flew by. The first couple days, I forgot about their visit to my room, and everything went back to normal. Then I started to notice my body changing. My breasts started to ache. I thought maybe it was cramps, but that wasn’t it. Still, I kept taking the liquid on Mr. Rigg’s orders.

Near the end of the week, the aching stopped, but my breasts swelled. They felt a lot heavier. The day before Chad and Jeremy were set to arrive for another check up, I couldn’t fit into my old bra and I needed to buy a new one. My breasts were terribly sensitive. I couldn’t sleep that night, so I decided to head down to the front desk.

“Hi, I’d like to talk to Chad and Jeremy.”

I thought about how weird it was for me to say this to a stranger, but at once she dialed the number and handed me the phone.

Jeremy picked up on the other end. “Hello, who is this?”

How could I explain this without embarrassing myself, because my new predicament certainly was embarrassing. One of the side effects to this medicine they gave me must’ve been breast enlargement. I couldn’t think of any other reason why my breasts ballooned in a week. I thought they might get more sensitive, but I didn't expect myself to jump bra sizes.

“I’m experiencing some physical symptoms like you said.”

“Great,” he said. Great? No, it was the opposite of great.

“We’ll be over tomorrow to check on your progress, but this is great news.”

His voice faded out.

“No, wait -” I said, but then he was already gone.

Great news?

I was confused. I decided to simply wait and talk to them tomorrow.

I certainly wasn’t going to call back. I had enough for the day. Tomorrow we could talk face to face. I was sure they weren’t going to think my aching, enlarged breasts were a “great problem”.

I might have been a little naive.



There was a knock on my door in the morning. I woke with even heavier breasts than the day before. I thought there might be some reprieve, but no, they just kept growing. By now, I was freaking out, so when I opened the door and saw one of the workers pushing a cart with the liquid on it, I turned them away.

“They said I can’t leave until you take it,” she said.

I didn’t want to get her in trouble.

“Fine.” I took the cart and closed the door, but I didn’t drink it. They would have to explain what was happening before I took another sip.

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