Mate Dance

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #Fantasy, #m/m romance

BOOK: Mate Dance
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Mate Dance

Dragon Men Series

Book III

Amber Kell

Published by Silver Publishing

Publisher of Erotic Romance


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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Devin Govaere

Mate Dance © 2011 Amber Kell

ISBN # 9781920502188

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To my fans who believe in the magic of dragons.

Mate Dance

Amber Kell


Raven's muscles ached, but it was a good ache as he

stood beneath the stage lights. Sweat poured down his

leanly muscled torso as he gasped for breath, desperately

trying to refill lungs emptied by his exertion. Still panting,

he gave a low bow to the screaming audience and flinched

as a rose smacked him in the face.

Fucking thorns.

Despite his stinging cheek, he flashed the crowd his

megawatt stage smile, the one he'd perfected as a four-year-

old dancing sensation.

Raven waved a hand to indicate the other dancers

and, as the audience continued to clap, made a discreet exit

off the stage.

"You were amazing." A starry eyed ingénue batted

her lashes at him. Why she bothered he didn't know. It was

a universally known fact he liked men. She was probably

one of those women who thought they could be the one to

convert him to the other side.

"Want to go out for a bite to eat?" she asked,

confident now that she'd caught his attention

Yep, she was one of those.

"Sorry, my sweet, I'm exhausted. I'm going to


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

change and get to bed."

"Sure." Her face fell, and Raven had to rein in his

instinct to try and make her feel better. Experience proved

consoling women now led to awkward situations later.

He still had a restraining order out on the last one.

He patted the girl on her back and all but ran to his

dressing room. Once safe behind a locked door, he threw

himself down on the couch.

"I need a vacation," Raven said to the empty room.

For the past twenty years, Raven had done nothing but

dance. He'd spent his first few years as a prodigy fighting

to get noticed, and then his next few as a young star

struggling to get the best roles. Now at the age of twenty-

four, he was the most sought after dancer in the galaxy. He

could write his own check, but right now he was just tired.

Bone tired.

Although this last production had been technically

and physically challenging, Raven knew he'd lost some of

his fire. The critics and the audience never noticed, but

Raven felt something lacking on the inside. In this last

performance of the season, he'd frantically tried to

recapture his passion, but the spark that had kept him going

all these years had left him. Maybe he needed to try

something new.

Raven tried to envision a life without dancing but


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

drew a blank.

What would he do if he didn't dance? Choreograph?

Direct? Raven didn't know what he'd do, but he did know

he needed a vacation from both dancing and the paparazzi

that stalked him from planet to planet hoping to catch a

picture of him in questionable situations. It didn't help that

the top three galacticnet agencies had voted him the most

eligible bachelor in the galaxy every year since puberty.

Even after all this time Raven still didn't understand the

amount of fuss made over his appearance. Too much

attention went to his genetic makeup instead of to his true



A quick shower, a fresh set of clothes, and the hasty

addition of a concealing cap and dark shades transformed

Raven from a shining star to the average man on the street.

Checking to see the path was clear, he made his way

through the side gate. No one was about. Smiling, Raven

walked away from the theater and down the deserted

sidewalk. The farther he traveled from the theater the more

the stress from the evening slid away.

Humming a tune from the show, Raven headed

down the sidewalk towards the bright lights.

Maybe he could get a drink and find some company

for the evening. Although he should be tired, his body still


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

jittered too much from dancing to settle down for the night.

Hopefully he could find some discreet, friendly company to

help him wind down. Once his body relaxed maybe his

mind would stop spinning frenetically about his future.

Raven smiled when bar signs flared into view, but

quickly lost interest when the sound of someone sobbing

grabbed his attention. Curious, Raven followed the noise.

"Hello." The noise grew louder as he approached

the dark alley. He generally wasn't an idiot who blithely

walked into dark alleys, but the crying sounded like a child.

"Hello," he called again.

Raven peered into the darkness. The dim streetlights

barely reached the mouth of the alley, and he could just

make out the shape of a small figure curled up on the

ground. Unable to stop himself, he rushed over to the child,

stumbling over something as he went.

"Hey, hey, none of that now. What's wrong?"

A young girl looked up. Raven estimated her age at

about seven years old, but it was difficult to tell in the

meager light. A dim beam of light reflected shiny tears

tracking down a small oval face.

"My nana is gone," she said in a voice so

heartbroken Raven had to blink back moisture forming in

his own eyes. As he crouched down trying to soothe her,

Raven's vision adjusted to the dark and he realized the


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

lump he'd stumbled over was a body.


He had no doubt the dead woman was the nana the

girl mentioned.

"Shh, sweetheart, I'm here," Raven cooed. "I'll take

care of you." He took off his hat and glasses so the little

girl could see him and not be scared by a faceless stranger.

He set them on the ground as he rubbed a hand across the

girl's back in a soothing gesture.

"Y-you're R-raven," the broken voice whispered in


"You know me?"

The little girl nodded. "We saw your show. You

were great!"

"Thank you." Raven reached for his communicator.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Trisha."

"Nice to meet you, Trisha," Raven said. He pushed

the emergency button to call the local authorities. After he

explained the situation, they assured him someone would

be dispatched immediately.

"Someone's on the way to take care of you," he told

the despondent girl.

The next few minutes were the most nerve-racking

of Raven's life. Raven had never had anyone rely on him


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

before. It felt strange to take care of someone else, strange

but good. He was glad he had come along to help the little

girl. The thought of her left alone in a dirty alley with her

dead nana broke his heart. He didn't know what had

happened to the woman on the ground, but it wasn't his job

to figure that out. In fact, his part of this whole ordeal was

going to end as soon as planetary security came to pick her


"Security," a deep voice boomed into the darkness.

"Over here," Raven shouted.

Raven was momentarily blinded as a high-beamed

light flashed across his eyes. He held up a hand to block the


"Stand up and put your hands where I can see

them," a voice said behind the light.

Raven slowly raised his hands, turning his head to

keep from being blinded.

When the light finally pointed downwards, Raven

gave a sigh of relief until a security officer came over to

search him.

Efficient hands patted him down impersonally and

removed his wallet. After looking at his identicard, the

officer stepped back. "I'm gonna run your ID, and I want

you to come back to the station and answer some



Mate Dance

Amber Kell

There went his dream of getting a night of hot sex.

Raven nodded his intention to cooperate and

allowed the man to lead him to one of their vehicles. As he

ducked his head to get into the back of the hovercar, a

scream ripped through the air.

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