Mate Dance (5 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

Tags: #Fantasy, #m/m romance

BOOK: Mate Dance
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Kaemon gave him another charming smile before

swooping down and swallowing Raven's cock.

Raven screamed, arching his back, trying to

suppress the need to push into the hot wetness that

surrounded him. He didn't want to choke Kaemon, but he

would sell his soul to keep that mouth on him forever. It

only took a few sucks to get him to spill his seed into the

prince's talented mouth. If he didn't know for a fact the man

was a prince, he'd wonder if Kaemon worked as a sex

professional. Service from this man would be worth any

amount of gold. Come to think of it, as a dragonkin, he

might accept gold.

He gave Kaemon a loopy grin as the man crawled

up his body. Boneless, he let the larger man tuck him back

against his muscular body.

"I'll do you in a second."

Kaemon placed a kiss on the top of Raven's head.

"Not necessary. I came when you did."

Raven laughed. "The maids aren't going to like


"They'll have to get used to it," Kaemon said,


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

running a hand up and down Raven's body.

Blinking back tears, Raven swallowed the sudden

lump in his throat. The prince talked like there would be a

tomorrow for them. In reality this was probably their one

and only time together.

* * * *

Kaemon felt his lover stiffen and turned him onto

his back. The stricken look in Raven's beautiful eyes made

his heart skip.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm scheduled to leave tomorrow afternoon."

"No." Kaemon didn't care if he had to ground every

ship on the planet. None of them would be cleared to take

his lover away. "You can't abandon Trisha. She's counting

on you to be here for her at least the next few days." He

wasn't above using his daughter to blackmail his mate. He

knew Raven had heard him when he called him mate, but

as a human, Raven might not know what that meant.

Kaemon didn't mind convincing the beautiful man he was

Kaemon's mate and explaining all it entailed. Eventually

the dancer would learn to stay by his side and not gallivant

around the galaxy. Besides how long could a person dance

anyway? Even though he was young, Raven must be

getting close to the end of his dancing career.

Kaemon would have to look into it.


Mate Dance

Amber Kell

Raven's face showed he was torn.

"Raven!" Trisha's voice echoed through the palace.

The sound propelled Raven out of bed. With lightning

speed, the dancer pulled on his pants and tore out of the


Kaemon didn't bother hiding his smile. His daughter

was definitely on board with keeping Raven. He just

needed to have a little private time with her to establish

their plan of attack. The prince might not know much about

being a father but strategy was his specialty. He had a

feeling it was one of the many things he had in common

with his pretty daughter.

* * * *

Raven tore down the hall, running towards the

sound of his name.

Trisha crouched in the middle of her bed. Her

posture screamed her discomfort of being in the clutches of

Ms. Starny, who desperately tried to calm the girl.

"Raven," she called out as he slid onto the bed

beside her. Ms. Starny stood up as Trisha crawled across

the mattress to hug Raven in a tight grip. "I had a dream

you vanished and I was all alone," she said in a hushed

voice as if to say the words louder would make Raven


"No, poppet, I'm still here. I wouldn't leave without


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saying goodbye."

He ran his hand over her back in a soothing gesture

as he whispered nonsense words. She clutched him with a

surprisingly strong grip as if he were her security blanket.

"You won't leave me, will you, Raven?" she asked,

looking up. He could see the tears dripping from her eyes.

Raven gave her a sideways hug. "You know I have

to go eventually, but your father and grandfather will be

here to take care of you."

He wouldn't lie to the little girl even to make her

feel better.

"But you'll be here tomorrow, won't you?"

"Tell you what." Raven kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll stay the week to get you settled before going to my

next job."

Truth was he didn't have any work for another

month, but he knew if he stayed any longer, he would get

too entrenched with the pretty little girl and her hot-as-sin

father. He glanced up to see Kaemon standing in the


Without a shirt.


"That is, of course, if your father doesn't mind."

"You can stay as long as you want." Kaemon's

heated look told Raven exactly where he'd be spending his


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Amber Kell

nights. "Trisha, Raven is my mate. I'm sure he'll be around

if you need him."

Raven stared at the prince. He hoped his glare

conveyed how much he didn't appreciate the prince lying to

his daughter. Even if they were mates they had a lot of

things to work out before Raven started picking out his

favorite china pattern.

Kaemon gave him a toothy glare that made Raven

want to punch him in the face.

"We're going to have a small ceremony for your

grandmother day after tomorrow." Kaemon gave Raven a

pointed look. "I'm sure Raven will stick around until then."

"Of course." He'd already said he'd stay the week.

There was little reason to leave earlier even if the prince's

talk of mates freaked him the hell out. "I can come with

you for your grandmother's wake. Would you like that?"

She nodded.

"Well, that's settled." Kaemon stepped into the

room and, with gentle hands, lifted Trisha up and off the

mattress. Raven slid off the bed and pulled back the covers

so the prince could tuck Trisha into the bed. Raven kissed

her forehead because that's what his mother used to do to

him. With a bashful smile and a good night to Ms. Starny,

who had been oddly quiet during the entire exchange,

Raven let the prince hustle him out of the room and down


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the hall.

"That was sweet of you to agree to stay for my

daughter." The prince stroked a hand down Raven's back.

The hand stayed on his ass as they entered the prince's


"She's a sweet girl who has gone through a lot

recently. I'm happy to help," Raven said. If there were some

fringe benefits in the form of her father, he wasn't exactly

going to protest.

"I have some problems myself," Kaemon said.

Raven turned to see a sparkle in the prince's eyes.

"Do you now?"

The prince gave him a wicked smile. "Yes, there is

a part of my body that needs some of your personal


Raven could do banter. Traumatized girls were out

of his comfort zone, but horny men… He knew exactly

how to handle them. As soon as they closed the door

behind them, Raven flashed the prince a seductive look

through his lashes. "I think I can help you with your

problem," he said, sliding to his knees.

"Oh, I know you can." Kaemon sighed as Raven

pulled down his pajama bottoms and freed the prince's



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* * * *

"Good morning, Your Highness." The quiet male

voice was followed by brilliant light flooding the room as

the servant opened the curtains.

Instinctively, Raven pulled the blankets back over

his head and snuggled against the warm body beside him.

"What time is it?" Kaemon's voice rumbled in the

warm chest beneath his ear.

"Time to get up if you want to show Sir Raven the

palace before your meeting this morning," the servant

responded in a respectful voice.

Raven laughed beneath the covers. Sir Raven


"Ready to get up, darling?" Kaemon asked, lifting a

corner of the covers to peek down at his lover hiding


"No." Raven could do with a lot more sleep.

Kaemon chuckled. "Not a morning person?"

"I'm barely an afternoon person," Raven confessed.

"Can I start you a bath?" the servant asked, in a


"How long do I have?" Raven asked the prince.

"About an hour. I need to get ready for my meeting

and I'd like to give you a tour of the palace before it starts


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so you know your way around."

"Great. Wake me up in fifty minutes."

Kaemon frowned down at him. "You need to eat

some breakfast."

Raven shuddered. He hated breakfast with a

passion. His stomach couldn't even handle food until well

into the afternoon, hopefully after several hours of dancing.

"I never eat breakfast."

"Never?" The prince's tone couldn't be more

appalled if he'd announced he strangled a puppy every


"Never," Raven asserted.

"Bring us some coffee and fruit," Kaemon


Raven heard the footsteps recede from the room,

but he wasn't going to look. The sunlight was still

streaming into the room.

Kaemon slid down until they were both under the

covers together, a lovely warm cocoon for two.

"Hey, beautiful," Kaemon said, gripping Raven's

hips with his large hands and hauling him closer.

"Whatever will we do while we wait?"

Raven sucked in his breath as Kaemon scooted

down beneath the covers to the foot of the bed. A hot, wet

cavern engulfed his cock, which had been rigid since he


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first woke to the warm body beside him.

Moaning loudly, Raven sank his fingers into the

prince's thick hair, unable to stop his hips from lifting to get

deeper into the warm cavern of his lover's mouth. Kaemon

pinned him to the bed as he deep-throated Raven's cock,

tearing a strangled scream from his throat and liquid from

his body.

Kaemon swallowed it all down, licking Raven clean

before crawling up his body.

Raven looked up into Kaemon's warm eyes. "Now

that's one alarm clock I can appreciate."

"Glad to be of service. Now, if you'll just turn over,

I'll see what else I can do to make you more amenable to


With a wide smile, Raven rolled over onto his hands

and knees. He let the blankets slide away so the prince

could get a clear view of his body. He knew he looked

good, and he wanted the prince to know it too.

"Fuck, you're beautiful."

Raven hid his smile in the fall of his dark hair.

Their coupling was rough and furious. The prince

took Raven hard and fast until they both lay like a puddle

beneath the blankets.

"We should bathe before we break our fast,"

Kaemon said, rubbing lazy circles across Raven's back.


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"You mean before our coffee." Raven snuggled

closer to his lover. The prince radiated heat, making Raven

more than willing to abandon his usual no-cuddling policy.

It was more of a guideline really.

"I'll have you eating breakfast yet," the prince


Raven laughed as he slid out of bed. "You might

make me more of a morning person if that is how you wake

me up, but I'll never be a fan of breakfast."

Kaemon followed Raven out of bed. He scooped up

the younger man and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Kaemon!" Raven shouted. "Put me down."

The prince carried him through the doorway and set

him down in a warm tub of water.

"Mmmm," Raven said, spreading his arms and

floating in the enormous bath.

"Don't hog all the room, love." Kaemon stepped

into the water.

"Sorry, it's all mine. You shouldn't have put me in

the middle before finding out if I'll share."

"But I can wash your hair for you," Kaemon said in

a wheedling tone as he watched Raven float in the water.

"Why didn't you say so?" Raven sat up and scooted

forward to make room for his lover. "I love a man who's

willing to help with domestic chores."


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"I'm all kinds of handy." Kaemon slid in behind


In a matter of minutes, Raven's hair practically

squeaked with cleanliness, and every bit of his body had

received the prince's personal attention.

"I think I'm cleaner than I've ever been before,"

Raven said in amusement as Kaemon toweled him dry. He

started to get hard again, but he was determined to ignore

it. He wanted his coffee, and he wanted it now.

A cart sat at the end of the bed, containing two

covered containers and a silver pot.


Raven saw his travel bag resting at the end of the

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