Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Turning Point: BBW Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance
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Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Other Books By Harmony Raines

Turning Point


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All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.  

© 2014 Harmony Raines

Silver Moon Erotica

Kindle Edition



Chapter One

“You’re sure this is not going to get me into trouble?”

“Believe me; it will be like you’re invisible in there.” Rob almost sneered, as he looked Faith up and down.

“OK. But I don’t like it, I don’t like it one bit.”

“That’s because you’re a goody two shoes Faith, always have been. I can’t believe you and Stan have the same mother.”

Faith didn’t either, they were so different. Her brother Stan had been in and out of trouble since the day he could walk. As he got older, the trouble got bigger, and more dangerous. She had always given him some sympathy, thinking that it was because he had grown up without a male role model. Now the older he got the more he wanted to live up to his loser dad’s reputation.

Being younger, Faith had watched her mom cry in despair over the fate of her only son. It had affected Faith, and left her with a need to do everything in her power to spare her mom worrying over her daughter too.

Stupid thing was it was clear to Faith that, despite everything, Stan was her mom’s favourite. Her mom always talked about Stan. She praised him the odd times he was good, and looked the other way when he got in trouble.

Faith had come to realise, at the tender age of ten, that nothing she achieved would ever really mean much to those closest to her. Her teachers might have been cheering her on when she won the spelling bee, but no one from her family had bothered to attend.

She had buried her disappointment, making excuse after excuse for them, rather than admit they simply did not care. Her childhood had left her scarred, in a way she could not see for herself. Not once did she stop and look at how she allowed others to treat her. When Stan, or Rob, asked her to do them a favour, she always obliged. Wanting more than anything for them to accept her, in any small way.

So this was why she was standing here now, about to do something she was sure she would regret. Because when Rob asked her to do anything, it usually meant she should turn and run the other way. It was a life lesson Faith seemed determined not to learn.

She sighed, wanting to get this over with, Rob’s words still filling her brain. Of course, she would be invisible. Hadn’t she been her whole life?

He pulled the door open and went in, expecting her to follow, and of course she did. It was the same routine she had followed all her life, Rob or her brother clicked their fingers and she jumped. Although the reasons for this were mixed up in Faith’s head, her loyalty to Stan always won. She told herself it was because they were siblings, and she loved him. In reality, she was slowly beginning to dread the drama that went along with his stupid escapades.

Rob? Well he was a different story. Growing up he had practically lived at their house, his dad was always working, and his mom was gone. Faith had never found out where or why. Rob had been her idol throughout her teenage years, and then at the age of eighteen he had given her what he liked to call a pity shag, and taken her virginity. Taken might not be the right word, she had given it more than freely. He hadn’t complained much at the time, but since then he had used it against her on more than one occasion, and tonight was no different.

Strange thing was, Faith was an intelligent young woman, yet she could not say no to the two rogues in her life even though they treated her like shit. Despite all her concerns her body still reacted when he was close, longing to be the woman who could tame him.

They went inside, and Rob headed over to the bar, and although heads turned to watch him, nothing else happened, and she began to relax a little. He had the right colours on his back; he was one of them, in the smallest way possible. Stan and Rob had spent months trying to become a Prospect, wanting to one day be initiated into the ways of the motorcycle club.

Faith hoped if their dream finally came true that they would have a purpose, no matter how small. Deep down she hoped they would find some kind of leader to follow, a strong man to guide them. She knew it was too much to hope they would stay out of trouble, but she was an optimist at heart.

“Whisky,” Rob said to the guy behind the bar.

With a scathing look at the odd couple in front of him the bar man turned around to get the bottle. He poured it out into a glass that looked none too clean, and slid it to Rob. Invisible, Faith got nothing other than a reminder of what he wanted her to do.

“That’s the office over there.” He pointed to a corridor at the back of the bar. “Go to the bathroom next to it, and then slip inside the office when you come out. The leader, Snake, is over there playing pool. No one will take any notice.”

Faith eyed up the guy. “Snake, not exactly a flattering name.”

Rob laughed, “Apparently it is. Has to do with what’s in his pants. Not that you’ll have to worry about that.”

His comments made Faith go red with embarrassment. She was not experienced where men were concerned, and Rob knew that. He always went out of his way to make her feel awkward, about her body.

“And what is it exactly you’re trying to do here?” Faith asked, knowing she would not get a straight answer. Part of her was glad about that, she was certain she would not like it if she did.

“You are doing Stan a huge favour. It’s part of his initiation, and he kinda screwed up. Doing this is his final chance.” Rob took the whisky back in one slug. “And you know how much it means to him.”

“Why do you even want to be part of something like this?” Faith looked around the small bar. It was not what she imagined a MC club hangout to be like. It simply felt like a seedy bar, and she was having second thoughts about how good this was going to be for Stan. There were about twenty men in there altogether, most sitting around drinking beer, some playing pool. The only good thing about the place was that it seemed quiet, not something she usually associated with Stan and Rob. They normally went for raucous bars with women showing too much flesh.

“We just do. Now get on with what I asked you to do, and then you can leave.”

Faith got up, “Thanks for the drink,” she said sarcastically to Rob, wondering what the hell she had ever seen in him.

“You’re welcome,” he said, lifting his empty glass in a toast and then placing it down with a sharp rap onto the bar.

She looked around, spotting what she thought must be the bathroom and headed that way, her bag hitched up on her shoulder. As she opened the door to the ladies’ room, she noted another along the corridor. That must be where Rob meant for her to go.

Quickly checking her reflection in the mirror she screwed up her face at the image staring back at her. The skirt was too short for her round thighs and the top Rob had insisted she wore showed off her bra underneath it. In short, she looked like a whore, a piece of trash asking for trouble.

“Let’s get it done, and get home,” she said to herself, and opened the door wide enough to look out. Still no one around, they were all still in the bar. Slowly she slid out and headed to the other door. The room behind it was in darkness, there was no sound, and more importantly no voices other than those in the bar behind her.

Her hand was trembling by the time she placed it on the door handle. Whatever she was doing, she suspected it was wrong, and she would come off worse from this than either Stan or Rob. Pushing gently until the door was open enough for her to go inside, she stepped forward. There was nothing for it, either go in, or go home.

Once safely inside she let out the long breath she was holding. Silently pushing the door closed, she took a moment to look around. Just as Rob had told her, there was a desk, not very tidy, but then she had not come here to find something. Instead she pulled the jacket Rob had given her out of her bag, and headed to the other side of the desk. She pulled the chair out a little, and placed the leathers over the back of it.

At this moment, two things happened. First, she glanced down at the image on the back of the jacket, was it her imagination, or was it different to those worn by Rob and the other bikers in the bar. Secondly, the noise level out in the bar rose considerably. All hell was about to break loose.

Faith hesitated, a moment too long. Should she take the jacket, or leave it? Out of her depth, and out of time, there was nothing she could do. Cringing, she stood her ground as the door flew open, hitting the wall behind it with a loud bang. There stood Snake, now the most menacing man she had ever had the misfortune to meet. If Ron and Stan had intimidated her, then this guy was way out of their small time league. Stan and Rob were bullies, this guy meant business, and by the look of him, that business was bad.

“Who the hell are you?” he asked, his big muscled frame filling her only escape route.

“No one.” That was the truth.

“Good, because no one is allowed in here when I’m not present.” It was not meant to be a joke.

“I’m sorry, it wasn’t locked and I took a wrong turn.” Silence. Faith tried to fill in the gap in conversation, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. “From the bathroom.” There was something about this guy, it scared her to death, but made her feel alive all at the same time.

“In here the door does not need a lock. All my brothers know the consequences of stepping out of line.”

“Your brothers.” She repeated, wondering how many he had.

“Yes. All the people out there.” Snake indicated with his head, jerking it towards the bar. “All except one. And he’s run away.”

Her face paled. She knew he meant Rob, and she also knew she had been set up. Now she stood here at the mercy of this man. And she did not know if mercy was in his vocabulary. She had to think fast.

“Well, I’ll get out of your way. Sorry to have intruded, I won’t do it again.”

It took all her courage to take that first step towards him, surely he would move out of her way. What could a man like this want with a curvy girl like her? Invisible, that was how Rob described her, now she wished it were true. Or did she? The nearness of him, the smell of his body, all man, it was insane but she felt more of a woman in that one moment than she had her whole life.

His eyes were on her, moving up and down her body, taking in the swell of her breasts, visible through the sheer material of her clothes, and then down to rest at the hem of her too short skirt. An incredible heat built in her. Maybe she should act like a wanton woman, offer herself to him, this once in a lifetime chance to be desirable and free. For him to have his way with her, and what a wicked way that would be.

She closed her eyes for a moment, the room swaying around her. When she opened them again she had pushed those thoughts away, she needed to play it safe, just like she always did.

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